Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1246: When it comes to fighting, looking at the universe, I have never conquered anyone.

"Jiang Taichu, how dare you hit me!"

Ji Muchian was stunned for a moment before he realized that he had been beaten.

For a moment, he was so angry that his whole body was trembling, his flushed face was shaking violently, and his eyes almost popped out!

Who is Ji Muxian? The majestic leader of the Kunlun Sect, the original No. 1 sect in the world, even the famous pre-Qin sects have to give three cents less!

But Jiang Tian slapped him directly, and hundreds of millions of people saw it!

Where will he put his old face in the future?

"Congratulations, you can answer it quickly!"

Jiang Tian smiled faintly and slapped him again in the air.

This time, Ji Muchian was prepared in advance and retreated like lightning.

However, I just feel that there are palm shadows in all directions, and I can't avoid them.


This slap hit Ji Muchian's face so hard that two of his teeth flew out and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"If it weren't for the sake of your mentor Li Wuji, I would have killed you long ago!"

Jiang Tian looked down at the pale-faced Ji Muxian and scolded him sternly, as if lecturing a child:

"Li Wuji and I are brothers and we are friends of the same generation! According to our seniority, you should call me uncle! What qualifications do you have to call me by my first name, no matter how big or small you are!"

"Go away! You have no right to speak here! Remember, I won't kill you today because you are not worthy of me. In the future, someone will definitely kill you!"

Being so humiliated by Jiang Tian, ​​Ji Muchian glared at Jiang Tian with resentment, her face turned red with anger, her whole body was trembling violently, her chest was filled with vitality, and she almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

But he didn't dare to fight Jiang Tian.

Yes, he didn't dare! He knew that he was no match for Jiang Tian. Even if Jiang Tian was restricted by the Prisoner Immortal Formation, there were still a hundred ways to kill him.

"Good words can't persuade a damned person. Since you are bent on death, I won't bring you back!"

Without saying a word, he retreated directly to the surrounding mountain peaks, comforting himself in his heart. This kid was going to die soon anyway, so there was no need to argue with him! Later, I will whip the corpse to vent his anger and crush him to ashes!

"Master Mu Xian, you are the master of the Kunlun Sect, the leader of the Taoist sect in the world, and a famous senior figure. How dare he slap you? How unbearable is that!"

"Senior Ji, as long as you say a word, I won't go up and cut him into pieces!"

Many famous pre-Qin families and hidden royal families showed their due indignation and condemned Jiang Tian in unison.

But having said that, no one dares to take action rashly. Now it is a duel between the master of a famous family and Jiang Tian. How can ordinary people be their opponents.

"Forget it. I won't argue with a dying man. Besides, he has done great service to China. Let others kill him. I won't do it!"

Ji Muxian was a tough talker, and he sneered, pretending to be aloof, and waved his hand to interrupt the words of many fellow Taoists.

"Look, this is the magnanimity of a famous figure. Does Jiang Taichu have it? How can such a narrow-minded person take on such a big responsibility!"

Ye Yuhui snorted coldly, with an expression of contempt and disgust.

"Alas, Jiang Taichu relies on his talent and is arrogant, his fierce flames are too strong, and his sharpness is exposed. Even if he survives today's crisis, he will surely perish in the future!"

The eminent monk of Huangjue Temple shook his head and commented.

He couldn't stand people like Jiang Tian. He was too crazy and unruly. He only respected the strong and didn't know how to respect his seniors.

Even if the senior did something wrong or said the wrong thing, it is still the senior. Besides, they are kindly mediating, how can you do it!

Ji Mingchuan was so angry that he gritted his teeth and snorted coldly: "A mere brat really thinks he is invincible! Huh, my Kunlun Sect can't defeat you, and I don't believe you can compete with the famous pre-Qin clan!"

"I want to see how you, Jiang Taichu, was trampled under the feet of the famous pre-Qin family today!" Li Guangzhe and others also snorted coldly.

Jiang Tian was like a mountain peak pressing on their heads, making them breathless.

They know that Jiang Tian is too strong and difficult to chase, so they are particularly eager to kill Jiang Tian.

With Ji Muchian's withdrawal from the battlefield, it also announced that Jiang Tian's last hope of shaking hands and making peace with the famous pre-Qin clan was shattered.

"Have you seen it? Jiang Taichu is so disrespectful and does not respect the order of superiority and inferiority. He is so crazy!"

Yin Junjie smiled coldly, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

At this time, the two sides have not only a dispute over the ideals of the great road, but also a dispute over great interests, and a hatred of life and death. They are already on the same level.

A war will inevitably break out.

"Jiang Taichu, you are ignorant!"

At this time, the puppet Black Bear took a step forward, and Yu Wending shouted:

"Isn't it good for everyone to live in this cage of heaven and earth? You have no idea of ​​the deep meaning of the cage of heaven and earth. It is part of the bunker plan, a declaration of peace to the universe. It declares that we are an inferior civilization and will not be exterminated! "

"When you revive your spiritual energy, you are tearing down the bunker and exposing the earth to the eyes and guns of the powerful men in the universe!"

"The Immortal Ruins, that is, the Immortal Land, was originally a new territory opened up by the Sheng Emperor. It was the same as the ancient earth. It could have shaken hands and made peace. It was your surname Jiang who killed the people in the dimensional world and caused a bloody storm. The contradiction is irreconcilable.”

"For the sake of the life of the earth and the overall interests of the common people, our famous pre-Qin family tried to persuade you not to revive your spiritual energy. However, you are stubborn and insist on your own way. You even jumped over the wall to kill my heir. This is unreasonable. I will cut you into pieces today!"

As soon as he said this, the whole place fell silent.

Jiang Tian smiled and said nothing.

"Don't he know the truth about Immortal Ruins? He also said that Immortal Ruins and the earth world are friends!"

Many people looked at each other in disbelief.

No wonder Yu aspired to the throne!

He originally lived in the dimensional world, did not care about world affairs, did not know how to use modern communication equipment, and did not watch the live broadcast. How could he know that the truth of the Immortal Ruins had been made public.

"Master (senior), that's not the case..."

Yu Fenghua, Ji Muye and others looked even more embarrassed, and quickly transmitted their spiritual consciousness.

"Damn it, it's already been spread, why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Yu Wending's face suddenly turned red, he was extremely embarrassed, and he staggered, almost falling off the black bear puppet.

Yin Haojie roared angrily: "So what if there are some misunderstandings, why can't we sit down and have a good talk? You Jiang Taichu actually killed someone directly. You clearly don't take our famous pre-Qin family seriously. This beast must be punished!"

He makes unreasonable arguments, speaks cleverly, and confuses right and wrong:

"You might as well check how many people Jiang Taichu has killed over the years with his fierce flames. How can this person take on such a big responsibility!"

"Indeed. Even if spiritual energy recovery is inevitable, this son cannot stay, let alone control the Mythical Alliance. Jiang Taichu, hand over the control of many spiritual energy recovery seeds and the spirit guiding array, and I will spare your life!"

Ji Xiqi snorted coldly, with murderous intent appearing in his eyes.

"Hand it over!" Jiang Diaoweng said concisely.

"Interesting! So shameless!"

Jiang Tian sneered and said:

"Yu Jingtian and the others wanted to attack my Jiang Taichu Mountain Gate Dojo and kill my disciples, but it was me, Jiang Taichu, who deserved to be killed. Are you satisfied that I, Jiang Taichu, killed me at the neck without any resistance?"

"Now you have made a big mistake. Not only do you not repent, but you want to kill me again. Where is the justice? Where is the reason?"

"It seems that there is a reason why Yu Jingtian and the others are so arrogant and domineering. The so-called upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. It is because of the habits of parents like you!"

Yu Jingtian and the others looked embarrassed and were speechless for a while.

In fact, Jiang Tian's words certainly make sense.

The famous families in the pre-Qin Dynasty just didn't take care of themselves.

Jiang Tian originally asked them to discuss the plan for spiritual energy recovery, and his attitude was very friendly.

On the contrary, Yu Jingtian and others, for their own selfish interests, confused right and wrong, confused the public, shouted to kill Jiang Tian, ​​and first attacked the disciples of the Tianqing Sect's dojo.

Everyone was speechless, only Yin Junjie scratched his neck and roared loudly: "Jiang Taichu, are you an idiot?"

"You have been around for so many years, don't you know that in the world of cultivation, the strong are respected and the weak are ants? This is the principle of justice!"

"You are nothing but ants and bugs! Under the Prison Immortal Formation, except for our famous Pre-Qin clan, everyone is just an ant! You, Jiang Taichu, are just an ant and bug in our eyes, an inferior being! Why should we, the famous clan from Pre-Qin, talk to you, an ant bug? What's the point, what's the point of justice! Will you reason with the ants and cockroaches you crushed to death? We'll kill you if we tell you to, so you should wash your neck and wait obediently for us to chop you off! How dare you resist!"

"Hahahaha, we were talking about seniority just now, now it's just who has the bigger fist who makes sense!"

Jiang Tian laughed loudly, like a dragon roaring and a tiger roaring, the sound resounding for hundreds of miles. Although he was laughing, he couldn't express the coldness and solemnity. Then his smile faded and he sneered:

"If you talk a thousand words, won't you have to fight in the end?"

"Just fight, I, Jiang Taichu, can't do anything else, but when it comes to fighting, looking at the universe, I haven't conquered anyone yet!"

He laughed ferociously and said:

"Let's take action! I can't wait to tear off your heads and use them as balls to kick!"

"Everyone, why are you talking nonsense with a small role like him? Kill him!"

Yin Junjie had the hottest temper, and Yin Chaoge died in front of his eyes. How could he bear it? He roared angrily and was the first to take action.

He raised his hand, and the golden whip in his hand instantly broke through the sound barrier and turned into a golden light, passing through Jiang Tian Cave.

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