Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1140 The leader is willing to become a Taoist couple with you and shake hands to make peace.

"Ghost, no!"

The white-bearded supreme elder suddenly took action and used a secret technique. He raised his finger in the air and broke the skull vision of the ghost evil elder.

"Supreme Elder, why are you stopping me! Don't you kill his disciples? But many of our disciples have been killed!"

Gui Sha re-condensed a skull demon head and shouted unwillingly.

The muscles on the white-bearded elder's cheeks were pulsing, and his thoughts were racing.

Jiang Tian killed ten thousand of his disciples with one blow, which made him extremely distressed and angry. He wished he could tear Jiang Tian into pieces!

These are the hope for the future of the sect, the elites they have cultivated for many years and put countless efforts into.

Now, it was destroyed.

Of course he wanted to kill Jiang Tian.


After Na Geng Jin Shen General made a slash, he floated in the air. The direction of his sword was the other disciples sitting on the seat.

As long as the evil spirit doesn't stop, God General Geng Jin only needs three or five sword strikes, and there will be no one left in the Immortality Sect!

The Immortality Sect has a typical pyramid structure. Although the elders and leaders are strong, they all rely on the blood and essence of the disciples at the bottom!

When the base of the pyramid is destroyed, the spire becomes a castle in the air, which will eventually collapse and accomplish nothing.

Finally, the Supreme Elder gritted his teeth and said coldly:

"Gui Sha, you are not allowed to attack fellow disciples and friends of Daoist Brother Xingtu. You must follow the rules of fighting! Otherwise, I will kill you first!"


Gui Sha was so angry that he vomited blood and forcefully broke the skull demon head he had just condensed.

But he didn't dare to rush into the battlefield immediately and fight Jiang Tian again. Instead, he huddled in the shield of the audience and watched what happened.

He was really frightened and trembling!

Jiang Tian's strength is too powerful and cannot be compared to his.

He has not yet decided whether to flee thousands of miles away or fight to the death with Jiang Tian.

Hearing Shui Qiancheng's miserable howl, the shield formed by the water elite shattered and was burned into ashes.

The next moment, the wind destroyed the mountain and it could not hold up. It broke into pieces of black coal and fell to the ground, destroying both body and soul.

See this scene.

The ghost was so frightened that his soul was shaking, he was trembling, his knees were weak, he knelt down in the air, kowtowed like pounding garlic, and begged:

"This junior is defeated, so just surrender! This junior was just instigated by the Beast Ruhai Cult. Please show mercy to Senior Xingtu, be merciful, and spare my life!"

Seeing this, everyone was stunned. They were frightened by Jiang Tian's overwhelming domineering power and couldn't recover for a long time.

It's too late, it's fast.

From the moment Jiang Tian took action to killing the three elders of the guests, the ghosts were so frightened that they knelt down and begged for mercy. It only took a few breaths!

Jiang Tian's power is beyond their imagination!

They were full of confusion. When did such a leader-level master appear among the Yanhuang tribe?

Why has it never been revealed before?

The key is, Jiang Tian's attack was too ruthless!

When Gui Sha attacked Tang Linglong and the others, Jiang Tian killed ten thousand of their fellow disciples as a complete shock!

Such decisiveness and ruthlessness made them feel as if a bucket of ice water was poured over their heads, chilling them from head to toe.

"Spare your life? Ridiculous!"

Jiang Tian stood proudly in the void and said with a smile:

"If after killing me fails, everyone will say that someone else is the instigator, and I will spare his life. Then, won't everyone think that I am easy to bully, and they will come to humiliate me and kill me!"

"Although in my eyes, you are as weak as an ant, I am afraid of trouble, so I will use your life to warn the world that I, Xingtu, must not be provoked!"

After listening to half of it, Gui Sha knew that something was wrong. He cast his secret space technique, stepped on the ground with his feet, and his figure disappeared into the space. When he reappeared, he was already several kilometers away, and almost fled out of the square.

"Haha, you want to run away? Little did you know that if I wanted to kill someone, how could anyone in this world be able to run away?"

Jiang Tian chuckled. Deep in his eyes, the ring of purple lightning eyes expanded and flashed, and two purple lightning bolts snaked out.

These two lightning beams looked ordinary on the outside, but when they passed through the void, they directly penetrated the space and pulled out a long crack.

The ghost had no time to take the second step before it was blasted into nothingness by the purple lightning. His body was reduced to ashes, and even the golden elixir was shattered, leaving nothing behind.

Elder Ke Qing, a strong man of golden elixir, a ghost, die!


Seeing this scene, everyone present was trembling and their faces turned earth-colored.

A burst of purple lightning and thunder spread across ten miles to kill Jindan! This is absolutely terrible!

"It's over! It's over! This person is a person who must take revenge. Why am I so mean-mouthed..."

Prince Jihan shivered in fear, and yellow urine gushed out from under his legs. A golden elixir was so frightened that he peed on the spot.

But in Jiang Tian's eyes, there were no such ants.

He turned his head, looked at Changsheng Cult Leader Ming Ruyi calmly, and said calmly:

"I wonder if I, the Star Slaughter, am qualified to challenge you now? Otherwise, I will kill a few more elder-level experts to show you!"

"I should call you Jiang Taichu, right?"

The leader of the Immortal Sect, Ming Ruyi, fluttered in her clothes, like a goddess flying in the sky. A touch of beauty appeared on the corner of her mouth, her jade face was radiant, her beauty surpassed all other beauties, and she said in a sweet voice:

"This leader never expected that you would kill the Western World so quickly!"


As soon as this word came out.

The whole place was in an uproar, like a rolling wave, a tsunami and a hurricane.

Everyone's expressions changed wildly, they were stunned, looking at Jiang Tian in disbelief, whispering to each other, and talking about it.

"It turns out that he is Jiang Taichu, the number one person on earth!"

"How courageous! He took a different approach and went deep into the Western World alone! It's unbelievable!"

"This boy is indeed extraordinary! How terrifying! This is a dangerous situation for the army, and you want to catch the enemy unawares!"

Many people were shocked, and even a little admired that they themselves were unwilling to admit.

If someone had said before that Jiang Taichu from the Earth Realm entered the Western World to attack the Immortality Sect, I am afraid everyone would laugh out loud and regard him as a fool.

In the view of the powerful people from the Western Land, the human race in the earth realm has lost its orthodoxy and its inheritance is cut off. They are like insects and flies, and they are simply vulnerable.

but now!

Jiang Tian has killed the four elders of the guest ministers, and he killed them instantly. His sword pointed at Ming Ruyi, which made them aware of Jiang Tian's terrifying strength!

"Yes, it's me!"

Jiang Tian did not deny it.

He put his hands behind his back, stood in the air, his face was very calm, and he said calmly:

"I want to kill you! Become the master of this world! Take action!"

A few simple notes were spoken calmly from Jiang Tian's ears.

However, when everyone heard it, it sounded like thunder in their ears.

This guy is so brave!

This boy is simply unruly, domineering, and simply fierce to the extreme!

He is worthy of being a master-level powerhouse. Even if those worlds are not as powerful as the Western Land, they are still the masters of the world after all!

"It turns out that he is Jiang Taichu...the one who controls the Earth Realm and the Star Realm...Jiang Taichu!"

Prince Chihan smiled miserably, and suddenly felt like a frog in a well, a clown, extremely ridiculous, and extremely ignorant!

Previously, he had repeatedly looked down on Jiang Tian, ​​believing that Jiang Tian was from a humble race and was not qualified to be ranked alongside him.

He was even ashamed of his status as a direct disciple.

During today's bloody ceremony, he wanted to suppress Jiang Tian and become the leader's favorite disciple!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Tian turned out to be a dominant figure in control of the world, and what he wanted was not the position of direct disciple!

How could this majesty, this monstrous domineering power, and this boundless power be comparable to that of a mere prince from a secular country!

"It turns out that his true identity is..." Mou Bilian almost stared out of her eyes.

She has heard of Jiang Taichu's name a long time ago. It is said that he is the strongest person in the earth world, and he even once dominated other dimensional worlds!

The funny thing is!

She had previously thought that Jiang Tian needed the protection of their Mou family, and she had repeatedly despised him because of his status as a guard!

"Why didn't he tell me? Maybe he thought that a small character like me was not qualified to talk to him!"

"I despised him so much, why didn't he kill me? Did he think I was not qualified to let him take action!"

But now, she understands that Jiang Tian is a master-level power, and his goal is to kill the leader of the Immortal Cult and aspire to the position of master!

With such an identity and strength, why does he need the protection of the Mou family? The fact is that Jiang Tian has been helping and saving the Mou family!

At this moment, she felt a strong sense of regret in her heart, and felt that this was the biggest joke in her life!

"Jiang Taichu, you have also seen it. What our Immortality Sect does is to open a channel for all people in the world to transcend this world!"

The leader of Immortality is Ming Ruyi, his appearance is stunning, his eyes are sad and vicissitudes of life, and he is kind and seductive:

"To achieve this goal, our Immortality Sect has countless predecessors and sages, people with lofty ideals, who have gone forward one after another, sacrificed their flesh and blood, and were not afraid of death. I wonder if what happened today has touched you?"

“Although your sect’s teachings may confuse people’s minds and your monstrous words confuse the public, your spirit of bravely advancing, pursuing the limits of cultivation, and climbing to the pinnacle of cultivation really shocks and admires you!”

Jiang Tian nodded slightly and said truthfully:

"Your skills, traditions, and resources are not top-notch in the Western Land."

"But you are like a strong man who cuts off his wrist and scrapes the bones to heal the wounds. You dare to operate on yourself, cut off the rotten and weak parts through the sect competition, and constantly renew your body. Only then can you be ranked at the top of the Western Land!"

"Jiang Taichu, you are worthy of being the most powerful person in the earth world, and you are very knowledgeable."

The beautiful eyes of Ming Ruyi, the leader of Changsheng Cult, lit up, a hint of joy appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his voice was soft and authentic:

"It's not like those fake Taoists who, as soon as they see my Immortality Sect's style, they talk about blood, cruelty, and disregard for human ethics, and denounce them as evil heretics!"

"Fellow Taoist Taichu, to be honest, I admire you very much. We might as well turn our hostility into friendship and shake hands to make peace."

"From now on, I, Ming Ruyi, will fully support you in dominating the earth world, and leave all the Brahmins to you."

There was a hint of shyness and joy on her face, like a delicate flower shining in the water, incomparably beautiful, obedient, and softly said:

"Moreover, the slave family has not yet had a Taoist companion, and has been living alone. If a Taoist friend is interested, the slave family is willing to form a double Taoist couple with you, and give the power of Yuan Yin to each other."

"From now on, your husband has the final say in the Immortality Religion! Wouldn't it be beautiful for you and I to climb the path of immortality hand in hand and pursue the supreme road!"

As soon as this word came out.

There was dead silence.

Everyone looked at each other in astonishment and couldn't believe it.

Is the leader openly proposing?

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