Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1268: Kill ten thousand demons with one sword and challenge the Tunguska demon

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

As soon as these words came out, everyone showed a hint of vigilance and their eyes were confused.

Yes, the Tunguska Lake is a bit abnormally calm.

After Kuilian was launched, many demon armies have retreated from many cities and shrunk into the lake.

Subsequently, the Russian military army pressed on the border, surrounded it, and carried out several bombings, but there was no movement in the Tunguska Lake.

Could it be that there is some conspiracy here?


Suddenly, a huge water column shot up from the lake, like a peerless heavenly sword unsheathed, about to pierce the sky.

An invisible power, like a nuclear explosion, turned into billowing air waves, causing the surrounding trees to break and the earth to tremble.

A supreme demon, standing proudly in the void. He is ten meters tall, as towering as a mountain, with six arms. His body is tangled with muscles. The black scales covering his body are like carved from black precious gold. His hair is loose and he has one eye. His aura is terrifying pole.

"Those who trespass into the Tunguska Demon Lake will be killed without mercy!"

When these six words were spoken, each one was like a thunderous explosion, shaking hundreds of miles around and causing the trees to shake violently.

Many soldiers, even if they wore special earplugs and were far away from each other, still couldn't bear it and fell to the ground with blood spurting from their mouths.

"Heavenly strength! Is this person the Demon King Tunguska?"

Seeing this scene, the white-headed man was suddenly shocked.

"No. This is the gatekeeper of the Tunguska Demon King, codenamed Caesar. According to current public information, he has reached the level of immortality. A few years ago, he once raided the Winter Palace alone and forced the last Russian emperor to bow his head. He will never again We dare not release nuclear weapons to suppress the Demon Lake and declare this place a military restricted area. No one dares to disturb it!"

Hera frowned.

Caesar appears.

Suddenly, many strong men around them felt like they were facing formidable enemies, their momentum was suppressed to the point where even their little fingers could not move at all.

This scene was also captured by the lenses of military satellites and reconnaissance aircraft. Through video, it is clearly visible to billions of people around the world.

"Is this the strength of immortals? I heard that there are only a few immortals in Tianqing Sect now! But a gatekeeper of Tunguska Demon Lake has such strength, which shows how deep the background is. What's more, there are also Hai Clan, Atlan The Sti civilization, the ancient Egyptian gods with black pyramids, and the hanging gardens..."

In front of the screen, countless people became worried.

"Don't worry! As soon as Jiang Taichu comes, these demons will definitely be over in minutes!" Someone encouraged everyone.

"Caesar! Jiang Taichu revives spiritual energy for all living beings around the world, and you will also benefit. Signing the soul contract is what it should be. You are originally a starry sky race, how can we rest assured when you live on earth?"

Hera stepped forward and spoke to Caesar in a coquettish voice.

Her cultivation has now surpassed the divine realm and reached the earthly immortal level, but there is still a big gap.

But since she is a member of the Mythical Alliance, how can she show weakness? How to lose Jiang Taichu's face?


Caesar didn't talk nonsense at all. He raised his hand and pushed out with a palm.

Suddenly, black demonic energy rolled out, like a stormy wave, across a distance of several thousand meters, pushing towards Hera and the others.

"Let's take action together!"

The dozen or so powerful human beings above the divine realm present all jumped into the air, cast secret techniques, and all magical weapons came out.

For a moment, the glow filled the air, and the flames condensed into shields and shields, trying to withstand Caesar's blow together.

But everything was in vain. A dozen strong men in the divine realm were all shot and flew away with blood spurting from their mouths. The white-headed man who bore the brunt of the attack exploded all over and turned into a rain of flesh and rained down.

In one blow, ten great gods were defeated and one person died.

Suddenly, there was deathly silence in the sky and on the earth.

Everyone clenched their fists and stared at the devil Caesar with gritted teeth, but no one dared to step forward.

Heavenly immortal level powerhouses are absolutely crushing against them. They cannot rely on the number of people. No matter how many there are, they will die.

The people in front of the screen hated Caesar even more.

Jiang Tian's struggle with the famous pre-Qin clan was, after all, an internal conflict among human beings, but now, it was against another ethnic group.

"In ancient times, our ancient demon clan once beat your ancestors to their knees and surrendered. Today, it is still the same. In my eyes, you are nothing more than ants!"

Caesar looked down at the crowd and said with a ferocious smile: "My words are golden words. How dare you not listen?"

"Hmph! Is our human race as unbearable as you said? Jiang Taichu once swept through the three realms. Just three days ago, he suppressed all the famous pre-Qin sects in China to surrender. Today, he is going to destroy your demon lake and tear you apart. Gotta smash it!”

Hera's chest was stained with blood and she said with hatred.

"Based on him, it's too far off. What he destroyed was just the ancient emperor's great road mark, not his true body!"

Caesar smiled disdainfully and said:

"But our ancestors once killed Emperor Yu, and we have the blood of ancient demons! How can we be afraid of Jiang Taichu! If he comes, I will blow out his eyes!"


At this time, suddenly a faint cold snort came from the horizon.

Caesar's face changed wildly, and when he looked up, he saw a golden rainbow appearing on the horizon that penetrated the sky and the earth, flying towards him.

"It's Jiang Taichu!"

Caesar was terrified.

Others can't see it clearly, but with his cultivation, he can see it clearly.

This golden rainbow is actually made up of countless golden flying swords, each one is so sharp that it can penetrate a battleship and an aircraft carrier, not to mention there are thousands of them, and they are extremely fast.

Without saying a word, he flashed his figure, the demonic energy swept across him, and he blasted back toward the demonic lake at a speed that instantly broke the sound barrier.

But he only retreated one meter before he was frozen in place by the immense magic power, as if the world had stopped.

"how so!"

Caesar howled miserably, his eyes full of despair and fear, and his face instantly turned pale as paper.

Of course he had heard that Jiang Taichu was powerful and had the ability to kill someone with a golden elixir at the snap of a finger.

But after all, he is also a strong foundation builder. Even if he is not as good as Jiang Tian, ​​he doesn't even have a chance to escape, right?

It’s just that reality is so cruel!

Soon enough, those flying swords poured out like golden waterfalls, drowning Caesar in the blink of an eye.

Under the golden waterfall of sword light, his ancient armor engraved with ancient magic patterns, his body that was not afraid of missile volleys, and even the shield and belt that protected his body all seemed to be made of paper in an instant. It was torn to pieces, and the next moment, it exploded in the air and turned into strands of strands floating in the air.

Many swords did not stop at all after killing the gatekeeper Caesar, but plunged into the Demonic Lake like the Milky Way falling.

These golden swords passed through nimbly like a school of swimming fish and scattered in all directions in the depths of the lake.

Stab, pick, cloud, chop, split, point, collapse, hang, lift, wipe, sweep, frame, cut, flower, circle, swim, drill, the sharp golden flying sword is directed at the many demons lurking deep under the water. Behead him with his head.

Of course, everyone can't see this.

Everyone could only see the water surface suddenly rolling like boiling water, and they could only see clumps of black demon blood spreading like black dahlias in the lake water, and they didn't even hear the slightest sound.

Ten minutes later, screams and unwilling roars came from the depths of the lake, as shocking as rolling thunder.

Afterwards, huge demon corpses surfaced one after another, and they were so densely packed that they covered the lake surface for dozens of miles. It was roughly estimated that there were thousands or even tens of thousands. The scene was extremely shocking and terrifying.

According to previous intelligence, Jiang Tian's sword killed half of the strong men in the Tunguska Demon Lake.

"Everyone, I am BBC reporter Keris, reporting live from Tunguska Lake for you! Jiang Taichu has arrived at the battlefield!"

Among the crowd, the female reporter who had reported on Hongye Zhenren and Mangshan Ghost King was the first to spot Jiang Tian and couldn't help shouting excitedly.

"Jiang Taichu is here!"

"Jiang Taichu!"

The lenses of CNN, Reuters and other major global media were focused on the figure walking in the void, wearing white clothes and standing with hands behind his back.

At this moment, everyone felt proud.

Especially the Eastern warriors were in high spirits.

I just felt that everything was stable once Jiang Tian came. The Tunguska Demon Lake is bound to be defeated.

"Jiang Taichu!"

"Kill them!"

"Savior! The important task of saving this world depends on you!"

"Beat them until they are all strewn with teeth!"

At this moment, billions of people around the world were shouting in front of the camera and waving their fists excitedly.

In history, the powerful demons of Tunguska Lake have wreaked havoc on the earth several times and swallowed the lives of tens of thousands of people.

However, these incidents are regarded as top secrets by the military of various countries and have never been announced to the world.

Recently, they resisted the Mythical Alliance and the Global Defense Coalition, killed tens of thousands of Russian civilians, and committed so many heinous crimes that it is impossible to describe them.

Now, the moment has finally arrived.

"Here, the earth's crust moves frequently and is very weak. The Destruction Star once burst out with energy and wanted to compete with the Prisoner Immortal Formation for spiritual energy."

At this time, Jiang Tian took a step forward and came to the top of the Tunguska Demon Lake, and his consciousness swept away.

I immediately felt that the aura of this place was more than ten times stronger than other places, and I couldn't help but feel secretly moved in my heart.

"The Tunguska Demon, Jiang Taichu is here to pay a visit, come out!"

Jiang Tian didn't talk nonsense. He gave a low shout, which was like rolling thunder, turning into substantial sound waves. The surface of the Tunguska Demon Lake was filled with turbid waves, trembling violently, and even many corpses were shattered to pieces.

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