Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1253: Break through the nine layers of beautiful mountains and rivers and ascend to the sky

At the beginning, Emperor Yu and Emperor Sheng Chongli were equally famous. One led the earth's human race and demon race to guard the New Earth, and the other opened up the interstellar wanderings in the Immortal Ruins and many dimensional worlds.

Emperor Yu combined many ancient powers to forge the Jiuding. It is a real weapon and is much more powerful than the spiritual treasures. It is not something that ordinary people can withstand.

"You retreat, once your cultivation level breaks out, it will definitely cause the Prisoner Immortal Formation to break out in advance, and everyone will die!"

Seeing the four old monsters with babies following him, Jiang Tian confirmed in his heart that these four old guys could be of great use, but he remained calm and spoke calmly.

"Jiang Taichu is indeed very powerful. I even regret asking people to stop his spiritual energy from reviving!"

High in the sky, Yu Wending looked down at Jiang Tian, ​​shook his head and smiled bitterly. Suddenly his eyes condensed, revealing a hint of sadness, and said sadly:

"But Jiang Taichu killed my beloved son, slaughtered my heirs, almost wiped out my Yu family, insulted my reputation, and bullied me into being the lintel of Qin Dynasty. Three of my best friends also died at his hands. This hatred is as deep as the sea!"

He shouted loudly, like thunder exploding:

"If I, Yu Qidian, don't avenge them, how can I be worthy of my deceased friends, relatives, and ancestors of my famous pre-Qin family!"

"Cao Shixiong, listen clearly! Those who died unjustly have no fault with me, Yu, for winning the title, and only blame Jiang Taichu, who didn't know how to advance or retreat, and insisted on forcing me!"


After waving the four old monsters to retreat, Jiang Tian put his hands behind his back and looked up at the Jiuzhong Continent that was suppressing him from above, showing a look of regret and regret.

The splendid mountains and rivers were completely formed by relying on the thorough magic power of Tongtian to gather the ancient spiritual energy into the nine ancient tripods. At this time, the magic power exploded, which was astonishing and terrifying.

Indeed, this Jiuding is far more powerful than the explosion of a hundred nuclear weapons. If it hits the mortal world, it can destroy at least a thousand miles in radius, wipe out all life, and destroy a small country. Ji Xiqi was definitely not exaggerating in the slightest when he said he could destroy a city or a country.

However, after all, the person who uses the Nine Cauldrons is not the ancient god Zhuan or the Great Sage, but Yu Qinding who has cultivated the golden elixir.

With his magic power, he could only activate the Nine Cauldrons once, not even all the Nine Cauldrons. Only the three-level continent was relatively solid, while the other six-level continents were already very weak and ethereal.

Moreover, once the Jiuding magic power is used, it will be exhausted all at once and become a mortal.

If Yu Wending wants to use it again, it is almost impossible because he has no ability to regroup the exhausted spiritual energy.

"If you had attacked me a year ago, I would have to use all my skills to break this method, but now..."

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed disdainfully.

At the beginning, Jiang Tian did not condense the fake elixir, and forcibly opened the Sky-Shaking Bow in order to kill the Saint Ancestor Chi Liao who had formed an infant. The price was severe injuries, dry up of Qi and blood, and it took more than a month of repairs to return to the peak level of cultivation. .

But now, Yu Wending is facing Jiang Tian, ​​who has produced six fake elixirs and possesses six divine bodies.

At this time, Jiang Tian couldn't even hurt him, even the Western Land's most precious treasure, the Ten Thousand Buddhas Relic Pagoda, let alone the mere Jiuding?

"Jiang Taichu, at this moment, you are still so arrogant and arrogant. Did you know that you would definitely die!"

Yu Wending's face was extremely solemn, his gray hair was flying in the air, his eyes were shining with lightning, his sleeves and robes were fluttering, he was fighting with his hands, and he was struggling to make seals with his hands, desperately urging the nine vast continents to suppress Jiang Tian.

At this time, he was trembling all over and making clicking sounds. It seemed that his physical body could not bear the huge earth spiritual energy.

Blood foam kept coming from the corner of his mouth, but the sleeves of his robe were bulging and his momentum was extremely strong, and he still kept pressing the seals with his hands.

Every time he presses his hand seal, violent mana is triggered, the void around him is electrified, the wind howls, the sky and the earth change color, and turn into chaos.

"Jiang Taichu, please die!"

Finally, he pressed the last seal hard,

Suddenly, the Nine Layers of Splendid Mountains and Rivers, like sparks hitting the earth, fiercely suppressed Jiang Tian from thousands of meters away.

The nine continents have not yet arrived, but the violent pressure has already arrived.

At this moment, the earth trembled, splitting huge ravines several meters wide, the mountain peaks swayed, and boulders rolled down, as if a magnitude 9 earthquake.

Countless huge trees broke and fell, then cracked and turned into sawdust and powder. Countless large rocks flew in all directions and exploded in mid-air.


At this time, Cao Shixiong, Cao Jianjia and other military figures had already penetrated into a bunker hundreds of meters underground that could withstand ground-penetrating missiles, but the huge bunker made of special grade cement was still cracking and shaking.

"Jiang Taichu, I will use this to splendid the mountains and rivers, and learn your supreme immortal magic for a while!" Yu Wending shouted violently.

His steps staggered and his body was shaky. Every time he uttered a word, his momentum weakened and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

By the end, his face was pale, and a large part of his chest was soaked with blood, but he did not feel sad at all, instead his face was full of joy.

"Jingtian, three fellow Taoists, I have avenged you! I finally got rid of Jiang Taichu, who harmed the common people!"

Yu Qunding believed it.

In this world, no one can break out of these beautiful mountains and rivers, unless the ancient god Zhuan resurrects, unless Jiang Tian has the Nascent Soul cultivation level!

But Jiang Tian, ​​obviously not, and even if he had Nascent Soul cultivation, would he dare to use it? The Prison Immortal Formation immediately triggered the calamity, and his death became even more tragic.

He was exhausted, exhausted both physically and mentally, so he held on to his heavy eyelids and opened his eyes, wanting to appreciate the scene of Jiang Tian being crushed to pieces by the nine-layered splendid mountains and rivers. But he didn't expect to see a picture that made him unbelievable.

Jiang Tian's face turned cold.

The dantian roared, and several thick earth-suppressing chains exploded. The fake elixir of Yinglong in the dantian jumped, and his body swayed, transforming into the divine body of Yinglong, who was thousands of feet tall and had the body of a dragon.

"Fake elixir cultivation! No, it is ten times and a hundred times more powerful than the fake elixir! What kind of Dharma is this? Is it a god? Or is it the Dharma Self and One?"

"You have exploded in true cultivation. Aren't you afraid of disaster from the Immortal Prisoner Formation?"

Yu Jingtian's eyes widened instantly, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head, full of disbelief.

"Heavenly calamity and divine punishment? Let's see how you can destroy me!"

Jiang Tian, ​​who has the divine body of Yinglong, has a voice like thunder, his eyes shoot out several meters of divine electricity, and his body is as majestic as a dragon.

Under Yu Qunding's unbelievable gaze.

Jiang Tian jumped up and grabbed the Mother of All Stone Cauldron from his dantian. Just like Pangu wielding the huge ax to split the chaos, he turned around and smashed towards the first layer of beautiful mountains and rivers.

The Mother Stone Cauldron of All Things was only of normal size at first, but as Jiang Tian moved it, it rapidly expanded to a height of a thousand meters, like a giant pillar crossing the sky, and meteorites shot up and hit the first level of the beautiful mountains and rivers heavily. above.


Thousands of meters above Mount Emei, the first level of beautiful mountains and rivers is shaking, and the wind is howling.

When the Mother Stone Cauldron of All Things struck, huge cracks and ravines appeared on this heavy continent. Mountain peaks collapsed and shattered, rivers twisted, underground magma erupted and flowed across the ground, and the earth shook violently like waves.

Then, the Mother Stone Cauldron blasted through the continent directly from the bottom, emerged on the surface, and passed by, the continent suddenly exploded uncontrollably.

Like dozens of nuclear weapons exploding together, boundless air waves rushed into the distance, forming huge rings of white clouds in the sky. And above it, colorful mushroom clouds appeared, which was extremely magnificent.

These white cloud rings, like ripples, are constantly expanding and spreading, spreading out ten kilometers, hundreds of kilometers, and kilometers forward in an instant. Everyone can see this picture.

"It's so shocking!"

"It's terrible! It has the power to destroy the world!"

"Did Jiang Taichu still defeat such a powerful magic weapon attack?"

The whole of China was shaking. More than a billion people in the country heard the horrific explosion and saw the shocking scene. They couldn't help but talk about it and could no longer calm down.

"How can it be!"

"Even the beautiful mountains and rivers can be broken!"

Many famous disciples of the Pre-Qin Dynasty and powerful men and disciples of the hidden royal family were knocked upside down by the cloud ring, and they screamed like cats being burned by fire.

"Is this son the reincarnation of the ancient true god?"

Even Ji Muchian was stunned, his eyes almost bulging out of his head.

The old monk of Huangjue Temple also felt a thump in his heart. He was so frightened that his whole body felt cold and he was trembling all over.

The further they reach their level, the more secrets they know, and the more they feel the vastness and greatness of the power of heaven and earth. At this moment, they understand what Jiang Tian's attack means!

You must know that this layer of beautiful mountains and rivers is what the ancient sages of Emperor Yu used to absorb and condense the spiritual energy of a state with the power of heaven. It contains the power of famous mountains, rivers and vast territories. It is all-encompassing and cannot be shaken at all!

But it was still broken by Jiang Tian's blow!

at this time.

Ji Muxian and the others only felt that Jiang Tian was the reincarnation of the ancient god, just like Pangu was reborn and Gonggong reappeared.

Such a power that shakes the world, they can only look up and worship, not daring to have the slightest intention of competing!

"My lord is so powerful!"

"The power of the divine body is so terrifying!"

"Even if my lord arrives at the Immortal Ruins, he will be considered a powerful force, and he will definitely be able to compete with that old thief of the Ruins Emperor!"

The three old monsters Takong, Zhenlong and Minghe were all fascinated by what they saw, dizzy and excited. They wished they could go to the sky with Jiang Tian, ​​fight against the Nine Cauldrons together, and tear up the continent that covered the sky and the sun.

"Kill, kill, kill! Kill these ignorant clowns! Kill them all!"

Liansheng's eyes widened in anger, his fierce look revealed, and he shouted and roared loudly.


The place where the first layer of beautiful mountains and rivers was destroyed has turned into chaos. From everyone's perspective, Jiang Tian can no longer be seen.

I only saw peaks rising high in the center of the second layer of beautiful mountains and rivers. The original plains turned into peaks, and the peaks sunk into flat lakes. The continent was broken, destroyed, and cracked. The sudden appearance of the peaks was impressive. The mother stone cauldron of all things!

The next moment, this beautiful mountain and river exploded again.

Then, boom!

The remaining continents, which seemed faint and illusory and not solid enough, were broken one by one by Jiang Tian.

All this only took a few minutes.

And the huge cloud ring has expanded to the entire China, and is spreading to the outside, rushing towards Asia!

The spreading speed of this cloud ring has broken the sound barrier and is comparable to the shock wave of a nuclear bomb. If a fighter jet is high in the sky, it will be torn into scrap metal!


Under Yu Wending's disbelieving gaze, Jiang Tian took a step forward, walked out of the collapsed ninth layer of splendid mountains and rivers, climbed to the sky, looked down at Yu Wending, and asked in a cold voice:

"Yu aspires to the throne, are you convinced now?"

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