Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1286 Fellow Taoist is ingenious and ingenious

"What... have we been asleep for so long?"

Ying Ziyu and the others were shocked and stunned.

They were half dead and half alive, sleeping most of the time, confused, and had no way to calculate time.

"Both the creatures on Earth and the Annihilators suffered heavy losses, but fortunately, the Annihilators left, but the roots and veins of the creatures on Earth were passed down. We opened a new era and had a new civilization dominated by science and technology and economy! So, you didn't fail!"

"One hundred thousand years have passed, you guarded the Annihilation Star, repelled the demons and other members of the Annihilator, and waited for me to come and explore the Annihilation Star! So, you didn't fail!"

"The creatures on Earth have reached an agreement and are ready to use the Soul Induction Array, build a Spirit Well, revive the spiritual energy, and reshape the glory of the Earth, the great star of cultivation! So, you didn't fail!"

Jiang Tian told the story of the great changes in the past hundred thousand years, and at the same time, the Soul Devouring Divine Consciousness was sacrificed, intertwined and merged with their Divine Consciousness, sharing the outside world and his purpose of coming deep underground.

Realizing that Jiang Tian's consciousness was harmless, Ying Ziyu and the others closed their eyes slightly, sensing the many information in their consciousness, and the vivid pictures.

They saw high-rise buildings rising from the ground, the streets in the city were prosperous, the lights were like stars, the crowds of people were like weaving, and the traffic was like rivers; they saw rockets tearing the sky, shooting directly at the bullfighting, fighter jets breaking the speed of sound, satellites going up, submarines sinking to the bottom of the sea, and Kui Lian launching; they saw people using the Internet to video and talk thousands of miles apart, vividly, they saw a lot...

"Good, great! We finally won!"

Some of them smiled with relief, some cried with their heads in their hands, and were so excited: "The roots of the creatures on Earth are saved! The annihilators have retreated!"

"It's just that the demon race is almost finished, there are not many left!"

Most of them are demons, the kind that are good at drilling into the ground, with ancient blood and great magical powers.

Ying Ziyu is a pangolin spirit, which can be called a heavenly demon. He is countless times stronger than Bai Ze. His body is as hard as iron and stone, and his claws are like steel hooks.

There are also monsters with the blood of Hualu, Lili, and Haozhu, each with its own strengths and many methods.

In ancient times, humans and monsters coexisted. Emperor Shengzong was magnanimous and inclusive, and many of his ministers and generals came from the monster tribe.

"That can't be helped. Ao Huang released the Prison Immortal Array, the Earth's spiritual energy is also exhausted, and the human race is also in trouble!"

"In short, it's a good thing that the Annihilators retreated!"

"But, remember that not long ago, the man in white came again, maybe he is also a member of the Annihilators!"

"That iron lump can fly. Although the Earth can't practice now and there is no spiritual energy, the ingenious and lewd stuff is good!"

"It's useless. Their military system, except for Kui Lian, including nuclear weapons, can't be compared with the ancient times. It's still outdated! If the Annihilators come again, only one hundred will be needed to destroy the Earth!"

"Didn't this guy say that he can revive the spiritual energy? Create another big star for practice. Your defeatism is not good!"

They talked a lot, the spirit fetus and the god storage roared, and they talked quickly.

They haven't received information from the outside for too long.

Everything Jiang Tian showed them was very fresh, and it felt like the world was overturned. Some were worried, and some were inexplicably excited.


Suddenly, a slight cracking sound was heard.

Under high temperature and high pressure, the Pingshan Earth Drilling Cone finally couldn't bear it, and several shocking cracks began to appear.

"Oh my god, I'm going to die! I'm dead! Senior Taichu said, don't come in! I'm dead now!"

Ayu screamed miserably, scared to death, crawled down, hugged Jiang Tian's thigh and trembled.

This is thousands of meters deep underground, and its danger is not much weaker than the depths of space.

Too many unknown dangers can crush Jindan strongmen into slag.

"Is it going to explode?"

"Hurry up and take a look!"

Ying Ziyu and other ancient masters were also frightened, paddled the magma, flew to the side of the Pingshan Earth Drilling Cone, carefully checked, knocked, scanned with divine consciousness, stroked the complex rune array, worked hard to repair it, and looked worried.

"No, this earth-drilling magic weapon is different from ours! We can't handle it!"

"The runes are unfamiliar, and the magic weapon components are completely different. Using crystal stones as energy is a completely different idea from our use of spiritual energy!"

"It seems to be the way of ancient Tianzhu!"

"Retreat, retreat quickly! Brother Taichu, reach the state of transformation, no, it is best to reach the legendary state of returning to the void before coming back, this place is dangerous!"

They also wanted to help Jiang Tian repair the cracks, and they were in a hurry, but the effect was minimal. This was not something they could handle at all.

"We are almost at the destination, how can I retreat, I will do it!"

Jiang Tian shouted in a low voice in the cabin, pinched his fingers, and performed the spiritual power of the creation of all things.


Jiang Tian slapped his palms several times in a row, and the Gengjin true essence formed a repair rune, which flickered and floated outside the cracks, repairing the cracks quickly, and soon became intact.


"What kind of method is this? It can actually use runes to repair itself. I've never seen it before!"

"This kind of rune is a self-generated and transforming rune. It can fill the gap and extract materials from the magma as a supplement. It's very advanced! It has never been seen on Earth! Even the gods can't do it!"

"It's ingenious! Ingenious!"

"Taoist Taoist Taoist Taoist Master Taichu has a clever mind and a formidable future! It turns out that he is better than his master!"

Many soldiers and generals from the ancient advance army were shocked and looked around the awl in admiration. He looked at Jiang Tian with admiration.

"Your methods are too outrageous!"

Ayu was also so shocked that his jaw almost broke on the ground, his eyes were dull and he couldn't believe it.

This earth-piercing cone must be a quasi-real weapon no matter what. The runes are in a formation, and the construction of the magic weapon is very complicated.

If it is damaged like this, it will take at least ten days and a half to repair it, and it will also require the assistance of tools.

But Jiang Tian was able to completely repair it with just a few waves, as if it was a big joke.

"Not good!"

But Jiang Tian's face darkened and he secretly complained.

This flat mountain drilling cone has four sets of reactors and thrusters.

But just now the scorching magma entered the cracks, and two sets collapsed.

This kind of collapse is not as simple as wiping out the talisman array, but an overall collapse, like an engine exploding, requiring major repairs.

If driven hard, the speed is almost half of the original speed.

Moreover, no one can tell when other reactors and propellers will collapse, and their lives will be completely lost here.

"Brothers, don't waste any time!"

Ying Ziyu said loudly:

"Help fellow Taoist Taichu, continue to advance, and find out the precise location of the destroying star. Otherwise, spiritual energy recovery will be empty talk."


Many remnants of the advance army burst out with vast mana.

Their Dharma forms condensed, and some turned into pangolins, and some turned into raccoon dogs, tiger pigeons, fire unicorns, and ground rats. They pushed, pulled, and carried the augers toward the depths of the earth, regardless of their own safety.

"Come on!"

"Come on!"

"For the revival of spiritual energy! For the home of the earth! For the six billion living beings, and for our future generations, work hard!"

In the red magma torrent, their spiritual fetuses and divine possessions were beating like old bellows, shouting, roaring, encouraging each other, like crazy demons, rushing into the depths without stopping.

The flat mountain drilled into the earth, and its speed suddenly accelerated, even faster than before, shooting towards the center of the earth like a loud arrow!

More than a thousand miles deeper, ahead, ten kilometers away, a long belt of corpses appeared, a vast expanse of white, boundless and shocking.

Thousands of huge corpses were floating in the torrent of magma, floating up and down. There are monsters, demons, and human monks, all of which have been turned into bones.

Among the corpses, broken soldiers and broken swords, damaged ships and magical weapons were also densely packed, covering the sky and the sun. Endless bones and worn-out weapons together formed a vast ruins that could not be seen to the edge at a glance, at least ten kilometers away!

Many of them are at the level of real weapons, extremely sharp, with strong mana fluctuations, capable of breaking down mountains, cities, and splitting the sky!

Jiang Tian felt palpitations in his heart. This was an ancient battlefield where the gods and demons of the earth fought.

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