Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1110 Killing Zen Master Wuxin, crushing the golden elixir is like stepping on a dog

"It's shameless to fight three against one! The face of Yunlan Kingdom, no, the face of the entire Northern Territory, has been shamed by you!"

Fan Xiuzhu was so angry that his face turned green and he shouted loudly.

Mou Hongdie's face was also pale and extremely ugly. She sweated for Jiang Tian and said loudly: "How can you do this! Fairy Luomei, I protest!"

No matter how strong Jiang Tian is, he still won’t be a golden elixir!

And the opponent is a strong man with two first-level golden elixirs and one fake elixir. Even Jiang Tian is covered in iron, and how many nails can he crush!

Fairy Luomei turned a deaf ear and smiled without saying a word.

On the stage of life and death!

Zen Master Wu Xin clasped his hands together, politely, and chuckled: "Donor Star Slaughter, don't misunderstand me. You are too murderous. Only one of the three of us will take action, and the other two will just raid the formation to save people. Donor, please choose one!" "

"No need to waste time! Let the three of you come together!"

Jiang Tian's expression was calm and he spoke calmly.

"Fuck you, uncle, will you die if you don't show off? Can't you be more careful?"

In the audience, Li Wuji slapped his thigh, wanting to cry but not having any tears!

"My master likes to make surprising remarks. If he doesn't show off, he will really die!"

Tang Linglong said seriously.

Wu Yaoniang and Ye Ke were both speechless. Jiang Tian was so shocked that his jaw almost fell to the ground and shattered.

Not only were they shocked.

In fact, many powerful men present were deeply shocked and stood there motionless like clay and wood sculptures.

This Star Slayer Immortal Master is too crazy!

One person challenges three top experts. You don't know how to write the word "death", do you?

"Boy, you are so crazy! When I kill you, I will take your three female companions as slaves!"

Hearing this, Prince Mo Yang was so angry that his lungs almost exploded. He took action directly, stamped his right foot on the ground, and punched brazenly, and his whole body's vitality exploded.


An extremely huge elephant appeared behind him. Its legs were like giant pillars, its head was like a mountain, and its trunk was like a river. It seemed to be able to sweep across the stars, roaring towards Jiang Tian.

Divine Elephant’s Prison-Suppressing Mysterious Technique!

On this continent, many royal families worshiped elephants as gods. They realized the power of elephants and created this mysterious power.

It is rumored that if you practice to the extreme, you can transform into 840 million small particles, and each particle can awaken a giant elephant with infinite power.

The evil spirit of the idol is also very strong. With a single cry, you can subdue countless strange beasts and demons, step into the boundless prison of hell, and suppress countless devils and demon gods!

Prince Moyang is only at the first level of the golden elixir, but he already has the power of a hundred elephants and has condensed the phantom of the divine elephant!

As soon as this idol appeared, it raised its nose and roared, and stepped on the earth with its feet.

Suddenly, the void twisted and tore.

There was a violent tremor in Zhanxian Terrace, the entire Jinlian Mountain was shaken, the rocks cracked, and the clouds opened and the fog dispersed.

"It turns out that Prince Moyang is so powerful!"

Suddenly, many people looked at him with admiration and were shocked.

Prince Mo Yang was obsessed with inner curtains, liked to hang out with women, indulge in pleasure, and was so drunk that everyone forgot that his cultivation was extremely powerful.

At this time, his strength exploded, and everyone understood that his reputation as a genius was worthy of the name and should not be underestimated.

"Master Xingtu, since you are so confident, little monk, you're welcome!"

The eminent monk Wuxin Zen Master shouted loudly, stepped forward and punched, and punched out.

Suddenly, the golden elixir's true energy erupted, and a volcano appeared behind it, with black smoke billowing, flames blazing, and lava flowing horizontally.

As he punched out, the rolling magma and the volcano turned into a Buddha composed of flaming magma. Fire and black smoke burned the sky. The Yongjiang River under his feet suddenly boiled and clouds filled the air.

Even though they were one kilometer apart, everyone could feel the burning sensation.

"Buddha Sect, Vajra Demon Subduing Fist!"

Zen Master Wuxin sighed softly and punched him again.

Immediately, the magma Buddha also raised his fist and smashed it towards Jiang Tian.

The giant fist covered the sky and the sun, with infinite power, crashing down like a mountain.

The hot fist wind made Jiang Tian's long clothes rustle and flutter like a flag!

"Three thousand swords!"

As Leng Jianfeng, the strong man of the Sword Palace, shouted low, the water droplets in the air suddenly straightened up and turned into thin swords.

Many thin swords thrust, pick, cloud, chop, split, point, collapse, hang, tease, wipe, sweep, frame, cut, flower, circle, swim, drill, seventeen sword styles are unpredictable, all facing Jiang. Attack from heaven.

And at this time.

The phantom of the giant elephant has roared and attacked. With one foot, it is overwhelming the heavens. It seems that it can break through mountains and rivers and crush gods and demons!

In the eyes of everyone, Jiang Tian at this time is surrounded by dangers and is in danger.

Faced with the attacks of two first-level Golden elixirs and a fake elixir master, how could Jiang Tian resist? No matter how strong he was, he was still not a Golden elixir!

The strength of the golden elixir is too powerful compared to those of foundation-building experts.

Once it enters the golden elixir, the true essence condenses into a solid state, which is indelible, and the power is endless. It is called a true immortal, and it is already a completely different life level.

Comparing the foundation building and the golden elixir, it can be said that there is a huge gap in strength and weakness.

Even if ten or a hundred foundation-building experts attack together, they can't shake a fake elixir expert.

"Scum will always be scum! Together, it's just a pile of scum."

Jiang Tian snorted coldly, stomped his feet lightly, and the Bright Suzaku Divine Body exploded.

He actually used his powerful divine body to defeat magical powers.

Jiang Tian's whole body bloomed with immeasurable light, he rushed forward, dodged the Buddha's giant palm, rushed towards the giant elephant, jumped into the air, and punched the giant elephant's neck.

The fist wind was blazing, and there seemed to be a flaming shadow rolling around.


The giant elephant screamed miserably, and its mountain-like figure rose into the air, flew sideways to the birth and death stage, and fell towards the abyss. Then under the extreme heat, the pieces shattered.

Behind Jiang Tian.

Boom! There was a loud noise and the ground shook.

The giant palm of the Magma Buddha covered the ground. Suddenly, the formations of the life and death platform flickered, and the light was so bright that it was almost wiped out.


Prince Moyang was frightened by the magic power, staggered, and retreated in the air.

He had been so shaken by the mana wave that his face was in pain and blood was spurting from his mouth. He was obviously seriously injured and would not be able to recover in a short time.

"Xing Tu, take the little monk's palm! Sunshine destroys the devil's big hand seal!"

The eminent monk missed an unintentional blow and his companion was injured again. With a cruel look on his face, he slapped Jiang Tian with his palm.

In front of him, the tall and powerful magma Buddha, with its big hands like millstones filled with flames and billowing black smoke, was raised and photographed simultaneously, like a big sun covering Jiang Tian.

this moment.

There was actually a sound of Buddha coming from his palm, from the magma Buddha's handprint.

The Buddha's voice is melodious and distant, and accompanied by the rumble of lava flow, it is enough to suppress the supreme evil!

"You're too far behind!"

Jiang Tian smiled lightly and stamped his foot on the ground.

The formation patterns of the Life and Death Platform disappeared and melted, cracking open, revealing terrifying ravines.

The violent Suzaku True Essence pushed in all directions, and the three thousand water swords that followed were directly vaporized. The face of Leng Jianfeng, the successor of the Sword Palace, changed wildly in shock, and he stood stunned on the spot.

The magma Buddha was shaken so hard that his big hands exploded and he was trembling unsteadily.

Wu Xin's face was horrified, and he suddenly saw the magma Buddha in front of him explode with a bang. A long knife filled with flames, which was ten meters long, fell from the sky and struck hard towards his head.

"Vajra Thunder Bell!"

Zen Master Wuxin's heart was full of warning signs, his eyes were about to burst, he shouted loudly with a Zen sound, the vitality of his feet exploded, and his shoes exploded.

Golden essence burst out from the soles of his feet like a fountain, forming a huge golden bell with brilliant golden light.

Thunder and lightning surrounded it, forming runes, crackling and booming, and the sound of thunder was loud, protecting and shrouding him.

This Vajra Thunder Bell is imitated from the Five Thunder Celestial Bell, the great Buddhist magical power of Jinpeng Temple. It has both offense and defense, and is so powerful that it can withstand a blow from the powerful Jin Dan!


The Suzaku Fire Sword struck the Vajra Thunder Bell, making a deafening explosion.

Suddenly, the thunder and lightning dimmed and disappeared, and the huge golden bell broke into pieces and flew out like a goddess scattering flowers.

"not good!"

The eminent monk Wu Xin's mouth dripped with blood, his face changed wildly, and with a Buddha's call, he flew backwards like a big bird.

Every time he took a step, he stepped back hundreds of meters, and a white lotus cloud bloomed under his feet.

The White Lotus Dharma Throne held him up, allowing him to use his strength to unleash more power, and his speed instantly reached ten times the sound barrier.

"Buddhism's supreme step is the lotus-seat step!"

But he saw it in despair.

The long flaming sword actually continued to extend, seemingly endless, and slashed down like it penetrated the heaven and the earth.


This Suzaku Bright Fire Sword cut through his head, penetrated his chest, and came out from under his crotch.

Jiang Tian fell to the ground and put away the knife, everything became invisible.

"Good sword skills! What magical powers! There is such a thing in this world..."

Zen Master Wu Xin stood motionless in the air, quickly pinching out the secrets in his hands, chanting mantras in his mouth, and his eyes showed extremely complex expressions of shock, ecstasy, fear, etc.

He seemed to be using some kind of magical power, fighting against the violent and hot Suzaku True Fire energy in his body, trying to stabilize his physical body.

However, he hasn't finished speaking yet.

Endless blazing light bloomed in the head and chest, as if there was a small sun hidden inside.

The next moment, boom, boom!

Zen Master Wu Xin's head exploded, his chest exploded, his limbs exploded, his entire body exploded and turned into flying ash, not even a single intact bone was left.

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