Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1113 Identity exposed, you are Jiang Taichu!

"Sisters, over the years, Mo Yang has been messing around with me, which has caused trouble to all my sisters. I have troubled you to take care of my daily life. Thank you for your hard work."

Everyone was silent for a moment, and Prince Moyang suddenly glanced at the group of girls and said emotionally.


"Your Highness..."

Many pretty maids and beauties were stunned and looked at each other.

Prince Mo Yang was unrestrained and had never been so serious about his affairs.

Prince Mo Yang's clear eyes flashed with a trace of reluctance, but his handsome face gradually became firm and he said softly:

"But there is no such thing as a feast that lasts forever. Our fate has ended. From now on, you are free and no longer my maids. Let's all part ways!"

"Prince, we don't want to leave you!"

"His Royal Highness, you are knowledgeable and knowledgeable. We are happy to stay with the prince, day and night!"

Many pretty maids and beauties fell to their knees one after another, crying like rain, reluctant to leave, begging for mercy and pleading.

"Let's go! The reason why I was uninhibited and neglected to practice before was because I thought I was a genius, and few people of my generation could suppress me!"

Prince Moyang was in low spirits, with a depressed and desolate look on his face, and said blankly:

"But today, when I met Xing Tu, I realized what a true genius is and how far apart I am from a truly strong person! I will give up my love and focus on my cultivation!"

Prince Mo Yang's eyes gradually became brighter and clearer. It was obvious that today's battle had made him grow up rapidly.

At this time, his voice was sonorous and powerful, no longer as smooth and frivolous as before:

"I want to enter the Qishi Mansion, I want to learn from everyone's strengths, and in three months, I want to break through to the second level of the Golden Core!"

"Sisters, you should leave now! We are destined to see you again!"

Princess Yujiao persuaded with a light smile.

One night, a fight seemed to have completely awakened my brother, with a little more determination in his brows.

This transformation and growth made her happy.

After Prince Moyang and others dispersed, the Mou family each took their chariots back to Maolin City.

Jiang Tian and his party were accompanied by father and daughter Mou Bohu and Mou Hongdie.

in the car.

Mou Bohu's face was extremely solemn and he said in a cold voice: "There is no good banquet! Immortal Master Xing Tu, I'm afraid Fairy Luomei has already suspected!"

"So fast!"

Everyone's expressions changed wildly and they exclaimed.

"I know!" Jiang Tian nodded slightly and sipped the tea leisurely.

"Then why does she want Xiuzhu to enter into a marriage contract with my sister?"

Mou Hongdie was confused and couldn't believe it.

"The first is to confuse us and make us lose guard. The same goes for what she said when she asked Jiang Zhenxian if he had any Taoist companions. The second is to pave the way for us to seize Maolin City after killing the Mou family!"

Mou Bohu's eyes were sharp and he said in a cold voice:

"Originally, the Fan family has always wanted to compete for Maolin City, and they also have the strength!"

"But the friendship between the previous generations of the Fan family and the Mou family is still there, and over the years, I have been gentle and kind, which can satisfy their appetites and prevent them from finding any reason to take action!"

"But this time it's different. I've met Jiang Taichu, the thorn in the side of the Immortality Sect. How can they be polite?"

"When the time comes, after the Mou family is eliminated, Fan Xiuzhu will be the son-in-law of the Mou family. It will be too easy to win over the old family!"

Ye Keren, Wu Yaoniang, looked astonished and said in disbelief: "This Luomei Fairy looks like a fairy descending from the earth, transcending the world, pure and natural, how come she has such a vicious mind?"

"The special envoy of the Immortality Religion to the country has a higher status than the hall master, and is second only to many elders!"

Jiang Tian sneered and said:

"She is only in the middle stage of the Golden Core. She can sit in this position. Do you think she is just for free? She is ruthless, resolute and resolute, and will not give in to others!"


Thinking of the bloody scene where she beheaded the lord of Xilong City, Mou Bohu couldn't help but secretly sighed at how tough and ruthless this woman was, and said uneasily:

"This time is very dangerous. Fairy Luomei is originally in the middle stage of the Golden Core, and her coachman, Senior Kumu, is also a senior monk of the generation. His strength is extraordinary, and the power she can mobilize is not uncommon!"

"How many powerful golden elixirs can she mobilize?"

Li Wuji asked with a flustered expression.

"She has at least ten golden elixirs under her! The upper limit is that if the Immortality Sect comes out in force, there will be hundreds of golden elixirs!"

As soon as Mou Bohu said this.

Everyone looked ashen.

Li Wuji suddenly felt like crying without tears, and asked: "Fellow Taoist Taichu, dare I ask if the teleportation array outside Maolin City can be transformed and returned to the earth world?"

"Even if I have the means to transform it, it will still take ten and a half days to collect materials and build the formation!"

Jiang Tian said a word.

Li Wuji immediately beat his chest and felt so regretful that his intestines turned green.

"Fellow Taoist Taichu, I believed your evil deeds! I shouldn't have come here as a poor Taoist. It's so nice to be in the Kunlun Sect. I can come and enjoy the Huangting in my spare time. I can play the plain Qin when I have nothing to do. The breeze and the bright moon can accompany me, or I can sing songs over wine, or two. Isn’t it wonderful for three Taoist friends to discuss mysteries and Taoism?”

Jiang Tian said that he could kill the golden elixir, but if ten golden elixirs came together, how could Jiang Tian be his opponent?

"Don't agree just now! You know that there are tigers in the mountains, but you prefer to go to the tiger mountains. Are you out of your mind?"

Li Wuji said angrily.

Mou Bohu also looked solemn and worried.

Early tomorrow morning, Fairy Luomei will be able to set up a dragnet in the Fan family and gain the upper hand, just like opening her pockets and waiting for Jiang Tian to infiltrate her.

"It doesn't matter. We came here to hunt tigers. If we don't enter the tiger's den, we won't catch the tiger cubs. Even if the leader of the Immortality Cult comes, so what?"

Jiang Tian's expression was calm and calm, as indifferent as Pinghu.

Li Wuji was left disheveled in the wind, sighing, extremely depressed!

The next evening.

Jiang Tian led Tang Linglong, Ye Keren, Wu Yaoniang and Li Wuji to rush to the Fan family mansion, accompanied by Mou Bohu and his two daughters.

The Fan family's mansion is even more majestic than the Mou family's mansion.

There are many buildings and pavilions, continuous palaces, covering an area of ​​hundreds of acres, with one post every five steps and one sentry every ten steps, just like a small city.

However, there are only a few family members and servants, so it seems not very popular.

Seeing this, Jiang Tian sneered and stepped in anyway.

Here, Fan Xiuzhu and several well-known family heads and young talents in Maolin City have arrived.

Seeing Jiang Tian come in, Fan Xiuzhu and his father immediately came over to greet him.

Brahma Father Fan Wantao was wearing heavy armor and was tall. His face was full of joy and he said:

"We sincerely welcome True Immortal Xingtu, the Lord of the City, and all fellow Taoists to come, and let the humble house shine brightly!"

He put Jiang Tian's name in front of Mou Bohu, obviously he thought more highly of Jiang Tian.

"Haha, brother Fan, I'm afraid you have to change your mind! Call me your in-laws!"

Mou Bohu laughed loudly, was extremely affectionate, and was also a drama queen.

Next to her, Mou Bilian blushed.

The two of them had their own secrets, and while chatting affectionately, they followed Jiang Tian to the central hall of the mansion.

"The True Immortal Star Slaughter is here. My little lady is late to greet you. Please forgive me!"

Fan Luomei, who was notified, also came out to greet her. She behaved elegantly, smiled at the corner of her mouth, and had an unparalleled grace. She could confuse all living beings and make the moon shy of flowers.

"We just arrived!"

Jiang Tian bowed his hand politely.

Fan Luomei said in a sweet voice: "Everyone, please enjoy your drinks in the hall first. In a moment, I have important matters to discuss with True Immortal Xing Tu!"

She is as graceful as a goddess who has descended from the mortal world, and is filled with fairy spirit, which makes people feel refreshed and comfortable.

She politely made an invitation gesture, moved her steps lightly, and Pingting walked toward the back garden.

Seeing this, a hint of worry flashed deep in the eyes of Mou Bohu and Li Wuji.

But Jiang Tian's face was calm and he said: "It is better to obey orders than to be respectful!" followed closely behind.

After the two left, there was an explosion in the hall.

"Haha, my aunt called Immortal Xingtu away alone. I wonder what she has to say?"

Fan Xiuzhu winked and said.

"Yes! It's the first time I've seen Fairy Luomei respect her so much that she found a man to have a deep talk alone with her!"

Many strong men and talented people were shocked and curious.

Fan Wantao laughed loudly, boldly and freely, and said: "My sister is already thirty years old, and she still has no Taoist companion. I heard that the Xing Tu Zhenxian has a Taoist companion! But among cultivators, all cultivators have three wives and four concubines!"

"If True Immortal Xingtu can tie the knot with Fairy Luomei, then our two families will become even closer! Haha!"

Mou Bohu smiled heartily and seemed to be in high spirits, insisting on acting, but in fact he was already worried in his heart.

Li Wuji drank tea with his head down, his right hand holding the wine glass trembling slightly.

But Jiang Tian and Fan Luomei walked out of the hall, passed through several doorways, and came to the backyard.

Here, it looks like the Taj Mahal. The trees are neatly trimmed like guards. The lawn is flat and the pond is square, occupying a lot of area. The water in the pond is clear.

Seeing this, Jiang Tian shook his head slightly in his heart. When it comes to garden art, the Western world is really not as good as China. It lacks change and is too boring!

Fan Luomei chatted with Jiang Tian and walked slowly with Jiang Tian.

She was wearing a colorful sarong today, and she could vaguely see her round and slender thighs, her chest was undulating, and her skin was as fair as frost and snow.

This woman has exquisite makeup, red eyebrows, large golden earrings on her ears, silver bracelets and jade bracelets on her wrists, and long golden armor on her fingers, which is full of exotic style.

There is a hint of charm and charm in this woman's nobility and purity, which makes people's hearts itch like a cat's scratching.

Suddenly, Fan Luomei stood still.

She looked back at Jiang Tian and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist Xing Tu, should I call you Jiang Tian, ​​or should I call you Jiang Taichu!"

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