Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1284 Underground Monster, Immortal for Ten Thousand Years

However, all of this is just Jiang Tian's calculation based on his past life experience and cannot be 100% certain.

"It's just that this All-Aware Demonic Infant was taken away from the earth by him, or did he stay on the earth?"

"If she is on Earth, she must be a world-destroying danger. She must be found as soon as possible and eliminated in time!"

The existence of the All-Aperture Demon Fetus is too terrifying.

She doesn't need to practice. She can destroy the world simply by relying on her instinctive devouring power, which means she can return to the void or even combine with the Tao. She is far superior to a powerful person who transforms into a god.

"However, if the envoy in white uses his mortal body to seal this Annihilation baby, it will be extremely difficult to find!"

Jiang Tian frowned, showing a hint of helplessness.

Even if he reaches the realm of Nascent Soul, it will be very difficult for his soul to cover all human beings on the entire earth.

After all, there are six billion people in this vast sea of ​​people. It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack. Where can it be so easy to find it?

"What's more, the envoy in white may also take him to the Immortal Ruins or the South Gate Twin Stars. He has already reached the realm of god transformation. With the help of some aircraft, it is still possible to cross the void in a few years!"

Jiang Tian thought about it for a long time, but finally gave up the idea of ​​looking for the Wanqiao Demon Fetus.

It's unrealistic at first, there are too few clues, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack. Secondly, it is very likely that she is no longer on earth at all.

If there are two sides to the situation, you should be calm. Worrying about the situation is just a matter of confusion. The top priority now is the invasion of Immortal Ruins.

If he reaches the realm of Nascent Soul within a few years, he can still find a way to kill the demon baby even if it is still alive.

"It's better to go underground and see if there are any other clues. At the same time, we must accurately determine the location of the destroying star..."

Jiang Tian made up his mind and threw a magic weapon high into the sky.

This magical weapon quickly rushed out of the Tunguska Demon Lake and bloomed.

"Destroying Star, here I come!"

Afterwards, Jiang Tian grabbed Ayu and entered the flat mountain drilling cone. The cone-moving magic weapon circled and flew above the Taoist platform. Then, with its tip pointed downward, it spun and rushed down, aiming directly at the Destruction Star deep underground.

"What's this?"

When Jiang Tian threw the magic weapon, everyone saw a huge formation disk, rising into the sky thousands of meters like a flying saucer, blooming with bright light, covering dozens of miles in radius, everyone's eyes were shocked, and their hearts were filled with panic.

If you look closely and carefully, you will find that this treasure is extremely delicate. Many of its components are extremely complex and have many scales on it. They can release light of various wavelengths and can release and receive huge mental fluctuations.

The magic weapon released by Jiang Tian is similar to a coordinate "anchor"!

On the one hand, it is connected to the coordinates of landmarks and to satellite GPS.

On the other hand, being connected to Jiang Tian's spiritual consciousness can accurately confirm Jiang Tian's trajectory underground, and being connected to the auxiliary anchor can sense the specific position.

The combination of earth's technology and cultivation civilization finally determines the final location of the destruction star.


The cone of flat mountains drills into the earth, spinning rapidly, like a peerless heavenly sword, drilling through thousands of feet of waves, tearing the magma apart, moving forward indomitably.

Ordinary people, bound by the trivial life of daily necessities, only a few can raise their eyes to look at the vast universe and the deep starry sky.

But compared to the deep starry sky and universe, although the earth beneath our feet is closer, humans know less about it, and there are many unknowns and very mysterious things.

at this time!

The mighty underground energy surges, the blazing magma is like an ocean, and the earth evil aura appears in a band, surging, sweeping, and tearing. Each one can tear apart the strong Jindan, even the ordinary Nascent Soul strong. If they enter it with only the physical body, they will also It will be torn to pieces, and there will be an unknown substance, translucent, like a huge millstone, rolling and rotating, and the huge pressure is enough to crush the diamond into a liquid state.

But this was all observed by Jiang Tian with his spiritual consciousness and was not visible to the naked eye.

Even if Ayu's spiritual consciousness is strong enough, he can only feel the chaos and chaos and cannot observe more.

In the thick and hot magma, in the complex underground materials, the flat mountain drilling cone dives rapidly like a nuclear submarine.

When Jiang Tian and the others traveled thousands of miles deep.



A huge blade, hundreds of meters long, was not afraid of magma, and it slashed towards the flat mountain cone.

"I told you that there are powerful corpses here, but you don't believe it. Do you believe it now? It's over! It's dead!"

Ayu screamed strangely in the cabin and burst into tears.

A dignified young demon king defeated hundreds of thousands of Russian troops and forced the Russian emperor into exile.

But at this moment, he was as scared as a three-year-old child, trembling and crying. Because the legends about the underground are so scary.

But it’s worth understanding from his perspective.

Jiang Tian only has a fake elixir cultivation level, but with the strength of Nascent Soul, he only has the golden elixir Dzogchen cultivation level. With the help of the earth-burrowing magic weapon, he may be able to survive unscathed.

But once the magic weapon is exploded, even if there is only a gap, it will fall into the rolling magma and turn into powder under the high temperature and pressure.

You must know that before, his ancestors had strong Nascent Souls who wanted to go underground to practice close to the Destruction Star, but they were all burned to ashes.

Jiang Tian's consciousness had already predicted it, and he flexibly controlled the flat mountain drill cone, drawing a beautiful arc and passing under the blade.

Jiang Tian was sure that his sword could definitely cut through the spirit treasure and destroy the thousand-foot-high mountain!

Jiang Tian immediately sensed that there was a tall demon-like god standing in the magma!

He was hundreds of feet tall, and most of his armor was corroded by the magma. Many parts of his body also rotted and turned into bones. His eyes shot out thousands of meters of divine light that penetrated the magma and blasted away the evil spirits. It was extremely frightening.

He holds a knife with both claws, and his nails are as sharp as bone hooks. He has a demeanor that makes one man stand a chance against all others.

Under his tall, mountain-like body, Jiang Tian's flat mountain burrows into the ground, as small as a grain of dust.

"You dare to come here, you are seeking death!"

This giant humanoid, with flying black hair, is domineering, the fire shines on the iron clothes, and the light of the sword is terrifying. The spiritual fetus has been transformed into a divine treasure, and contains a soul within. It is clearly the human god Zhuan.

Although his soul was in tatters and his breath was dying, it proved that he was a powerful god-former.

"Demon God?"

Jiang Tian's divine consciousness fired continuously, his brows furrowed, and a trace of solemnity flashed across his face.

Shen Zhuan is just a state!

After becoming a god, he controls the laws, laws and regulations of heaven and earth, and forms his own domain, which is called a human god.

All laws come from the same origin, and different paths lead to the same destination. Regardless of whether they are demons, monsters or beasts, as long as they reach this state, they can all be called gods.

This sword-wielding general has a small head, and his body is covered with black scales. Long green hair emerges from the analysis of the scales, and is filled with wisps of black devilish energy, like silk ribbons, like a piece of steel, floating erratically.

His long green hair and demonic aura are not afraid of high temperatures, and even the lava is washed away, so he is obviously very powerful.

Observing carefully, it turns out that the unknown creature in front has reached the stage of becoming a god, with its spiritual embryo transformed into a divine treasure, and a divine treasure within it.

"Even gods can't really carry it, right?"

But this also shocked Jiang Tian.

According to Ayu, this underground creature has existed for countless years. Even if it is a powerful god, it is almost impossible to resist the cruel and harsh environment underground for thousands of years. It has been crushed long ago. Pressed into fly ash.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

"Crush, crush everything!"

Behind him, there were some strange beings, half-human and half-demon, tall and intimidating. Their cultivation level was even lower than him. They were only in the Nascent Soul realm. They all opened their mouths and roared, revealing their thick fangs.

But they are still immortal. They all have long green or red hair, and are surrounded by ribbons of demonic energy, setting off surging waves in the magma, sweeping around them and running rampant.

However, their eyes are either dull and stunned, as if they don't have much intelligence, or they are murderous, vicious, vicious, wild and domineering to the extreme, as if they want to tear the world apart.

Behind them, there were even many dilapidated ancient ships floating. Calling them ancient ships was a figurative way of saying it. In fact, Jiang Tian could tell that they were some earth-penetrating magic tools, but they were more crude.

"Not a kind person anyway!"

Next to him, Demon King Ayushao was trembling, his scalp was about to explode, and he urged:

"Either we retreat, or we kill them. The first one will gain the upper hand, and the second one will suffer disaster! Hurry up!"

"Who is coming? They are demons! Brothers, kill them!"

This general's voice is high-pitched and highly penetrating. It is inspired by Shen Zang and can be heard dozens of miles away with a wave of his hand.

Immediately, the two Nascent Soul generals walked out, leaping several miles in one step. They were already well adapted to life and actions in the magma. The murderous aura filled the depths of the ground, and their long knives swept across, sending thousands of feet of magma waves towards Jiang Tian.

They are very powerful. They seem to be contaminated by demons. They are not afraid of the Earth Fire magma. Instead, they are able to use it. They complement each other and increase their power. With one strike, they can level a thousand-foot peak.

In an instant, Jiang Tian was surrounded by dangers and fell into a desperate situation.

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