Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1127: You can’t even defeat my disciple, you’re a clown

"So strong, you are worthy of being in the middle stage of Golden Core. If you join our Immortality Sect, I'm afraid I can become a middle-level one!"

Suddenly, many of the disciples of the Immortality Sect around him were frightened, and even Prince Ji Han nodded slightly.

They all felt as if they were suffocating. At this time, all the air within a few kilometers was sucked out by it.

The Feng family controls airflow to form wind blade attacks. With this unique skill, they control a huge city that has stood for thousands of years without falling. It is comparable to the royal family!


With a ruthless cold snort, Feng Ao attacked first, wanting to make a quick decision, remove the obstacles, and kill Jiang Tian immediately.

The wind blade in front of him, with the flick of his fingers, was like dazzling lightning bolts, shining with silver light, illuminating the entire Luomei Villa.

Suddenly, thousands of wind blades erupted together, forming a hundred-foot silver dragon. With the power of splitting the sea, it instantly spanned a distance of a thousand meters, swept from top to bottom, and swept through the cave towards Tang Linglong.

With this Wind Blade Dragon in hand, Feng Ao will be able to rank among the top 100 powerful men in the North, no less than some of the church leaders and special envoys of the Immortality Sect!

As soon as the wind blade came out, it formed a silver dragon, and the sword energy was extremely cold, illuminating the area for three or four miles. Even Fairy Luomei was here, so she had to be careful and didn't dare to neglect.

Even Li Wuji's face was solemn, Ye Keren's pretty face was pale, and Wu Yaoniang subconsciously grabbed Jiang Tian's sleeves with worried eyes.

"Thirteen Taixuan Swords, the first style!"

"The sword covers the mountains and rivers!"

Having completely calmed down, Tang Linglong's face was calm and calm, neither sad nor happy, and her eyes were as deep as stars.

Under his sweet shout, three blazing bone swords flew up and down, and suddenly, a vast sword energy and sword intent surged out.

Giant mountain peaks rise from the ground, majestic and precipitous, and large rivers flow endlessly, as if they have substance.

"What? She is obviously a foundation builder, how can she evolve into a strange phenomenon!"

Many people's eyes almost popped out and they screamed again and again.

Every powerful person in the golden elixir hopes to have the appearance of Dharma, which is sometimes called a vision.

The reason why the golden elixir is far superior to those who are strong in foundation building is also due to the power of the Dharma.

But this does not mean that every golden elixir expert can condense the power of Dharma! It requires at least a high-grade golden elixir, or even a super-grade one.

In order to form the Dharma, many golden elixirs are used in every possible way. Therefore, other magical powers have also been born, such as weapon refining, talismans, formations and other methods, as supplementary means of condensing the Dharma.

For example, Li Longyuan, who condensed ordinary golden elixirs, borrowed external force and the energy of the Big Dipper tree to forcibly condense the strange phenomena of the Big Dipper.

The same was true when Jiang Tian encountered the scroll attack of those elders in the Guangming Temple!

But without exception, those who can display the Dharma are all golden elixirs. There is no precedent for foundation-building monks at least in the Western World!

At this time, Tang Linglong, who was clearly in the early stage of foundation building, released the Dharma with one sword. How could everyone not be surprised!

The mountains and rivers under Tang Linglong's sword were lifelike and solid, but they were all made of flames, glowing red, more like magma, exuding terrifying high temperatures, making people feel heart-stopping.


Seeing this, Feng Ao was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat. There were warning signs in his heart, and it was too late to take back the wind blade.

Many mountains and rivers suddenly hung upside down and covered them, just like thousands of mountains crashing down together, with endless power!

Bang bang bang!

The Wind Blade Silver Dragon could not support the power of this strange phenomenon. In a matter of seconds, it dissipated like paper, turning into billowing air and shooting out.

"Sword Covers Mountains and Rivers" is extremely hot and heavy. It not only shatters the Wind Blade Silver Dragon, but also shatters the hard stone surface. The flying stones will shatter and explode in the next second, or turn into magma and splash everywhere.

The terrifying air waves pushed in all directions, destroying everything. Even the crowd watching the battle one kilometer away was frightened and quickly retreated.

The magical powers exerted by the golden elixir masters are generally connected to the Dantian and the sea of ​​consciousness. Otherwise, they are like trees without roots or duckweeds without roots. They will collapse in one blow and cannot become strong.

But similarly, once the magical power is defeated, the Dantian and sea of ​​consciousness will often suffer strong backlash.

As the Wind Blade Silver Dragon was destroyed, Feng Ao's Dantian suddenly shook violently, a mouthful of blood spurted out, his face was painful and twisted ferociously.

"help me!"

With a scream full of unwillingness and fear, he endured the dizziness, used his footwork, exhausted all his breath, and flew out like a dead leaf in the strong wind. Although he was staggering, he was still very fast.

"Smelly girl, you are so cruel!"

The beast python's strange vertical pupils flashed with cold light, and it pinched with its fingers.

Suddenly, a roar came from the dantian, and a colorful light rushed up from the dantian, as fast as lightning, trying to block Tang Linglong.

"Die to me!"

But Tang Linglong was faster. Before Feng Ao took the first step to retreat, she had already risen into the air and turned into a fiery red afterimage. Dozens of red blazing bone swords burst out from her waist. Kill.

Everyone saw only ten streaks of rainbow-like red sword light, flying up and down, chasing each other, shining brightly all around.

The scorching heat caused all the spiritual grass and trees to become blackened and shattered, and many architectural coefficients bloomed with soaring formations of brilliance to avoid the fate of being baked into magma.

Just one breath, wow! With a sound of the ground, a dozen blazing bone swords spanned a distance of a thousand meters, like an antelope hanging its horns, and a white horse passing through the gap, stabbing at a subtle angle, passing through many defenses and piercing his body-protecting True Yuanbao Yi Gangqi. It actually penetrated Feng Ao's chest!

Ten swords pierce the chest!

"You can't kill me!"

At this time, Feng Ao's dantian was stained with blood, and blood foam kept spurting out from the corners of his mouth. Although he was severely injured, he did not die immediately.

A strong man with golden elixir, who is said to be immortal for thousands of years, how can he be so easy to kill!

As long as the golden elixir is not broken and the soul is immortal, they can reshape their bodies or even take away their bodies!

"Stinky girl, I will kill you!"

Feng Ao floated in the air with a look of hatred on his face, his teeth almost shattered from his bite, and he glared at Tang Linglong resentfully.

He is a talented elite of the Feng family, with golden elixir cultivation, and is even expected to succeed the Lord of Wind Blade City and control the giant city.

He is valued by many elders and experts, even higher than Prince Moyang. He is one of the most powerful talents in the North under the age of 100!

But at this moment, he was severely injured by one of Jiang Tian's disciples! This was unacceptable to him, and he hated Tang Linglong and Jiang Tian so much!

However, as soon as he said these words, endless light bloomed in his body, shining so brightly that his bones and organs were clearly visible, and all his seven orifices sprayed out sharp blue flames like arrows like electric welding spray guns.


Feng Ao screamed with fear and reluctance, and the next moment, his body exploded and he died an untimely death.

"How can it be!"

At this moment, not only many disciples of the Immortality Sect were dumbfounded, Li Wuji and other Chinese powerhouses couldn't believe it, even Prince Jihan's face changed drastically!

Tang Linglong was obviously a monk in the early stage of foundation building, but she was able to create visions of mountains and rivers, and she was able to move her sword energy across thousands of meters. Her swordsmanship was so superb and her magical powers were so powerful that even the masters of golden elixir swordsmanship could not catch up with her.

Is this still a member of the Yanhuang tribe?

Is this still a young girl in her early twenties?

She is so strong, so how strong is her master Xingtu?

At this time, when everyone looked at Jiang Tian, ​​there was no longer any mockery or contempt in their eyes, instead they were filled with deep fear and confusion.

"Can't even defeat my disciple? Sure enough, he is vulnerable and is nothing more than a clown!"

Only Jiang Tian's face was calm, without any hint of surprise!

Cultivation is cultivation, and combat power is combat power.

Cultivation is usually measured by true energy reserves. To put it bluntly, it is momentum, and the standard is single.

But there are too many factors that affect combat effectiveness.

From the perspective of the monk himself, the quality of his true energy, physical constitution, and soul, as well as from the outside, the skills, martial arts moves, magic weapons...all aspects will affect a monk's combat effectiveness!

Otherwise, how could there be so many leapfrog challenges and enemy killings?

When everyone meets, don't fight. Once you show your true energy, weaklings, just commit suicide!

This set of Taixuan Thirteen Swords was jointly created by him and his old friend Taixuan Xianzun in Jiuxiao Continent. It is famous for its sharp swordsmanship, indomitable moves, and powerful attacks.

At that time, Taixuan Immortal Lord started his career as a small woodcutter and relied on this set of swordsmanship to sweep away the wasteland and shake up the world. He defeated thirteen most powerful sword cultivating sects in a row and shocked the Jiuxiao Continent. Destiny, ascend to the position of Immortal Emperor.

In addition, the Blazing Bone Sword is a magic weapon carefully refined by Jiang Tian. It is not an exaggeration to say it is a top-notch spiritual treasure!

It can be said that Tang Linglong is completely overwhelmed by Feng Ao in the four aspects of true essence quality, martial arts, martial arts, and magic weapons, and is able to learn from each other's strengths.

What's so difficult about killing Feng Ao?

Among the people present, the beast python who had just stepped in to support his companions was not only shocked and frightened, but also felt endless embarrassment!

"Your mother! What's wrong with the Beast Control Sect's intelligence? It didn't say that Xing Tu has a disciple with golden elixir combat power!"

At this moment, seeing Feng Ao, whose cultivation level was similar to his own, being killed in an instant, Beast Python was on the verge of crying without tears, and his face was extremely embarrassed!

The colorful rays of light ejected from his dantian did not stop Tang Linglong's flying sword, and settled in the air. It was the shadow of a hundred-foot-long mountain python!

This vision of the mountain python was so domineering and so conspicuous that he was in a dilemma. At this moment, he had to either take back his Dantian or not take it back!

But Fairy Lauder is different from him!

She wanted to avenge her son's murder, and she was determined to fight to the death. Her pretty face showed murderous intent immediately, she glanced at the beast python, and said in a cold voice:

"Shou Python, if you are scared away by a little girl or a maid from the Yanhuang tribe, how will you be able to gain a foothold in the North in the future?"

As soon as this word came out.

Everyone in the audience looked at the beast python, wondering if he would fight to the death or just hold his nose and give up!

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