Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1285: Digging advance army, three thousand loyal and brave

"court death!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were cold and he snorted softly.

The Mother Stone Cauldron floating behind the earth-burrowing cone in the flat mountain was urged out, and a ribbon of initial aura swept across like a heavenly sword.

Tsk! A sharp sound.

The two Nascent Soul generals were killed and shattered into pieces, turning into billowing ashes. Even the Nascent Soul was turned into powder and mixed into the magma.

"Who are you? Devil, you must die!"

The leading humanoid creature turned pale with fright, roared angrily, brandished his sword, and charged towards Jiang Tian.

He slashed straight with his long sword, and the lava was separated, rolling towards both sides, and moving for hundreds of miles.

They were fighting thousands of miles deep underground, and their power was slowly released. If they fought near the ground, it would cause an unprecedented volcanic eruption.

If fighting on the ground, this sword is enough to chop up mountains and rivers, divide the earth, wipe out everything within a hundred miles, and extinguish all life.

"So strong!"

Jiang Tian's face changed slightly, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Demon King Ayu Shao was so frightened that he urinated, held his head and howled miserably.

Although Jiang Tian's physique is strong, after all, he only has the strength of six fake pills. Being able to leapfrog and kill Nascent Soul is his limit. If he wants to deal with a powerful person who transforms into a god, don't even think about it.

There is no way, this is a gap in strength, an insurmountable chasm.

He is not like this alone!

Even for those immortal sons of gods trained by the great sect of the Immortal Holy Land, before they reach the peak of power, the forces behind them will send strong men to protect them, for fear that they will be damaged.

The reason is very simple, just like a seedling, it has the hope of growing into a towering tree, but when it is young, it is still easily destroyed.

The good thing is.

Jiang Tian was very lucky and had many magic weapons. The mother stone cauldron of all things spun around and headed towards the leading creature.

Wherever the giant cauldron passed, a lot of magma was swept away, everything was extinguished, and a ten-mile-wide vacuum zone was formed deep underground.


The humanoid creature roared, the murderous aura in its eyes skyrocketed, the divine light was sharp, the green hair was fluttering all over its body, and ribbons of demonic energy rolled and flew. The powerful demonic energy swept across all directions, spreading the magma, forming a square kilometer in diameter. The vacuum ball rose into the sky and struck across the nine heavens and ten earth, like a magic star emerging.

"Even if Demon Emperor Eclipse comes in person, I can kill him!"

When this sword was slashed out, the sword's light was brilliant, and the endless cold blast shot out, as if it could shatter the ages. The past, present, and future would all be shattered under this sword, and the aura that could kill demons and gods was overwhelming.

However, after the sword was struck, the humanoid creature suddenly stood there frozen, its eyes dimmed uncertainly, and the murderous aura, fighting spirit and demonic aura billowing around it were almost extinguished in an instant.

He looked up at the stone tripod, showing an extremely sad expression, and his voice was low, as if his hope was shattered and his heart was broken:

"The mother stone cauldron of all things! The divine cauldron of His Majesty the Sheng Emperor! Has His Majesty the Sheng Emperor been killed by the annihilators and demons?"

He even forgot about the Stone Cauldron, the Mother of All Things, which was crushing like a mountain. He was no longer afraid of death and was in despair.

Just endless sadness and despair.

"Who are you?"

Jiang Tian thought.

The mother stone cauldron was refracted at an acute angle, flew over the flat mountain and drilled into the ground, and dropped wisps of its initial aura to protect the surroundings.

"Ying Ziyu, the commander of the advance digging force under Emperor Sheng Zhongli, was ordered by Emperor Sheng and Emperor Yu to excavate hundreds of thousands of feet of earth in order to control or destroy the planet Destroyer."

The humanoid creature lowered his head, his voice trembled, and tears welled up in the corners of his eyes, but the tears were evaporated by the heat as soon as they came out, and he seemed to have no tears.

"Before the success was achieved, three thousand Yuan Ying dead warriors and four hundred powerful gods all perished, leaving only a hundred or so. Unfortunately, they were contaminated by demonic energy, cursed by demonic nature, and became half-human, half-demon, and half-demon to survive... ...We will not dare to return to our headquarters if we are defeated, possessed by demons, and humiliated by fate!”

His tears and blood have been steaming underground for tens of thousands of years, and there is not much left.

The Shen Zang and the meridians and acupoints were filled with demonic energy, but it was forcibly converted into energy by their powerful consciousness to support the movement of their bodies.

"Are you the remnants of Shenghuang?"

Jiang Tian was shocked and couldn't believe it.

"Is Emperor Sheng dead? Where is Emperor Yu? Was he killed by you?"

"Have humans on Earth finally been defeated? Are all our descendants dead?"

"We should go out and kill those at the last moment. Emperor Sheng will not punish us, and no one will blame us!"

Many strong men from the mythical age who were contaminated by demonic nature began to cry, their voices desperate, like children who had lost their parents crying.

But none of them shed any tears.

The hero's blood and tears have long since dried up.

Even the body is skin and bones, like a mummy, and some even turn into white bones, and the white bones are even petrified, or turned into magma.

Their vocal cords have long since degenerated and disappeared. Only Yuanying, Yuanshen and Shen Zhuan are burning, and the spiritual fetus and Shenzang are roaring.

"Although we have been defeated miserably, we will fight for the life of the earth until the last moment, until the last person is alive! Kill!"

Ying Ziyu wiped the tears that had not flowed from the corners of her eyes and roared loudly:

"All the soldiers of the Digging Advance Army obey the orders and will never allow them to take away the Destruction Star! The spiritual energy belongs to the creatures of the earth!"


"The only option is to fight! Behind us is the hope for the recovery of the earth's spiritual energy! It belongs to the earth and the indigenous gods, and cannot be taken away by them!"

More than a hundred ancient powerful men roared.


He came out in full force, his armor shimmering with fire, lava flowing out of his seven orifices, white bones cutting through the lava, murderous intent soaring into the sky, shaking in all directions!

At this moment, they seemed to have returned to the age of myth, to the turbulent years when they resisted the Annihilators and the demon army, fearless and desperate!

"According to the cold laws of cosmic civilization, the greatest respect for a civilization is to completely exterminate it!"

Jiang Tian's deep eyes flickered, and his expression moved slightly.

Be wary!

The Annihilators and any race in the starry sky should be wary of humans on earth to exterminate all life on earth!

Whether it is the mythical era tens of thousands of years ago, or the unknown powerful man thousands of years later, turning the entire galaxy into a dead zone of silence!

These are all very wise decisions!

Because the earth's indigenous people have extremely strong adaptability, they will risk their lives to defend their homeland, endure endless torture and even humiliation for the inheritance of civilization, and they will do their best for a slim chance of survival!

In the age of mythology, the prosperous emperor had access to heaven and started wandering through the interstellar realms, or the gods resisted invaders from outside the realm, or they fell like rain.

Whether it is the guard of Nantianmen who has been dead for tens of thousands of years and has been obsessed with immortality, or whether it is Ying Ziyu and the advance army who are digging thousands of miles in the ground at this time and destroying the star by digging the ground contaminated by demonic nature!

The creatures on earth, from sages and emperors to soldiers and cultivators, all have unyielding blood and tenacious consciousness flowing through them!

The strong will to fight to the end for the survival of human civilization without hesitation!

Many of this advance army are just Nascent Souls, and some are just crude earth-penetrating magic weapons. They dare to enter the depths of the earth. This is simply a waste of life!

They go on and on, looking forward to death!

In the end, they failed, and there were only a hundred strong men left, who were contaminated and cursed by demonic nature, turning into half-demon, half-human, and half-demon monsters.

But they still stay deep underground!

Perhaps they are waiting for their successors to clear the way for them.

Maybe they are guarding the Destruction Star and cannot take it away or destroy it, but at least they won't let the enemy take it away...

In short, they are contributing their last bit of strength until death!

This kind of civilization and this kind of ethnic group are like springs that are constantly pressed. The harder they are pressed, the more powerful they rebound!

Under the crisis of world destruction, a huge rebound force was formed, and even a big explosion of civilizational strength came from behind!

How can such a civilization not make people fearful and vigilant?

If such a civilization is not extinct, even if there are only a few sparks of fire, the sparks will ignite the grass, and the grass will ignite the big trees, and eventually it will become a prairie fire, shining through the cruel and bloody dark forest of the universe!

Because they are willing to risk their lives for the sake of their loved ones, for future generations, for their homeland and civilization, to completely burn their lives and emit even the faintest flame!

However, the current situation does not allow Jiang Tian to feel too much.

Jiang Tian quickly sent a message with his spiritual consciousness and said respectfully: "Senior, Jiang Taichu, the leader of the Mythical Alliance, is not a demon, let alone an Annihilator, but an out-and-out human race on earth! I am the successor to Emperor Sheng's last wish! I came here to explore the Destruction Star and revive the spiritual energy!"


Coach Ying Ziyu raised his big hand.

"Commander, this son cannot be left here!"

"It's strange! It's so strange! How could someone other than Annihilator come here? It would be better to kill him!"

Many soldiers stopped and looked at each other in confusion. Shenzang and the spirit fetus roared, shouting to fight and kill. Most of them still advocated killing Jiang Tian.

"Doll, are you lying?"

Ying Ziyu asked calmly:

"Why do you have the Shenghuang's magic weapon! Why are there demons around you? I recognize him, he is of pure earth demon blood. He and the man in white came here before and took away the demon baby!"

"Hey, senior, listen to me slowly. Emperor Yu has indeed fallen. I don't know yet whether Emperor Sheng is dead."

"But the war is indeed over. According to my guess, it has been a hundred thousand years since the wandering in the fairy land!"

Jiang Tian spoke in a heavy tone, with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

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