Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1269: Ambush, a unique killing situation

However, the lake was dead silent and there was no response.

Everyone showed a bit of suspicion and looked at each other: "After killing so many demons, why doesn't Demon King Tunguska come out?"

But at this moment, there was a loud "boom".

In the south, a huge black pyramid tore through space and appeared out of thin air.

This pyramid, like a flying saucer, shoots out streaks of black light, surging with billowing demonic energy and deathly energy, spinning and flying towards it.

Amidst the boiling demonic energy and deathly energy, coffins and coffins floated in the air, with mummies sitting on top of them.

They were half human, half corpse, half ghost, and half demon. Their eyes burst out with red light that was several meters long. Long corpse oil hung on their white fangs, flying up and down, and they chanted loud but obscure spells in their mouths.


Many missiles were fired in an attempt to kill and intercept them.

But it was useless. The pyramid and many coffins were surging with crystal-like black light to form a protective shield, blocking the artillery fire. They were safe and sound, leaving not even a trace.

"The Black Pyramid! It is said that it suddenly emerged from the desert a few days ago. Even nuclear weapons cannot destroy it. It destroyed tens of thousands of Egyptian troops and hundreds of thousands of EU reinforcements in seconds!"

Among the crowd, Hera said with a solemn expression.

At the top of the pyramid, stood an old man wearing linen clothes and a golden crown, with a stooped body and a withered face.

At this time, Mangshan Ghost Emperor Liu Shang also clicked his tongue and said:

"You can't afford to offend Western zombies! You can't afford to offend them! At worst, they are at the level of flying yakshas! There are quite a few celestial zombies!"

"This pharaoh is even more terrifying. According to legend, his name is Seti I. He was able to communicate with the ancient demon gods during his lifetime. He has great magical power. He is revered as the pharaoh among pharaohs, and is also called the Pharaoh King!"

According to Jiang Tian's arrangement, there were many strong men in the Mythical Alliance who had arrived at the Tunguska Demon Lake one step ahead of him, but they just stood still.

Next to her, the female ghost Nie Xiaoqian looked up at Jiang Tian in the sky with admiration, and whispered softly: "Huh, so what? If you meet the leader of our Taichu Alliance, you will die!"

"Boom" a loud noise.

The pyramid fell ten miles away from the Tunguska Demon Lake, smashing hundreds of tanks into scrap metal.

The commander-in-chief of the Russian military stiffened, became furious, and wanted to order the fire to continue.

But Jiang Tian waved his hand and said calmly: "This is a competition between me and many strong foreigners. Since I have stopped this matter, you, the Russian military, should not take action. Don't worry. If you don't take action, they will not dare to take action!"

"Yes! Taichu Alliance Leader!"

How dare the commander-in-chief of the Russian military dare to disobey Jiang Tian's order, so he quickly bowed and agreed, respectfully.

"Your Excellency Taichu is indeed very particular about people. Dear allies, give Your Excellency Taichu some face and don't take action against this mortal ant."

The Pharaoh Seti on the top of the pyramid looked half-smiling, looking down at the steel torrent of the Russian army as if he were looking at ants, and what he said in his mouth was actually proficient Chinese.

However, it's not surprising when you think about it. These old monsters have lived for thousands of years and can't learn anything.

"Are there any allies?" Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

Sure enough, immediately afterwards, a roar came from the east.

A giant snake with eight heads and eight tails, its head is as huge as a hill, its fangs are thick, its mouth is as big as a basin of blood, its eyes are as red as lanterns, each giant tail is a hundred feet long, and its scales are as thick as cast from precious gold.

He was like a giant octopus, using his giant tail as a foot, moving quickly, over mountains and ridges, and rushed over.

There were many weird pythons and venomous snakes in front of him and behind him.

Some have two heads, some have four heads, and some have five heads, and they are his offspring.

One hundred thousand or even hundreds of thousands of venomous snakes, breathing colorful smoke, densely packed, surging like a tide.

The haze was obviously highly toxic. Wherever it spread, trees collapsed like ashes, and rocks were corroded into liquid or turned into powder.

"Yama-no-Orochi is indeed alive!"

Hera frowned.

This Yamata-no-Orochi is also a powerful nuclear weapon, and can even survive being hit by Aoi Lotus.

Based on this calculation, he may have the strength of Jindan Dzogchen, or even the strength of Jie Ying.

"This snake has a great background. According to legend, it is a descendant of Xiang Liu's roots. He once sent his descendants to Qingcheng Mountain to force my lineage, Liu Xian, to surrender!"

In the crowd, Qingcheng Liuxian Bai Sujun coldly snorted, but a strong fear flashed in his beautiful eyes.

Although she did not surrender to Yamata no Orochi back then, she still suffered a lot.

"Turns out to be a descendant of Xiang Liu!"

When everyone heard this, their faces became solemn, and some even exclaimed in surprise.

Xiang Liu is recorded in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas". He was born in the mythical age. He was a fierce god with a great reputation. He was the head of many snake demons. He had nine heads and could eat countless people. Wherever he went, venom flowed everywhere and no grass could grow. As famous as Wuzhi Qi.

In the end, Emperor Yu personally took action to suppress him, but the blood shed by Xiangliu caused no crops to grow for hundreds of miles as soon as it touched the ground. In the end, it was Emperor Yu who buried it with a large amount of soil to stop the pollution.

No one expected that although Xiang Liu died, there were still descendants of Gen Miao, and his longevity was simply immeasurable.

But this is just the beginning.

To the southwest, a young man wearing a white robe appeared.

His wavy blond hair was flowing, and he was handsome and handsome. His aura was ethereal and filled with divine light. He was holding a scepter and came through the air as if the true god had descended.

"Assyria the Younger, the son of the King of Assyria, has met His Excellency Taichu!"

He was polite and bowed to Jiang Tian, ​​but in his deep eyes, there was a hint of murderous intent that was not easy to detect.

"Little Assyria is very powerful. He once knocked Saint Adam away with one move..."

In the crowd, Messiah's face was solemn, with a trace of cold sweat breaking out on his forehead, and he sent a message to Jiang Tian's spiritual consciousness.

Although the ancient Babylonian civilization did not form a dimensional world and did not escape, it was still a civilization that could compete with the heavenly world.

Although the Tower of Babel and the Hanging Gardens were suppressed, the roots and roots remain.

Hundreds of years ago, Assyria Minor entered the Holy See and challenged Saint Adam, completely crushing him.

However, for some reason, the Tower of Babel and the Hanging Gardens did not take the opportunity to attack the heavenly world.

Now after hundreds of years of practice, Little Assyria may have surpassed the golden elixir and reached the strength of forming a baby, or even higher.

Behind them, there are thousands of Babel tower powerhouses, including many golden elixir powerhouses, each of whom is very powerful.

In the north, a group of strong men from the Siren Tribe appeared, causing huge waves.

Some of them are covered with fish scales and hold weapons in their fin-like palms. Some of them have human bodies but have tentacles. Some of them have human bodies with shrimp heads and are covered with carapace like medieval European armor. Some of them are probably turtles. Such monsters have evolved so much that their turtle shells fall off and are held in their hands like shields.

The leader is none other than the King of the Bermuda Triangle, Neptune, Arthur.

The Kraken clan appears!

Immediately afterwards, waves grew out of thin air, floating and hovering in the air, occupying a radius of five or six miles.

The brilliance bloomed, and a huge city made of gold floated in the water, with thousands of buildings and palaces, stacked on top of each other, filled with precious light, and swirling with auspicious colors.

There are tens of thousands of sea warriors inside. They are handsome in appearance, wearing luxurious armor, and riding huge seahorses. They have a stern demeanor and impressive strength.

The leader is none other than the famous King of Atlantis, the true Lord of the Ocean, Orm!

"So many people! We were ambushed!"

At this time, someone has already come to their senses.

"What a shocking killing!"

Hera's face turned pale and she murmured in a low voice: "I'm afraid that all the powerful men from the Cave Heaven Secret Realm as well as alien gods and demons from all over the world will gather here today to besiege the Taichu Alliance Leader!"

Sure enough, as she finished speaking.


The earth trembled violently like a beating drum, the mountains shook, and the jungle was separated by huge figures dozens of meters high like soft grass.

An elephant-headed giant who walked out of the primitive jungles of India also led thousands of tribesmen, trampling through mountains and rivers, trampling on the earth, and came in a hurry.

This frightened the Demon King Lao Long in the Dragon Pond of Mount Paektu, and even several eminent monks from the Buddhist sect were shocked.

It is said that this elephant-headed man was once a god who cultivated elephants and lived forever. His longevity was several times more powerful than the dragon demon in the Dragon Pond of Baekdu Mountain, and he once suppressed him.

In an instant, powerful men from the Cave Heaven Secret Realm and foreign gods appeared.

Moreover, each one is a large army. Roughly calculated, there are at least 200,000 of them. Among them, there are countless heavenly immortals, mid-to-late-stage foundation-building powerhouses and golden elixirs who surpass the heavenly immortals. There may even be children, or even Nascent Souls. The strong ones hide in the shadows.

In the end, the entire sky was densely packed with powerful men in the secret realm, covering the sky and the sun, surrounding Jiang Tian in the center.


Nie Xiaoqian was so frightened that she said in shock:

"If the leader of the Taichu alliance takes the initiative to attack and defeat each one, there may be a 70% to 80% chance of winning. However, if he is besieged by so many secret realms, the chance of winning is slim!"

"Indeed! These alien gods and demons are not brainless. They have already arranged everything!"

Mangshan Ghost King also said in fear.

"This level of strength is much stronger than that of the famous pre-Qin clan!"

Ao Bing, the demon dragon of Longchi in Changbai Mountain, transformed into a young man with a tall head and horns and murmured to himself in the crowd.


Bai Sujun was puzzled.

"The powerful men from famous pre-Qin families are all descendants. They just have inheritance from the ancient mythical age, but after all, they are not the powerful men from the mythical age!"

The Demon King of Longchi wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said in a trembling voice:

"And many of those who are coming now may have survived from the mythical era, old monsters, old monsters! It's just that they were suppressed by the Prison Immortal Formation before and were unable to exert their fighting power. They didn't even dare to be born easily. They could only use Secret techniques such as blood coagulation and lifespan are put to rest. Now, the Prison Immortal Formation has been torn apart, and their cultivation levels have exploded!"

"Are those legendary Nascent Soul powerhouses and even God-Transformation powerhouses going to appear?"

When Bai Sujun heard this, his heart skipped a beat, his pretty face turned pale, and his expression became more solemn than ever before.

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