Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1300 Dinghai Bing Shencheng, his strength skyrocketed!


The light shot towards the outside, like thunder and lightning, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Master, this is..."

The four of them looked at each other with confusion.

And in the blink of an eye.

The Kunpeng Dharma appeared again behind Jiang Tian, ​​but it held a delicate flower in its mouth.

"Oh my god! In an instant, I traveled thousands of miles across the thick crust of endless magma, picking flowers and returning!"

"Really control the power to break open space!"

"This, how is this possible!"

The four True Dragon Ancestors were all shocked beyond measure, their hearts trembling and their faces full of disbelief.

This Kunpeng dharma image seems to have dived to the ground, picked up a flower, and returned in just a snap of a finger.

This speed definitely uses the rumored secret method of shrinking the ground into an inch, and it also requires breaking through the thick and dense magma crust.

The key is, it comes back with a flower!

This shows that it has also formed a barrier to form a small space and protect the flowers within it, intact.

The secret method used in this is something they have never heard of or seen before. It can be said to be extremely superb.

Generally speaking, a powerful Nascent Soul person can already resonate with the laws of heaven and earth, replace the will of heaven and earth with his own will, and possess the power of heaven and earth in his every move. But in the blink of an eye, snow falls thousands of miles away, and the earth is frozen. You can use your words to summon magic, condense your energy into rain, create lightning and thunder, and control celestial-level attacks.

For example, the "Ten Days" and prehistoric floods that occurred on the earth may seem like natural disasters, but in fact they may be man-made disasters caused by the powerful Nascent Soul.

Therefore, they are called Tianjun, which means that they can replace part of the will of heaven and earth with their words.

But the law of space, like the law of time, is the most stable, vast and difficult law in the universe. Even the top Nascent Soul masters have difficulty controlling it.

For example, some Nascent Soul experts are able to create "forbidden areas" and control spaces of hundreds of meters or kilometers in radius.

But this is not an accurate statement, or in other words, they do not control the laws of space and truly control space.

In essence, they control the spiritual energy and essence between heaven and earth. Once the spiritual energy does not move, the life and matter in it will not move either.

Only those who are powerful in becoming gods can touch the edge of space laws and truly control a small area of ​​space!

In order to distinguish it from the "forbidden area" of the powerful Jindan, it is generally called the "field", which means that I am the lord of this area.

But like Jiang Tian.

It is simply unheard of and unseen to be able to control the laws of space by just condensing a fake elixir.

Not to mention that they are just giants in the dimensional world, their knowledge is still limited, and it is inevitable to be shocked.

Even the immortal legend of the unparalleled leader of the Central Galaxy would probably not believe it when he heard this, just like hearing a fantasy.

"Kunpeng Speedy Divine Body! This name is quite suitable!"

Turning a blind eye to their exclamations, Jiang Tian took the Kunpeng Dharma and the fake elixir back to his dantian, picked up the delicate flower, took a sip, and showed a satisfied look.

"Perhaps this is the power of the divine false elixir!"

Ancestor Takong's eyes almost popped out, and he sighed to himself.

"I heard that the divine golden elixir also has grades, and the chaos golden elixir condensed by the master is the strongest among the divine ones! Once it is condensed..."

The True Dragon Patriarch said this.

"Yes! This is just the power of a fake elixir! What if nine fake elixirs condensed into a golden elixir of chaos!"

"Then I'm afraid, I'm afraid that even if the master encounters the power of transforming into gods, he will not be weaker than others. I am invincible!"

"Even if you lose to the Transformation God, you can at least escape unscathed!"

The other three people all felt a sense of suffocation, their hearts were trembling wildly, and they were so excited that they could not speak incoherently.

But a few people did not dare to transmit too much spiritual consciousness for fear of disturbing Jiang Tian.

"If such a divine material were to be broken into pieces and transformed into essence and aura, not only would it be very difficult, but it would also be a bit like burning the harp and boiling the crane, which is a waste of natural resources!"

Because at this time Jiang Tian had already sighed softly, offered up the Dinghai Pearl, his eyes flashed, and was ready to build an ice divine body.

Ding Haizhu, a divine material-level existence, also has the power to control space. In this regard, it is definitely better than the Mother Stone Cauldron of All Things.

At that time, Emperor Ao relied on this bead to freeze space and swept through the heroes, shocking many ancient sages and arrogating the entire second half of the ancient era. He became the successor of Shenghuang Chongli and presided over the second half of the interstellar wandering.

Ding Haizhu also controls space, but it is different from Kunpeng Essence and Blood.

Kunpeng can break through and destroy blocked spaces, and his victory lies in speed, so he is the strongest of the wind divine bodies.

And it is a frozen space that restricts all things. It is better than the ability to control space and imprison other people and other things.

"If it doesn't turn into the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, how can it be absorbed and refined, and how can it be cultivated into a fake elixir?"

The four of them looked at each other, confused, but did not dare to say a word for fear of disturbing Jiang Tian.

Because Jiang Tian's problem was beyond their understanding, they could not talk to Jiang Tian at all.

"Innately nourished by the earth, the changes are extreme, and the wonderful things are described in words and cannot be expounded. In this case, I will use you as the elixir embryo to infuse the essence, blood and soul to nourish the golden elixir!"

As soon as Jiang Tian said these words.

"There is such a wonderful way of creation between heaven and earth!"

The four of them were stunned and confused.

"Look how surprised I am!"

Jiang Tian noticed their changes and couldn't help laughing, saying:

"The ordinary method of practice is to absorb spiritual energy, refine it into true essence, then use the true essence to condense the false elixir, and then use the thunder tribulation to cast the golden elixir. It is a method where the guest follows the host. I regard myself as the object and regard matter as the subject."

"But in fact, things are dead and people are alive. We are the real subjects, and all materials are objects."

"Cultivation is originally about going against heaven and seizing the fortune of heaven and earth. Why can't we take advantage of it and become the guest?"

"That's it! That's it!"

"The supreme principle! The supreme principle of cultivation, the supreme principle of the universe!"

"It's better to listen to your words than to practice a thousand years of work!"

Hearing Jiang Tian's words, Zhenlong and the other four people seemed to have a flash of lightning in their hearts, and they were all enlightened and suddenly realized.

Since the divine material is very pure and contains endless power, there is no need to break it!

Instead, you infiltrate your essence, blood, soul into it, and merge with it. You have me, and I have you.

But the divine material has no consciousness. Once he is nourished by Jiang Tian's essence and blood and completely controlled by Jiang Tian's soul, isn't he Jiang Tian's golden elixir?

"The poor monk is enlightened! He is finally enlightened. One day of enlightenment, instant nirvana!"

The Lotus-born Old Tathagata was even more enlightened, suddenly enlightened, and his mind became clear. He sat down and looked up to the sky, laughing.

His face no longer looked ferocious, but was kind, calm, peaceful, and liberated.

He closed his eyes slightly, like a Bodhisattva lowering his eyebrows. The numerous rings of Buddha's light behind his head shattered into pieces and turned into ashes. Like a phoenix bathing in fire, Nirvana. Finally, a Buddha's Light Nascent Soul emerged from the ashes of Buddha's light.

Liansheng also broke through the obstacles and stepped into the realm of Nascent Soul!

Seeing this, Jiang Tian also nodded happily.

These four old monsters have been well received. They are all regarded as cultivation wizards and loyal. In the future, they will become his right-hand men in conquering the Immortal Ruins and guarding the earth.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Jiang Tian quickly immersed himself in cultivation.

Jiang Tian directly sacrificed the bead into his dantian, like slicing, plowing, grinding, thread by thread, integrating the soul-devouring consciousness and the body's soul into the Dinghai Pearl bit by bit.

This is a hard work, so don't rush. If you are not careful, you will be counterattacked by Dinghaizhu's magic power.

Although it has no conscious soul, the frozen space is its instinct. Once invaded, it will definitely fight back.

A few days later.

This fixed sea bead looks the same as before, but if a top expert perceives it, they will find that the bead has a little more spirituality, as if it has life, and is more concentrated. Once it explodes, its power will be stronger.

This is Jiang Tian's operation of the Nine Transformations of the Super God, in which a soul has been refined and nourished with endless essence and blood. It has turned into Jiang Tian's fake elixir, which will provide Jiang Tian with a steady stream of forbidden power.

"I just don't know what kind of dharma-like divine body will be born from this Dinghai Pearl!"

Jiang Tian touched his chin with a strange look on his face.

Although Jiang Tian has done this kind of sexy operation, the appearance of each outbreak is different and difficult to predict.

Under Jiang Tian's urging, Ding Haizhu jumped out and turned into an ice and snow giant, with white fur all over his body, covered with ice crystals, and a red mouth with fangs, which was very terrifying.

The giant took one step forward and stretched out his big hand, stopping everyone within a ten-mile radius. Even the rolling magma suddenly cooled and turned into solid stone.

"What a powerful force of imprisonment, this is the real realm!"

"The power to control space is no less than that of Kunpeng Divine Body!"

The four old monsters were like clay and wood sculptures, floating there dumbfounded, motionless, and all dumbfounded.

"Although it's a bit ugly, your magic power is pretty good. Well... I'll call you Dinghaibing Divine Body!"

Jiang Tian smiled bitterly and took back the Dharma.

The mana of spatial confinement faded away, and the four old monsters were just free again.

"Oh, it's finally your turn!"

At this time, Jiang Tian had already presented the Darkest Stone Tablet, his eyes were shining brightly, his face became solemn for the first time, and he sighed faintly:

"As far as the dark stone tablet, refining the dark divine body, and successfully returning to the origin, is the most critical step in refining the chaotic divine body!"

"Victory or defeat is decided in one fell swoop!"

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