Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1117: The leader of Immortality Ming Ruyi, a saint once in five hundred years

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

In the hall, Li Wuji, Mou Hongdie, Mou Bohu and others were all extremely anxious, as if they were sitting on pins and needles.

Jiang Tian went to the backyard, and the place was completely silent, with no sound coming from it.

They understood that this must be a soundproofing ban, and the battle between Jiang Tian and Fairy Luomei had already broken out.

Mou Bohu couldn't hold himself back and was about to take action when he saw Fairy Luomei and Jiang Tian walking in together.

"Luomei! You just..."

Fan Wantao exclaimed.

Fairy Luomei was one step behind Jiang Tian at this time, bowed slightly, and lowered her eyebrows, just like a slave.

He had never seen this scene before.

Mou Bohu and others were ecstatic, which meant that Jiang Tian had won and successfully suppressed Fan Luomei.

Fan Luomei stroked her hair gently, looked around, and said with a smile: "A few enemies invaded just now, and fellow Daoist Xing Tu helped the Nu family defeat them!"

"I see!"

"Senior Xingtu is indeed extraordinary!"

Many family heads and clan leaders were suspicious, but they did not dare to ask more questions and still gave thumbs up and praised him wildly.

"Everyone, take your seats."

"This is the day of the marriage between the Fan family and the Mou family. It is also a banquet to send off Senior Xingtu and Hongdie. I hope everyone can have a great time!"

Fairy Luomei smiled forcefully and greeted everyone.

Everyone returned to their seats, added wine and turned on the lights to resume the banquet.

Jiang Tian was led to the top by Fan Luomei and sat down in the middle.

She sat down and accompanied the Prime Minister, pouring wine and serving dishes for Jiang Tian from time to time, serving her attentively and properly, like the most considerate slave.

When everyone saw this, they were greatly surprised and couldn't believe it. Mou Bilian almost had her eyes popping out.

Jiang Tian was not interested in eating with them. After half an hour of the banquet, Fan Luomei let everyone disperse.

At this time, only the Fan family, Jiang Tian's companion, and the Mou family's father and daughter were left, with no outsiders.

Fan Luomei glanced at everyone and said softly:

"Now, I am already a member of Jiang Zhenxian! The Fan family, don't have that disobedient heart anymore. You will always be a vassal of the Mou family. You will be loyal and loyal without any hesitation!"

"Jiang Senior Xingtu's surname Jiang?" Fan Xiuzhu looked confused and didn't know what was going on.

Fan Wantao smiled bitterly, bowed deeply towards Mou Bohu, and said in a trembling voice:

"Brother Mou, Jiang Zhenxian, we are indeed planning to kill you. It's all because of my obsession. If you want to punish me, you can punish me as you wish!"

He is also a straightforward person. Since his action failed, he simply admitted it all and left it to his own devices whether he wanted to kill or behead them all.

Fan Xiuzhu was shocked and said blankly: "What do you mean? Why can't I understand? Didn't our two families just get engaged? And my aunt also admires Senior Xing Tu very much and has a good impression!"

Could it be that my aunt was so rejected that her love gave rise to hatred?

An extremely ridiculous idea suddenly appeared in Fan Xiuzhu's mind.

Fan Luomei smiled bitterly.

Jiang Tian looked at Fan Xiuzhu, smiled faintly and said: "Xiuzhu, at this point, I don't need to hide it from you anymore. I am the leader of Tianqing Sect in the Earth Realm, Jiang Taichu!"


The teacup fell to the ground and shattered into pieces. Fan Xiuzhu's face changed wildly in shock, and he almost sat down on the ground.

"Jiang, Jiang Taichu... you are from the earth world, but you can also cultivate the golden elixir to fight!"

Fan Xiuzhu said with a trembling voice.

He was shocked and scared!


Since he met Jiang Tian, ​​his impressions have been refreshed time and time again, and his worldview has been subverted time and time again!

Originally, it was difficult for the Yanhuang people to stand out in the Western World, and they were basically ordinary people.

But Jiang Tian, ​​on the stage of life and death, killed many powerful people and became a direct disciple of the Immortality Religion. This shocked him!

Now, after hearing this news, his worldview was completely shattered!

A Yanhuang tribesman could actually become a strong man with late-stage Jindan combat power before the age of thirty, and this was on an earth where spiritual energy has been seriously withered!

What I’m afraid of is!

He had previously looked down upon Jiang Tian because of his identity as a Yanhuang tribesman, and was afraid of causing trouble, so he wanted to alienate Jiang Tian.

But later, when his aunt came back as the special envoy of the Immortality Sect to patrol the country, he became more courageous and walked in with Jiang Tian!

If he had been on the wrong team and opposed Jiang Tian like Prince Mo Yang, Beast Lei, and Feng Batian, I'm afraid he would have died a long time ago!

What a brush with death!

Thinking of this, he was so frightened that his heart almost exploded, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his face was as pale as paper.

Jiang Tian sipped the tea lightly and smiled calmly: "Master Fan, you have no enmity with me. You want to kill me because of my identity. After all, you and I belong to different camps!"

"Now that your sister is determined to follow me, she is one of my own. Everything in the past has changed!"

Jiang Tian fiddled with the tea leaves in the tea cup, glanced at Fan Xiuzhu leisurely, and said with a chuckle: "Besides, although this guy Xiuzhu has a bit of a young temper, he is still very loyal in his heart and has defended me many times. I can still tell the difference between good and bad!"

"Jiang Zhenxian's mind is so open-minded, just like the clear moon breeze, so admirable!"

Fan Wantao didn't expect Jiang Tian to let him go so easily, and immediately knelt down to Jiang Tian.

Mou Hongdie looked admiring and asked curiously: "Who did Senior Luomei invite? Is that carriage driver Bones ready to take action?"

"He was burned to death by Jiang Zhenxian before he even had time to take action!"

Fairy Luomei regained her composure and said with a wry smile on her face: "I think my connections are pretty good. I have hired more than a hundred foundation builders, and there are still ten golden elixir experts!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell silent.

Everyone was stunned and couldn't believe it.

"I consider myself to be smart, with a sea of ​​scheming, and I even arranged the Great Luo Tianxing Formation! Unfortunately, I was also defeated by Jiang Zhenxian!"

Fairy Luomei glanced at Jiang Tian with awe, bowed her head slightly, and sighed softly.


Mou Bohu was so horrified that his eyes almost didn't pop out. He took a breath of air as if he had a toothache and said:

"Fellow Taoist Taichu, this, this is the mountain-protecting formation of the Immortality Sect. It claims to be able to crush the golden elixir and kill the Nascent Soul! But you actually destroyed it!"

"Even the mountain-protecting formation can be destroyed!"

After everyone heard this, they were all shocked to the point of numbness by Jiang Tian and could not utter a word.

"Senior Taichu, Luomei wanted to monopolize the credit this time, so he did not inform the sect about your setting foot in the Western Land. No one in the sect, except those who were killed, knew about it!"

Fairy Luomei broke the silence and said softly:

"In this case, I believe that the plan to destroy the Immortality Sect should be planned slowly and carefully, rather than in a hurry!"

Jiang Tian felt at ease and said calmly:

"Fairy Luomei, the biggest reason why I won't kill you is that you want to take me to the Immortality Sect tomorrow!"

"What? So fast!"

Fan Luomei's face suddenly turned frightened, and she said in a trembling voice:

"Fellow Taoist Taichu, you need to be careful about this matter! Do you know what a miserable ending will happen to you and me once we are discovered by the Changsheng Cult?"

"Why, do you think that I, Jiang Taichu, am no match for the Immortal Cult Leader?"

Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes and said with a half-smile.

"Fellow Taoist Taichu, you have no idea how powerful Ming Ruyi is, the leader of Changsheng!"

Fan Luomei's face turned green and white, her delicate jade hands were clenched tightly, but her delicate body was still trembling uncontrollably.

"Did you know that although the Immortality Sect has a history of thousands of years, five hundred years ago, the Immortality Sect was only a third-rate sect, not even as good as the Beast Control Sect! To put it bluntly, it is dominating the Western Land, powerful in the North, and even competing with a Compared to the giant city, the Immortality Sect is far behind!"

"I know!" Jiang Tian nodded.

In the memory of Master Gaye, this is indeed the case! At that time, the Immortality Sect was still very weak!

"But the current leader, Ming Ruyi, is a member of the Zhongxing Immortality Sect. He is known as the leader of the Zhongxing Immortality Sect. He has great martial arts skills and is a saintly leader who appears every five hundred years!"

Fairy Luomei's eyes were shocked and she said in a trembling voice:

"It was she who single-handedly pushed the Changsheng Sect from an unpopular sect to the fifth sect in the Western Land!"

"She once formulated the Three Laws of Immortality to activate the vitality and vitality of the Immortality Cult. The followers of the Immortality Cult worked together as one, worked bravely and diligently, conquered cities and territories, and gradually became a trend!"

"What are the Three Laws of Immortality?"

Jiang Tian interjected and asked.

"The first law of the Immortality Sect is that all my disciples of the Immortality Sect should devote their marrow to the path of cultivation, work tirelessly day and night, and have no thought of life or death, so as to reach the pinnacle of cultivation together!"

Fairy Luomei showed a hint of solemnity on her face and said in a deep voice:

"The second rule is, if you encounter someone who blocks your way or seeks a fight, you must have a fearless and ruthless heart, that is, they are gods, Buddhas, demons, and demons, and you must kill them with all your might to prove that our Immortality Sect is invincible!"

"The third law is that disciples cannot see the temptation of fame, position and wealth, cannot hear the pressure of authority, and have no heart for the old habits of blood, family, filial piety, and ties. They have no ties and seek the way between heaven and earth! These are the three laws of immortality! "

"In the Immortality Religion, there is no distinction between schools, no superiority or inferiority, no family ties or love. Everyone concentrates on cultivation and the pursuit of perfection."

"No matter who you are in the teaching, you can challenge a higher-level disciple at any time. If you succeed in the challenge, you will not only be innocent, but also have merit! The loser's position, skills, resources... everything belongs to you, the winner!"

"As long as you are strong enough, you can become a legend, a myth, and even sit in the position of leader and control the fifth-ranked cultivation group in the Western World. That is the one closest to 'invincible' in this world." Location!"


After Wu Yaoniang, Ye Keren, Tang Linglong and others listened, they stood stunned on the spot, their spirits were shaken, and their faces were full of disbelief.

Even Li Wuji was restrained!

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