Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1313 You still want to fight me and seek death

Long Yanan remained calm, as if he didn't hear Hu Canghai's question. He picked up the cup with his slender hands, sipped the tea with his red lips, and said calmly: "I can't control how he acts!"

Everyone looked at Jiang Tian angrily.

"The old guys outside also said that there is no distinction between superiority and inferiority, no rules, only strength?"

Jiang Tian looked calm and said with a smile:

"In my opinion, my dialogue with you and my comment on the battle situation in this world are your honor, the glory of Tianxing, and the glory of Yaochi!"

"Who do you think you are, Hu Canghai? You are just a golden elixir, a pig-dog-like existence, but you are barking here and not letting me speak?"

Everyone could hardly believe their ears.

You, a little Foundation-Building monk, actually mocked the Golden Elixir True Immortal as a pig or a dog. Do you think you have a long life?

"You dare to call me a dog. I only respect you because you are Miss Long's entourage. If I don't respect you, you are just a weak chicken with foundation building. I can beat you into pieces with one hand." Meat!"

Hu Canghai was so angry that his eyes were splitting with anger, and he shouted angrily. His sword-like steel teeth rubbed against each other, sparks erupted, and he wanted to eat Jiang Tian's corpse alive.

He roared angrily, and the pressure of the Golden elixir True Immortal pushed in all directions. The thick True Qi was like a stormy sea, boundless and boundless.

Suddenly, the entire attic was roaring with strong winds and making loud noises. If it weren't for the runes on the walls flashing with mana protection, the attic would have been torn to pieces.

Hu Canghai was so powerful and powerful that many maids and waitresses at the foundation-building and Qi-training level couldn't bear it and staggered back. Even if you mobilize all your true energy, you can't resist it.

But this time, Long Yanan was uncharacteristically calm and did not speak for Jiang Tian.

Shen Lang noticed something unusual, and after repeatedly asking Long Yanan through spiritual consciousness but getting no answer, he couldn't help but become more suspicious. Finally, a bright light flashed in his eyes, and he said calmly:

"Fairy Ya'nan, your follower insulted me, the powerful Yaochi, so if we don't teach him a lesson, where will we save our face?"

"If you can teach him a lesson, just teach him a lesson! As I said, his actions have nothing to do with me and I can't control him."

Long Yanan chuckled, a cunning look flashed in his eyes, revealing his shiny sharp little tiger teeth.

If Jiang Tian and them didn't get into trouble, if a chaos didn't happen, how could she take the opportunity to escape and become a little white rabbit in Jiang Tian's hands.

Now, the three old monsters with babies have arrived. She thinks that it is very possible to suppress Jiang Tian, ​​or at least create chaos to give him a chance to escape. Therefore, she hopes that Jiang Tian will fight with them.

Shen Lang was just testing. If Long Yanan forced himself to speak for Jiang Tian, ​​he would not dare to provoke him.

But after giving it a try, it was discovered that Long Yanan seemed to be alienated from this entourage, and even wished that he would do something to him.

In addition, Director Jin reported that Duanmuci could not be contacted now, and he already felt a little bad.

However, until this moment, he had not connected Jiang Tian with the words Taichu Lord. He only thought that Jiang Tian was a Tianxing monk who came to disrupt the situation.

"Teach me a lesson?"

Jiang Tian glanced at everyone with a smile and said with a smile:

"Everyone, hurry up and take action. I can't wait to tear off your heads and use them as balls to kick!"

"This guy is so ignorant!"

"If I hadn't already known that he was Miss Long's servant, I would have thought that Chen Liuhe was here!"

"Even Chen Liuhe wouldn't dare to start a war with so many golden elixir immortals at the same time! He doesn't want to think about who is standing behind them!"

There were many people present, some gasped, some shook their heads and sighed, some were dumbfounded, and some were gloating.

At this time, everyone looked at Jiang Tian as if they were looking at a dead person.

Among them, there may be the descendants of the Three Heavenly Stars, as well as the sons of the Lord above the Yaochi, direct descendants of the Tianjun family.

Jiang Tian's words were equivalent to starting a war on the two realms of Tianxing and Yaochi. He was so crazy that he had no boundaries and was too long to live.

"This is simply seeking death. Let's just say that other geniuses and evildoers did it. Even a weak woman like me, he can't defeat me!"

Even Shi Ruoxue had a look of ridicule on her face.

After all, she had stepped into the golden elixir, while Jiang Tian had an ordinary aura and was only in the early stages of foundation building, so he was vulnerable.

At this time, Shen Lang, Huangfu Pingtian, Yuan Hongjue, Guang Kun and Zen Master Deren all had gloomy faces and murderous intent in their eyes.

"Okay! Boy, you said you would treat me like a pig or a dog based on my strength. Let me see how good you are!"

Hu Canghai, who was born violently, jumped up like a tiger coming out of the mountain and punched from top to bottom.

This punch was like a missile flying across the sky, with dragon and rhinoceros patterns appearing on the arms and fist edge. This was the result of the awakening of the bloodline, and the power was terrifying.

The dantian roared, the golden core trembled, and the violent true energy surged out, condensing into a five-meter-tall dragon and rhinoceros shadow. The curved head horn was like a peerless heavenly sword, which seemed to be able to tear the sky apart and smash the mountains into pieces.

Although this building is tens of meters high and extremely vast, at this moment, the vast fist power and violent mana filled the entire attic, tearing the void apart!

At this moment, it can be said that the sky and the earth changed color, as if the sun and the moon were hanging upside down, and the fist was as heavy as a mountain, and it hit Jiang Tian's front door with his head in the air.

Affected, many talisman formations throughout the attic were activated, flickering on and off, emitting endless light that illuminated the entire building.

"Hmph, he will definitely die! Brother Canghai's punch is enough to kill the early stage of Jindan. How can he stop it?"

Yuan Hongjue and others all looked sarcastic.

No matter what Jiang Tian's background is, the person who comes here is evil, but if a mere foundation-building monk dares to break into the dragon's pond and tiger's den, he is seeking death!


Shen Lang even lowered his eyes, raised the white jade flask, and poured the crystal wine into the cup. The outcome was obvious, and he didn't bother to take another look.

"True dragon, kill him!"

Jiang Tian spoke quietly.


The True Dragon Ancestor, who was originally stooped, had cloudy eyes, and looked old, suddenly grew taller.

This moment.

The momentum of the True Dragon Ancestor rose rapidly, from building the foundation, to the golden elixir, to the formation of the infant, and finally, even to the Nascent Soul!

He was like a peerless heavenly sword that was suddenly unsheathed, its sharp edge revealed and its murderous aura so cold.

"not good!"

At this moment, everyone present was shocked, and there were warning signs in their hearts.

Hu Canghai's eyes almost bulged out of his head. Before his fist power and appearance could fully explode, he retreated violently in the air.

But it was too late.

I saw the True Dragon Ancestor casually grabbing it, like a golden dragon probing its claws, forcibly destroying Hu Canghai's indestructible Dharma. His body was grabbed and torn apart. The blood-stained golden elixir jumped out of the Dantian and flew into the True Dragon Ancestor. in hand.


A cloud of miserable blood mist splashed up and filled the air.

Hu Canghai fell to the ground like a kite with broken strings, his eyes were dull, and it was astonishing that even his soul was imprisoned by the True Dragon Ancestor.


The true dragon ancestor threw the golden elixir to the big black dog with his right hand.

Then he slapped Hu Canghai's body unceremoniously.

boom! There was a muffled sound on the ground, and the Zhaixing Pavilion shook violently, as if it was about to collapse.

Under the shocked gaze of everyone, Hu Canghai's body exploded, blood and broken bones flew everywhere, and even his soul disappeared into thin air.


There was a dead silence in the whole place, and everyone was dumbfounded, in disbelief, and sweating like a ghost.

Hu Canghai, the most powerful general of the Zhengtian Right Route Army, was shot to death by a little-known old servant in Tsing Yi?

Is the true successor of one of the four great Celestial Sovereign families in Yaochi and the 15th-ranked Golden elixir expert on the Star Heroes List so useless?

At this moment, even Huangfu Pingtian and Yuan Hongjue were speechless.

Even Shen Lang, who had been drinking calmly, turned serious.


As for the female cultivator Shi Ruoxue, she was so frightened that her face turned pale, she screamed and her delicate body trembled.

"How brave! Who are you if you dare to kill people here?"

Shen Lang slowly put down the wine glass, staring at Jiang Tiandao with his eyes as cold as steel needles.

"You are not qualified to know who I am. Everyone here today must die!"

Jiang Tian's face was calm and his tone was not warm, as if he could really control everyone's life and death.

"Okay, okay!"

Shen Lang laughed angrily, his eyes were filled with black light, eerie and cold, and a figure appeared behind him, which was a thousand-tailed black fox.

This black fox has a thousand tails, like a thousand-armed Buddha, and its breath fills the entire hall, as if it is about to split the void.

Thousand-tailed black fox bloodline!

Yaochi is a place where humans and monsters are mixed. He has pure Qianheihu bloodline and can condense high-grade golden elixirs.

At this time, when he revealed his Dharma form, he was extremely angry and planned to strike with all his strength to kill Jiang Tian and Zhenlong on the spot.

"Brother Shen, why do you need to kill this man? I'm here to kill him!"

Yuan Hongjue took one step forward and said calmly.

He, Yuan Hongjue, not only Yuan Zihua, but also the entire Yuan family, were able to skyrocket in cultivation and reach their highest level, all because of the help of Shen Lang and other powerful people in Yaochi.

In particular, he still holds on to the extravagant hope of being able to enter a higher level world or even the Immortal Ruins in the future, and he has to rely on Shen Lang and others.

"You're the one who doesn't know whether to live or die, right? You still want to fight me?"

Old God Jiang Tian was sipping tea on the ground with a mocking and disdainful expression on his face, and he lowered his eyes without even raising a finger.

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