Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1251: Kill Jiang Diaoweng with one punch, and shoot Yu with an arrow to win the championship

"What? Even the divine whip was broken with one blow!"

A look of deep astonishment and disbelief appeared on Jiang Diaoweng's face. He roared angrily and retreated like a meteor. He pinched his fingers and activated many protective magic weapons.

Jiang Diaoweng is a descendant of Jiang Ziya. The Jiang family has guarded the Zhou royal family for six hundred years. However, he is in the period of returning to the light after the spiritual energy is destroyed. He has searched for funds and has many magic weapons for body protection.

In an instant, the armor, waist badges, dragon and tiger talismans, robes, etc. on his body all burst out with colorful brilliance, forming a layer of mana shield, dozens of layers in total, covering him tightly.

But it was still useless. As if the giant flame fist had spirituality, it drew a graceful arc and pursued it. These light shields suddenly dented, appearing in the shape of a huge fist, and then collapsed as weakly as soap bubbles.


Being beaten hard by this punch, Jiang Diaoweng let out a howl full of despair and reluctance. Then, shocking cracks appeared on his body like broken porcelain.

Then, sparks flew and flames spread across his body, and his torso quickly turned gray and black, with fly ash flying from his body surface.

In the end, his golden elixir exploded uncontrollably, and his whole body exploded like fireworks, completely disappearing into smoke.

It's too late, it's fast.

All this happens in just a few clicks.

Jiang Tian had already killed Jiang Diaoweng with one punch.

"Hiss——!" At this time, everyone let out a breath of air.

"Fellow Taoist Mu Xian, we have to admit that we underestimated his strength!"

At this time, the old monk of Huangjue Temple turned as white as paper and murmured in a trembling voice, feeling very regretful in his heart.

Jiang Taichu was too strong. Even if he couldn't defeat Yu Qidian, he could still retreat calmly. Taking revenge on their hidden royal family would be the same thing.

If I had known this earlier, I shouldn't have gone through this muddy water!

"Kill Jiang Diaoweng with one punch! Master, what should we do? Jiang Taichu will take revenge on us!"

Ye Yuhui's face was panicked and he was so scared that he almost cried.

"what to do!"

Many of the children of the hidden royal family who jumped out to become Jiang Tian's enemies were so desperate and regretful that their intestines were green with regret.

Ji Muxian didn't answer, he was in despair, his mouth was bitter and his hands were trembling slightly.

Such a situation was unexpected for him and left him completely speechless.

"Li Wuji bullied me! He is so cruel! Why didn't he tell Jiang Taichu's true strength! Yes, yes! He wants to get rid of him. After all, I have offended Jiang Taichu!"

A flash of understanding flashed in his eyes, and then a deep fear emerged, and his hands couldn't stop shaking.

But, does he firmly believe that Jiang Taichu is the opponent of Xianxu? Even if Jiang Tian is invincible, what if the Immortal Ruins invade!

This thought just flashed through his mind, and he didn't think about it in detail.

It is urgent now. Ji Muchian knows that after this battle, if Jiang Tianruo is alive, he will never let him go and will settle the accounts with him.

"However, Jiuding hasn't exploded yet, so the famous pre-Qin clan may not lose! No matter how strong Jiang Taichu is, how can he resist the power of the Prisoner Immortal Formation!"

"Yes, Jiang Taichu killed too many people in the Yu family. Yu Wending will take revenge no matter what!"

He forced himself to calm down, clenched his trembling hands into fists, and dug his nails into the flesh of his palms. He looked up at the people in the air with expectant eyes.

All I saw was the sky above the valley.

Jiang Tian stood face to face with the pre-Qin army, his face neither sad nor happy, as if he had just crushed an ant to death by killing Jiang Diaoweng.

"Next, it's your turn!"

Jiang Tian had withdrawn his mountain-like flaming fist, re-suppressed and sealed the Suzaku divine body, gathered his breath, put his hands behind his back, and looked down at the two of them.

"Jiang Taichu, I have repeatedly given in. Do you have to force me to use the Splendid Mountains and Rivers Cauldron to trigger the Immortal Prisoner's Formation? Do you have to wait with me until the end of the line?"

Seeing this, Yu Wending turned pale and asked angrily.

"I said that after today, there will no longer be any famous pre-Qin family in China!"

"A dead end? I told you, you don't have the qualifications!" Jiang Tian said calmly with an indifferent look in his eyes.

"Ignorant child. Do you know the origin of the Splendid Mountain and River Cauldron? Once it is activated, it will have the power to destroy the heaven and the earth!"

Ji Xiqi roared:

"At the end of ancient times, the Destruction Star came, and the ancient earth was in chaos. The Holy Emperor paid great attention to the land of Heaven, and after wandering in the immortal land, Emperor Yu swept many rebel forces on the earth, as well as many tribes such as Sanmiao and Nanman, and established the Great Xia Dynasty , rule China’s nine states!”

"At that time, Emperor Yu had realized that the Destruction Star was unstoppably powerful and was constantly devouring the earth's spiritual energy. The ancient earth would surely exhaust its spiritual energy and turn into a Death Star with withered spiritual energy, entering the Age of Ending Law!"

"In order to compete with the Destroying Star for the remaining spiritual energy, preserve the earth's destiny and cultivate the descendants, he followed the plan he made with Emperor Sheng Chongli and gathered all the ancient sages and lords of the nations in China at that time to join forces in Tu Nine tripods were cast on the mountain, and it is known as the meeting of Tushan in history!"

"This Nine Cauldrons is called the Jinxiu Mountain and River Cauldron. One cauldron absorbed the spiritual energy of mountains and rivers in a state at that time and turned it into heavenly magic power. No one can predict the vastness of its magic power and its astonishing lethality, but I am afraid it can at least destroy cities and countries. No problem!"

"Really? Then try it!" Jiang Tian's face was extremely calm, without a trace of ripples.

"Ignorance! Ignorance! Do you know why the Yu Family Master has not urged the Nine Cauldrons for so long?"

Ji Xiqi was so angry that her whole body was trembling, her eyes were about to spurt blood, and she said:

"According to the design agreed upon by Emperor Yu and Emperor Sheng Chongli, the Dao patterns of the Splendid Mountain and River Cauldron are closely related to the Immortal Prisoner Formation. The Nine Cauldrons cannot easily move unless there is a disaster of annihilation! If it moves, it represents a disaster of annihilation. Come. The Prison Immortal Formation will be activated, blessing the Nine Cauldrons with endless divine power, which can be called a heavenly disaster and a divine punishment!"

"Once it comes, it will destroy the world and destroy the earth. I don't know how many people will be devastated, and all of China may turn into a scorched earth!"

"You killed so many of us, but I still haven't moved Jiuding. I just have the virtue of a good life and care about the world!"

Yu Wending also had no choice but to smile miserably and sigh.

This battle was too brutal.

I originally thought that I could crush Jiang Tian, ​​but both the heads of the famous families fell, and the young handsome man from the famous family was almost killed or injured.

Now he was forced to use the Splendid Mountain and River Cauldron. This was something he didn't expect, and the situation was out of control.

"Jiang Taichu, let's do this. You and I will give up here. We will withdraw our troops and we will never mention revenge in the future! You can revive the earth's spiritual energy, and we will continue to hide from the world!"

Ji Xiqi sighed helplessly and wanted to soften Jiang Tian.

This is a huge concession.

After all, they were too damaged. Both the masters of the famous sect died on the spot, and countless magic weapons and disciples were damaged. Such a decision will also result in knocking out teeth and swallowing blood.

"It's okay to just let it go. I hate using violence to solve problems. But you are all talented and strategic people, and your cultivation is unparalleled. I don't trust you!"

Jiang Tian showed a hint of contemplation, but deep down in his heart he was unwilling to let it go.

The two sides have forged a life-and-death feud, and the so-called peace with a handshake is impossible.

The famous pre-Qin clan will not be seriously damaged, but still has the strength to retaliate and the possibility of making a comeback.

He smiled lightly and said:

"It might as well be like this. You and I have made a soul contract. If you attack me and the Tianqing Sect first, what if you die immediately?"

"Jiang Taichu, don't bully others too much!"

When Yu Wending and Ji Xiqi heard this, they were so angry that they almost vomited blood and their breath became unstable.

Techniques such as the Soul Contract may be unfamiliar to ordinary people, but they understand them all too well.

Once the soul contract is signed, it will be controlled by others, without any autonomy and freedom, and can only act as Jiang Tian's slave and lackey.

Even worse than lackeys and slaves, they are like puppets controlled by Jiang Tian, ​​walking zombies, at their mercy!

After all, they were giants of pre-Qin Qi practitioners, unparalleled powerful men, with extraordinary status. How could they accept such an unequal peace plan?

"Jiang Taichu, don't be arrogant and underestimate others in the world. You'd better know the current situation and become a hero!"

Yu Wending even urged Jiuding and roared:

"Under the so-called Prisoner Immortal Formation, everyone is just an ant. Under the blue sky and white sun, no one can resist the power of the Prisoner Immortal Formation! Jiang Taichu, no matter how strong you are, you are no more than a turtle in a urn under the Prisoner Immortal Formation. Just a small fish in the net!”

"Then what nonsense are you talking about? The enemy that worries me the most is the dead! Just die!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and he looked like a dragon. He took one step in the air and flew towards Yu Wending and Ji Xiqi.

"Jiang Taichu, you are destroying yourself!"


Ji Xiqi's sleeves and robes were billowing, and her hair was flying like a waterfall. She was so angry that she took out the Tai Chi Bagua mirror and turned it around, shining the head towards Jiang Tian in the air.

The beams of light were several miles long, piercing through the void and sweeping across the nine heavens and ten lands. Wherever they passed, the earth was torn apart and the mountains were shattered. Their power was extremely terrifying.

"Fellow Taoist Xiqi always likes to look into the mirror and pity and admire himself. He is really as cute as that child of the pear garden and the girl in his boudoir!"

Jiang Tian laughed loudly, his tone was contemptuous, but he showed no mercy in his attack.

He flipped his wrist and used the Sky-Shaking Bow and the Sun-shooting Arrow.

While Jiang Tian shot towards Yu and Ding, he bent his bow and nocked an arrow. With a click, he instantly drew the bow into a full moon and loosened his fingers.

Whoosh! A sun-shooting arrow, with a howl like a ghost crying or a wolf howling, traveled across the sky and shot towards the Tai Chi Bagua Mirror.

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