Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1126 You are not worthy of challenging me, disciple shows off his power

This beast python is also in the middle stage of the golden elixir, but it has already reached the fifth level of perfection, reaching the late stage of the golden elixir. Its strength is even more impressive.

It is said that by chance, he once obtained the soul of an ancient strange beast in an ancient ruins. He fed it with his own essence, blood and soul every day, spent hundreds of years of hard work, and merged with this spirit to form the Taming Mountain Python. Mountain Python Dharma.

Once the dantian erupts, the mountain python's magic form will immediately appear, and it can leapfrog and kill the strong ones in the late stage of the golden elixir!

Needless to say, this person was also a hidden stake planted by the Beast Control Sect to kill Jiang Tian in the name of a challenge.

"You are not enough! Doesn't that old man want to kill me? Why don't you come out?"

Facing the monstrous bloodthirsty pressure, Jiang Tian felt like a breeze blowing on his face, his clothes were fluttering, his face was calm, and the corners of his mouth curled into a slightly mocking arc.

"Outer sect disciple, Lauder, the deacon of the outer sect's Sword Fighting Hall, challenges fellow Taoist Star Slaughterer with a clever move!"

A beautiful young woman in palace attire walked through the air and emerged from the crowd.

She has a hot and plump figure, with well-proportioned convex and concave shapes, and a very charming and enchanting face, which can be called the bane of beauty.

But its momentum was extremely sharp, like a stunning sword that could penetrate the sky.

However, the way he looked at Jiang Tian was full of hatred, as if he wanted to cut Jiang Tian into pieces to relieve his hatred.

"Southern Sword Palace, Master Chuan Gong, Fairy Laudai!"

"Sword Palace disciple Leng Jianfeng did lose to this Star Slaughter, but he didn't die or was injured, but he just didn't look good. There's no need to fight like this, right?"

When everyone saw this, they all exclaimed in disbelief.

"Everyone only knows one, but not the other!"

Only Prince Jihan laughed and said to the sons of princes and city lords nearby:

"It is said that Fairy Laudai has an affair with the abbot of the Magic Rock Temple, and Zen Master Wuxin is the fruit of their love!"

"It turns out that she didn't stand up for Leng Jianfeng, but for Zen Master Wuxin, to avenge her son's murder!"

When everyone heard this, their expressions changed wildly and their hearts skipped a beat.

"Fairy Lau Dai is in the middle stage of the golden elixir. Her self-made Lan Xinhuizhi sword is said to be specially designed to break other people's souls and can kill those in the late golden elixir stage. Now, this star butcher is really in trouble!"

"This guy is such a troublemaker! He has offended too many people!"

Everyone behind Prince Jihan shook their heads and smiled bitterly.

"I've said it before, let him keep a low profile and be decisive in killing without leaving any room for mercy. But I don't know, who doesn't have a backing?"

At this time, even Mou Bilian turned pale with fright and her whole body was shaking like chaff. She did not dare to get too close to Jiang Tian and stayed away for fear of harming Chi Yu.

Mou Bilian is only an outer disciple, specifically, she is the maid of Fairy Luomei.

According to the rules, their positions and status are higher than Mu Bilian, so they must not kill Mu Bilian.

But if I want to kill you, can you run away? In the midst of a chaotic battle, any magical power you can use will crush you into a pulp.

When the sect came back to criticize him, he was dismissed completely by saying that fighting skills were sinister, that his supernatural powers had no eyesight, and that he was accidentally injured and killed accidentally.

"You guys stop Senior Dian Xingtu, I'm going to find my aunt! This, this is going to cause a big mess! People will die!"

Suddenly three golden elixir masters attacked, and Fan Xiuzhu couldn't hold on. His face changed in shock, he thought for a moment, then suddenly his body flashed and he escaped outside.

"Since the three of you insist on competing, that's fine!"

Jiang Tian glanced at the three of them mockingly, smiled calmly and said:

"But you are not qualified to fight with me. Then let my disciple, Fairy Linglong, fight with you to prove my strength!"

"If you don't show off, will you really die?"

Fan Xiuzhu was emptying his breath and leaving in the air. When he heard these words from a distance, he staggered and fell to the ground, unable to get up.

"You are making trouble! How can you let her go!"

Li Wuji was so anxious that he stamped his feet!

That's right, after hearing this, everyone present, including Li Wuji, Ye Keren, and Wu Yaoniang who knew Jiang Tian thoroughly, couldn't believe it and were almost stunned.

Along the way, they killed many monks, but basically they were at the foundation building and Qi training levels, and the golden elixirs were all personally taken by Jiang Tian and Fan Luomei!

Tang Linglong's cultivation level has just reached the second level of foundation building. How can he compare with the Golden Elixir True Immortal?

"Master, can I do it? Will I be my opponent?"

In fact, at this moment, Tang Linglong was a little panicked and was so scared that she broke out in cold sweat.

This is a golden elixir!

In Chinese Taoist classics, these people are immortals who soar in the clouds and ride in the mist, eat the wind and drink the dew, and live for thousands of years without dying!

"This kid is no match at all."

Prince Chihan's eyes were sarcastic, and he smiled coldly:

"So, let his disciples die as cannon fodder! To delay time and let Fairy Luomei come to stop him! How despicable!"

"It doesn't matter."

Jiang Tian ignored the man's ridicule and comforted him with a smile:

"The edge of a sword is sharpened, you need to exercise! Extreme exercise!"

Jiang Tian touched the top of her head and said with a warm smile:

"In today's battle, you will truly realize the power of the Thirteen Taixuan Swords! Besides, my master will plunder the formation for you."


Seeing Jiang Tian's gentle gaze, the fear in Tang Linglong's heart suddenly disappeared. She was a hundred times more confident, her blood was boiling, and she nodded heavily.

She was originally infatuated with Jiang Tian, ​​but she knew that Jiang Tian and his wife had a deep relationship, as deep as the sea, so she could only hide this thought in her heart.

At this moment, she only felt that even if she was crushed immediately, as long as Jiang Tian could be sad for her for a minute, it would be worth it!

"What's the point of fearing death for him?"

She felt that her eyes were bloodshot, and her eyes were filled with scarlet. She approached the crowd, and in her excitement, she staggered and almost fell.

"Look at this girl, she was so frightened that she almost fell down! It's no wonder that with her cultivation in the early stage of Foundation Establishment, how can she defeat the True Immortal in the middle stage of Golden Core?"

"This Xingtu is so shameless! He is so timid and afraid of death that he actually lets his disciples die?"

"This little girl is too innocent. Master asked her to die, but she did it obediently!"

Seeing this, many female cultivators looked at Jiang Tian with disdain, showing extreme disdain and feeling very unworthy of Tang Linglong.

"Haha, look, your disciple is shaking with fear! Do you still want to fight with me? Xing Tu, you are so shameless!"

Everyone laughed, with mockery on their faces.

"Trash! The Yanhuang people, without exception, are all trash!"

"This Xingtu is trash!"

"The disciples he taught are also useless!"

That Feng Ao had a disdainful face, arrogant eyes, and aloofness, as if looking at an ant, extremely mocking.

"How dare you disrespect my teacher!"

The cynicism was endless, Tang Linglong slowly raised her head and looked at Feng Ao.

A breeze blew by, raising her satin-like black hair, revealing a pair of sharp, cold eyes.


A scream that sounded like the sound of a sword burst out from Tang Linglong's red lips. The woman pinched her fingers.

Three of the flaming bone swords jumped out from the belt-like sword cases.

The two are finally going to fight!

At this time, many people frowned and shook their heads, especially Prince Jihan, who had sarcastic eyes and a playful expression on his face.

From their perspective, they can naturally see that Tang Linglong is only on the second level of foundation building, and has not even entered the middle stage!

With this kind of cultivation, speaking of the middle stage of the Golden Core, the early stage of the Golden Core, and even those with strong fake pills, they are as unshakable as a fly shaking a tree.

"When a golden elixir enters the Dantian, my fate is determined by God!"

The golden elixir is as powerful as a true immortal. It is already on another level of life. It will be immortal for thousands of years. The true essence is condensed into a solid state. It is endless and vast, inexhaustible and inexhaustible. It can overwhelm hundreds of foundation builders without any pressure in the later stages. .

"Yellow-haired girl, if you insist on seeking death, I will help you. I will use your head as a stepping stone for me to kill Xing Tu!"

Feng Ao sneered and moved his hands.

Suddenly, the wind roared, and a huge hole-shaped vortex appeared above his head. The energy of heaven and earth within several kilometers gathered into sword-shaped wind blades, suspended in front of him.

Under the reflection of thousands of wind blades.

At this moment, his momentum suddenly changed, like a god of war riding the strong wind, standing proudly in the void and overwhelming the world.

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