Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1301 The nine divine bodies are ready, thunder disaster is coming

Dark physique is opposite to light physique.

In short, the characteristics of the light constitution are release, explosion, chaos, and entropy increase, just like the Big Bang of the universe.

The dark system physique is gathering, swallowing, returning to origin, and reducing entropy.

For example, the light body is like a star in the universe, releasing light into attacks, while the dark body is like a black hole, constantly devouring and unifying the energy of other people.

However, only returning to the origin, only compressing the energy to the extreme to form a singularity, is the prerequisite for the universe to explode with chaotic power.

You must know that chaos is not the initial state of the universe, but the result of the Big Bang.

The beginning of the universe is a singularity, also known as a negative vacuum. It is the result of the creation of all things and the endless energy returning to its original state.

When a singularity breaks out, it becomes chaos.

Tai Chi's yin and yang are not separated and form a perfect circle, which is chaos. Chaos is like a chicken egg, which can give birth to innate gods and billions of stars.

Jiang Tian's Chaos Divine Body imitates the "return to origin" and "chaos" states of the universe, forming huge devouring power, explosive power, tearing power, condensing dharma, and simulating visions. Not to mention invincible at the same level, it is enough to kill high-level powerful beings. By.

After all, this is a category that has transcended the power of gods and heaven and earth. It is comparable to the natural force of the universe and encompasses everything. The explosion of true energy is like the Big Bang of the universe. With every move, the sun and moon are upside down and the stars are falling.


The moment Jiang Tian began to condense into the dark divine body, it was a split second.

In Jiang Tian's Dantian, many false elixirs were beating together, and the Chaos Creation Technique was operating to the extreme. The colorful true energy turned into swords, guns, swords, halberds, flames, fire, and ice, and attacked towards the Darkest Stone Monument.

"This darkest stone tablet is so indestructible!"

However, the four old monsters were shocked to see it.

There were only extremely slight traces on the darkest stone tablet, which were almost invisible, with only a little bit of flying ash falling.

However, Jiang Tian was not discouraged. Instead, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he was very happy.

The Darkest Stone is an extremely rare and strange substance in the universe. It is like a black hole. It can be called an immortal material. Its swallowing ability is the best in the universe. How can it be exploded so easily.

It can be said that even if a powerful person who transforms into a god uses his peak cultivation level and is given ten years to continue attacking, he may not be able to create a single crack.

Jiang Tian is now able to break out some debris. One is that the Darkest Stone Stele has been wiped out by Emperor Xi, and the Darkest Stone Stele has recognized Jiang Tian as its owner to a certain extent. The other is the accelerating effect of the Time Formation Disk. This makes Jiang Tian's attack power increase tenfold, comparable to that of a powerful person who transforms into a god.

Jiang Tian's endless true energy exploded, reaching out from his dantian like a tentacle, grabbing the darkest debris into his dantian, and running the Super Divine Nine Transformation Mysterious Skills, crushing and absorbing them like a millstone, and refining the darkest debris into the original body. True Yuan.

Twenty days later, in Jiang Tian's dantian, one-tenth of the dark stone tablet was broken, like a gurgling stream of water, invisible.

"If we continue at this pace, I am afraid that the energy of the Time Formation Disk will be exhausted, and we will not be able to completely swallow the Darkest Stone Monument and refine the Darkest Divine Body!"

There was a trace of anxiety on Jiang Tian's face, and the four old monsters frowned, not even in the mood to meditate.

If the Time Formation Disk is destroyed, they will not dare to stay here for too long. The rolling magma and endless pressure will probably swallow them all, including Jiang Tian.

Their only hope is that Jiang Tianchong succeeds in Guan Jindan. Even the endless magma and the stiff crust cannot stop him.

"It's time to take action on this Destruction Star. Why..."

Jiang Tian frowned and stared at Mie Xing, suddenly slapped his head, and said with a dumb smile: "Am I stupid? Its weapon spirit has been destroyed, how can it activate the devouring power!"


Jiang Tian touched his forehead with his right hand, and a burst of soul-devouring consciousness burst out, pouring into the Destruction Star, acting as the formation spirit, and the Destruction Star immediately began to move.

Everyone felt it immediately.

An extremely huge devouring power erupted from the Destruction Star, and everyone flew over uncontrollably.

Just as the four of them were stunned, suddenly, this devouring force gathered on the Darkest Stone Monument, completely covering it.



The Darkest Stone Tablet suddenly cracked with shocking cracks, and the black Darkest Essence poured into the Destruction Star.

"This Destruction Star... can even swallow the Darkest Stone Tablet!"

The four old monsters were shocked.

"Alas, it seems that I have underestimated the power of the Destroying Star. I am afraid it is no longer as simple as an immortal weapon, but a divine weapon!"

Jiang Tian's eyes sparkled.

At this time, he became more and more convinced that the Destruction Star might have swallowed not only the spiritual energy of the ancient earth, but also many life stars.

But these darkest black essences did not stay in the Destruction Star, but were continuously poured into the "placenta". To be precise, they were poured into Jiang Tian in the placenta through thirteen umbilical cords.

"Well done!"

Jiang Tian laughed wildly, and the Chaos Creation Technique was operating at its limit.


The Dantian roars and trembles like a river and the sea, and the whole body blooms with immeasurable light, rapidly absorbing and refining these darkest energies.

Just see it.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

Endless dark essence, rushing towards Jiang Tian's Dantian through the umbilical cord like a black tentacled worm.

And the darkest essence in Jiang Tian's dantian also rose from the ground like a huge wave, becoming more and more abundant and thicker.

I saw black light billowing and spinning in the dantian, like a huge vortex, spinning endlessly, extremely deep, like a black hole.

Jiang Tian's body gradually turned black, like black crystal, and a terrifying devouring force swirled around him, making Jiang Tian look like a demon and a god, as if he could swallow a sea of ​​stars in one mouthful.


"This kind of devouring power may not even be able to resist the powerful gods, right?"

"The Darkest Divine Body, swallowing the sky and the earth, is definitely not an exaggeration!"

The four True Dragon Ancestors were frightened and completely dumbfounded.

Jiang Tian has already activated his secret technique to control the devouring power and try not to affect them.

But they still have a terrifying feeling that they are about to be pulled into Jiang Tian's body, and even their souls and Yuanying are about to be swallowed.

I'm afraid that with just a slight explosion from Jiang Tian, ​​they can be completely swallowed up and annihilated, turning them into endless nourishment for Jiang Tian's divine body!

Ancestor Takong's clothes were pulled straight towards Jiang Tian, ​​making a hunting sound, as if they were about to be torn apart.

His movement speed is the best in the dimensional world, far surpassing the other three old monsters, but he is sure that under the devouring of the Darkest Divine Body, even at his speed, he will not be able to take three steps before he will be pulled back.

"The master's strength is really terrifying!"

Ancestor Takong's eyelids were trembling, with a look of horror on his face.

With the blessing of the Destruction Star and the Immortal Pregnant Placenta, the speed was much faster. After a few days, Jiang Tian finally condensed into a Darkest False Pill in his body.

This dark divine body burst out and turned out to be a black-scaled Taotie!

The horns of the sheep are bent into nine and eighteen bends, and the feet are on the stars. The head is disproportionately large to the body and limbs, like a hill. The mouth is wide enough to be split to the base of the ears. The huge teeth are like steel knives and long swords, hanging with long His saliva was full of greed, and he seemed to be swallowing up the sky and the earth, and was filled with a fierce and terrifying aura.

"It's just a small completion of the divine body, and it will turn into the Taotie Dharma form. That's right! Let's call you Taotie Guiyuan Divine Body!"

Jiang Tian was very satisfied with this.

Taotie, together with Taotie, Qiongqi, and Haoshou, are known as the four most ferocious beasts in the universe. They have the ability to swallow the sky and the earth.

It is rumored that the ancient innate gods of the universe touched the Heavenly Tiao and were knocked down by the laws of divine punishment of heaven and earth. It has an extraordinary origin and is very miraculous.

Of course, Taotie is just a form of the Darkest False Pill. After all, Jiang Tian's Darkest Divine Body is only a small success.

There are still many changes to the form of the Darkest Fake Pill, and when the time comes, the magic power will increase tenfold or a hundredfold.

"However, even if the Darkest Divine Body is only a small success, but the fake elixir has been completed, it can still exert part of the power of returning to the origin."

Jiang Tian's eyes were firm, with a sharp look flashing through his eyes, and he said:

"As of now, I have the nine divine bodies of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, ice, and darkness. I can finally condense the chaotic divine body!"

Click, click, click!

At this moment, Jiang Tianchao Shen Jiu Transformation Gong was operating to the extreme, and the five elements of the fake elixir in his body were shattered one by one, turned into the innate five elements of essence, and poured into the darkest fake elixir.

At this time, Jiang Tian's aura had exploded tenfold and a hundredfold, and it was extremely terrifying.

His body is like a glazed diamond, shining every inch, blooming with dazzling light, forming thousands of auspicious colors, surrounded by many strange phenomena.

"No way! Even if you break through deep underground, you can't avoid the lightning disaster!"

At this time, the True Dragon Ancestor raised his head and looked around, and was horrified to see it.

Deep underground, in the magma, bursts of thunder and lightning with a radius of hundreds of miles erupted, with strange shapes, extending in all directions, endlessly.

Some condensed into mountains of thunder and lightning, some intertwined into clouds of thunder and lightning, some surged into oceans of thunder and lightning, and long dragons of thunder and lightning shuttled and jumped between thunder mountains, thunder seas, and thunder clouds.

Each thunder dragon has a different color, representing different attributes. It is hundreds of meters long or thousands of meters long. It condenses without breaking up, roars and trembles, and is full of destructive power!

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