Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1118 Ming Ruyi is so powerful and domineering

"Could it be that the goal of cultivation is to be the strongest? In order to achieve the highest level, you are willing to kill your fellow disciples?"

Li Wuji also looked shocked.

The Kunlun Sect emphasizes tranquility, detachment, and indifference to fame and fortune.

The determination of sect positions is basically based on seniority and is decided through the consultation of the elders.

Although the disciples are fighting for power and profit, and there are inevitably some abrasions and frictions, on the whole they are still very friendly and harmonious. Hello, I am ok, everyone.

This kind of fighting between brothers and sisters has never happened before.

"Including the current leader Ming Ruyi, since the promulgation of the Three Laws of Immortality five hundred years ago, every leader of the Immortality Religion has only obtained the position of leader after killing the previous leader! This is the fine tradition of the Immortality Religion and is greatly popular. Encourage! Otherwise, it will be unfair and unfair!"

Fairy Luomei once again made a shocking statement.


Everyone exclaimed and were stunned.

Even Mou Bohu, Fan Wantao and others were shocked.

This is the first time they have heard of these iron rules.

"If Tianqing Sect adopts such a sect rule, who should I challenge? I would never dare to challenge my master and my mother. It's okay to challenge Huang Ling'er, but let me kill her..."

Many thoughts suddenly appeared in Tang Linglong's mind, and she suddenly felt a chill in her heart and shivered.

Although she hated Huang Ling'er, Sasaki and others, she would never be able to kill him.

"Yes, madman! But in my opinion, this is the highest praise for them!"

Ye Keren raised her eyebrows, looking a little fascinated, and said:

"Only by being so crazy can we be brave and diligent and climb the supreme path of immortality! Maybe it's because we lack a little bit of persistent madness that we can be so mediocre!"

Li Wuji said with a smile but not a smile:

"However, these sect rules are somewhat similar to those of Tianqing Sect! Tianqing Sect also does not talk about seniority, but only about strength and merit. Those who are capable will be promoted, and those who are mediocre will be demoted!"

"Does the Tianqing Sect have the same rules?" Ye Keren glanced at Jiang Tian in disbelief.

These sect rules are very different from those of the Kunlun Sect. They require an extremely tough mind, a strong sense of reason, and even greater talent and strategy.

"Three Laws of Immortality, domineering and domineering! Only with sincerity and openness can you reach the ultimate state!"

Jiang Tian nodded slightly and praised:

"Although the Immortality Cult's techniques are evil and its actions are cruel, the founder of the sect and the person who set up this sect's rules are indeed talented and stunningly talented!"

"Fellow Taoist Wuji is right. The same is true for Tianqing Sect. I also wanted to implement this challenge system at the beginning. It does not matter seniority or origin, only strength. The strong are respected and the weak are humbled, so as to urge the disciples to be brave. Be diligent!”

"But the Tianqing Sect is surrounded by many foreign enemies, surrounded by packs of wolves, and fighting continues. The challenge system in the sect has not been implemented, and the assessment criteria are mainly based on external military exploits!"

"Well, that's right. It reduces internal friction and gives the disciples the opportunity to grow and improve!"

Li Wuji sighed.

"I wonder what kind of person this current Immortal Cult Leader is!"

Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, his gaze focused, and he felt a little more expectant of the Immortal Cult Master whom he had never met before.

Fairy Luomei sighed with emotion, and then said in a trembling voice:

"When the current leader Ming Ruyi proposed the Three Laws of Immortality, he was only an outer disciple who was only twenty years old, and his cultivation level was only at the level of Foundation Building!"

"However, these three laws were highly praised and adopted by the leader of the church at that time, and they have been adhered to until now!"

"After the Three Laws of Immortality were established, the sect was instantly activated and revived. Ming Ruyi also created the bloody body-changing art!"

"Isn't the Immortal Cult proficient in the method of seizing bodies?"

Jiang Tian frowned and asked, "But this technique doesn't sound like a method of seizing a body, does it?"

"This is not a way to seize a body, but it is ten times more evil than seizing a body, and of course the effect is ten times more powerful!"

Fairy Luomei seemed unwilling to talk more about this and sighed:

"Ming Ruyi announced this technique in the sect. Anyone can practice it, and many fellow sects will improve and improve it together."

Hearing this, Wu Yaoniang exclaimed again and said: "Tao should not be taught lightly! She is actually willing to announce the technique?"

In the world of cultivation on the earth, in the eyes of cultivators, secrets of skills are even more precious than elixirs and magic weapons.

Almost no one is willing to pass on his or her secret knowledge to others for fear that the apprentice will learn and starve the master to death. There are even strict rules such as passing on the inheritance from male to female, and from daughter-in-law to son-in-law.

Secretly learning the skills of other families or sects would be considered a life and death crime, and being dug into ancestral graves would be even three times more serious.

But Ming Ruyi actually announced a technique!

"This is the magnanimity and magnanimity that a great religion should have! In other words, this is the only way to develop a great religion!"

Jiang Tian's expression was filled with admiration, and then he showed a look of ridicule and said:

"Tao should not be taught lightly? Demon lady, you have also seen the real world of cultivation. There are many killings, human lives are like grass, and people die at every turn!"

"Let me ask you, what if there are only Taoism, one or two masters, and three or five disciples, and they are all killed? The practice and Taoism will be gone!"

Wu Yaoniang and others were greatly shocked when they heard this.

If you think about it carefully, it is indeed true.

Many powerful cultivating traditions on the earth have withered away, and the depletion of spiritual energy is certainly one of the reasons.

But the more important reason is!

Among many cultivating sects, those in power and seniors are very protective of their skills and are unwilling to expand the size of their sect for fear that their skills will be leaked.

Or they are worried that their disciples will surpass themselves, be better than their masters, challenge their own authority, and are unwilling to teach their disciples the true secret skills!

The sect is too small and not strong enough to withstand the war and the ups and downs of history, and will soon be lost in the long river of history!

Do you care about yourself?

Master Xuanzu hides a few tricks, Master keeps a few tricks, and Master makes some discounts. At the end of the day, even if the sect survives by chance, what is passed down is only 30 to 40% of the skill itself.

That is bound to mean that one crab is not as good as the other, and one generation is not as good as the other!

"Wealth, companionship, law, land, luck, there are many elements involved in cultivation. But for a cultivation tradition and inheritance, people, or monks, are the most active and important factor among all cultivation elements!"

Jiang Tian took a sip of tea and chuckled:

"If there are no people left, how can we talk about orthodoxy and inheritance? No matter how many exercises and pills there are, what's the point?"

"A true cultivation system must pursue a certain scale. On the basis of recruiting a wide range of disciples, we can select and train the most elite disciples and increase the strength of the sect!"

"In addition, there are many benefits to making the skills public!"

"Practitioners should not only focus on teachers, books, or superiors, but should focus on truth, reality, and the Tao!"

"Who can say that the skills created by our ancestors must be perfect? ​​Who can say that our ancestors are smarter and wiser than their descendants? If that is the case, wouldn't it mean that one generation is inferior to the other! We can never surpass our predecessors?"

"In fact, cultivation is also a process of evolution and progress. Classical techniques may not be stronger than they are today!"

"Gongfa is just a theory to strengthen the human body! And theory must be verified by practice! If you are wrong, it is very simple, change it!"

"The younger generation should start from the practice of cultivation, dare to challenge authority, and dare to repair and supplement the skills of the seniors, so that the skills can be made more perfect and powerful!"

"Ming Ruyi disclosed the skills and mobilized the power of the entire sect and religion. Tens of thousands of monks pooled their wisdom to practice, research and improve a set of skills. This set of skills will be strengthened and perfected in the shortest time!"

Jiang Tian finally said with emotion: "The female leader of the Immortality Religion has indeed an extraordinary mind, and she is not as generous as a man!"

After hearing Jiang Tian's words, Li Wuji, Ye Keren and others were enlightened, their hearts were shaken, and they were shocked.

"What Jiang Zhenxian said makes sense. Listening to you is really better than ten years of reading!"

Li Wuji patted his thigh and sighed with emotion.

"No wonder he was able to push Tianqing Sect to the number one sect in the world in less than five years!"

Ye Keren, Wu Yaoniang and even Fairy Luomei also looked at Jiang Tian with admiration, their beautiful eyes shining brightly.

Jiang Tian's cultivation is very powerful, so it is important to master the heaven-defying skills.

But his grand vision, broad mind, and profound insights in the construction of the sect are also indispensable.

"With this method, Ming Ruyi's cultivation skyrocketed. It took a hundred years to condense the golden elixir! In the remaining hundreds of years, she worked bravely and reached the golden elixir perfection at a record-breaking speed. Now she is only one step away from conceiving a baby. remote!"

Seeing that Jiang Tian stopped talking, Fairy Luomei said:

"In many sect competitions, she has never lost! Her position has also been promoted step by step, from an outer sect servant, to an inner sect disciple, to an elite disciple, to a direct disciple, a hall master, and an elder. She has been advancing all the way, until Today’s leader’s position!”

"When she ascended to the position of elder, that is, two hundred years ago, she once swept through more than a dozen large and small sects in the north including the Beast Control Sect, Wind Blade City, Changhe Sect, etc. with one person and one sword within three days. !”

Even though these are just ancient legends, when Fairy Luomei talks about it, her face is still full of fascination, her heart is ups and downs, and she says in a trembling voice:

"In fact, she even defeated the four golden elixir-level national masters of the four major kingdoms in the north with one person and one sword! From that time on, the religious power of the Immortality Sect, the imperial power of the great nations and the secular kings, became the supreme authority in the north!"

"With one man and one sword, he has suppressed the surrender of many great countries and religions, and single-handedly pushed the Immortality Sect to the number one sect in the north. This woman's unparalleled grace and domineering methods are somewhat similar to those of Taichu Taoist friends!"

Li Wuji was filled with emotion.

Ye Keren, Wu Yaoniang, and Tang Linglong all had shocked expressions on their faces and could not calm down for a long time!

They are definitely the most outstanding figures among the younger generation in the earth world.

But compared with Ming Ruyi, the leader of the Immortal Sect, he is like the light of a grain of rice, unable to compete with the sun and the moon!

One man and one sword conquered the northern border, stood proudly on top, subverted the secular imperial power, and controlled hundreds of millions of territories!

How domineering this is!

How amazing and stunning this is!

What a peerless elegance this is!

"Ming Ruyi's strength is very terrifying, with power that shakes the heavens and the earth! Ranked first in the North and the fifth strongest in the Western World, he can rival Jinpeng Temple Tathagata!"

Fan Luomei was anxious, her pretty face was pale, and she was already a little incoherent:

"Her strength and skills are far beyond our imagination. It is even said that she is only half a step away from the Nascent Soul! She may break through in battle at any time!"

"Fellow Taoist Taichu, do you still have to go and die? If you go, the chance of winning is almost only one in a billion!"

Fan Luomei's face was solemn, her beautiful eyes were full of worry, and she spoke sincerely.

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