Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1266 The world is in chaos, the last hope of the earth

After the establishment of the Earth Defense Coalition, the coalition requested to disclose information about the Tunguska Lake, but Russia refused. At the preparatory meeting of the Myth Alliance, Jiang Tian once again asked Tianqing Sect disciples to enter the Tunguska Demon Lake, but Russia once again refused because of interference in their sovereignty.

Just like India back then, heads of state like Putin were arrogant and did not know the horror of many secret places.

Jiang Tian had warned them repeatedly before, but instead of being wary of many secret realms, they thought they could rely on and cooperate with them. They regarded Jiang Tian and the Shinhwa Alliance as outsiders, for fear that joining the Shinhwa Alliance would deprive them of their power and threaten Jiang Tian's many Suggestions and requests were pushed back and forth, which was very unpleasant.

At this time, a large number of casualties were caused, and he came shamelessly to ask Jiang Tian to suppress it. How could Jiang Tian not be angry?

Pujin trembled all over, gritted his teeth, and then said in a solemn voice:

"In fact, every czar and president knows about the existence of demons. They are the descendants of the powerful aliens who invaded the earth in ancient times. They are powerful and have committed heinous crimes."

"But we believe that tens of thousands of years have passed, and both sides should have put aside their hatred, and they should be part of the earth. I want to unite with them and let them become part of the Mythical Alliance and the Earth Defense Alliance, so... "


Jiang Tian slapped the armrest of the chair, spoke harshly, and cursed directly:

"You want to unite with them as a bargaining chip for Russia's Earth Defense Alliance to compete for the right to speak in the Mythical Alliance. You even fantasize about setting up Russia's own Mythical Alliance and setting up a separate mountain to compete with me, Jiang Taichu."

"After they sent troops, you still had illusions and only released nuclear weapons, but did not dare or were unwilling to release Kuilian!"

A strong look of ridicule appeared on Jiang Tian's face, and he said coldly:

"But you didn't expect that they don't care about joining forces with you. In their eyes, you, the Russian Emperor, are just an ant!"

"I know I was wrong. I can take the blame and resign, but the Russian people are innocent!"

Under Jiang Tian's power, Pujin could not bear it, trembled with fear, and begged with tears, hoping that Jiang Tian would take action to save the Russian people from the fire and water.

"Have you forgotten our previous agreement?"

Jiang Tian's eyes were cold and he shouted angrily:

"Before I defeated the Prisoner Immortal Formation, everyone had reached an agreement. The authority of the Earth Defense Alliance and the Mythical Alliance is above all else! The overall interests of all mankind are above all else! All countries and organizations must give up all unrealistic illusions! You It was a good promise at the time, but did you do it?”

Jiang Tian shook his head in disappointment and said:

"You didn't! At the preparatory meeting of the Mythical Alliance, you were categorical and categorical. You were capable of dealing with the secret realm of your country. You refused to cooperate with us in taking down the Tunguska Demon Lake. But what about now?"

"I was wrong. I did it for my own selfish interests. I forgot our oath! I betrayed the interests of all mankind!"

Putin was speechless, with a look of shame on his face, and lay on the ground crying. The other two heads of state also regretted it.

In fact, it is not the Russians who have selfish motives. Many heads of state are obedient to the Mythical Alliance.

Egypt and the East refused to purchase Kuilian at the beginning, and the Egyptian government even had secret connections with the Black Pyramid Secret Realm.

The reason is self-evident.

Since the middle of the last century, the United States and Superintelligence have worked closely together to make American science and technology unparalleled and surpass many major countries in the world.

In recent years, the rise of Jiang Tian, ​​a superpower, and the Tianqing Sect have increased the international status of Huaxia and Sodoni, gaining a large say in the Earth Defense Alliance and the Mythology Alliance.

On the one hand, many heads of state are unwilling to completely obey Jiang Tian and the Myth Alliance. On the other hand, they take it for granted that as long as they cooperate with the hidden secret realms and alien gods, they can replicate this success, and even compete with Sodoni, Huaxia and Jiang Tian. Breaking with the Mythical Alliance.

Little do they know, not all strong men are as harmless as Super Brain Man and Jiang Tian, ​​who fight for mankind.

If many countries had used Kuilian from the beginning, or had joined forces with the powerful Tianqing Sect to attack and behead people, there might not have been these unnecessary sacrifices at all.

It was precisely because of their unrealistic illusions that they did not take the most decisive and severe blow to the powerful aliens at the first time, which made all countries passive and caused a large number of casualties.

Now that various alien gods have blended into the mortal world, it is already very difficult to use nuclear weapons to carry out mass destruction.

Pujin and several other heads of state kowtowed together like pounding garlic. Pujin even kowtowed with blood on his head, which was pitiful.

"Okay, I can take action!"

Seeing this, Jiang Tian was silent for a moment and sighed helplessly:

"I, Jiang Taichu, can forgive you, but will those Russian soldiers and people who died in vain forgive you?"

"I know what to do, as long as you're willing to take action!"

A trace of struggle flashed across Pugin's face, which eventually turned into boundless perseverance and determination. He pulled out a pistol from the guard and walked out.

A moment later, a gunshot was heard outside the door, and the sound of a body falling to the ground was heard.

Next to them, the Prime Minister of Japan and the President of Egypt were trembling with fear and kept kowtowing, fearing that Jiang Tian would also force them to commit suicide.

But eventually.

"Forget it, just admit your mistake! If I don't kill them, I won't be able to safely revive the spiritual energy!"

Jiang Tian ignored them, but sighed softly and walked out of the door, his eyes flashing with murderous intent.

In fact, even if Putin is unwilling to disclose the information, the intelligence agencies of the Pentagon, the Earth Defense Alliance and the Tianqing Sect have gone deep into the Russian military to get close to the relevant information about the Tunguska Demon Lake.

They are a demon clan that invaded the earth along with the Annihilators in ancient times. They fought bloody and cruel battles with the ancient sages such as Emperor Yu, Emperor Sheng and Chongli.

Emperor Yu might even fall into their hands. Of course, this ethnic group would also pay the price with blood, and there would be very little left. As the Destroying Star crazily devoured spiritual energy and the Immortal Prisoner Formation descended, this group gradually became dormant.

But due to various reasons, it revived again.

Jiang Tian could ignore the powerful men and alien gods from other countries' cave-heaven secret realms, but Jiang Tian could not sit idly by and ignore the demons in the Tunguska Demon Lake.

The Tunguska Demon Lake is located on the south side of the Siberian Plateau, near Chita City, extremely far from the northeastern region of China, and its threat to China is self-evident.

For the safety of China, Jiang Tian had to take action to suppress it.

After Jiang Tian went out, he made some arrangements.

Then, he turned into a golden rainbow that penetrated the sky and the earth, soared and shot towards the north.

Within a few hours of the outbreak of the Tunguska Demon Lake, another secret realm and alien powerhouse took action, declaring war on Jiang Tian and the Myth Alliance, and clashed with the Global Defense Alliance.

Near the Marshall Islands in the Pacific Ocean, a sea monster with a body and a shark's head overturned an Earth Defense Alliance aircraft carrier and then calmly retreated.

When the news came out, the whole world was in uproar.

In India, a foreign god with an elephant head and body appeared on the streets of Cairo, calling himself the elephant and demanding the surrender of the Indian head of state.

He overwhelmed the army, was not afraid of missile volleys, destroyed Wuyan Temple, the largest Buddhist temple, and killed many eminent monks.

When Liansheng Lao Tathagata arrived, he had already disappeared and was missing, which made Liansheng furious.

Such evil incidents continue to break out all over the world. The enemy is like a violent storm. Humanity is retreating steadily, and the whole world is in chaos.

"You should listen to the words of the leader of the Taichu alliance, and you should not make your own decisions! These powerful alien gods and secret realms really don't agree with us!"

"Alas, we are really too arrogant. The leader of the Taichu Alliance is the wise man who sees the fire clearly. In the eyes of the alien gods and the sleepers in the secret realm, we are really like ants. We have no qualifications to negotiate, and we are not even qualified to be used. No!"

Faced with the crisis of national subjugation and genocide, heads of state from all over the world were filled with fear and regret. They rushed to China, Sodoni, and the Mythical Alliance to admit their mistakes and ask for help, hoping that Jiang Tian would come out to suppress him regardless of his past suspicions.

"Obviously, the best opportunity to eliminate the alien gods and powerful men sleeping in the secret realm is during a preparatory meeting of the Global Mythology Alliance. But unfortunately, the heads of state missed the opportunity."

The female BBC reporter who once reported on the Mangshan Ghost Emperor sighed helplessly in front of the camera.

"According to statistics, in just a few days, the human military suffered 130,000 casualties and 250,000 civilian casualties. This is the most painful loss and the greatest disaster for mankind after World War II!"

"Why doesn't Jiang Taichu come out? Only he can suppress it now!"

Billions of human beings around the world are trembling and having trouble sleeping and eating. They hope that Jiang Tian will once again turn the tide and save all mankind.

"If he hadn't torn up the Prison Immortal Formation, these alien gods and monsters in the secret realm wouldn't have appeared!"

"What is he doing? Why hasn't he taken action to suppress it? He tore up the Prison Immortal Formation, he caused the sleeping strong men to wake up, and he caused the chaos in the world. Of course he must quell it! If he can't do it, he is a sinner!"

"What a bullshit savior. Just like what the famous pre-Qin clan said, he is the destroyer of the world and the scourge of the earth!"

Many people lost their patience and instead of insulting those alien gods, they loudly despised Jiang Taichu and were filled with righteous indignation.

Under extreme fear and the threat of death, the cowardice, selfishness, ugliness and despicability of human nature are magnified thousands of times and exposed.

"Indeed. After the Prisoner Immortal Formation was torn apart, the alien gods and demons around the world rioted at the same time, causing the human regular army to retreat steadily. But humans have no right to blame Jiang Taichu!"

A current affairs commentator from Agence France-Presse shouted angrily on a TV show with a sad and angry face and tearful eyes:

"At the beginning, Jiang Taichu wanted to tear apart the Prison Immortal Formation and revive the spiritual energy, but you opposed it. You were bewitched by the famous pre-Qin sect and poured dirty water on you. You wished he would die. As a result, in fact, the crisis of world annihilation has always existed. The Immortal Ruins and the dimensional world are close at hand, and he alone is saving the earth!"

"At the preparatory meeting of the Global Mythology Alliance, Jiang Taichu once proposed to be wary of or attack alien gods, form a global Mythology Alliance, and make a soul contract with them."

"But the heads of state strongly opposed Jiang Taichu's attack on foreign gods, betrayed his trust, and tore up previous agreements and agreements."

"But what did we do? Many people chose to remain silent, or simply supported their respective heads of state, supported the so-called gods of their own countries, and opposed Jiang Taichu's global attack on aliens and powerful people in the secret realm, and the promotion of the Global Mythology Alliance. Because you think That is your god, your protector."

"But what now? They are just like Jiang Taichu expected, just thugs, just demons!"

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