Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1316 Just kill your heirs and go away from the pain!

"Who do I think I am? It turns out to be fellow Taoist Taichu!"

However, Yuan Zihua's panic only lasted for a moment. He quickly calmed down and even showed a bit of ridicule.

"Jiang Taichu, it is said that those who know the current affairs are heroes! You have to understand that this place is no longer your world, and it is not your era anymore! Now in the Tianxing Realm, Chen Liuhe is the most respected, and the strong ones from Yaochi are the masters!"

Ancestor Kunling also said sarcastically:

"If you know how to advance and retreat, then surrender! Although you are extremely talented, you are definitely no match for Chen Liuhe and other Yaochi powerhouses. You are even far behind Duanmuting, the lord of this city!"

Ancestor Kunling had given birth to a baby after all, and now he didn't take Jiang Tian seriously at all.

In his eyes, everyone is just an ant under Jie Ying, and the golden elixir is nothing but rubbish, completely vulnerable.

"It turns out he is Jiang Taichu!"

"How dare he come back! Don't you know it's no longer his time here?"

"Ancestor Kunling is so disrespectful to him! Compared with Lord Duanmu and Marshal Chen, he, Jiang Taichu, only has the cultivation level of Jindan, and is far inferior to the three Ancestors of Jieying!"

Seeing the arrival of the three ancestors, on the platform of Zhaixing Pavilion, Shi Ruoxue, Deren, Guangkun and others suddenly seemed to have a huge backer, their courage increased greatly, their eyes were higher than their heads, as if they were ants, and they did not pay attention to Jiang Tian. inside.

"You want me to surrender?"

The sarcasm on Jiang Tian's face was extremely strong, he chuckled and said calmly:

"A mere Yaochi monk, in my eyes, is nothing more than a chicken or a dog! It's a pity that you are so ignorant that you betrayed me and Bai Ze and worshiped them as gods! You are simply worse than a dog!"

"So crazy!"

"You actually called the three ancestors dogs!"

"It's clear that we will fight until death!"

Hearing Jiang Tian's words, everyone in the room was shocked. Sounds of gasping came one after another, and everyone was shocked.

Jiang Tian's words are too arrogant!

Because now these three ancestors are no longer what they used to be. They have reached the ultimate level of sublimation and have babies.

But Jiang Tian humiliated and scolded him so viciously, and slapped him in the face. They were all arrogant people, how could they endure it?

Sure enough, Yuan Zihua became angry and shouted: "Everyone, you are still talking nonsense to him. He is just an ant on the earth and a small golden elixir. Just kill him!"

His true heir Yuan Hongjue was killed. This was a life-and-death feud. He couldn't bear it and just wanted to cut Jiang Tian into pieces.

"Fellow Taoist Zihua, don't be anxious!"

Zen Master Kuhai put his hands together, with a solemn appearance, kind eyebrows and kind eyes, and said sincerely:

"Fellow Taoist Taichu, to be honest, you are no longer qualified to compare with us. In our eyes, you are as vulnerable as a three-year-old baby."

"We are not going to kill you, we just have the virtue of living a good life, and we don't want to cause another bloody storm and cause death to all living beings!"

He stood on the commanding heights of morality and persuaded Jiang Tian, ​​as if he were really a living Bodhisattva and an eminent monk:

"The poor monk advises you once again, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately. Don't be blinded by desire for power for your own selfish interests, disregarding the righteousness of the common people. You must know that these are all in dreams, fleeting, and not worth mentioning. You are a bodhi tree. , The heart is like a bright mirror, wipe it frequently and don’t let it get stained with dust.”


Jiang Tian was very angry with them, and a cold murderous aura gradually gathered in the depths of his eyes.

Kuhai and the others are the kind of people who are extremely selfish and fearful of life and death!

In order to save his life and profit, Tan did not hesitate to operate on his own ethnic group, the Tianxing monks, and handed over the great country to others.

He even went so far as to poison and assassinate his mentor, Bai Ze, and rallied to attack him.

"Today, I came here to kill you and understand a grudge. I didn't come here to surrender and admit defeat. Let's do it!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were cold, and he suddenly drank up the wine in his glass. He slapped the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Gourd on his waist with his right hand, and a flying sword erupted.

A big battle was about to break out. Suddenly, Yuan Zihua, three men, Jieying and Shen Lang, were on full alert as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"Guangkun, do you think Jiang Taichu will win, or will the three ancestors and Shen Lang win?"

However, Shi Ruoxue asked softly on the remaining platform of Zhaixing Pavilion.

"How can Jiang Taichu be his opponent? Although Jiang Taichu can use secret techniques and simulate the power of the forbidden area, in fact, it is still a method of controlling heaven and earth, and it still belongs to the category of golden elixir."

Taoist Priest Guangkun looked mocking and dismissive.

"And the three ancestors have all given birth to babies. They are only one step away from the real Yuanying. They have received guidance from the Yuanying old monster in Yaochi, and their skills are also stronger. If we fight to the end, we will definitely win. One chip!”

After all, he, Guang Kun, is also the current leader of the Giant Sword Sect. He is at the third level of the Golden Core and is only one step away from the middle stage. He is not far away from Yuan Hongjue and has a unique vision.

No one around him doubted Guang Kun's conclusion.

"Oops! The war has begun! Ah!"

At this time, Huangfu Pingtian suddenly screamed loudly and saw the scene of Jiang Tian taking pictures of the gourd, but he did not expect that the flying sword was actually coming towards him.


They took to the air one after another and fled in all directions, but their screams suddenly stopped.

I saw a golden flying sword leaping out from the Sky-Swallowing Demon Gourd. It suddenly turned into a shocking sword light. It shot out from the sky and circled around the sky. It wiped out the eight golden elixirs on the platform, including Guang Kun, Zen Master Deren, etc. All the heads were chopped off.

The bright sword light was like a sword flying across the sky, making everything within a radius of ten miles cold. The corpses fell to the ground like rain. No one could escape except Long Yanan, the hostage deliberately left behind by Jiang Tian.

Before they died, they all showed deep shock and fear.

It seems that they can't believe that Jiang Tian would kill them under heavy siege, and they can't believe that they died so easily under Jiang Tian's sword.

"Jiang Taichu!"

Seeing this, Kun Ling Ancestor's eyes were about to burst, he was in pain, and his heart and liver were torn apart.

"You're going too far!"

Zen Master Kuhai is like a diamond with angry eyes and steel teeth biting into pieces.

They didn't expect that Jiang Tian, ​​under the siege of the three children, would dare to go on such a killing spree, specifically killing their heirs and descendants, causing their hearts to break. This simply treated them like ants and grass.

"I've said before that we can't be soft on this guy. If we find a way to take action, we can still save them!"

Yuan Zihua said coldly.

"His! The Lord of the Beginning is so cruel!"

The countless monks who were watching, the muscles in the corners of their eyes trembled, and they all took a breath of air.

Jiang Tian is so decisive!

Be bold and decisive to the extreme!

It has been made clear that you will fight to the death, and your heirs and heirs will be slaughtered before your eyes. You will be so angry that your lungs will explode.

This is a kind of torture and torture. No one can bear to witness the death of their loved ones and heirs on the spot.

"So ruthless? Have you forgotten how many monks and mortals from the Star Realm Kunling and others helped Yaochi kill?"

"Good kill!"

"Such traitors and shameless people should have no descendants!"

But Chen Feihong, Zhao Hongtian and other Jiang Tian's supporters were shouting loudly and happily, cheering for Jiang Tian.

"You also know the pain? I thought you didn't know it. You seem to have forgotten how many Tianxing monks have lost their loved ones because of you, and how many women, children and children are crying! I will kill your heirs right in front of your eyes. You can suffer as much as you like! What can you do to me? If you don’t accept it, come and fight! It’s a fight to the death!”

Jiang Tian took the flying sword back with a playful and mocking look in his eyes. He held a white jade wine glass and a wine flask and gently tapped the sword body, making a clanging sound.

His fighting spirit was high, his sword energy was fierce, and it shot straight into the nine heavens like a billowing smoke of energy.

At the beginning, the nine flying swords Jiang Tian obtained from Sword Tomb Island were all at the spiritual weapon level.

However, after many years of sacrifice by Jiang Tian and the addition of many precious gold and rare stones, the nine flying swords have been upgraded to the level of spiritual treasures. However, even so, they cannot withstand the fluctuations of Jiang Tian's vast mana and are easily destroyed. Therefore, Jiang Tian has All given to Qing'er.

This flying sword, nameless, was refined before he set out. He used countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures collected over the years to carve many Dao patterns and talisman formations. It is indestructible and has reached the level of a real weapon.

"Jiang Taichu, you angered me!"

Yuan Zihua shouted angrily, and the long sword in his hand shot out of the air.

The war finally breaks out!


There seemed to be a sharp flash of lightning in the sky, and the sword energy was fierce. The temperature dropped sharply in a radius of ten miles, and the snow was frozen.

"What a terrifying sword intent! It's almost like a celestial attack!"

Seeing this, many people were shocked and their hearts trembled.


Ancestor Kunling shouted coldly.

With a sweep of the giant sword, the sky-high sword light overlapped one after another, forming a heavy sword curtain, covering the sky and the sun like mountains across the sky, slashing through the void, capable of splitting thousands of feet of mountains, cutting off rivers and seas.

"Alas, the benefactor is so stubborn and continues to cause so much bloodshed and killings. For the sake of the common good, the old monk has no choice but to kill and kill the demons!"

Master Kuhai shook his head and sighed. The Buddha's light around him was bright and dazzling, and he took a picture with his right hand.


His right hand suddenly became hundreds of feet in size, with brilliant golden light, just like the Lord Buddha pressing down on the Five Fingers Mountain. With the aura of suppressing everything, he not only wanted to crush Jiang Tian into powder, but even the Raging Wave City below Jiang Tian. It's like being crushed.

Yuan Zihua has been promoted to Jieying, not far away from Yuanying. He can crush the golden elixir and cut grass, unrivaled.

It can be said that he is full of confidence. Both himself and the other two ancestors think that he has a high chance of winning against Jiang Tian.

But they have long lives and have experienced countless fights and battles, and they are all very cunning.

They knew very well that a lion should use all its strength to fight a rabbit, and they hated Jiang Tian so much that they showed no mercy at all. Therefore, they joined forces to attack, and their cooperation was extremely tacit.

The three most powerful people from the Heavenly Stars cooperated with each other in a tacit understanding, and together they could achieve a blow that surpassed that of an ordinary Nascent Soul.

What's more, there is Shen Lang who possesses the blood of a thousand-tailed black fox and has condensed the seventh-grade golden elixir!

Immediately afterwards, Shen Lang, whose strength was no less than theirs, took action without hesitation!

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