Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1111 Soaring ninety thousand miles, reaching the sky in one step

"Do you want to fight again?"

Jiang Tian suddenly turned around and looked at Leng Jianfeng, the strong man of the Sword Palace.

Leng Jianfeng had just condensed three thousand water swords and wanted to make a sneak attack. When he met Jiang Tian's sharp gaze, he trembled with fear.

Wow! A sound.

Three thousand water swords turned into drops of water and fell to the ground.

Leng Jianfeng's knees weakened and he fell to the ground, trembling and said: "This junior is not as good as others, so I'm willing to be inferior!"

"Leng Jianfeng, how can you kneel down to a Yanhuang tribesman? Such untouchables are no match for us! Why don't we fight now? I haven't used it yet?"

Prince Mo Yang was unwilling to give in and shouted angrily.

"How dare you try calling a pariah again?"

Jiang Tianxin grabbed it with his hand, and his true energy exploded.

In the void, a Suzaku Divine Claw suddenly condensed, and flames swirled towards Prince Mo Yang.


Prince Mo Yang shouted violently, and Kankan condensed half of the divine image to resist, but was caught by the Suzaku Divine Claw and shattered to pieces.

The next moment, he flew up uncontrollably and fell into Jiang Tian's hands. His neck was caught by Jiang Tian's Yubai fingers.

"Impossible, how could this happen!"

Prince Moyang was panicking and sweating profusely. How could he still be calm and calm on weekdays, but he was so unrestrained as a noble man from a troubled world?

At this time, everyone on the Golden Lotus Stage was also stunned.

Prince Mo Yang is a first-level golden elixir, and he is extremely talented and beautiful!

The second time the idol was condensed, it was still broken by Jiang Tian's raised hand, and he was caught in his hand like an eagle catching a chicken!


Jiang Tian slapped him in the face, and shouted coldly: "Now, who do you think is the ant? Who is the untouchable?"

Prince Mo Yang was beaten to pieces and his nose was bleeding. He flew off the life and death platform and fell into the Golden Lotus Peak.

"Star Butcher!"

Prince Mo Yang rushed out with disheveled hair. His eyes were bloodshot and his face was red with anger. He shouted angrily:

"You dare to hit me! I am the crown prince of Yunlan Kingdom, the most powerful man! There is no rival in this place!"

However, just as he rushed to the stage, Jiang Tian swung out another palm.


No matter how he defended himself, what magical powers he unleashed, and how many protective magic weapons he unleashed, he still got slapped in the face.

With this slap, all of Prince Moyang's teeth flew out. He was beaten all over the place, blood spurted out from all his orifices, and he almost fainted on the spot.

Even with the divine elephant's prison-suppressing power to protect his body, even if he was a strong man in the early stage of Jin Dan, he still couldn't bear Jiang Tian's slap.


At this moment, Prince Mo Yang was filled with shame and anger. In panic, he tried to confront Jiang Tian head-on with his body and punched Jiang Tian.

However, as soon as he stretched out his hand, Jiang Tian grabbed it and turned it back.


A heart-rending and blood-curdling scream sounded, and Prince Moyang's arm broke easily like a hemp rod.

"Prince Moyang, you disappoint me so much!"

Jiang Tian showed a trace of ridicule and kicked Prince Mo Yang away.

Prince Moyang has strong cultivation and good magical powers, but his combat experience is too poor!

After his cultivation was suppressed, his fighting style was like that of a street gangster, not even as good as a great monk.

No wonder.

There are many masters around Prince Mo Yang, but he rarely takes action. He is like a flower growing in a greenhouse. Although it is gorgeous, it is not tenacious enough, has the ability to withstand pressure to kill, and lacks combat experience.

"I'm going to cut you into pieces!"

Prince Moyang's eyes were so painful that his eyes were splitting, and he was furious.

Since his debut, he has regarded himself as a genius, especially after cultivating the divine elephant's prison-suppressing power. When he meets his opponents, he always crushes them.

He prepared carefully for today's competition and was determined to win.

He has never been so frustrated and humiliated as he is today.

However, Prince Moyang just struggled to get up.


Jiang Tian just slapped it down with one palm.

A hundred-meter giant palm composed of Suzaku's bright flames fell from the sky, burning so hard that the formation patterns melted and crackled.

Under this giant palm of flames, Prince Moyang looked extremely small, like dust.

"This is impossible! You can't overpower me!"

Prince Mo Yang roared, unwilling to accept it, and kicked the ground with both feet, like a giant elephant stepping on the ground, and his vitality suddenly exploded.


An ancient giant elephant, its whole body seemed to be carved from sapphire, rising from the ground as if to hold up the sky.

As a result, in the shocked eyes of everyone.

The giant flaming palm pressed down flatly. No matter how much Prince Moyang struggled to fight back, activated his secret arts, or even burned his blood essence, the giant flaming palm was not affected at all.

In the end, the giant palm forcefully crushed the giant elephant and knocked Prince Moyang into the ground.

Following waves of painful howls and crackling explosions, Prince Moyang's bones shattered inch by inch, his skin cracked, and he was about to die before his eyes.

Prince Mo Yang, the most powerful man in Yunlan Kingdom, was about to be slapped to death by Jiang Tian!

Everyone was frightened and gasped.

"Okay, Star Slaughter Immortal Master, you win this round. Please stop!"

At this moment, a voice like the sound of nature sounded.

It was Fairy Luomei who spoke!

With a wave of her hand, a blast of vitality exploded, shattering the giant palm, and rolled Prince Mo Yang onto the golden lotus platform.

"elder brother!"


Princess Yujiao and several pretty maids recovered from the shock, quickly helped him sit down, fed him the healing medicine, and helped him perform exercises to heal his injuries.

Prince Moyang was now covered in blood, with blisters popping out from the heat. In addition, his face was dirty, his clothes were ragged, and his fair thighs were exposed. He looked like a beggar on the street.

He was devastated, his eyes were dull, and his face was full of depression, but he no longer had the confidence to challenge Jiang Tian.

"Master Xingshou's skills are superior to those of other heroes, and his skills and abilities are top-notch. He can be called the strongest person in Yunlan Kingdom within ten years. I really admire Luomei!"

Fairy Luomei flicked her sleeves, stood up, her pretty face was solemn and respectful, her hands clasped in fists, she bowed to Jiang Tian seriously, and then smiled:

"If Immortal Master Xingtu is interested, Luomei is willing to introduce the Immortal Master to join the Immortal Sect, starting from the position of hall leader or elder, and Luomei and Luomei will support each other and climb the path to immortality together!"


Everyone gasped in unison, terrified and unable to believe it.

Fairy Luomei is already in the middle stage of the Golden Core, her cultivation is incredibly powerful, and her vision is even better!

It can be said that there are few people in the entire Northern Territory who can catch her eye.

This woman is not only powerful in cultivation and has a high vision, but she is also a descendant and special envoy of a great religion. She has a high status. Even when the king of a country sees her, he will treat her as a distinguished guest, for fear of being disrespectful and neglectful.

But at this moment, the Star Slaughter Immortal Master actually impressed the girl and made her bow deeply!

Not only did this woman want to introduce him to join the Immortality Cult, she would also become a high-ranking leader or elder! This means that from now on, even the leader-level powerful men and kings of a country will have to kowtow and bow to Jiang Tian with respect!

This has never happened before in the history of Immortality Religion!

Reach heaven in one step!

This is unbelievable.

When Prince Mo Yang heard this, a trace of unwillingness flashed deep in his eyes.

But in the end, all the unwillingness in his heart turned into a long sigh, and he lowered his head with a look of disappointment.

"If I had known that he would join the Immortality Cult, I should have tried to win him over from the beginning! I'm afraid it's too late to win over him now!"

Luo Qi's beautiful eyes widened, her pretty face was full of disbelief, and then a sense of regret emerged in her heart.

"Alas, is Feng Batian's death going to be in vain?"

Mou Bilian murmured to herself with a look of despair on her face, but she could not change this reality.

Because once Jiang Tian becomes a member of the Changsheng Sect, he will no longer be someone the Mou family can provoke, and he will have no chance of climbing high!

At this time, someone suddenly got excited, reacted, stood up, bowed deeply and said:

"Immortal Star Slaughter has a strong cultivation base. We admire him so much that we don't dare to compete. But if you have orders, I will never say anything!"

"We congratulate True Immortal Xingtu for defeating all the heroes and becoming a member of the Immortality Sect!"

"Senior Xingtu has deep magical power, vast supernatural powers, and is an astonishing figure. He has become a member of the Immortality Sect and is well-deserved for his reputation!"

At this moment, all of a sudden, all the arrogant, handsome, and geniuses stood up hurriedly, with humility on their faces, and bowed respectfully.

They were afraid that if they were too late, they would be named and provoked by Jiang Tian, ​​and they would be disgraced and ruined just like Prince Mo Yang.

Say it again!

Jiang Tianruo became a member of the Immortality Sect, and he did so as a protector or hall leader!

Then he almost has the biggest backer in the North, who would dare to provoke him!

I'm afraid no one can do anything to him except for the top elders of the Changsheng Sect, the elders of Keqing, etc.!

Everyone in the audience, watching the strong men stamping their feet one after another, making the whole northern border tremble, salute to Jiang Tian one after another, felt that they had never been as wonderful as today in their entire lives.

"Skyrocketing ninety thousand miles, becoming famous all over the world, it is really a blockbuster, reaching the sky in one step!"

"It is unbelievable that a Yanhuang tribesman has such a powerful cultivation!"

At this time, countless great sect disciples, sons of city lords, and empresses from famous families were filled with envy and worship, and sighed deeply in their hearts.

Even though I can’t make it, my heart yearns for it!

"He looks very young. I wonder if he is married or if he has a Taoist partner?"

Many ladies from famous families and even Princess Yujiao looked at Jiang Tian with admiration, their hearts ready to move, and their emotions overflowing.

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