Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1314 The terrifying Yaochi monsters, could it be him?

"When cultivating as a monk, you don't rely on external things or the help of strong people. Relying on others is ultimately a heretic. If you have the courage and ability, don't rely on evil servants and masters. Give me the next opportunity to learn your clever tricks! "

Yuan Hongjue snorted proudly.

Everyone's eyes flashed, and they secretly sighed that Yuan Hong was so good at giving birth to a thief.

Jiang Tian, ​​who caused trouble today, is guilty of an unforgivable crime!

But the one with stronger cultivation is obviously the old servant in green. In their opinion, Jiang Tian’s cultivation is not very strong and he can be easily defeated.

Yuan Hongjue has both pinched the soft persimmon and made great achievements. He will be highly regarded by Shen Lang and other Yaochi powerhouses.


Jiang Tian's eyes were sarcastic.


As soon as Yuan Hongjue took action, it was eight thousand flying swords as thin as gossamer.

These flying swords are extremely small, as thin as silver scales, but densely packed and countless.

Many flying swords grew larger in the wind and covered Jiang Tian, ​​giving people a sense of inescapability.

"Haha, interesting! Didn't this come from my Ten Thousand Swords Coming Together? Although I don't control the essence, it is somewhat similar in shape!"

Jiang Tian laughed loudly, suddenly stamped his feet on the ground, and uttered one word.



In an instant, Yuan Hongjue just felt.

The void suddenly solidified, with Jiang Tian as the center, and all vitality within a radius of a thousand meters turned into iron plates.

His whole body felt more like being pressed down by a mountain!

No, to be precise, it was more like being pressed down by a vast continent, unable to even move a finger.

The thousands of flying swords that were released were fixed in the air like a basin of water splashing, as motionless as a sculpture. To put it bluntly, they could not even cut off a single hair of Jiang Tian.

It turned out that all of his Sky Sword Qi was imprisoned in the "forbidden area", and he could not exert any lethality.

"You, you are a strong Nascent Soul, how is this possible..."

Yuan Hongjue was horrified, thinking in his mind.


In the dead silence, an inaudible sharp sound echoed in his mind.

Yuan Hongjue found that the scenery that was originally fixed suddenly moved.

No, to be precise, his head moved.

In the midst of the whirlwind, he saw billowing waves of blood spurting out from the neck cavity of his headless corpse.

Then he saw Jiang Tian grabbing his blood-stained golden elixir and throwing it to the big black dog.

"There is such a young Nascent Soul powerhouse in this world, who is it?"

Yuan Hongjue's heart was still shocked and confused, and before he had time to express regret and despair, his vision went black, and he completely fell into eternal silence.

"He used the forbidden area!"

"I feel like I've just been frozen too!"

"Oh my god, he is actually a powerful Nascent Soul!"

When the magic power of Jiang Tian's Forbidden Zone dissipated, everyone regained their freedom, but everyone was sweating profusely, uneasy, and terrified.

The situation has taken a turn for the worse!

As soon as Jiang Tian takes action, it's forbidden territory!

A forbidden area that only the strong among the Nascent Soul can use!

Just calmed everyone down!

At this time, they no longer dared to underestimate Jiang Tian. Instead, they were panicked as if facing a formidable enemy, full of horror and disbelief.

In fact, Yuan Hongjue, whom Jiang Tian killed, was not as strong as Hu Canghai.

But the shock brought by this battle was even more terrifying.

The reason is very simple. Jiang Tian has cast the Forbidden Domain, which is the sign of the Nascent Soul Heavenly Lord!

Everyone's heart was trembling wildly, and cold sweat was running down their backs. They just felt that they had been so bad for eight lifetimes, how could they meet such a strong man.

At this time, when talking about Deren, Guangkun, and Shi Ruoxue, even Huangfu Pingtian showed signs of palpitations.

"So strong! Evil!"

Shen Lang's expression couldn't help but become more solemn than ever before, and he looked at Jiang Tian with a hint of prudence.

"No, he is still a Jindan cultivator and cannot fake it! However, he should know some kind of secret method of confinement to forcibly simulate the power of the forbidden area with the power of control!"

He carefully recalled the feeling of confinement brought by Jiang Tian. Finally, he shook his head decisively, his expression turned contemptuous again, and a hint of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Some of the most talented people among the golden elixir masters can also use the power of space, but generally it only has a radius of tens of meters, as if it is in the palm of their hand, so it is called "control".


Jiang Tian's forbidden area is different from ordinary forbidden areas, but it is not a low-level control as he thought, but a higher-level area!

It's just that Shen Lang is extremely talented and has unparalleled blood. Since his debut, he has become famous in the Yaochi world. He has achieved unparalleled fame at a young age!

He even created a unique forbidden technique, and when he was sparring with his predecessor Yuanying, he escaped from the forbidden area of ​​the strong Yuanying.

After coming to the Heavenly Star Realm, he pushed forward all the way without any defeat, and it was easy to destroy cities and countries.

When he came to the Star Realm, he had a strong sense of superiority, just like white people looking at black people, no, just like humans looking at kittens and puppies, and he didn't take anyone seriously at all.

If just because Jiang Tian killed Yuan Hongjue, he was frightened and did not dare to fight again, then he is not Shen Lang, nor is he a true heir of the Tianjun family!

"I didn't expect that in the Tianxing Realm, besides old guys like Kun Ling and Ku Hai, we could actually raise a True Immortal of the Golden Pill! It's a pity that you offended me today and you are destined to perish here!"

Shen Lang pushed away the cup and plate, stood up, took one step forward, and approached Jiang Tian.

The black light in his eyes was like a sharp sword, and his vitality boiled and turned into a thousand-tailed black fox that was tens of meters high. Many long tails swept across the sky and swept across, seeming to tear Jiang Tian to pieces.

This attic is very tall and wide, tens of meters high. It originally seemed empty.

But at this moment, they were all filled with the Thousand-tailed Black Fox Dharma Image. Under the ravages of this magnificent Dharma Image, Jiang Tian seemed extremely small.

"This boy will definitely die. Even if he can use the forbidden area for a moment, he can't restrain Brother Shen's Thousand-tailed Black Fox Breaking Forbidden Technique!"

Those who can step into this attic are all knowledgeable people, all of whom are Jindan truths on the list of heroes. Their eyes are so sharp that many people have such thoughts in their minds.

It can be said that unless the real Yuanying takes action, no one can resist Shen Lang's Dharma Image attack.

No matter how strong Jiang Tian is, he is only at the first level of Jindan. How can he be the opponent of Shen Lang who controls the Breaking Forbidden Technique?

"You talk too much nonsense!"

In response, Jiang Tian was too lazy to pay attention and slapped him directly.

With a clang!

This palm slap was like a continent pressing down, pressing the balls of Yuanqi in the air to explode tragically, and slapped Shen Lang's head.


Shen Lang was horrified, and felt a vast forbidden area force, which fixed him and the surrounding vitality.

The "Thousand Tail Breaking Forbidden Technique" he used could not be used at all, as if his tail was nailed in the air by invisible steel nails, unable to move, and the tearing pain almost made him cry.

Under this indestructible forbidden area, he couldn't even move his little finger, and could only watch the giant palm slap down.

Because, at this moment, not only was he fixed by the forbidden area, but even Huangfu Pingtian around him was fixed, and he couldn't help at all.

With a loud bang, the indestructible Thousand Tail Black Fox Dharma Image seemed to be broken into pieces like paper, and Shen Lang was slapped to the ground like a toad.


A human-shaped hole appeared directly on the precious jade floor engraved with many array patterns and talisman arrays that could withstand the golden elixir's critical strike.

Shen Lang was slapped into the ground, breaking through ninety-nine floors in a row, and was hit all the way from the top floor to the deep foundation, sinking dozens of meters underground.

At this moment, in the attic, many geniuses and talents all stared with their eyes wide open, looking at Jiang Tian as if he were a demon.

Shen Lang was the only demon on the hero list who entered the top ten. His strength made many old Jindan look at him with admiration and sigh that they were not as good as him.

But just like that, he was crushed by the young man with ordinary blood in front of him! Why does it feel like slapping a fly, effortlessly?

"Could it be that this is an old monster in the Nascent Soul stage!"

Long Ya'nan, Huangfu Pingtian and several heroes on the hero list present, all had their pupils shrink when they saw this. Only they felt the terrible power of Jiang Tian's forbidden domain.

Under Jiang Tian's forbidden domain, even Huangfu Pingtian, who had the fastest body movement, could not escape at all.

"Who is he? Where is there such a young strong man in the Tianxing Realm? Could he be a master from the Hailan World!"

Everyone looked at him in doubt.

However, after Jiang Tian's chaotic divine body condensed, his appearance changed again, and he became as handsome as a god.

Especially the white hair that was deliberately created at this time, silver and crystal, gave him a bit of vicissitudes and profound taste, revealing mystery, and they didn't recognize him at all.

"Haha, you are just a foundation-building ant, how dare you speak rudely to my master, now you understand, who is the ant?"

The big black dog swept his tongue and licked Yuan Hongjue's bloody golden elixir with great pleasure, as if licking ice cream, and said with a mocking face.

"Big black dog..."

Master Deren's pupils suddenly contracted, and he looked at Jiang Tian, ​​and said to Guang Kun beside him: "Didn't you find that this person looks like the one who left three years ago..."

He was the direct disciple of Master Xixiang, the current abbot of the Demon-Suppressing Temple, and he had seen Jiang Tian from a distance on Qingqiu Mountain that day. At this time, he felt familiar.

"Could it be him! Jiang Taichu!" Hearing this, Guang Kun was also suddenly shocked, the muscles at the corners of his eyes trembled rapidly, as if he was facing a great enemy, and his face looked grim.

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