Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1277 The only master of this world

Nourished by the endless demonic blood and a Nascent Soul, this dark stone tablet seemed to be deeper and darker. It flew away, fell into Jiang Tian's hands again, and disappeared.

At this moment, the whole place was completely silent.

Everyone within a hundred miles radius was dumbfounded, looking up into the void and looking at the figure standing in the wind.

I just feel like the ancient gods are resurrected, like the gods have descended!

"This, this is not true! I, Xuanzu, have lived for tens of thousands of years, been pregnant for more than 10,000 years, and have been born for thousands of years. I once fought fiercely with Emperor Yu and Emperor Ao and then retreated calmly. How could I be defeated by a person from the end of the Dharma era? It’s impossible to kill a minor character!”

After a long time, the young demon king Ayu's eyes were about to burst, his whole body was trembling, and he trembled in disbelief, with deep fear in his eyes.

In his mind, this Xuanzu is omnipotent, like a demon god, invincible.

"Leader, please spare your life!"

The Assyrian prince hurriedly knelt on the ground and trembled: "Dear Taichu leader Rongchen, our Babylonian civilization was completely coerced by the Tunguska Demon Lake! Before, we also wanted to support you! It's just..."

He burst into tears, cried so hard that he couldn't breathe, and snot bubbled out of his nose, just like a lost youth facing the judge who decided his life or death.

He understood that only by stepping on the prince's dignity and sincerely repenting and apologizing could he have any hope of being forgiven by Jiang Tian and have a chance of saving his life.

The Egyptian Pharaoh Seti was even more unbearable. He was so frightened that his legs weakened and he collapsed to the ground.

His whole body was twitching violently, and the breath in his body was unstable. He was actually peeing and peeing out.

But no one laughed at him.

The person killed by Jiang Tian was a supreme demon who came from ancient times!

But with the cultivation of Nascent Soul, you can move mountains and fill seas, live as long as the sky, and hold the sky with one hand!

That is a living fossil that has experienced the dazzling mythical age, fought against the ancient sages and survived!

Looking around the world, there is only one such strong person.

Even if placed on the big cultivation star deep in the universe, such a strong man would be able to watch for a long time, sweep across the continent, and shock a star field.

But at this moment, Jiang Tian was killed like this.


Sea King Arthur gulped and spit, feeling frightened to the extreme.

Jiang Tian has been deliberately suppressing his cultivation.

But during the process of tearing apart the Prison Immortal Formation, everyone also sensed that his true cultivation level should be in the fake elixir!

But the fake elixir is completely vulnerable to Nascent Soul.

Even if the golden elixir is against Yuanying, the difference between mortals and immortals, humans and saints can be described as the difference between the heavens and the abyss, the difference between clouds and mud!

Nascent Soul, what does it mean?

Maybe most people don't know it, but it's not unfamiliar to a powerful man like King Arthur who has existed in the world for thousands of years and has some understanding of the ancient mythological era.

The so-called "true immortal" of the golden elixir only means that it is similar to a true immortal, or that it has a lifetime and hopes to reach the realm of a true immortal.

But in fact, even if the golden elixir is condensed, it is still ordinary energy, and it is still only a monk.

But Nascent Soul is different.

The energy and spirit condensed into a brand new baby, as if he was reborn and reshaping his body.

Even if this baby is separated from the physical body, it can still cross the void and travel around the world.

When they reach the realm of Nascent Soul, monks can truly transcend the mortal body and can barely be regarded as "immortals". They control the laws of heaven and earth, break the limitations of the physical lifespan, and live for a long time, often for thousands of years or tens of thousands of years.

Transformation into spirit and return to void are essentially the sublimation of the Nascent Soul.

But such a powerful Nascent Soul was killed by Jiang Tian in just a few clicks. It was so terrifying!

"Jiang Taichu's strength is so terrifying that he can actually kill Nascent Soul!"

Thousands of miles away in the Tower of Babel, the Assyrian king sensed this scene through his spiritual mind. He was so frightened that all his souls were dying, his eyes were about to burst, and he shouted loudly:

"Quick! Immediately use the sound transmission instrument to inform Prince Xiao Assyria to surrender! Surrender immediately! Kneel down and surrender!"

Although he, the king of Assyria, was strong, he was still in the realm of a child.

There is still a big gap between him and the old demon from Guhu. Back then, he was brutally suppressed by Guhu and beaten to pieces.

But now that Gu Hu was crushed to death by Jiang Tian, ​​how could he dare to challenge Jiang Tian? He would be tortured until nothing was left.

"It's so terrifying! How could such a terrifying and powerful person be produced in the Age of Dharma Ending!"

"I'm afraid, all of us will have to go to Tianqing Sect to apologize!"

All the other strong men in Babylon were also ashen and dejected, as if they were mourning their heirs, with boundless despair and decadence, and deep fear.

They were all born in the age of mythology, experienced dark catastrophes, and were old monsters sleeping in the divine realm. They all had the power of golden elixirs. They had previously used the method of coagulating blood to stop lifespan to maintain their weak vitality.

They have been sleeping for tens of thousands of years, just waiting for the day when the Prison Immortal Formation will be torn apart.

They thought that once they were born, they would run rampant, sweep through everything, and dominate this small planet.

There are no tigers in the mountains, but monkeys rule the roost.

But unexpectedly, there were no tigers in the mountains, but a prehistoric Tyrannosaurus rex.

Compared to Jiang Tian, ​​they were still as weak as ants and vulnerable to a single blow.

As for the ruins of the Atlantis civilization, the undersea royal city with a radius of hundreds of miles, mournful and desolate music resounded, seahorses neighed, and weapons flashed.

"I want to avenge my father, and I want to kill that evil thief Jiang Taichu!"

Joffrey, the son of Orm, is only seventeen or eighteen years old, but he already has the strength of a foundation-building powerhouse.

At this moment, he was wearing armor, riding a tall seahorse, facing the sea army, waving his sword and roaring at the top of his lungs.

"Soldiers of Atlantis, are you willing to fight with your brave new king?"

behind him.

Many fair-looking sea women were sobbing and crying over Orm's death in the battle, and were extremely sad.

These women are all the queens, concubines and princesses of Aum.

Unlike Jiang Tian, ​​who was like an ascetic, Aum was romantic and charming. He had at least a hundred concubines, all of whom loved him to the point of madness.

In the distance, thousands of women, children, old and young were crying, and the entire underwater city was bleak and mournful.

The atmosphere was extremely oppressive and dull, with endless anger and hatred flowing, stirring, and gathering.

After all, this time, their losses were too great. Jiang Tian destroyed a golden city with one palm, and thousands of sea warriors died. Those were their sons, lovers, and fathers. Who could bear it.


"Kill Jiang Taichu!"

Countless sea clans are roaring, seahorses are neighing, sea snakes are circling, fighting spirit is surging, murderous intent is strong, setting off huge waves hundreds of meters high, forming hurricanes and tsunamis.

"Joffrey has finally grown up. He will be the new King of Atlantis and the new Undersea Overlord!"

Above the gate of the palace, an old man with a stooped waist and a cane in both hands was looking at Joffrey with joy and sighing secretly.

"Atlantis is invincible. The fire of our civilization will never be extinguished, but will burn even more vigorously! Use the blood of Jiang Taichu as the oil for the revival of my civilization, burn it to your heart's content, my Warriors!"

This old man is the old king of Atlantis. He has the highest seniority, great prestige, and the strongest strength.

Although he no longer holds the position of king, he still serves as prime minister and supreme commander of the army.

But at this moment, a general from the Sea Clan rushed over quickly on a seahorse and shouted:

"Report, the military situation in Tunguska has changed drastically. Jiang Taichu killed the old demon of Guhu and eight Jieying-level demon generals by himself!"


Joffrey exclaimed, and the seahorse on his crotch seemed to be frightened. With a sudden kick, Joffrey fell off the horse and landed face first on the ground.

The huge city was completely silent.

No one could utter a word. Even the concubines and princesses were so frightened that they stopped crying and just trembled.

This news is too shocking.

Jiang Taichu fought against the Young Demon King Ayu and the Egyptian Pharaoh Saizi. They were frozen for hundreds of miles and tens of thousands of mummies and demons were frozen to death.

In the end, the old demon Gu Hudu was attracted to take action. Jiang Taichu fought with him and turned the entire Tunguska into wasteland, showing a power beyond the explosion of hundreds of nuclear weapons. In the end, Gu Hu and many demon commanders and demon commanders were defeated. Will end up being killed.

This kind of strength is beyond their imagination and impossible to compete with, just like a three-year-old child cannot dream of defeating the gold belt boxing champion.

After a long time, the old king shouted loudly with trembling hands: "We underestimated Jiang Taichu's ability!"

He still has a dull pain in his chest.

At the beginning, Atlantis did not want to join the Tungus army. It was the young demon king Ayu who took the initiative to challenge them and suppressed them until they surrendered.

At that time, the strength displayed by Demon King Ayushao was not comparable to that of the old king, Orm and others. With one punch and one kick, the demonic energy was billowing and the magic power was powerful. It was like a missile flying across the sky and a nuclear weapon exploding. The old king only managed three moves. Just lose.

Now, even the ancestors of Demon King Ayu Shao have died at the hands of Jiang Taichu, and he is completely unable to arouse the slightest desire for revenge.

"That's it, that's all!"

A trace of unwillingness flashed in Naom's princess's eyes, but in the end, she could only take a step forward and said sadly:

"Let the world know that after today, the civilization of Atlantis must not be the enemy of Jiang Taichu and the Mythical Alliance. Soldiers, disperse!"

"Yes! Queen!"

Many sea warriors had sad and despairing expressions on their faces, and they were lost and listless.

Even Joffrey stared blankly, as if he had forgotten that his father had just been killed.

"It's not enough to tell the world..."

The old king's face was full of dejection, and he sighed with regret:

"I'm afraid if you and I don't come to apologize, kneel down and beg for mercy, and sign the soul contract, Jiang Taichu will never let us go! Let's go there..."

"Perhaps it would be better to bring a few more beautiful princesses and concubines. If that doesn't work, I will do it myself, as long as I can buy Atlantis a living space..."

The princess pondered for a moment, her pretty face full of humiliation.

The underwater city of Atlantis could only endure the humiliation, being slapped on the left cheek by Jiang Tian, ​​and even took the initiative to stretch out the right cheek.

But otherwise, who can face the sharp edge of Jiang Taichu who is like the resurrection of the ancient god!

This scene happened not only in the Tower of Babel, but also in the Undersea City.

In fact, it is also happening at the same time in the Bermuda Triangle, in the Egyptian pyramids, on both sides of the Ganges, and in many weird temples in the primitive jungles of Africa.

There are countless different participants and different scenarios, but the conclusion of the dialogue is super consistent:

"Go to Jiang Taichu to plead guilty, support the establishment and joining of the Global Mythology Alliance, support the recovery of spiritual energy, and be loyal to him forever!"


At the cost of killing a demon Nascent Soul living fossil and annihilating the Tunguska demon army and the Atlanti army, Jiang Tian declared to the world domineeringly:

He is the only master of this world!

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