Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1249 Killing the heads of famous families in succession, staining the sky with blood


There was a huge muffled sound like several nuclear explosions, flames shot up into the sky, colorful mushroom clouds rose up in the sky, and billowing pieces of iron and molten metal flew across the valley. The entire valley was like a typhoon passing through, with a radius of ten miles, and it was suddenly a mess.

The army of famous pre-Qin sects was pushed to the ground, and their positions were in chaos. Thousands of people died in an instant.

Only a few famous sect masters and powerful golden elixirs can still stand in the void.

"how could it be possible!"

Ji Muxian was so shocked that her legs softened and she almost sat down on the ground. The old monk of Huangjue Temple was also dumbfounded and completely speechless.

"With me, Jiang Taichu, nothing is impossible! It's just a puppet, it can explode with just one finger!"

Jiang Tian curled his lips with a mocking look, and his eyes fell on the pale face of Yin Junjie again.


Yin Junjie's heart was filled with warning signs again. He screamed and hurriedly drove the Qixiang chariot to retreat to the side of the other three heads of famous families.

This armored black bear once helped Emperor Yu control floods and fight against mountains and rivers. Even in ancient times, it was so famous that even the sages of ancient times were helpless. But at this moment, it couldn't even sustain a punch from Jiang Tian.

But don't know.

Even when Jiang Tian just punched the black bear puppet, he was still suppressing his cultivation with the thick earth-suppressing chain, and the explosive cultivation was still only at the third level of foundation building.

But any of his divine bodies, even if they only use the third level of foundation building, are still several times more powerful than ordinary golden elixir masters in terms of combat effectiveness. Otherwise, how could he be able to cut through everyone's supreme weapons like chopping melons and vegetables.

"How could a bunch of frogs in a well know what I, Jiang Taichu, am capable of!"

"Yes, I am restricted by the Prison Immortal Formation and cannot exert my peak combat power, but to kill you, why do I need to use my peak combat power!"

Jiang Tian killed happily and laughed heartily.

But the speed was not slow at all. In a flash, he crossed the distance of several miles, reached the top of the Qixiang Car, and stepped on it.

"Fellow Daoist Yin Haojie is in danger, stop him quickly!"

"Let's take action together!"

Yu Wending, Ji Xiqi and Jiang Diaoweng all shouted loudly, panicked and furious, and all took action.

In an instant, several murderous auras and magic weapon fluctuations that penetrated the heaven and earth fell from the sky, causing the void to tremble, the wind howling, endless trees bent and shattered, stones the size of millstones flying like snow flakes, and the earth cracked with terrifying cracks.


Jiang Tian had his hands behind his back, his long white clothes fluttering like a flag, but there was a flash of murderous intent in his eyes.

As the foot stepped down, a hundred-meter-long huge foot suddenly condensed, and like a giant spirit god stepping down, it fell from the sky with the aura of destroying everything.

"Ah! Jiang Taichu, how dare you kill me!"

Feeling the murderous intent of this kick, Yin Junjie raised his head and shouted, his eyes full of unwillingness, resentment, anger and madness. He held the white ax in his left hand and waved it fiercely. With his right hand, he grabbed the golden scissors that Yin Chaoge threw on the ground and turned them into Two golden dragons soared into the sky.

After all, his cultivation level is much higher than that of Yin Chaoge. Although it is the same magic weapon, its power is at least several times greater.

I saw two dragons about a hundred feet long, solid as if they had substance, and they opened their teeth and claws, as if they could tear the sky apart.

at the same time.

Yin Haojie stamped his foot, and the entire Seven Fragrance Car shook violently. The ancient sacred trees, curtains, golden hooks, and endless pearls all erupted into thousands of colorful brilliance, forming layers of overlapping protective masks, trying to block Jiang Tian's attack. This kick.

This Qixiang Car has a great background!

It was the car that Boyikao gave to King Zhou and Su Daji. It is said that it was the sacred car that the Yellow Emperor rode when he killed Chi You!

This car is made of countless strange woods, necklaces, and orbs, and is engraved with ancient Taoist patterns. It can travel hundreds of miles in an instant, don't ask about things, and the most important thing is that it has a powerful body protection function. Even the strongest ancient sages and sages cannot break it.

However, at Jiang Tian's feet, everything was useless.

Under Jiang Tian's kick, the two dragons roared and wailed and collapsed instantly like paper. The Qixiang Car was stepped on and sank into the ground like a meteorite for tens of meters before exploding. .

This kick finally landed on Yin Junjie's head.

Boom! A sound.

Yin Haojie's head exploded, and his tall and majestic body exploded, split into pieces, and turned into broken bones and minced flesh, which scattered everywhere.

Everyone was shocked and dumbfounded.

"Qixiang's car has been trampled! It's scary! It's too scary!"

Ji Muxian, the old monk of Huangjue Temple, and everyone watching were trembling all over, sweating profusely, unable to wipe them off, and their eyes were as frightened as seeing a demon.

Jiang Tianshi broke through the golden dragon scissors with his kick like a bamboo, crushed the Qixiang cart, and then crushed Yin Junjie, a real golden elixir powerhouse!

The power of the kick is so terrifying!


At this time, many magic weapon attacks really hit.

Jiang Tian's face was indifferent, he held up the sky with one hand, and a golden giant palm a hundred feet long rose into the sky, destroying all the magic weapon attacks.

"Do you think I can't kill you because I am suppressed by the Prisoner Immortal Formation and cannot use all my abilities?"

"You think you are pre-Qin Qi practitioners, orthodox in Xuanmen, and invincible with many magic weapons. How do you know how powerful Jiang Taichu's skills are!"

Jiang Tian put his hands behind his back, his eyes as calm as the eternal blue sky, looking down at the famous pre-Qin sects from high above.

Yu Wending's face was stern and he said nothing.

Big beads of sweat rolled down Jiang Diaoweng's forehead, his hair was messy, his chest was stained with blood, and he was in a miserable state.

His Wuji Xinghuang Banner was destroyed, half of his Divine Whip Dao Mark was wiped out by Jiang Tian's punch, and his Dantian and Spiritual Consciousness were severely injured due to the backlash.

Ji Xiqi's hands tightly grasping the Tai Chi Bagua array were trembling slightly, and his whole body was tense, as if facing a formidable enemy.

"How did that happen!"

At this time, Ji Muchian felt her mouth taste bitter and her face was full of disbelief.

He never thought that even if Jiang Tian was suppressed by the Prison Immortal Formation and had a strong burst of foundation-building cultivation, he would be able to fight the golden elixir and destroy many pre-Qin magic weapons!

This is a real magic weapon. Which one is not passed down for a long time, and which one is not powerful!

But they don't know that when Jiang Tian first set foot in the world of Tianxing and Heaven, he didn't condense any fake elixirs. He actually killed a lot of powerful golden elixirs with his real foundation-building skills?

"How come this boy's strength is so terrifying!"

At this time, the eyes of Ji Muye, Jiang Feibai and other famous queens were shocked and full of disbelief, and they began to feel a little shaken and regretful in their hearts.

Originally, they thought that the leader of the famous pre-Qin clan came out with many magic weapons for the war of gods, and it would only take a matter of seconds to crush Jiang Tian.

But he didn't expect that Jiang Tian would be so strong, completely occupying the dominant position, and defeat the famous pre-Qin sect with many soldiers and generals.

Ji Muye and others swore that if they could turn back time, they would never provoke Jiang Tian easily and cause such a big fuss.

"Is Jiang Taichu really going to make a comeback?"

In addition to the winner, many hidden royal families also expressed shock.

"If he wins, we will all be in trouble!"

Zhu Xiaochen, Li Guangzhe and others were all extremely uneasy, with chills in their hearts, from head to toe.

Even the old monk of Huangjue Temple had a solemn face at this time, and he was fiddling with his rosary beads quickly, without any confidence.

Jiang Tian was in a completely overwhelming situation and could kill Yin Junjie. At least he wouldn't have much trouble killing Ji Xiqi and Jiang Diaoweng. Maybe only Yu Qidian could protect himself by using Jiuding and have a chance to win.

But how can their hidden royal family protect themselves?

Jiang Tian is bound to retaliate with his anger, how can he let them go with such fierce flames?

Moreover, this time, Jiang Tian was extremely benevolent and righteous. It was entirely the hidden royal family who provoked him to die. How could Jiang Tian be so merciful?

"Jiang Taichu, you and I are both Chinese cultivators, do we have to fight to the death?" Jiang Diaoweng asked in a deep voice with his sleeves and robes fluttering, as ethereal as an immortal.

"Jiang Taichu, if you give up your position as leader of the Mythical Alliance to us now, today, I can put aside the grudge of killing my son, put aside the past grudges with you, and shake hands to make peace!"

Yu Wending gritted his teeth, his face trembled, and he said with hatred.

For him, this was already the ultimate concession. After all, the hatred for killing his son was irreconcilable, so how could he not hate Jiang Tian.

"How can you, a bunch of old devils and clowns, control the Mythical Alliance?"

Jiang Tian's eyes were indifferent, but his words were domineering, and he sneered:

"I said that after today, there will be no famous pre-Qin family in China! Do you think my words are bragging?"

"Jiang Taichu, you must not know how to advance or retreat. You are so aggressive and bullying. Do you really think that our famous pre-Qin family is easy to bully?"

Before Yu Wending could speak, Yu Fenghua had already risen into the air, with a pretty face as cold as ice, and shouted angrily:

"Jiang Taichu, tens of thousands of our troops have gathered together. If we attack you together, will you be able to withstand it, even if you are extremely powerful?"

"Besides, we still have the Nine Cauldrons that trigger the Prisoner Immortal Formation. Once activated, the Heavenly Tribulation and the Heavenly Punishment will all fall. How much can you withstand it?"

As soon as she said these words, everyone's hearts surged with enthusiasm, and their eyes became a little more excited.

"That's right! The so-called hero can't stand up to a crowd, and two fists can't beat four hands. No matter how strong Jiang Taichu is, he's covered in iron, and how many nails can he crush! All of you, after the pre-Qin Dynasty, and after the royal family, all have foundation-building cultivation, tens of thousands So many. He is also building foundations, so what are you afraid of him doing?"

Ji Muxian sent a message and encouraged him enthusiastically, but he had no intention of falling in love with him. He was just encouraging the powerful people from the famous pre-Qin families and hidden royal families.

After hearing this, many hidden royal families and famous disciples of the pre-Qin Dynasty were ready to act, and vast murderous intentions were slowly released.

"What Taoist Taoist Mu Xian said makes sense. Besides, the most powerful among the many treasures of the Pre-Qin Dynasty is the Jiuding, which can trigger the Immortal Prisoner's Formation. The Immortal Prisoner's Formation was created by the great sages of ancient times and envelopes the entire earth. Such power Comparable to dozens of nuclear explosions, Jiang Taichu is made of iron and has to be burned!"

The old monk of Huangjue Temple struggled and pondered for a moment, then suddenly his face turned cold and he spoke through the mental power.

At this time, their hidden royal family has no retreat, a big mistake has been made, and it is too late to regret!

After all, Jiang Taichu was a mean and ungrateful person who was bound to retaliate. Since he had provoked him before, he had no choice but to kill him.


"Kill, kill, kill! I'm going to ride my horse on Emei today!"

"Tens of thousands of troops are coming together to crush him into a pulp!"

"Today, we have to attack in groups. We must kill this beast. Otherwise, we will have no way to survive!"

"Yes, he said he would kill all the famous families in the pre-Qin Dynasty! According to his previous personality, the hidden royal family will also be wiped out!"

Hearing this, many famous pre-Qin sects, disciples of the hidden royal family, and tens of thousands of troops all looked crazy, and they all shouted loudly, their fighting spirit surging, and they were endlessly high-spirited.

"Tsk tsk tsk, mortals are mortals after all. Don't you know that no matter how many ants there are, they can be crushed with just one slap if they gather together!"

"Threatening me, Jiang Taichu? It seems that if I don't kill a bunch of you, you won't be able to recognize the cruel reality. You don't know how good you are in front of me, Jiang Taichu!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed.


Jiang Tian's eyes turned cold, he raised his hand and grabbed the most dancing Yu Fenghua, flying across several miles in his hand.

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