Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1254 The Prisoner Immortal Formation erupts, the mighty power of Heaven

Behind Jiang Tian, ​​there was a sea of ​​chaos, with colorful smoke rolling and rolling, huge thunders winding in all directions, and vast spiritual energy squeezing, tearing, spinning, covering the sky and the sun. The scene was chaotic but magnificent.

Jiang Tian, ​​however, was dressed in white and not stained by dust, his hair was not messy, and he was as handsome as a god. Obviously, he still had some energy left.

"Too strong!"

Below, the True Dragon Ancestor and four other Yuanying old monsters looked up at Jiang Tian with reverence, feeling dizzy and far away.

The power of the Splendid Mountains and Rivers formation is too vast and majestic.

They thought that they would be absolutely unable to resist and would be crushed and wiped out instantly if they were exposed to it, but they didn't expect that Jiang Tian would break through it in just a few minutes.

"I didn't expect you to be so powerful that you could destroy the Nine Layers of Splendid Mountains and Rivers! Now that the matter has come to this, I, Yu, want to be crowned champion - give in!"

In the sky, Yu Wending looked gloomy and defeated, but smiled miserably.

At this time, his whole body was stained with blood, and his originally upright body had become rickety. He kept coughing and felt weak. His white hair was trembling slightly. He had exhausted all his mana and true energy, like a candle in the wind, its oil exhausted. The lamp is dry.

But the next moment.

"This Immortal Prison Formation is not only as simple as binding cultivators, but it is also prepared to snipe and kill interstellar invaders and extraterrestrial civilizations! This is the mighty power of Heaven, even Nascent Soul and even Transformation God can be killed. You , Jiang Taichu, can you resist?"

He didn't finish his sentence.


Jiang Tian suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky, his pupils shrank, and a look of solemnity appeared on his face.

At this time, he had already felt a vast suppressive and killing power coming from the depths of the sky.

This power is endlessly powerful and extremely intimidating, like the ancient god king awakening, like the prehistoric beast showing off its power and suppressing Jiang Tian.

This pressure was ten times more powerful than the Nine Layers of Splendid Mountains and Rivers just now, more terrifying than the thunder catastrophe that came when Jiang Tianqian broke through the golden elixir in his previous life, and comparable to the heavenly catastrophe when he was a newborn baby.

"The Heavenly Tribulation of the Imprisoning Immortal Formation has arrived! The Heavenly Punishment has arrived!"

This power was so obvious that not only Jiang Tian felt it, but even Ji Muxian and others who were dozens of miles away felt it.

This power is very magical. It is densely spread around and appears in all directions. They seem to be stuck in the cement slurry, and it is difficult to move their fingers.

The pressure was getting bigger and bigger, as if his internal organs were about to be squeezed out, and the bones all over his body creaked, as if they were about to collapse.

However, there was no ripple or damage to the surrounding plants and trees, and even the air was normal.

In a village at the foot of the mountain, a group of dirty children stared up at the sky with wide eyes, but they were safe and sound.

Obviously, this is a kind of mana confinement and attack, with some kind of spiritual intelligence. It is not pure energy, not an indiscriminate bombardment. It only targets cultivators to suppress and kill.

Moreover, the most terrifying thing was that Ji Muxian and the others found that the breath in their bodies was completely imprisoned and could not move at all.

Ji Muxian and others, not to mention resisting, could not even escape, and they all fell to the ground in embarrassment.

"Jiang Taichu, you are dead!"

However, Ji Muxian and others did not show any fear, but looked into the sky with ecstasy, which meant that Jiang Tian would definitely die this time.

At this time, obvious changes have occurred deep in the sky!

Huge black space cracks appeared in the sky, and colorful rays of light, dragging long tails, rushed out of the cracks, shooting like comets hitting the earth.

"The mighty power of Heaven? It's just a prison formation. What kind of Heaven is it? Even if Heaven wants to kill me, I will still fight with him!"

Seeing this, Jiang Tian's eyes flashed with determination, his hair was flying, his long clothes were stretched out, and his body straightened up, like a peerless heavenly sword unsheathed, filled with an extremely fierce aura.

Click, click, click!

After a few crisp sounds, all the thick earth-suppressing chains were disconnected, the six fake pills jumped in unison, the Dantian roared, and vast forces, like magma erupting and rockets being launched, soared into the sky from Jiang Tian's body, Pushing in all directions.

Since Jiang Tian has already triggered the Prisoner Immortal Formation, there is no need to suppress his cultivation, just kill him!


Yu Wending was the first to bear the brunt of the impact. He was knocked upside down and flew several kilometers away. He vomited blood and suffered numerous fractures and tendons!

When these lights reached an altitude of 20,000 meters, they suddenly dispersed and turned into billowing chaotic clouds, rolling and surging.

Some of the clouds and mists are as red as blood, while others are gray and black, giving people a complex feeling of iron-blooded killing and deathly silence.

Deep in the clouds, two bright lights that seemed to be able to penetrate the mind flashed out, looking at Jiang Tian with murderous intent.

"This is the formation spirit of the Imprisoning Immortal Formation. It is not the soul of any person or other creature, but is transformed by the obsession and infinite murderous intention of the sacrificed ancient sages. Over time, it has acquired spiritual wisdom, and the killing formation All the strong ones below!"

Yu Wending took the opportunity to fly away into the distance, grinning ferociously. In his eyes, Jiang Tian was already a dead man:

"Back then, the ancient sages resisted the invaders from outside the territory, and their relatives, friends, comrades, and teachers fell like rain. Their hatred and murderous intent turned into terrifying murderous intent, which could trigger a murderous disaster from the heavens! Jiang Taichu, you can't stop it !”

"In addition, there are Emperor Wa, Emperor Fuxi, Suirenshi, Emperor Yu, Holy Emperor Chongli, Emperor Ao, and the Taoist imprints of several ancient emperors in this formation. They will also kill you together!"

In the sky, colorful smoke billowed, and those two "eyes" that penetrated people's hearts slowly receded.

But then, the gray clouds all over the sky turned into a giant gray palm with a radius of a hundred acres, and it grabbed Jiang Tian Duotou.

The deathly gray giant palm covered the sky and blocked out the sun, like a huge dark cloud, full of a tragic and murderous atmosphere.

Thousands of white bones and skeletons appeared among them, roaring ferociously. They were transformed from the billowing death energy, capable of confining and devouring all life. Even the powerful Nascent Soul could not resist it.


Jiang Tian roared angrily, and the golden Gengjin divine body rushed out from the dantian, instantly spanning ten miles of void, leaping on horseback with a horizontal sword, and swung the sword towards the giant palm of death.

However, the Gengjin Divine Body was still hundreds of meters away from the palm. Suddenly, there was a shock in Dantian, and the fake elixir flowing and wrapped with golden blood actually left the body and flew towards the giant palm.

Gengjin Divine Body suddenly froze and fell from the sky. Even his eyes like golden lamps became lifeless and dim. Jiang Tian's original consciousness that was poured into his sea of ​​consciousness was completely deprived of him.

"What a fierce formation spirit! What a terrifying death energy!"

Jiang Tiannaoren felt a sharp pain, and the real energy in his body was unstable. He spat out a mouthful of blood, and a look of shock appeared on his face.


Deep in the clouds, there was a disdainful snort from the array spirit, which seemed to be a bit proud. It was like rolling thunder, and the sound shook hundreds of miles.

Ji Muxian and others heard it clearly, and couldn't help but feel shaken, their breaths were disordered, and they spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Then, the dead-grey giant grasped the Geng-Gold fake elixir, turned its palm into a fist, and smashed towards the Geng-Gold divine body, as if to eradicate the roots.

"Hey, Jiang Taichu, you brought all this on yourself!"

Seeing this scene, Yu Wending smiled proudly.

With all the Dharma and Prime Minister fallen, what chance does Jiang Tian have of winning?

Almost certain to fail.

"Kill again! How long do you want to limit the earth? Why don't you believe that your descendants will be stronger than you!"

Jiang Tian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, a look of determination flashed in his eyes, and with an angry shout, Lei Jian spread his wings and rushed out of his dantian.

The thousand-foot-tall Lei Jian divine body rushed out, completely composed of pure thunder and lightning. The light was bright, and the blazing light shone through thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, as if a sun was blooming in the sky.

"What? There is also a Dharma image! How is this possible!"

Yu Wending, Ji Muchian, the old monk of Huangjue Temple and others all screamed and couldn't believe it.

Historically, a strong person with a golden elixir only had one golden elixir, and could only emit one dharma image.

But Jiang Tian actually has a second golden elixir and a second Dharma form. This is simply unheard of and unseen, and the first of its kind in the world!


The two lamppost-like gazes deep in the clouds also glanced at each other, staring at Lei Huan's divine body, seemingly full of disbelief.

Under their shocked eyes.

I saw Lei Huan's god body, wind and thunder, flap its wings, and quickly approached the giant fist of death energy. With both hands empty, he condensed a thousand-meter-long purple electric thunder knife, and slashed at the death energy with a fierce slash like a knife cutting off water. Above the fist.

The death-qi fist held on for a full three snaps before the formation spirit deep in the clouds let out a mournful roar full of unwillingness. Shocking cracks began to appear in the fist, and it suddenly collapsed, and the Gengjin fake elixir fell.

But the Gengjin divine body, which was about to land, suddenly had its eyes lit up, its thumbs trembled, and then a carp shot up, soared up, grabbed the fallen Gengjin fake elixir, and pressed it into its Dantian.

Then, with an angry roar, without stopping, he and Lei Jian's divine body soared straight into the sky, heading towards the formation spirit deep in the clouds.

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