Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1250 Breaking the divine whip and breaking the fairy rope, vulnerable to a single blow

"Master, save me!"

Yu Fenghua felt like he was falling into a huge black hole, with endless devouring power.

Even if she frequently used secret techniques and magic weapons, she could not break away at all, and fell into Jiang Tian's hands in the blink of an eye.

"I just bully you, so what? Don't you know that those who bully others will be bullied!"

Jiang Tian pinched her slender, jade-white neck, which felt smooth, and held her in the air, asking coldly:

"Isn't it too late to shake hands and make peace? Moreover, you are not sincere and dare to threaten me! If you want to stop the war, you kneel down and beg for mercy!"

"Master Taichu...spare my life..."

Yu Fenghua was choked so hard that he could hardly breathe. His originally delicate and flawless pretty face turned purple from the pain, his clear eyes were bloodshot and bulging, almost popping out of their sockets, and saliva flowed from the corners of his mouth.

"Jiang Taichu, stop!"

Yu Wending stretched out his hand and roared, trying to stop him.

"When the famous pre-Qin clan attacked my dojo, why didn't you, Yu Wending, shout to stop?"

Jiang Tian sneered and slapped the female Tianling Gai with a fierce palm without any mercy.

Immediately, Yu Fenghua's head split into pieces, and his body exploded, turning into a rain of crystal flesh.

"You!" Yu Wending was furious.

Yu Fenghua was one of the best disciples of the Yu family. He loved him very much, but he was beaten to death by Jiang Tiansheng.

"Aren't you going to kill my disciples to force me out of seclusion? Today, I will also kill your juniors to let you experience this feeling!"

Jiang Tian flicked the non-existent dust on his fingers, a hint of ridicule appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were indifferent.

"Kill him together!"

Yu Wending was so furious that his fingers pointing at Jiang Tian trembled violently.


More than a dozen elders of famous pre-Qin sects with golden elixir cultivation, shaped like dragons, rushed out and jointly attacked Jiang Tian. The magic weapons were shot towards Jiang Tian.

Although their cultivation is slightly inferior to that of several famous sect leaders, they are still well-known figures, and their attacks together can rival those of the powerful Jie Ying.

But how could they be Jiang Tian's opponents.


Jiang Tian just waved his sleeves.

Snapped! There was a crisp sound, like the crack of a whip.

Immediately, the endless strong wind swept out like a stormy wave crashing on the shore, beating more than a dozen elder-level powerhouses and flying them upside down like scarecrows.

"Whoa whoa whoa!"

Almost all of these elders vomited blood crazily, were seriously injured, and their eyes were horrified to the extreme.

Jiang Tian's attack did not use magic power. It was pure physical power that caused the wind, but it was so terrifyingly powerful.

"The power of one sleeve is so terrifying!"

Countless people present screamed as if they were seeing a demon.

Jiang Tian stepped into the air with a single step, his figure was like a ghost, with Dao Yun containing the wings of thunder, wind and thunder. In the blink of an eye, he crossed the distance of several miles and came to the military formation. He killed a young man who was only in his teens. Take it into your hands and retreat calmly.

"It has nothing to do with me, please, don't kill me!"

The young man screamed in fright, with tears rolling down his face and snot bubbles coming out of his nose.

"You are Yu's great-great-grandson, and you still say that it has nothing to do with you? Holding a halberd, you stand in the military formation to be my enemy, and you still say that it has nothing to do with you?"

Jiang Tian broke his neck and threw him towards Yu Wending: "Old man, keep going!"

"Little beast, you are so cruel!"

Yu Wending was so angry that he bit into pieces with his steel teeth and trembled all over like chaff.

This was his great-great-grandson, who didn't have much cultivation. He came to the war just to gain knowledge, but he was still ruthlessly killed by Jiang Tian.

"This kid is so crazy, kill him!"

Jiang Diaoweng roared angrily, took out the whip again and struck Jiang Tian.

Ji Xiqi said nothing, and the Tai Chi Bagua mirror turned, shining through the mountains and rivers, sweeping in all directions, trying to strangle Jiang Tian.


Jiang Tian took the first step out and raised his hand a little.

A golden finger light, like a bullet fired from a sniper rifle, broke through the bronze helmet of a young and beautiful girl, and flew out from the back of the head with a cloud of blood-fogged brains, as well as skull and helmet fragments.

"Ah! Offal!"

Jiang Diaoweng roared angrily, this was his most beloved little granddaughter, who was amazingly talented and beautiful, and now she was killed with one finger.


Without saying a word, Jiang Tian took the second step and flew out with a wave.

Suddenly, a purple lightning sword about a hundred meters long swept across.

Directly sweeping dozens of people in the Ji family's army into ashes. Many magic weapons and armors could not stop him at all, and they were all gray.

The purple lightning thunder knife is no longer an ordinary thunder and lightning, but an extremely sublimated one. It contains thunder and gang thunder. A stroke as thin as a thumb can kill a strong foundation builder and seriously injure the golden elixir.

"Ahhhh! I'm so angry! Jiang Taichu, if you have the guts, don't hide and fight me! You, the majestic leader of the first lineage, how can you bully the juniors!"

Ji Xiqi was made to cry and roar by Jiang Tiantian, his figure was crumbling, and his red eyes were almost spitting out blood.

Among them were more than a dozen of his children, including nephews, grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren. They were all talented and brilliant people. They spent countless resources of the family to cultivate them to the foundation and cultivation level, and became the mainstay of the family. Now, all of them died of Jiang Tian. Under one knife.

Even if this battle is won by luck, the Ji family will have no successors and its vitality will be severely damaged. Without one or two hundred years of training, it will not be able to restore its current prosperity.

"Your junior doesn't know the rules and doesn't know how to respect me as a senior. Of course I have to clean up the family for you. Don't thank me."

Jiang Tian laughed, flew out again, and clapped it with one palm.

Dozens of children of the Ji family were filmed into a melancholy dance of blood, filling the air.

In this way, Jiang Tian used his physical skills, killing one step at a time, dodging magic weapon attacks like a ghost, wandering between the military formations, killing with ruthless intent.

These famous pre-Qin sects had all attacked his dojo and suppressed his disciples, so there was no need to show mercy.

But he did not take action against old guys like Yu Wending, but just killed the descendants of famous pre-Qin families unscrupulously.

He got inspiration from famous pre-Qin families. Sometimes torturing a person is far more terrifying than killing a person.

"Jiang Taichu, come and die!"

Jiang Diaoweng's eyes turned red. He took the immortal rope from Jiang Feibai's hand, activated the magic formula, and wrapped it around Jiang Tian.

Immediately, the immortal rope became a hundred meters long, like a giant python flying across the sky, and a golden snake shot out. It was as graceful as a dragon, and wrapped around Jiang Tian as if it was spiritual.

This treasure flashes with brilliance, extremely dazzling, and is extremely fast, just like a golden lightning, jumping to Jiang Tian in the blink of an eye.

"Can this piece of shit kill me?"

Jiang Tian shouted angrily, reached out and grabbed a section of the immortal rope, and then pulled it with both hands.

There was a loud bang.

Under everyone's incredible gaze, Jiang Tian forcibly pulled the immortal rope into two pieces from the middle.

The Dao runes on it were annihilated, and the light of the Immortal Binding Rope suddenly dimmed, reduced to the size of its body, and fell to the ground like a dead snake.

"Jiang Taichu, if you kill my heir and destroy my magic weapon, I am incompatible with you!"

Yu Wending, Ji Xiqi, and Jiang Diaoweng were almost furious and shouted angrily.

At this time, in the valley behind Mount Emei, according to Jiang Tian's spiritual consciousness, Cao Shixiong had sent people to evacuate many engineering soldiers and onlookers.

Only some Tianqing Sect disciples and experts from all walks of life in the cultivation world were left who could protect themselves.

Although Jiang Tian was cruel and ruthless, killing people and exterminating clans at every turn, he never killed innocent people indiscriminately, so he had this arrangement.

In particular, he always maintained a deep respect for the Chinese soldiers.

They show their talents in times of crisis, fight for the country and the nation, and shed blood and sweat to protect the weak. They are also heroes!

The powerful men from the famous pre-Qin families did not even look at Cao Shixiong and the others from the beginning to the end.

Mortals like this, even battlefield generals like Cao Shixiong, are no more than ants in their eyes, and they are not even worth wasting a single bit of real energy.

At this time, Master Hongye and the people from the Refining Hall also arrived to repair and strengthen the protective formation of the spirit-guiding array.

"I am incompatible with you! Are you worthy?"

Seeing this, Jiang Tian couldn't help but chuckle, stretched his body, his Dantian vibrated, and his whole body made a thunderous sound from the inside out, and said coldly:

"Now that the irrelevant people have dispersed, I can finally take action without restraint and go on a killing spree!"

After saying that, his eyes condensed, and the wind and thunder wings appeared from behind him. With his wings spread, his figure instantly broke twice the sound barrier, and then became faster and faster, crashing towards Jiang Diaoweng like a humanoid supersonic fighter jet. :

"You, Jiang Diaoweng, are the first!"

I saw a dazzling thunder flash across the void, so fast that ordinary people's eyes could not catch it. After Jiang Tian crossed the void for more than ten miles, a roaring sound like a heavy cannon blasting into the sky erupted.

In an instant, Jiang Tian had broken through ten times the sound barrier, crossed dozens of miles and arrived in front of Jiang Diaoweng.


In the dantian, several thick earth-suppressing chains shattered, Suzaku's fake elixir jumped, and Jiang Tian punched out.

Even with Jiang Diaoweng's golden elixir strength, he still had no time to activate the divine whip, and he didn't even have time to use the body protection magic weapon.


The many patterns on the divine whip emitted immeasurable golden light and expanded rapidly, like giant pillars across the sky, sweeping towards Jiang Tian with the aura of destroying everything.

This god-beating whip once swept through the battle to confer gods. In short, it has the power to beat the gods in the world. Ordinary Yuanying Tianjun would be forced to retreat when he saw it, and it was difficult to support it.

However, the power of Jiang Tian's punch with his divine body was so terrifying! Even if he still hasn't reached the level of false elixir cultivation, even if he still has a few god-suppressing chains to suppress him, it's still not something that the god-beating whip can withstand!

The Suzaku divine body is the most powerful divine body in the universe. Its flames have the power to destroy mountains and level huge cities.

This punch was as big as a small mountain, surrounded by flames, and endless light burst out, extremely dazzling and dazzling, like an extra sun appearing out of thin air in the sky, shining on the blue sky for eternity!

Bang! A loud bang!

The whip was so beaten that it broke from the middle, and billowing flames quickly erupted. Even some of the Dao lines were obliterated and melted into gold water dripping down. The two broken whips flew hundreds of meters to both sides before falling diagonally.

With the power of one punch, the most precious treasure of the Gods, the God Whip, can be destroyed!

After destroying the divine whip with this punch, there was no intention of breaking up, and he continued to rush forward and hit Jiang Diaoweng.

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