Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1317 Duanmuting goes to battle, and the veteran marries a baby

"Jiang Taichu, if you dare to insult me ​​today, you will die!"

Shen Lang's eyes were dark and cold, filled with deep hatred and malice.

Black light billowed around him, and a thousand tails swayed in unison, sweeping across the sky like rivers and dragons, dyeing half of the sky black.

Each giant tail sweeps through the sky, and a random wisp of breath can kill a Qi-training monk, which is extremely terrifying.

"Alas, Taichu Lord is in danger this time!"

"Yes, there are three Jie Yings and one powerful golden elixir. Even if Bai Ze is here, he can't resist it!"

"I heard that Jiang Taichu only had foundation building cultivation back then. Now, just over two years have passed. No matter how strong he is, he can only reach the late stage of foundation building, right?"

"What if they have the combat power of golden elixirs, or even condensed golden elixirs? These are three powerful knot babies!"

Many monks sighed with regret.

"Lord Taichu, retreat! You have killed Yuan Hongjue and Hu Canghai, and severely injured Shen Lang. This battle is enough to be proud of the world!"

"Senior Taichu, let's take a step back! The strength of the three Jie Yings is too disparate, so the chances of winning are slim!"

"There is no need to rush, wait until the army is assembled, and then we will completely settle with them!"

Chen Feihong, Zhao Hongtian, and many other Tianxing monks sent messages to Jiang Tian's spiritual consciousness.

This is not malicious, not looking down on Jiang Tian, ​​but worried about Jiang Tian's death. Jiang Tian is their last hope, and there is no room for any mistakes.

On the battlefield, retreating temporarily to avoid its sharp edge is not a shameful thing. The final victory is the most important.

"How can a mere ant deserve to fight?"

Jiang Tian's face was full of contempt.

Even in the world of Leize, he had not yet condensed the golden elixir of chaos, and he could rely on the power of his divine body to crush the four great monsters of the True Dragon.

And now.

Jiang Tian's Chaos Divine Disk condensed, and the Chaos Divine Body was initially formed. Its strength was more than ten times or a hundred times its original strength?

At the beginning, when Jiang Tian faced the four knotted babies, he still needed plotting, surprise, and hard work.

But now facing Jieying again, Jiang Tian looked at him like an ant, killing him with a snap of his fingers, as if he was destroying everything.

Under the shocked eyes of everyone, Jiang Tian poured a glass of Thunder Fire Wine into the glass, took a sip of it, then threw the wine pot and glass upwards and waved his hand.

"Split the sky!"

This time, Jiang Tian only used one-tenth of his strength.


But in the sky, there seemed to be a black lightning that tore the space apart and many space fragments appeared.

This spatial rift started from Yuan Zihua and meandered towards Kun Ling, Ku Hai, and Shen Lang at an extremely fast speed.

Splitting the Sky, this space method, is a kind of chaotic power. It was opened after Jiang Tian condensed the Chaos Divine Body. It can tear the space and cut through everything.

Even the old monster Nascent Soul who controls the forbidden area may not be able to withstand it.

Everyone was shocked to see it.

With the Dantian as the center, the four people were brutally torn apart by the force of space, turning into pieces of flesh, broken bones, and blood arrows, intertwined and stacked with each other, filling the air in grotesque shapes, like abstract works of art.


"How can this be!"

Even though Shen Lang's body was broken, his blood was too strong and he was still alive. He couldn't help but howl with fear and despair in his eyes.

Because they found that even if they used the supreme healing and creation techniques, they could no longer condense the remaining bodies.

Jiang Tian's magical power of "splitting the sky", unless he comprehends the realm and completely controls the power of space, nothing can stop him.

The next moment, the golden elixirs of the four people who had been slashed exploded uncontrollably in an instant, tearing their remains into powder and flying ashes.

At this moment, the entire audience was shocked beyond measure, and everyone was in a state of shock and disbelief.

Three dignified old monsters with babies, plus a late-stage high-grade golden elixir, were killed by Jiang Tian with a single wave of his command.

It's almost like a myth.

"Good wine! Enjoyable!"

At this time, the wine glass that had just been thrown fell. Jiang Tianxin took it in his hand, sprinkled it in the air, and sighed quietly:

"This can be considered as revenge for the heroes who died fighting for Tianxing such as Mie Yu and Jiang Haishan! Heroes, rest in peace!"

In an instant, there was deathly silence in the hundred-mile radius around Yunzhong Tower and in the huge Raging Wave City.

Many monks and hundreds of millions of mortals all made the slightest sound.

After a long time, the leader of the sect, a veteran of foundation building, spoke out two words with difficulty:


At this time, thousands of monks around Yunzhong Tower and tens of millions of people in Raging Wave City were all looking up to the sky with excitement on their faces.

At this time, even the dullest person realized Jiang Tian's strength.

This is clearly a Nascent Soul Heavenly Lord!

"Haha, Jiang Taichu, even if you have the strength of Nascent Soul, so what? If you dare to act recklessly in Raging Waves City, you are looking for death!"

But there were monks from the Yaochi world, hiding in the dark, smiling ferociously.

He hasn't finished speaking yet.

Sure enough, from all directions in Raging Waves City, giant steel dragons suddenly emerged one after another, soaring into the sky and dancing in the sky.

Each giant dragon is ten thousand feet long, stretching across the sky, like a giant dragon showing its teeth and claws, which is extremely frightening.

"What's this?"

Countless Tianxing monks were shocked.

But if you get close, you will find it.

There is no giant steel dragon here, it is clearly an army of countless Yaochi monks wearing hard armor and holding sharp weapons and magic tools.

Yaochi monks have powerful auras and their cultivation is above the level of Qi training. There is no shortage of foundation-building experts, and there are tens of thousands of them.

The cold light shines on the iron clothes, and the sword shines through the void.

The ten generals headed by them are even more powerful and powerful, possessing cultivation levels above the Golden Core.

Before the battle formation, a peerless warrior, wearing golden armor and a blood-colored cloak, with a body like a dragon, rose into the sky.

His body was tall and majestic, like a Yuan Ting mountain, radiating overwhelming majesty, sweeping across nine heavens and ten lands, causing the entire Raging Wave City to tremble and tremble violently. He was also a strong infant-former.


Chen Hongtian and other Tianxing monks all turned pale.

Chen Feihong was so frightened that he couldn't help but collapse to the ground. He couldn't control the billowing true energy, and his robe sleeves were bulging.

Back then, during the battle in Raging Waves City, Duanmuting once defeated several of the top Tianxing warriors defending the city with one punch. Even Jiang Haishan was not a general in one. His unparalleled ferocious power and supernatural powers that penetrated the heavens and the earth were frightening.

Duanmuting can be said to be one of the best generals in the Yaochi army!

I heard that when he conquered the world of Canglan, he once defeated ten Jindan monks with one punch, and even an army of tens of thousands of monks could not stop him.

"Fellow Taoist Taichu, you are indeed extremely talented and powerful, and you can actually suppress the three Jieying and Shen Lang! I am the marshal of the Zuo Route Army, the Lord of Nutao City, Duanmuting!"

Duanmuting's eyes sparkled, and he saluted with his fists clasped, his tone full of appreciation.

The deaths and injuries of Shen Lang, the three strong infant warriors, and many other talented people on the hero list seemed to be not worth mentioning at all in his eyes.

However, his voice was like a loud bell and thunder, shaking the sky. Below, many foundation-building monks could not bear it, their bodies were shaky and they almost vomited blood.

Duanmuting stood proudly in the void, and extremely terrifying true energy fluctuations emanated from the Dantian, like a stormy wave, sweeping dozens of miles around, covering the entire Raging Wave City, as if three mountains and five mountains were pressing down, and many Tianxing monks felt that their livers and gallbladders were split. The body swayed.

"Is this the power of a baby?"

"It seems to be several times, ten times more powerful than Yuan Zihua and the others!"

"He is a veteran Jie Ying. He has been a Jie Ying for many years. He is not far from Nascent Soul! He is even close to being considered a quasi-true king!"

At this moment, countless people screamed in horror.

Including Zhao Hongtian, Chen Feihong and others, their eyes were shining brightly, their whole bodies were tense, and their magic power was surging crazily, so they could barely protect their bodies and land on the ground.

As for the foundation building, many people couldn't bear it at all. They fell directly to the ground like a heavy hammer hitting their chests, and were as limp as mud.

At this time, Duanmuting had not yet taken action, but naturally exuded a faint coercion, which made the Tianxing cultivator unable to move.

The sky has long been cleared away. On the side of the stars, Jiang Tian is the only one standing proudly and independently without changing his expression.

"Good wine! Good wine!"

Jiang Tian beckoned for the wine flask, poured the thunder fire wine with flashing blue lightning into the wine glass, took a sip of it happily, and said with a smile:

"Marshal Duanmu hosted this party. The wine was good, the food was good, the beautiful monks were good, and the scenery was even better. But I don't know when you became the Lord of Raging Waves City! How did I ever approve it? When did King Ding Lie grant you the title? Yes!”

"Fellow Taoist Taichu, who was an unparalleled talent who once swept across this world and killed decisively, why do you speak so pedantically? It makes all the heroes in the world laugh out loud!"

Duanmu Ting laughed loudly, his pride soaring into the sky, his anger rising to the sky, and he said matter-of-factly:

"The so-called impermanent master of the country, the strong is the master! I, the Yaochi monk, are stronger than you, so I don't need your enfeoffment and approval. If we say we take possession of these beautiful mountains and rivers, we will take it!"

"Haha, well said!"

Jiang Tian took a sip of Thunder Fire Wine, his face was calm, and he said with a smile:

"According to your bastard logic, I will blow up your Yaochi, wipe out your whole family, and kill all of you, which is what I should do!"

"Jiang Taichu, don't think it's any big deal just because you killed a few useless things that just gave birth to babies!"

A trace of anger flashed across Duanmuting's face and he said coldly:

"There are several Nascent Soul Heavenly Lords in my Yaochi. Any strong Heavenly Lord can turn the world upside down with just one thought! Killing you is as easy as killing a chicken! Don't make the mistake of yourself!"

"Really? Then come and try it!" Jiang Tian sneered, his fighting spirit high, and he didn't take Duanmu Ting seriously at all.

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