Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1278: Unify the world and destroy the star!

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

"The sect leader won!"

"Master is domineering!"

"The leader is invincible! Invincible! Invincible!"

The Tianqing Sect disciples on the battlefield and around the world, as well as members of the Mythical Alliance, were in high spirits and cheered.

The battle scenes were captured by military satellites and broadcast to the world through Kanwo live broadcast and various media. Billions of people simultaneously witnessed this scene that would go down in history.

"It's so exciting!"

"Justice may be late, but it will never be absent!"

"The leader of Taichu Alliance is mighty!"

"The savior is omnipotent!"

Billions of people on the earth are proud and happy, and their respect for Jiang Tian has reached a new height.

At the main dojo of Tianqing Sect.

Jiang Changgeng, Zhang Wanqing and others also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Qing'er is about to give birth. Now that the powerful foreign gods in the secret realm have been suppressed, and everyone has united to support the Mythical Alliance, Jiang Tian can finally revive his spiritual energy with confidence!"

Zhang Wanqing looked very excited and happy. She was finally going to be a grandma. This was a great joy for her.

"The overall situation has finally been achieved! Now, no one can stop the formation of the Global Mythical Alliance and the revival of spiritual energy!"

Ye Tianren put his hands on his hands and laughed.

Around him, many disciples of the Tianqing Sect and members of the Chinese Guardian Alliance had their eyes shining with joy.

Jiang Tian allowed Putin and others to tear up the previous contract, let the Tunguska Demon Lake and other forces emerge, and then suppressed them bloodyly, which smelled a bit like "approving rape" and "fishing for law enforcement".

If before, due to the inertia of human civilization, it must have been a joint meeting composed of top powers from various countries, democratic and loose.

But it is different now. The Tunguska Demon Lake and other forces first fight against the country's regime and kill ordinary people. Then they have lost their justice and the qualification to be on an equal footing with Jiang Tian.

The future Global Mythology Alliance will respect China, the Tianqing Sect, and ultimately Jiang Tian, ​​which will be of great benefit to China.

"All the Nascent Souls have been killed! How terrifying!"

Even the True Dragon Ancestor and other four Nascent Soul monsters with branches all over the world were deeply shocked when they saw this and couldn't believe it.

As for Jiang Tian, ​​who was standing in the void, his expression was neither sad nor happy, and his emotions did not fluctuate because of killing Gu Hu and other powerful men.

"Alas, before the golden elixir, when faced with the Nascent Soul, there is a huge disparity in strength, and there is a huge gap in the sky, so the chances of winning are slim. This lucky victory is entirely due to the power of magic weapons such as the Darkest Stone Tablet and the Absolute Sky Sword!"

Jiang Tian felt surprisingly calm and sighed slightly.

His divine body and divine false elixir are certainly powerful, but Yuanying has reached another level of life and is completely crushing.

On the verge of war, he felt.

Even if the six divine bodies explode, it may be difficult to gain an absolute advantage. The result can only be a dead end and a loss for both sides.

Therefore, he first pretended to shake hands and make peace to eliminate the murderous intention of the old demon of the ancient lake, and then launched a sneak attack without mercy, firing out magic weapons one after another.

The attack caught Guhu off guard, and was finally crushed alive by the devouring power of the Darkest Stone Monument.

These magic weapons, the Jue Tian Sword is an immortal weapon, the Dinghai Pearl and the Darkest Stone Tablet are divine weapons and materials. Their power is immeasurable. Compared with the Mother Stone Cauldron of All Things, they can kill immortals and gods no matter how strong they are.

Even if Jiang Tian's current cultivation level can only arouse one-tenth of their power, that is not something Guhu can bear.

However, Jiang Tian also understood.

Magical weapons are, after all, external objects that can be used, but must not be relied upon. The most important thing is to improve one's cultivation.

"The earth world has been completely calmed down, and there are no more powerful enemies left in the world. After the spiritual energy is restored and Qing'er gives birth to the baby, I must condense the golden elixir of chaos. Many resources are in place, and there can be no further delay!"

Jiang Tian's eyes flashed with determination, and he made up his mind.

"We are willing to surrender to the leader of the Taichu Alliance, be loyal and never betray, and please spare my life!"

Sea King Arthur shivered in fear, like a quail in the cold wind, lowered his unruly head, knelt on the ground, and kept kowtowing, like pounding garlic, and blood came out of his forehead.

At this moment, he regretted not falling.

He never admits defeat and is unruly, so when he declares war on Jiang Tian, ​​he is not as calm as others. Instead, he speaks rudely and humiliates him, making Jiang Tian kneel down in his cave to admit his mistake within a few days.

How could Jiang Tian spare him?

"You are the most stinky, spare your ass! Die!"

Jiang Tian sneered and slapped it down without any mercy.


A huge golden palm, a hundred meters long, condensed to the extreme, directly hit the King of the Sea, Arthur, and turned him into a pulp.

"Da da da da da da da!"

The Egyptian Pharaoh Seti, who was kneeling next to him, was so frightened that his whole body trembled violently, his hands and feet convulsed, and his teeth made a sound like a machine gun.

But Jiang Tian did not kill him.

Many pharaohs of the Black Pyramid served as the guides of the Annihilators in ancient times, practicing the evil methods of corpse refining taught by them.

But in essence, they are still human beings, they can still be united and rescued, and they still have value for use. Let's leave him alive for the time being.

"The Mythical Alliance obeys!"

After killing Neptune King Arthur, Jiang Tian was like trampling an ant to death. His expression did not change and he said calmly:

"On a global scale, occupy and control secret realms and suppress alien gods. Those who are loyal and loyal and have acceptable strength will stay. Those who stubbornly resist and are stubborn will be killed without mercy. Those who are coerced and those with mediocre qualifications will be sent away!"

"Yes! Alliance leader!"

On the battlefield, Hera, Mang Mountain Ghost King Liu Shang, Demon Dragon Ao Bing, Li Wuji and other powerful figures from the Mythical Alliance all roared with enthusiasm.

"Yes! Alliance leader!"

The True Dragon Ancestor, the Styx Old Monster, Liansheng, Takong and the Hongmeng Nine Elders have already reached secret realms and caves all over the world.

After receiving the order at this moment, he immediately took action and began an extremely cruel and bloody massacre.

The extremely strong auras, like the smoke of essence, soared straight into the sky, tearing apart the sky, and entered the secret realm and the cave of the gods.

These are all Jieying, or veteran golden elixirs, top experts from different races and secret realms. They have already been attracted to the Tunguska Demon Lake. There are only three or two big cats and kittens left. How can they have the strength to resist?

Even the caves and dimensional secret realms were blasted and fell to the earth.

"Today is the first battle for the Chinese Guardian Alliance to join the Mythical Alliance! Come up with your spirit and morale, and show it to the leader of the Taichu Alliance!"

Including, even Ying Su took action around the world with the third generation disciples of the Tianqing Sect and the younger generation of the Chinese Guardian Alliance.

They were completely inspired by Jiang Tian, ​​their fighting spirit was high, and their blood was boiling like a tide.

In fact, Tianqing Sect's accumulation over the years is unparalleled.

Whether it is talents or cultivation resources such as elixirs and magic weapons, the depth of knowledge is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Currently, there are thousands of warriors and monks in Tianqing Sect, practicing the techniques given by Jiang Tian, ​​coupled with many armors, magic weapons and equipment, they are almost armed to the teeth.

And behind them, there are hundreds of thousands of heavenly troops and millions of global defense coalition forces standing, receiving all-round support.

There is also the nuclear weapons and support of major powers around the world.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The earth trembled and the void tore apart.

The entire earth was completely boiling, and satellites captured huge fireworks blooming on the earth, like a hurricane erupting.

This was the attack of the real dragon and other infant-forming old monsters. The attack was as powerful as a nuclear weapon, and it was clearly visible on the satellite cloud map.

There were even big countries that used satellites to lock onto the escaped golden elixir-level gods and powerful men, and released Kuilian. Suddenly the wind and thunder stirred up in the sky and the earth, and the thunder sea was so violent that they fell like rain and turned into dust and ashes.

Jiang Tian didn't take this to heart at all. When Zhenlong and the others took action, they were just using anti-aircraft cannons to kill mosquitoes. They were overqualified and overpowered.

"Destroying Star, what secret is it hiding? I'd better find out for myself!"

He held Ayu with one hand and turned it into a bright stream of light, rushing directly into the Tunguska Demon Lake and approaching the Destruction Star deep underground.

The surface of the Tunguska Demon Lake is only ten miles in diameter and is not wide. But if you dive into it, you will find that it is just the tip of the iceberg.

It is like a huge gourd, with only the mouth of the gourd exposed. The lake inside is extremely vast and deep, with a radius of at least a hundred miles and a depth ranging from ten to a hundred miles.

Many demon palaces were built according to the terrain, one on top of another, emitting black magic light, floating in the air.

The various fortifications are extremely tall and majestic, with reasonable layout, corresponding connections, and magnificent momentum.

This is simply an underground city.

All buildings, walls, pillars and floors are carved with complex and obscure demonic rune patterns. The vast magic power circulates, forming numerous restrictions and murderous intent.

But there was no way he could stop Jiang Tian. With one swing of his sword, the mountain peaks shattered, the cliffs broke, and the palaces collapsed. The power of the array pattern to restrain the killing suddenly disappeared and turned into ruins.

"you you you……"

Demon King Ayushao's eyelids trembled and his body ached when he saw them. They had spent decades building these and their value was immeasurable.

But when I think about it again, I can't help but feel even sadder.

The entire Tunguska demon clan is almost dead, so what's the point of keeping them?

The demons have been defeated, and these territories already belong to Jiang Taichu. It makes no difference whether he destroys them or not.

Finally, in the deepest part of Tunguska Lake.

Jiang Tian saw a majestic devil's palace, ancient and mottled, and he didn't know how many years had passed.

Above this hall, there is a huge three-dimensional text floating like a statue. It is very abstract and wild. It looks different from all directions and has different meanings. It is definitely not any text on the earth.

Others don't recognize it, but Jiang Tian is too familiar with it.

This is a common text used by the Starry Sky Demon Tribe, the upper magic text.

A three-dimensional magic text contains many meanings, and the information is highly condensed and condensed. It is equivalent to a long speech of hundreds and thousands of words for humans, and it is somewhat similar to the fairy text.

This three-dimensional magic text means, "Demon Seeking Palace", as well as the Tunguska Demon Tribe's pursuit, techniques, etc.

In the Demon Seeking Palace, there are nine tall demon Taoist platforms, which are hundreds of meters high and are higher than many palace complexes. They are made entirely of human and animal bones.

These white bones are unusual. They are almost all the remains of ancient sages or monsters that have reached the Golden Core Nascent Soul stage.

Even after tens of thousands of years, it is still immortal and emitting waves of terrifying energy fluctuations.

Belt-shaped rings of black magic light enveloped the Taoist platform like huge rivers, while endless demonic runes floated and flickered around it.

And the Taoist platform, like a deep well, leads directly to the destroying star underground, absorbing the breath of the destroying star for my use.

On the Taoist platform, the aura, evil spirit, and earthly lung energy of magma and sparks are constantly spurting out.

The demonic aura gives people a sense of great collapse, great silence, and great destruction, as if it can completely engulf and annihilate the world, turning it into nothingness.

"This is the retreat place for Gu Hu and others, and it is also the connection to the Underground Destruction Star..."

Jiang Tian's eyes flashed coldly, and he pondered slightly.

We are getting closer and closer to catching a glimpse of the truth behind the Destruction Star!

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