Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1141 Don’t even think about coveting my beauty, I’ll kill you

In the Western world, the folk customs are fierce and open-minded, and women can boldly and openly court men and propose marriage.

Jiang Tian and Changsheng Cult Leader Ming Ruyi are now fighting like two armies. The Changsheng Cult Leader's actions still surprised many people.

"The leader's move is extremely wise!"

But there are some old Jianghu who have focused eyes and nodded slightly.

The Immortality Sect takes life and death very lightly, and regards blood ties, family ties, and human relations as worthless.

They only focus on the strong and continue to challenge them. They only pursue bravery and diligence, pursue the supreme road, and practice to the limit!

For example, if a monk kills another monk's biological father, the latter will not avenge his father's murder if his cultivation level is higher than that of a strong person.

The leader of the Immortality Cult and others actually don't care at all how many people Jiang Tian killed, as long as Jiang Tian is willing to join the Immortality Cult, let bygones be bygones.

As long as Jiang Tian is strong, he can be worthy of being the leader of Changsheng!

And now Jiang Tian has killed three guest elders in a row, and the strength he has shown is already the golden elixir perfection.

Moreover, Jiang Tian is very young, and he is the ruler of the earth world. His future is limitless, no less than that of the original poster of Tingyu Tower!

The leader of the Immortality Religion chose him, which seemed to be deviant and unreasonable, but in fact he couldn't be more rational!

"One step to reach the sky! One step to reach the sky!"

At this time, many young male monks looked at Jiang Tian with envy and jealousy, wishing to replace him.

That's right, if the power of the Yuan Yin of the Immortal Cult Leader is absorbed by Jiang Tian, ​​it will be able to withstand hundreds of years of hard work! It can push Jiang Tian directly from foundation building to foundation building perfection, directly pointing to the golden elixir!

Being drunk and lying on the knees of a beautiful woman, waking up to take control of the world, and pushing the level of cultivation to an infinite level, this is simply what many male monks dream of!

"I was originally a life-and-death enemy, but with a little cultivation, I conquered the leader! If spread, it will be a good story!"

"Yes, that's what a man should do!"

Many people were sighing secretly, looking at Jiang Tian standing in the sky with reverence. Although they couldn't come, they longed for it.

In the crowd, Wu Yaoniang pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Master Jiang Xian is really powerful. He took down the Immortality Sect without even using a single soldier!"

Li Wuji shook his head and sighed, saying: "Being young is good, being handsome is invincible, you can't compare, you can't compare!"

"Senior Luomei, Brother Jiang won't agree!"

But Mou Hongdie looked very nervous and clenched her fists tightly.

Fairy Luomei smiled bitterly, not sure.

Jiang Tian once rejected her request for dual cultivation. It can be seen that he has a deep affection for his wife and a strong sense of morality.

But the so-called affection and loyalty are just because the temptation is not big enough!

No matter how good Jiang Tian's wife is, she is just an ordinary woman. How can she compare with the goddess-like Immortal Cult Leader?

Tang Linglong secretly gritted her teeth and snorted with disdain:

"Why are all the women in the Western World so mean? They are so charming! Have your dream in the autumn, how could my master like you!"

Of course, only a few people in Tang Linglong thought so.

Most people think that Jiang Tian will definitely agree!

Because if you refuse the temptation to work hard for hundreds of years, you will be in trouble.

"Haha, Master Changsheng, you think very highly of yourself!"

Jiang Tian shook his head gently and said mockingly:

"Do you think you are giving me alms? Do you think you are superior? Do you think you can wait until I am so grateful that I burst into tears?"

"Wrong! Don't even think about it. I already have a wife, so don't covet my beauty! Please understand, I am here to kill you!"

"He actually refused?"

After hearing this, everyone was stunned, their eyes almost bulging out of their eyes, they were shocked and couldn't believe it.

"Is your wife better than me in cultivation?"

The leader of Changsheng asked with a calm face.

"No. At least not yet. She hasn't set foot to build the foundation yet. She is pregnant and has been on the bed for a long time. Her life is precarious!" Jiang Tian said truthfully.

"Then you think I'm not pretty enough?"

A hint of pride appeared on the face of the leader of the Changsheng Cult, and he asked again.

"You look pretty good!" Jiang Tian smiled coldly.

This woman has plump and noble breasts, a slender waist, long and round legs, a tall figure, sexy and hot, and is even more attractive than the supermodels on earth.

She had just absorbed the essence and blood of countless living people to nourish her body.

At this time, the skin is as soft and flawless as a newborn baby, snow white and crystal clear, and the face is even more charming and gorgeous.

Coupled with her domineering temperament, she is like a queen overlooking the world from above, which can easily arouse the desire to conquer in any man.

"Then why didn't you agree?" Ming Ruyi asked.

"No reason! Because I have no love for you!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were contemptuous and he said coldly:

"In their eyes, you are a high-ranking leader and a goddess who dominates the world, but in my eyes, you are not even as good as a hair of my wife!"

"Why don't you just pee and take a picture of yourself? You are hundreds of years old and you are an old witch! You still want to sleep with me! You also want to covet my beautiful face! You think that I am much more beautiful than you are! Your head What's that growing inside? Is it poop? Can you be a little self-aware?"

As soon as this word came out.

There was dead silence.

There was not even a sound in the square for several kilometers.

The tens of thousands of people present were all stunned, their tongues were tied, as if their throats were being strangled, and they could not even utter a word.

"Has Master Ling always been so narcissistic?"

Fairy Luomei looked at Tang Linglong and said dumbfounded.

"That's too venomous! Even if you refuse, there's no need to hit people like this!"

Wu Yaoniang felt a little sympathetic to the leader of Changsheng at this moment.

"Isn't that right? It's so hateful! There was a chance for peaceful negotiation, why don't you live to the death?" Li Wuji sighed with emotion.

"Humph, that's not a big deal! Any woman who dares to covet my master's beauty is just looking for discomfort! My master will kill someone!"

Tang Linglong hummed a few times.

"Jiang Taichu, you are seeking death!"

Sure enough, Ming Ruyi suddenly changed her color.

A roar like rolling thunder came from her full chest, shocking the entire audience.

She was angry!

Unprecedented rage!

Even though she has been practicing for hundreds of years, she is still a woman!

When you insult someone with age and appearance, it's simply more uncomfortable than killing her!

"Ant! I have given you a chance to live, but you don't know it, and you still dare to humiliate me like this!"

Ming Ruyi, the leader of the Immortal Cult, was grinding his silver teeth into small pieces, and his clear and beautiful eyes were bursting with anger, which was like smoke from all his orifices.

She was like a dragon and a phoenix, rising slowly, with fluttering robes and long clothes. She looked down at Jiang Tian like an ant and shouted coldly:

"Smelly man! Do you really think that after killing a few golden elixirs and destroying a few guest elders, you dare to show off your power in front of me! How dare you look down on me!"

"I am a top-grade golden elixir, with the cultivation of a baby, and my combat power is comparable to that of a baby. Killing you is as easy as killing a chicken!"

"Finally angry, are you going to take action?"

Jiang Tian stood with his hands behind his hands, his eyes cold:

"I've been waiting for a long time. It's long past time for a war! Women just like to chatter! They can't be compared with my wife!"

"Okay! As you wish, it will be your honor for me to send you on your way!"

Upon hearing this, Ming Ruyi, the Master of Immortality, saw a murderous cold light in his slightly dilated eyes. His resentment was extremely strong, and a hint of determination flashed across his face.

She suddenly took action and slapped Jiang Tian.

After taking this palm, the void between heaven and earth suddenly shattered, the sun and moon hung upside down, and the power of the palm shook the heaven and earth!

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