Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1252 Emperor Yu’s Nine Cauldrons Come Out, Splendid Mountains and Rivers

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

The power of this arrow is really too amazing.

A straight white air channel stretched out between the sky and the earth, and there were even strange black space cracks around it, as if they could penetrate the sun and the moon, cut across the sky, and divide the world into two.

"not good!"

The moment Jiang Tian took out his bow and arrow, Ji Xiqi's eyes trembled violently. He was shocked and immediately changed his offense to defense.

I saw him stamping his right foot on the ground, pinching the fingers of his left hand, and volleying a little toward the Tai Chi Bagua Mirror with his right hand.

Suddenly, the mirror shone brightly, and the vast power of the sun and lunar erupted together, forming a huge Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram with a radius of several hundred meters in the air. It rotated rapidly, and its magic power was vast and concentrated, indestructible.


The sun-shooting arrows with endless aura of destruction hit the Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram!

This Tai Chi diagram, which was enough to defeat nuclear weapons, could only hold on for half a finger, and then shattered.

Then, the arrow continued to exert its momentum and pierced through the Tai Chi Bagua Mirror again.

This Bagua mirror suddenly shattered into pieces, the Bagua was in chaos, and the uncontrollable vast mana pushed endless fragments and flew around.

"Oh my god! This beast actually shot an arrow..."

Seeing this scene, Ji Xiqi was shocked, frightened, and distressed, and almost burst into tears.

This is a magic weapon passed down from our ancestors, and it can be called the ancestral weapon of the famous Ji family.

It is not only a magic weapon to defeat the enemy, but also a symbol of the family, which is very precious. Now, he was shot by Jiang Tian with an arrow, which he couldn't accept.

But don't know.

The sky-shaking bow and the sun-shooting arrow in Jiang Tian's hands are magic weapons passed down from the mythical age. They were probably used by Hou Yi, the ancient great shaman arrow god who once shot nine days.

Its power is no weaker than King Wen's Tai Chi Bagua Mirror. What's more, Jiang Tian also poured endless Gang Lei, Suzaku Fire and other true essences into it, making the power tenfold.

"Why don't you just fight for magic weapons? Do you think you are the only ones who have magic weapons?"

Then, Jiang Tian laughed loudly, bent his bow and arrow again, and shot two arrows towards Yu Wending and Ji Xiqi.

"Brother Qunding, come out of Jiuding quickly! Otherwise, the roots of my famous pre-Qin clan will be cut off today!"

Ji Xiqi shouted angrily, and was not afraid of death. He faced the two sun-shooting arrows and stood up to block them with his body.

He first threw out a few magic weapons to intercept them, and then like a tiger coming out of its cage, his fists and feet came out, fiercely and fiercely, hitting the two arrows.

Many magic weapons and overlapping shadows of fists and feet were powerful, but they could only stop the two sun-shooting arrows for a few snaps.

The next moment, Ji Xiqi was pierced through the Dantian by two arrows, blood stained the sky, half of his body exploded, fell to the ground miserably, and died instantly.

"Father——! Accept your fate!"

Ji Muye howled miserably, his eyes almost spitting out fire, and he charged towards Jiang Tian with a quasi-spiritual treasure-level sword in his hand.

"Your father is dead, don't call me father, I don't have a useless son like you!"

Jiang Tian was so mad that he let out a strange laugh, without stopping his feet, he raised his hand and struck out with a palm.

He slapped Ji Muye and the sword into the air, exploded, and fell to pieces, turning into endless pieces of broken bones and internal organs.

Seeing another old friend and a junior passing away one after another, Yu Wending's eyes were filled with regret, and he couldn't help but look depressed again, his face getting older.

However, the sacrifice of Ji Xiqi and his son is not meaningless.

Taking advantage of these few snaps of his fingers, Yu Wending had disheveled his hair and started to perform tricks. He stepped on the gang step, rose up to an altitude of 10,000 meters, and sacrificed the Jiuding. With the help of his magic power, the brilliance of the tripod filled the air, and he was already on the verge of exploding.

"That's it, that's it! I didn't expect to be forced to use the Splendid Mountain and River Cauldron!"

Ji Xiqi looked at the nine giant bronze cauldrons suspended above his head, with a trace of regret flashing across his face.

Nine giant tripods are made of bronze and have different shapes. They depict picturesque mountains and rivers, as well as animal faces, dragons and phoenixes, cloud patterns, thunder and fire, etc.

But each statue is as solid as a mountain, full of ancient charm, and has the charm of Taoism and nature, as if it has traveled through endless years and come from the prehistoric world.

At this time, the nine giant cauldrons were already blooming with colorful brilliance, and seemed to be unable to bear it, buzzing, even roaring violently, and trembling crazily.

"I thought that if this cauldron exploded, it would be used to deal with the starry sky races and foreign enemies, and to guard this beautiful world. Unexpectedly, it was you, Jiang Taichu!"

Every word of Yu Qunding contains overwhelming hatred.

"However, even though you, Jiang Taichu, were born in this world, you are inhumane and fierce. You destroy your family, your clan, your army, and your country at every turn. You are not far away from destroying this beautiful world! This can be considered a disaster!"

A trace of reluctance, a trace of regret, and endless determination flashed in Yu Wending's eyes.

The next moment, he volleyed a little higher, and with a roar, the nine tripods shook in unison, screaming in sorrow and praise, and turned into nine rays of brilliance to suppress Jiang Tian.

He stepped into the void suddenly, as if he had exhausted all his strength, and shouted loudly:

"Borrow the vast country of China's Jiuzhou and use it!"

As these words fell.

Suddenly, boom!

The endless light of the Nine Cauldrons bloomed, and the clear aura of chaos floated up and down, suddenly turning into magnificent rivers and mountains with a radius of ten or even dozens of miles, suppressed one after another from an altitude of 10,000 meters.

This is not the suppression of thousands of mountains at all, but the suppression of a continent, and there are more than one. One cauldron turned into a continent, nine pieces in total!

On each continent, there are towering mountains, cascading silver waterfalls, towering ancient trees, and surging rivers, cutting through the earth and rushing endlessly. The scene is unparalleled and magnificent, and it is a majestic and magnificent mountain river.

Splendid mountains and rivers!

As soon as this vision appeared, the heaven and earth were changed, as if nine heavens and ten lands were opened up, and all things revived, returning to the ancient times when the heaven and earth began, giving people a primitive feeling.

And the moment the Jiuding exploded.

The whole of China trembled, and the earth roared, as if a major earthquake had erupted.

"Is there an earthquake?"

"No, no, no, it was Yu Wending who triggered the Nine Ancient Cauldrons,'s better to run away!"

Suddenly, countless people turned pale and screamed. They all ran away from the house, their faces pale with fear.

In fact, around Mount Emei, countless buildings collapsed within a radius of hundreds of miles, which was a real earthquake.

Over the entire China, clouds and mists were billowing, dark clouds were gathering, heavy rain was pouring, thunder was exploding, and strong winds were blowing on the earth, just like a typhoon passing through.

In many coastal areas, originally calm seas suddenly set off huge waves hundreds of meters high, which could overturn fishing boats and giant ships.

Even thousands of miles away in the northwest, several extinct volcanoes suddenly erupted, and lava tens of meters high spewed out and flowed ten miles away. The scene was shocking.

"This is the power of the Nine Cauldrons! The evolution of the celestial phenomena, I'm afraid, China will suffer a lot of losses this time!"

There is a hidden old monster, looking in the direction of Mount Emei, with a hint of horror, and sighed deeply.

"Yes, this Jiuding has absorbed the endless spiritual energy of the ancient Chinese nine states, and has been refined by the Yu family for more than ten thousand years. Who can resist its power? Not even the ancient gods can withstand it!"

Ji Muxian had already retreated a hundred miles away. He was looking from a high altitude with his flying sword and sighed with a complicated meaning:

"No wonder the famous Yu family has dominated Kunlun for thousands of years. I was a little unconvinced before, but now I am completely convinced!"

Around him, the old monks of Huangjue Temple and many powerful men also nodded, their eyes showing endless admiration and envy.

These nine giant cauldrons penetrated the heaven and earth. They could see it with their own eyes from such a distance, and they could feel the violent mana fluctuations and suppressive power. This is not the power of the human world, it is like the resurrection of the ancient true god.

And many descendants of famous pre-Qin families are full of confidence.

Suppressed by the power of Jiuzhou, this vast power is no longer something that human beings can contend with. No matter how strong Jiang Taichu is, after all, he has not become an immortal or a god. He is still a mortal body, so how can he compete with such power of heaven and earth!

Many hidden royal families, such as Li Guangzhe, Zhu Xiaochen and others, showed a hint of joy and felt that they had made the right bet.

At this time, in the back mountain of Emei, it was over the valley of the Spiritual Formation.

"Yu aspires to the throne, do you know that earthquakes and volcanic eruptions have occurred in China, and thousands of innocent people have died! Stop!"

Having learned about the situation outside, Cao Shixiong turned pale and shouted loudly.

"Fellow Taoist aspirant, why bother? As long as you loyally join Taoist Taoist Taichu, the soul contract is just a decoration. Taoist Taoist Taichu will not mess around!"

"Senior, if you continue to kill, you will suffer backlash! I'm afraid you will use up all your mana and lifespan!"

The winner’s ancestor and Ye Tianren persuaded him earnestly.

"Jiang Tian, ​​be careful!"

Huang Ling'er showed a look of deep fear and worry, tears streaming down her face, her pink fists clenched tightly, her delicate body trembling uncontrollably, and she shouted in a crying voice.

"This is a magic weapon that Emperor Yu personally refined!"

"The vision of beautiful mountains and rivers? It's too powerful! My lord is in danger this time!"

"Go together!"

"Kill this old man!"

True Dragon Ancestor, Liansheng Lao Tathagata, as well as Ming He and Takong who arrived, were all like dragons, rising into the sky with fighting spirit, standing side by side with Jiang Tian.

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