Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1267: Bright sword, Tunguska Demon Lake, a shocking battle

"Jiang Taichu is the master of the other three worlds. Each of those worlds is more beautiful than the earth and more conducive to cultivation. He even has the opportunity to step on the ancient road in the starry sky and go to the depths of the universe. He needs to fight and fight for mankind. Risky?"

"He didn't need it, but he still faced countless infamy, took great risks of almost death, and still did it, and he did it!"

"Jiang Taichu has done so much for mankind on earth and has shouldered too much. But humans have never thanked Jiang Taichu, never completely trusted Jiang Taichu, and never fully supported Jiang Taichu!"

"We are always considering our own interests and making our own calculations. We have never regarded the entire human race as a community with a shared future!"

"Now, what right do humans have to blame Jiang Taichu! And what right do humans have to ask Jiang Taichu to sell it for us!"

The words of this current affairs commentator were widely circulated on self-media, with hundreds of millions of retweets.

"If I were Jiang Taichu, I would probably be completely disappointed in human beings! If I were him, I would probably choose to stand by and watch!"

After watching it, many people fell silent and despaired.

"Mom, will the earth really be occupied by those monsters? Will they really enter our villa?"

Hilton Manor, living room, little Paris shivered in her mother's arms, trembling with fear.

"Let Russia be destroyed, let Egypt be destroyed, let the East be sunk! Let this cowardly and despicable world disappear completely! It is so disappointing!"

Paris took a swig of red wine, looked at the TV screen with tears in her eyes, and said angrily.

But just when humans around the world are in despair and fear.

General Keynes, an important member of the global defense coalition, solemnly announced at the United Nations Building:

"Jiang Taichu will sweep through all the secret realms around the world and suppress many alien gods one by one. On behalf of the Myth Alliance and the Earth Defense Alliance, I urge relevant forces to join the Myth Alliance as soon as possible and sign an alliance contract to avoid unnecessary sacrifices!"

"Jiang Taichu is going to take action!"

"How can it be!"

Countless people exclaimed and couldn't believe it.

The Chinese military played a three-minute short video on the "Look at Me" live broadcast, which was subsequently reported by major media around the world.

The satellite captured a golden rainbow that penetrated the sky and the earth, shooting straight to the north from Mount Emei in the hinterland of southwestern China, like a peerless heavenly sword crossing the earth.


Russia, Siberian Plateau, south of Chita City, Tunguska Demon Lake!

"Jiang Taichu finally didn't give up on us!"

"It can be saved! The human race on earth can be saved!"

"Savior! He is the real savior!"

Many people cried with joy, hugged each other and cried.

Countless people spontaneously went to the streets, holding high the portrait of Jiang Tian and shouting the name of the savior and Jiang Tian.

Or gather in front of the huge statue of Jiang Tian, ​​worship and pray devoutly, as if you are seeing a god.

"Well, sometimes, I think he is so ruthless, so sinister and cunning, but more often, he is so stupid, so innocent, like a child."

Paris shook her head and smiled bitterly, with tears in her smile.

And in Tianqing Sect.

Sasaki Haisa and many other disciples also asked curiously around the Wolf King:

"Wolf King, this Tunguska Demon Lake is very mysterious. Even Master told us not to step into it easily. What is its origin? You worked in the Russian Winter Soldier organization back then, so you should know."

The Devil Lake is just a folk saying, which originated from the Tunguska explosion in 1908.

At that time, the big explosion was like thunder. The beam of light penetrated straight through the sky and the earth. A huge mushroom cloud rose. The powerful shock wave and light radiation turned the 2,000 square kilometers of virgin forest around the Tunguska Lake into powder. The earth turned into scorched earth. After the big explosion, the continuous For several days, the sky with a radius of 9,000 miles was shrouded in orange smoke, and a continuous white night appeared in large areas.

After subsequent research and computer simulations by the Russian scientific expedition team, it was found that the power of the big explosion was equivalent to the explosion of a hundred nuclear weapons, but nuclear weapons had not been born at that time.

Therefore, this magical lake is known as one of the unsolved mysteries of the earth.

Many scientific researchers and enthusiasts of mysterious events have collected information and researched, and put forward various hypotheses, such as the theory of planetary impact, the theory of the fall of alien spacecraft, the theory of small black holes... There are many kinds of theories, but there is no conclusion, and there is endless debate.

"Even if I was the founder of Winter Soldier and had a very good relationship with Emperor Putin, I still don't have the right to know the origin of the Tunguska Demon Lake!"

A trace of self-deprecation appeared on Alexander's face and he said:

"In the end, it was the alliance leader who searched for a lot of information from Pujin's mind and analyzed it based on the intelligence obtained before!"

"Stop being so pretentious, I'm so anxious!" Haisa Sasaki urged with a frown.

"We have combined various information to speculate that the Tunguska Demon Lake was caused by the competition between the Destruction Star and the Immortal Prisoner Formation deep in the earth for spiritual energy, which caused some of the formation materials of the Immortal Prisoner Formation to fall."

Alexander's face was slightly solemn, and his words were shocking.

"That's it!" Everyone looked shocked.

Sasaki Haisa asked: "What are the origins of those creatures?"

"The creatures among them are the descendants of the extraterrestrial demons who invaded the earth with the Annihilators in the ancient Earth era."

Alexander sighed and said:

"They were gradually killed by the ancient powerful ones, and there were fewer and fewer descendants left. Coupled with the suppression of the Prisoner Immortal Formation and the destruction stars that kept devouring spiritual energy, the earth became increasingly unsuitable for them to live in, and large-scale activities , they can only hide from the world!"

"It wasn't until 1908, when a small-scale explosion of the Destroying Star caused part of the Prisoner Immortal Formation to fall, and the Tunguska Demon Lake was formed, that they settled in it. They strengthened themselves by absorbing the spiritual energy emitted from the Demon Lake's Destroying Star. After more than two hundred years, After a long time, their power has become very terrifying!”

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

It turns out that the Tunguska Demon Lake is uniquely connected to the Destruction Star deep underground, and is a legacy of the ancient demon clan. There is no doubt that this sub-force is the most terrifying.

"Let's go to Tunguska with Master! Maybe all the alien gods from all over the world will go!"

Sasaki Haisa pressed her sword and shouted fiercely, her pretty face was cold and her beautiful eyes were filled with murderous intent.


Alexander quickly stopped:

"Master has his reasons for letting us sit in charge of Tianqing Sect! How can the sect leader rest assured when the rear is unstable?"

A hint of pride appeared on his face, and he said proudly: "Besides, the sect leader is even impressed by the ancient gods of China, not to mention these half-human and half-demon monsters, calling them gods is too shameful, isn't it?"

"Ahem, Alexander, it seems that you are also a demon clan yourself..."

Next to him, Sasaki Haisa whispered.

"This...I am one heart with humanity!"

Alexander looked embarrassed, and then said seriously:

"There is also some human blood flowing in the blood. It must be the human race! Otherwise, why not call it a werewolf!"

Jiang Tian's speed today has exceeded the scope of human imagination. He can fly thousands of miles in one hour.

A few hours later, as darkness fell, we arrived near the Tunguska Lake and could already see it in the distance.

Around the Tunguska Demon Lake, ancient cypresses are green, old pines are vigorous, and the trees are unusually tall.

At this time, around the magic lake, the majestic essence of heaven and earth spurted out. From time to time, giant bears roared and elk ran. It didn't look like a magic lake, but like a holy land for cultivation.

At this time, hundreds of thousands of troops were already stationed fifty kilometers away. Helicopters were circling up and down, and fighter jets were dragging their long tails across the sky.

Many missiles shone coldly in the night light, and dozens of Kwailians around the world were activated, aiming at the Demonic Lake.

At the same time, military satellites in the depths of space, as well as a dozen fighter planes, stayed high in the sky, and the cameras were turned on to broadcast today's battle live to the world, in order to enhance human confidence and revitalize the aura resolutely and unanimously.

In addition, countless experts from Eastern and Western martial arts and cultivation circles came here to witness Jiang Tian's grand sweep of the Demon Lake and suppress the demons.

This is the first time in history that humans have declared war on many secret realms, forbidden areas, and alien gods. It is too exciting.

"Ms. Hera, are you here too? I didn't expect that this incident would alarm even you!"

Ten kilometers west of the Demon Lake, many powerful people from the dark world gathered.

A young man with white hair but handsome appearance suddenly raised his head, looked at a graceful woman who had fallen from high school, and said in surprise.

It is now the number one demon hunter on earth, Pulsatilla, who has replaced Van Helsing's position, and his cultivation has reached the divine realm.

"The Temple of the Gods has all been integrated into the Earth Defense Alliance. I am also a member of the Mythical Alliance. Of course I cannot ignore it!"

Hera floated down, a gentle smile appeared on her beautiful face, and she said softly.

Originally, the Temple of the Gods was a powerful organization that worked closely with the British military.

When they were fighting for the Blood Orchid in Sodoni, Jiang Tian swept across the Temple of the Gods and even killed Zeus. There was a bit of a gap between the two sides.

But now, under the crisis of world destruction, these small conflicts have long been put aside.

Globally, many powerful people are proud to join the Earth Defense Alliance, and there are even entire sects, families, and organizations that have joined the Mythical Alliance as a whole. There are even old monsters who have been hiding for hundreds of years.

Like the famous pre-Qin sects, like the Tunguska Demon Lake, there are only a few who dare to compete with Jiang Tianliang's sword.

And this battle is related to whether the global Mythical Alliance can be implemented and established, whether it can stand, and whether mankind can revive its aura and enter a new era. Naturally, no one can ignore it.

"His merits will shine through the ages!"

A Chinese warrior carrying a long sword sighed:

"If Jiang Taichu can successfully revive his spiritual energy, mankind will usher in a new era, and his achievements will surely go down in history!"

"However, I read the information just released. The Tunguska demon is extremely powerful. I heard that he withstood several nuclear explosions and did not die!"

The white-headed man said worriedly: "Senior Hera, do you think Jiang Taichu can create miracles?"

"Miracles? There are no miracles with him, everything is normal!"

A look of deep reverence appeared on Hera's face, then her face condensed slightly and she frowned:

"It's just that the reactions of these strong men from Tunguska Demon Lake are too bizarre."

"Jiang Taichu has declared war on them and announced it to the whole world. They are surrounded by large armies, but they have not made any move!"

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