Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1247: Going forward without hesitation, killing people like hemp

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

The golden whip flew out, and suddenly the wind roared, thunder and lightning crashed, and a sea of ​​thunder and earth-shattering waves formed.

Moreover, this golden whip grew larger in the wind and became tens of meters long. It was like a cruise missile, bringing out a shrill and strange howl. The long white turbulence dragged into a long tail and passed through Jiangtian Cave with great power. amazing.

"This is the male whip among the male and female whips used by the Yin Shang Army God Wen Taishi back then. It has twenty-six sections and four talismans on one section. It is specially designed to defeat the eight righteous gods! Senior Taichu, be careful!"

Seeing this, Ye Keren turned pale and shouted to remind Jiang Tian.

Even though she was full of fighting spirit and had experienced many battles, she was still frightened by this terrifying power.

"Hmph, after this battle, I must kill this woman!"

Seeing the woman telling the origin of the whip, Ji Muxian glared at Ye Keren angrily, then sneered:

"With this whip, it is no exaggeration to say that it can kill Yuanying Tianjun. Jiang Taichu is restricted by the prisoner immortal formation and cannot bear it at all!"

Among the treasures of the Yin and Shang dynasties, this item ranks among the top five, far surpassing ordinary spiritual treasures. It can be called a terrifying existence that is quasi-real.

This is the horror of the famous families in the pre-Qin Dynasty.

Even though his skills were incomplete and his talents were withering, he had a strong family background and many magical weapons. He was able to be as equal as Emperor Sheng at the beginning.

"Like ants, they also want to kill me!"

Facing this divine whip, Jiang Tian's eyes were indifferent. He didn't even loosen the thick earth-suppressing chain, and raised his hand to punch it.

With this punch, the vast zhenyuan suddenly turned into a small mountain-like fist, shining brightly like a jade carving, hitting the whip.


Suddenly, there was a loud bang like gold and iron, which shocked many people. Even if they covered their ears, their ears were bleeding, their eardrums were ruptured, and they almost fainted on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, under the shocked gaze of everyone, the golden whip like a cruise missile was knocked upside down and flew away.

With a roar, the golden whip shot into the military formation uncontrollably, knocking hundreds of famous people from the pre-Qin period to their feet, corpses falling like rain, and smashing a mountain into pieces before stopping.

But the huge jade-white fist remained motionless. When Jiang Tian retracted his fist, it turned into real energy and gathered it. It was obvious that Jiang Tian had the upper hand.


Seeing this scene, Yin Haojie was shocked and shocked. Even Yu Wending and other three heads of famous families had slightly condensed expressions.

"It actually flew away!"

Ji Muxian was also dumbfounded, embarrassed, and felt like he had been slapped in the face.

"Whip it!"

Yin Junjie was just about to take back the golden whip, but he saw Jiang Tian take the treasure into his hand with one move, easily erased the mark of spiritual consciousness on it, and threw it to Huo Qingtian, saying:

"Keep it, this is a thunder magic weapon, containing the power of wind and thunder. I will refine it later and give it to the bad old man Zhang Qianlei!"

"Jiang Taichu, give me back my treasure!"

Yin Junjie was taken aback and shouted angrily in a hurry.

Everyone suddenly became confused.

Can you ask for some face? If you hit someone with a magic weapon and the magic weapon is taken away, do you still have the face to ask for it?

"Are there any more treasures? Come and beat me! I'll take them all!"

Jiang Tian put his hands behind his back and said coldly.

"I'm so angry, kill me!"

Yin Junjie shouted, took out a magic weapon that looked like a toilet, and hit Jiang Tian.

"Is this weird, golden toilet?"

"The famous families in the pre-Qin Dynasty were rich, and the toilets were all made of pure gold!"

In the live broadcast room, barrages popped up one after another and flooded the screen.

"This should be the legendary Hunyuan Golden Dou, the most precious treasure of intercepting the teachings. It shined brilliantly in the Battle of the Gods. It even captured the twelve golden immortals of the Chan teaching. If nothing else, the Nine-bending Yellow River Formation also It’s about to start!”

Ji Muxian's eyes lit up again and he was shocked. In his eyes, Jiang Tian was already a dead man.

"It turns out to be Hunyuan Jindou! Now, Jiang Taichu is in danger! If you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer the consequences!"

The old monk of Huangjue Temple shook his head and smiled bitterly, sighing with regret and a sense of relief.

The Hunyuan Golden Dou contains the wonders of heaven and earth. The cause and effect are unknown, the number of calamities is unknown, and the magical power is unknown. It is said to "contain the universe and the world, and let him collect all the treasures." It is extremely powerful and can collect people and things without any disadvantage.

As soon as this treasure came out, golden light filled the sky, and everyone in all directions was shaken. The sky and earth were filled with sand and rocks, and there was chaos. The endless bright golden light, like lightning, shot toward Jiang Tian's head.

"Huh? This baby is quite good!"

For the first time, Jiang Tian's face looked solemn.

Others don't know the cause and effect of this treasure, but Jiang Tian can see it at a glance. It is made of Hunyuan gold and contains the Taotie Dao pattern.

This gold is known as the first gold of heaven and earth. Although it is weaker than the divine material, it can at least be called an immortal material. The Taotie Dao pattern engraved in it is also very good. It can swallow all things and is not much weaker than the sky-swallowing demon gourd. There may even be the place.

"Okay, okay, Hunyuan Jindou, what does this look like!"

However, Jiang Tian was not surprised but overjoyed. He took a step forward, his eyes showing the ecstasy of an old hunter at the sight of his prey.

There was a click in the dantian, and several thick earth-suppressing chains exploded. Suzaku's fake elixir jumped, and Jiang Tian waved his hands simultaneously.

I saw a ray of bright Suzaku fire, forming a 100-meter-long flaming sword, which was slashed down.


After this knife slashed, a feeling of heat filled the air. Trees within a radius of ten miles instantly withered, and even started to burst into flames with billowing black smoke. The sword's glow was so bright and dazzling that it stimulated people to shed tears, and many people closed their eyes subconsciously.

Only some top experts can perceive it with the shock of their spiritual consciousness.

Under Jiang Tian's blazing sword light, the Hunyuan Golden Dou could barely hold on for a few seconds. Then, it was slashed by the sword like a hot knife like butter, split into two pieces, and Jiang Tian raised his hand. Take it into your hands.

"What? Hunyuan Jindou can cut through it, what kind of evil skill is he practicing!"

Ji Muxian, the old monk from Huangjue Temple and others suddenly screamed like a cat that had stepped on its tail, in disbelief.

"Kill, kill, kill! Open the Nine-Bend Yellow River Formation for me!"

This time, the backlash of Hunyuan Jindou's magic power was so strong that Yin Junjie was shaken so hard that his Dantian trembled violently, blood spurted from his mouth, his face was twisted in pain, and he looked as ferocious as a ghost.

He staggered and took three steps back. A trace of determination flashed across his face, but he shouted loudly.

After saying that, he turned the starting array disk in his hand nine times.

"Borrow the Thousand Miles of Yellow River!"

Boom! With a sound, the Yin Shang army behind him was in formation.

On top of a huge array vehicle, many array components suddenly began to rotate according to the directions of the Nine Palaces and Bagua.

The array of Qi fills the sky and the earth, with mighty force, and the power of the Yellow River is boundless, shrouding Jiang Tian!

The cold wind and rustling air invaded people, and the black mist filled the sky and confused the sun and moon. Long and long, Yao Yao Mingming. Miserable gas surged into the sky, haze penetrated the ground, and the various murderous auras of the Nine-Meandering Yellow River Formation instantly enveloped a ten-mile radius, filling the entire valley, and even reaching the surrounding peaks filled with spectators.

A single burst of Qi from this killing array can kill a strong foundation-builder, not to mention that it is simply boundless at this time!

The endless and tragic haze swept towards Jiang Tian, ​​like a stormy wave crashing on the shore.

These miasma formations have spiritual attacks and can destroy souls and souls. If you practice for thousands of years, you will become a painting; if you are demoralized and demoralized, you will perish even if you escape thousands of disasters and hardships.

"This formation is terrible. It is difficult for gods to come and cut off the three flowers on the top. Even if you, the Buddha, come to harm you, the five qi in your chest will be eliminated!"

When Ji Muxian saw this, the shock on his face receded, his eyes became cold and stern, and he sneered triumphantly:

"Jiang Taichu, you don't know the depth and depth, and you don't know the height and depth of the sky. It's hard to escape from this disaster. I'm afraid you will definitely die today!"

"Yin Haojie, how could you act like this! Tens of thousands of engineers are assembling the spirit-guiding array here, and hundreds of thousands of people are watching here. Are you going to kill them too?!"

When Cao Shixiong saw this, his face turned pale, and then he shouted angrily.

At this time, the formation covered dozens of miles in radius and was still spreading.

Soon, the miasma of the formation spread to the crowd of onlookers, killing those who touched it and turning into pus, blood and white bones in the blink of an eye.


Seeing this scene, countless onlookers on the surrounding mountain peaks were so frightened that they fled in all directions.

"Ah ah, don't step on me! Who will save me! Jiang Taichu, save me! Aren't you...the savior?"

Soon there was a stampede. Wanwan, who was wearing high heels, fell to the ground, howling miserably. In the blink of an eye, she was trampled into a pulp and died.

She was still full of shock and fear until she died.

She never expected that she had been supporting the famous Pre-Qin family and running against Jiang Tian, ​​but in the end, she died at the hands of the famous Pre-Qin family, shouting the name of Jiang Tian and the savior.

"I can activate this formation, but I cannot control it. You should be buried with Jiang Taichu!"

Yin Junjie held the activation disk in his hand and kept turning it, his eyes were fierce and ferocious, and he said with a thunderbolt:

"Cao Shixiong, you are still a veteran on the battlefield, but you only have the kindness of a woman. Don't you know that there is no emperor who has not stepped on the bones of the common people to ascend to the throne! I, the Yin Shang lineage, kill people like killing ants!"

"Okay, okay, is this the style of your famous pre-Qin clan?"

Jiang Tian glanced at the people who had fallen down one after another around him, and for the first time he became angry. He snorted coldly, with murderous intent boiling in his eyes.

Although he has been a man for two generations and has killed endlessly, he has always killed those who deserve to be killed, and he has never killed innocent people indiscriminately like Yin Junjie.

"Today, I, Jiang Taichu, will let the blood of the famous Pre-Qin clan be spread all over the Emei Valley. After today, there will be no famous Pre-Qin clan in China!"

Jiang Tian's words haven't even finished yet.

A ray of fire rushed out from his dantian, turning into a huge winged and blazing red Suzaku divine body, soaring straight into the sky!

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