Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1112: In the den of wolves and tigers, his death has come

Jiang Tian stood on the stage of life and death, his expression neither sad nor happy.

To others, Feng Batian, Beast Lei and others are geniuses, eldest sons, Chengzi, foundation builders and golden elixir experts. No matter who they are, no matter which title they hold, they are all extremely prominent.

But to Jiang Tian, ​​they were just ants crushed to death.

At that time in the heavenly dimensional world, he had not yet broken through to the fourth level, and had not yet condensed the Light Suzaku divine body. He did not know how many powerful men he had killed at this level!

A direct disciple of the inner sect of the Immortality Sect?

For others, it is a great opportunity and a step to the sky. Being able to get this spot is naturally worthy of celebration and ecstasy!

But Jiang Tian never paid attention to it!

Obtaining the position of inner disciple is just a convenient way to get in touch with the leader of Changsheng and kill him with one sword!

When Jiang Tian flew down from the stage of life and death, he landed on the golden lotus stage.

"Congratulations to Brother Xingtu!"

"It's a joy to congratulate True Immortal Star Slaughter for becoming famous in one battle!"

Mou Bohu, Fan Xiuzhu, Mou Hongdie and others all came to express their congratulations, beaming with joy.

Jiang Tian nodded slightly and said hello.

Only Mou Bilian was moaning and unhappy.

"Senior Xingtu, we should really celebrate this event today. Zuixianlou, the largest restaurant in Maolin City, is owned by your family, and I will arrange the celebration banquet!"

"Xing Tu father wants to entertain seniors, and I hope he will be honored!"

"Senior Xingtu, congratulations!"

Led by Luo Qi, the children of the Maolin City family who had previously underestimated Jiang Tian also came to see him, congratulating him and trying to please him, hoping to bridge the gap with Jiang Tian.

"Senior Xingtu, this junior has a few questions that I don't quite understand. Please give me some advice!"

Especially Luo Qi, with a cute face full of spring and beautiful watery eyes filled with admiration, she held Jiang Tian's arm and rubbed her plump breasts.

Looking at it like that, if Jiang Tian hooked his fingers, she would take off her clothes, wash herself, and crawl into Jiang Tian's bed.


Jiang Tian's face turned cold, and his true energy exploded slightly.

Luo Qi was so shocked that she stumbled back and sat down on the ground, her face full of shame and grievance, her eyes were red, and she almost didn't cry.

"Get out of here! Don't bother me1"

Jiang Tian didn't have a good look on the other ladies of Maolin City and didn't bother to take a look.

When he was besieged by Wu Gong'er, Jiang Tian came to the rescue. In the end, only Mou Hongdie and Fan Xiuzhu came to help Jiang Tian.

Luo Qi and the others drew a clear line with Jiang Tian and ignored him. They cheered for Jiang Tian's opponents and humiliated Jiang Tian in every possible way.

Now, looking at Jiang Tian, ​​he can change his face faster than turning the pages of a book! Jiang Tiancai is too lazy to pay attention to people like them!

On the lecture platform, Fairy Luomei put away the platform of life and death. It was still a stone the size of an inkstone, which was very mysterious.

She came on the moon, like a fairy under the moon, and said with a smile: "Tomorrow night, I invite Master Xing Tu to come to the ancestral home of the Fan family. I will prepare some wine, entertain Xing Tu Immortal and all the powerful men, and rush to the Immortality Sect together!"

Its voice is as sweet as the sound of nature, and its body is curvy and exudes a fragrance like musk and orchid.

Coupled with that beautiful face, unparalleled grace, and touching people, I am afraid that anyone will be fascinated.

"Good!" Jiang Tian agreed happily.

Fairy Luomei looked at the lost Mou Bilian, smiled and said: "Little girl Bilian, don't be sad, that Feng Batian is not a good match! Xiuzhu has the opportunity to join the inner sect of the Immortality Sect this time, and he is interested in you. I think It’s better to…”

"Auntie, don't be impatient!"

Fan Xiuzhu's face suddenly turned red, he was at a loss and embarrassed.

Mou Bohu is indeed a hero!

Although he knew that one day they would break up with the Fan family, he did not show it. Instead, he said with joy: "Okay! I, Mou Bohu, will be the first to support!"

Mou Bilian also looked happy and said shyly: "This junior has no opinions and just obeys the parents' orders!"

Everyone laughed, and that bit of gloom was swept away.

Fairy Luomei looked at Jiang Tian, ​​her beautiful eyes sparkling with brilliance, and asked: "Xing Tu Zhenxian, does he have a Taoist companion?"

Beside them, everyone stood frozen on the spot as if they had been struck by lightning, with expressions of astonishment and disbelief on their faces.

Fan Xiuzhu looked even more uncomfortable, as if he was constipated.

What kind of rhythm is this? Is Brother Xingtu going to become my uncle? I suffered a big loss!

Jiang Tian didn't have time to speak.

Next to him, Tang Linglong coughed lightly and said, "My master already has a Taoist companion, and the child is about to be born!"

"Okay, I will be waiting for you tomorrow to see the arrival of True Immortal Xing Tu!"

Fairy Luomei remained calm, showed a faint smile, and drifted away.

With the departure of Fairy Luomei, the end of this lecture ceremony was also announced.

Soon, Prince Moyang returned, surrounded by a group of pretty maidservants and companions. Luo Qi and other talented people from Maolin City also followed him.

The geniuses, handsome men, and powerful men on the Golden Lotus Platform dispersed one after another.

They were frightened and frightened.

They were shocked that Jiang Tian had such incredible cultivation, which was simply unfathomable and impossible for them to see through.

What they were afraid of was that they had repeatedly provoked and ridiculed Jiang Tian before, which would lead to crazy revenge.

Luo Qi and Leng Jianfeng went back together with Prince Mo Yang. They were frightened and frightened, and their whole bodies were shaking. How could they still be as high-spirited as before?

"This Xing Tu is so ruthless. He killed Feng Batian, Beast Lei and the eminent monk. Do you think Wind Blade City, Beast Control Sect, Demon Rock Temple, etc. will take revenge?"

Leng Jianfeng now has no confidence in provoking Jiang Tian anymore and can only hope that the backers behind them will take action.


Prince Mo Yang snorted and said with a wry smile: "He can now join the Immortality Cult. If he doesn't retaliate against us, everyone will burn incense!"

Leng Jianfeng's face suddenly turned bitter!

Originally, this competition had nothing to do with him at all. He only jumped out because Jiang Tian was too arrogant and domineering!

But in fact, it also violated the rules of the competition! Because he is not a master of Yunlan Kingdom at all!

If Jiang Tian retaliates against him, that would be completely normal!

"However, I think that even if this Xingtu joins the Immortality Sect, he will not get any good fruits!"

At this time, a great disciple rolled his eyes and said coldly:

"Prince Moyang, have you forgotten! The elders of Feng Batian and Beast Lei all hold positions in the Changsheng Sect. Feng Chuishan, Beast Ruhai, and even the elders of Keqing!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes lit up.

"The wind destroys the mountain! The beasts are like the sea!"

Prince Mo Yang narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes showing coldness, and murmured:

"I heard that the Immortality Sect is going to hold a bloodbath ceremony soon! At that time, the sects will challenge each other in a grand competition. I'm afraid Xing Tu will be torn to pieces by them! That's... a strong man in the late Golden Core stage!"

"Isn't this saying that this Star Slaughter has just stepped out of the wolf pack and into the tiger's den again?"

After hearing this, Luo Qi and others' faces changed wildly, as if they were seeing ghosts and gods!

Originally, they were holding a farewell party to entertain Jiang Tian, ​​taking this opportunity to shake hands and make peace with Jiang Tian!

They were determined to please Jiang Tian. Even if they were humiliated and scolded by Jiang Tian, ​​they would pinch their noses to hold back and hug Jiang Tian's lap!

Apologize sincerely, and then offer a large amount of spiritual grass, spiritual stones and other cultivation resources, and spend a large sum of money on it. I expect that I can also fight with Jiang Tianhua for good!

From now on, they, and even the family behind them, will have a huge backer!

But now that they heard this, they immediately gave up the idea.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. This Xing Tu Zhenxian looks like a burning fire cooking oil, with flowers blooming and endless splendor!

But in fact, ever since he killed Beast Lei and Feng Batian, it was destined that his death was coming soon!

"Elder Keqing of the Immortality Sect, a powerful person in the late stage of Golden Core..."

A disciple from a cultivating family murmured with lingering fear.

"Alas, this Xing Tu Zhenxian can be regarded as a person with extraordinary talents, but he doesn't know the principle of hiding one's strength and keeping one's strength! He is too murderous and ruthless, and in vain he attracts powerful enemies!"

Luo Qi's clear and beautiful eyes revealed many complicated expressions such as regret, gloating, and joking, and she shook her head and whispered.

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