Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1139: Kill ten thousand people with one knife, and bury another hundred thousand people with


Seeing this, Tang Linglong was extremely nervous.

Wu Yaoniang, Ye Keren, and Mou Hongdie also turned pale, and Li Wuji and Fan Xiuzhu were trembling in shock.

"It's over. It's over!"

Fairy Luomei looked despairingly, shook her head and sighed.

The four elders of Keqing, with their prosperous martial arts and monstrous power, were originally giant figures. How could Jiang Tian have any hope of victory?

Just as a smile appeared on Prince Jihan's face.

"The light of a grain of rice dares to compete with the sun and the moon!"

Jiang Tian smiled lightly and stepped on the void with his right foot!

Boom! With a sound, the whirling sacred tree erupted, and thousands of branches swept out, entwining towards the crowd.


The wind shattered the mountain and roared, and the furious wind and ten thousand blades broke out.

There are tens of thousands of wind blades, each of which can kill the foundation, forming a dragon of wind blades, whistling and spinning, slashing towards the branches.

However, the green wood aura of the whirling sacred tree seemed weak, but in fact it was extremely tough. The wind blades suddenly shattered, and the branches twisted into giant fists, falling from the sky, smashing the wind to the ground.


The ground trembled, the formation patterns were obliterated, and huge ravines opened shockingly.

Feng Chuishan was a well-established golden elixir, with a lifespan of thousands of years, and his true energy was as powerful as a mountain, but he still couldn't withstand Jiang Tian's blow, and was hit so hard that he vomited blood.

Thousands of beast souls like a sea of ​​beasts rushed towards Jiang Tian like a tsunami, but they were directly smashed and exploded by thousands of branches. He was backlashed by the beast souls and was shocked to the point where he vomited blood and stumbled back.

Shui Qiancheng's condensed water dragon had just roared a few hundred meters away when Jiang Tian's black water green dragon erupted.

The Xuanshui was heavy and wiped out everything. The green dragon was so powerful that it tore the sky apart. It burst through with a big claw and knocked Shui Qiancheng flying in the air like a kite with broken strings. His ribs were broken by tree roots.

Finally, the black-robed elder Gui Sha's skeleton crutch was exploded by Jiang Tian's punch that contained the thunder attribute, and turned into white bones floating in the sky. Gui Sha was so shocked that both his arms were broken, and the sky was stained with blood.

In just a few snaps of his fingers, Jiang Tian broke through the attacks of four elders of the guests without getting hurt.

"How can this be!"

At this moment, the whole audience was screaming!

"How come this person has so many magical powers, and each one of them is so powerful!"

The beast retreated to the edge like a sea, howling miserably and looking horribly, as if it had seen an evil ghost.

They are all powerful men with vast resources, but they only master one or two methods, and they are incomparable to Jiang Tian, ​​who knows everything.

"It's too scary! This person is simply a freak! Don't the Yanhuang people have no decent inheritance?"

Warrior Shui Qiancheng's chest was vomiting blood, he couldn't believe it.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

But Feng Chuishan didn't even have a chance to speak. He was entangled by the branches of the whirling sacred tree, and the knots of green wood formed by the giant fist-like branches hit the ground again and again. His body was broken and stained with blood. It was extremely miserable.

"Keep going, don't hold back! No matter how strong he is, he can't withstand our attack together!"

Gui Sha shouted angrily with sinister eyes.


Shui Qiancheng and Beast Ruhai quickly used secret techniques to repair the injuries and attacked Jiang Tian in tacit agreement.

This time, the four guest elders fought more carefully, covering each other and supporting each other, which increased their power.

The wind whipped up the mountain and rolled up the hurricane wind blades, shaking the heaven and the earth, and swept towards Jiang Tian.

Shui Qiancheng used the wind to condense water dragons, water beasts, and water gods, threatening to collapse the space.

The beasts are like a sea, condensing the shadows of ancient strange beasts and spiritual birds. Some are pressing down on the sky, and some are running and roaring, as if they can roar through mountains and rivers and tear the sky apart.

In particular, the ghost evil spirit uses the ghost's walking skills to shuttle through space, flicker and appear, and appear and disappear. It often appears suddenly near Jiang Tian and bursts out with magical powers, and then disappears in a flash after the attack.

"I hope Immortal Jiang can win. If he loses, the Immortality Sect will definitely clean up the door and beat me to death!"

Fairy Luomei's heart was pounding, her pink fists were clenched, and big beads of sweat appeared on her pretty face.

"Come on! Master!"

Tang Linglong, Ye Keren, and Wu Yaoniang all felt that it was an eye-opener.

These people are too strong. They only build foundations and cannot help at all. Once they enter the battlefield, they will be torn into pieces.

Tang Linglong gritted her silver teeth and secretly determined to practice hard and tirelessly so that one day she could fight alongside her master.

Li Wuji's mind was swaying and he was dizzy. He couldn't even imagine such a magical power, and it was hard to catch up with him.

"They are too strong! And they are so shameless, four of them fight one!"

Mou Hongdie's face was as pale as paper, she was so angry that her beautiful eyes were filled with tears, and she was about to cry, and she sweated a lot for Jiang Tian.


However, Jiang Tian's four magical powers exploded continuously, one against four, without falling behind at all.

Originally, Jiang's four divine bodies had the strength of the four golden elixirs, and they were divine golden elixirs. Even if they joined forces, Jiang Tian would suppress them.

Suddenly, Jiang Tian was hit by a water dragon from Shui Qiancheng, and was blown backwards a thousand meters away, causing severe pain all over his body.

"Okay! Hit him!"

The four of them cheered together!

After fighting for a long time, he finally hit Jiang Tian once.

"Xing Tu, aren't you very powerful? Haha, you are just a mortal body!"

Feng Chuishan roared triumphantly.

In fact, Jiang Tian beat them even worse. All four of them were covered in blood and had broken bones and muscles. However, the Immortality Cult had too many holy healing arts, so they would be able to repair their wounds quickly and start fighting again.

Jiang Tian was not injured this time, just hit, but this was still unbearable for Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian's eyes flashed with coldness, the corner of his mouth raised a ferocious arc, and he said in a cold voice:

"Gentlemen, you let me use real fire! Next, within four moves, the battle will be resolved, and all four of you will die!"

If Jiang Tian had said these words before, people would probably laugh out loud.

But this time, it was different.

Jiang Tian had already shown part of his strength, which they did not dare to underestimate.

"Be careful!"

"This yellow-skinned monkey is going crazy!"

Hearing this, the four giants suddenly felt hairy in their hearts, their eyes were wary, and their whole bodies were tense, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.


Jiang Tian put away many of his magical powers, gathered momentum, and suddenly shouted loudly, using the Suzaku method.

Suddenly, Jiang Tian's dantian was like a supernova exploding, with endless radiance and endless flames of blazing light.

A Suzaku shadow about a hundred feet long appeared in front of Jiang Tian, ​​and then quickly merged with Jiang Tian.

In the end, Jiang Tian himself turned into a 100-foot-tall basalt statue, with a bird's head and human body, arms and wings, and flames, like a fire god, with his feet on the earth and the sky above his head, and then roared violently.

Amid the roar, rolling flames spurted out, sweeping across the entire venue like a sea of ​​fire, covering the four people.


"I can't stand it anymore!"

The four people suddenly screamed, many visions shattered in an instant, and their bodies cracked with terrible cracks.

Their defensive restraints had no effect at all under the burning of Suzaku's true fire and could not last for even a second.

The four of them dragged their remains and fled in panic, but the area of ​​​​the sea of ​​​​fire was so large that it almost filled the entire square.

Moreover, Jiang Tian kept spitting out flames to pursue him.

It only takes a few breaths.


The slowest beast, Ruhai, couldn't hold on anymore. He screamed, his body shattered, turned into a streak of blue smoke, his spirit and soul were destroyed, and he disappeared from the world.

"Stop! Otherwise, I will kill your people!"

The ghost demon used the fleeting footwork to rise into the sky, break away from the sea of ​​fire, and then grabbed Tang Linglong and others in the audience.

From the palm of his hand, streaks of evil spirits spurted out, forming a huge skull. It opened its bloody mouth and seemed to be able to swallow up the sky!

"Elder Gui Sha is so powerful! If you interfere with his mind like this, you will definitely be able to turn the tide of the battle!"

"Hmph, this man is really out of his mind. He was stepped on by an elephant, and he brought his companions here. Wouldn't he be surrounded and killed by us in minutes?"

Seeing this, many disciples nodded in approval.

"This Star Slaughter is too arrogant and arrogant. He can go deep alone, and he also brings a group of useless disciples and friends! Do you think we can't kill them?"

Prince Jihan's face was full of sarcasm, and he shook his head in disdain.

Some disciples had sinister expressions on their faces, with murderous intentions looming on their faces, and they were ready to take action, waiting for an opportunity to attack Tang Linglong and the others.

"Gui Sha! How dare you try to kill my people!"

Seeing this, Jiang Tian's eyes gleamed with coldness, he was distracted and his vitality exploded.

The 100-foot-tall Gengjin God General suddenly appeared, rushed high, and swept his long sword towards the disciples in the audience.


The Gengjin divine body is in its full state, which is no small matter. It was cut with one sword, it was extremely sharp, and all the heavy protective light shields were chopped into pieces.

With one slash of the sword, the Supreme Elder suddenly changed his color and took action, unable to stop him.

The huge sword light, about a kilometer long, was extremely bright, penetrating the sky, like a huge sun rising.

This moment!

With a radius of a hundred miles, the entire Long Live Mountain was illuminated by this earth-shattering sword, and even ordinary people in the mortal city at the foot of the mountain saw this scene.

"Who is this master? It's so shocking!"

"It's so majestic!"

"It's so scary! I heard that there is a Yanhuang tribesman up there, challenging the leader. He must be a peerless strong man!"

The outer disciples of the Immortality Sect who could not enter the square were all shocked, talking and suffocating.

Their faces were filled with fear, and their hearts were filled with turmoil, and they could not calm down for a long time.

On the square, the huge sword light poured down like the Milky Way, destroying everything, and any protective magical power or magic weapon was useless.

Boom! There was a loud noise and the ground shook.

A huge gap was cut into the seats around the square, like a crater.

That area no longer exists.

At least tens of thousands of disciples were beheaded, their flesh and blood flying everywhere, and they died on the spot.

At this moment, a quarter of the auditorium turned into a Shura field!

Blood flowed horizontally, stumps were piled up, broken internal organs and bones flew everywhere, screams and screams were heard everywhere, and the strong smell of blood rose into the sky.

"Ahhh! It hurts me so much!"


"My legs, my legs!"

This blow killed at least tens of thousands of people, and many of the Immortal Cult members were cut to pieces with their intestines pierced and their limbs cut off, but they were not completely killed and they let out shrill screams.

"This Xingtu is so cruel!"

"Yes, this person is a devil! He is simply a devil!"

"The power of a sword is so terrifying!"

At this time, the other disciples were stunned, their hair stood on end, and they were trembling all over, looking at Jiang Tian as if they were looking at a demon.

Even some hall leaders were frightened.

Facing the attack of Guixi, Jiang Tian did not go to rescue his disciples at all, but you hit yours and I hit mine!

If you dare to touch them, I will kill your disciples of the Immortality Sect!

At this time, Prince Jihan and many people understood.

This monk from the Yanhuang tribe, known as Xingtu, has never been stupid or arrogant, but is extremely low-key.

Because he has the ability to protect his disciples and friends, the Immortality Religion is nothing like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den to him, it's like entering a deserted land!

"Anyone who dares to hurt one of my fellow disciples will be buried with the entire Immortality Sect's 100,000 disciples!"

Jiang Tian's face was stern and his eyes were as calm as water, as if he had killed only a few ants after killing ten thousand people.

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