Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1318: Attacking Raging Wave City and tearing apart the Yaochi military formation

"Zhu Zi, you are arrogant!"

Duanmuci's eyes became colder and colder, but he finally softened his tone and advised:

"Our coach, His Highness Chen Liuhe, is the sect of Tiandao and the son of the Lord of Yaochi. He is a wise holy lord with great magnanimity and good understanding of people. If you hand over your dog Duanmu Ci and surrender to you loyally, the coach will definitely put aside the past grudges and use you again." Take you to conquer the world!"

He said sincerely:

"In the future, if you become successful, you will be nothing more than the ruler of a fourth-level dimensional world! You will be granted one at the third level! You may even climb to the top of the Immortal Ruins, receive a reward from the Emperor of the Ruins, and become a member of the Immortal Class!"

No one expected that Duanmuting came up not to fight Jiang Tian, ​​but to persuade him to surrender.

Moreover, the benefits offered are huge, and entering the Immortal Ruins is a temptation that no one in the lower-level Yuan world can refuse.

But only some powerful men who could be called giants felt that Duanmuting's move was reasonable.

For an old monster like Duanmuting, revenge for his comrades and feelings are not worth mentioning.

Only territory and resources, only interests, and only improving cultivation and strength are the criteria he considers.

What's the point of killing Jiang Tian if everything goes to death?

It would be better to persuade Jiang Tian to surrender without spending a single soldier. If he seizes the star, the country will be consolidated forever, just like searching for something in a bag.

Besides, he thought his son was still alive in Jiang Tian's hands, so he didn't dare to attack Jiang Tian easily.

"Are you going to be a dog like them? Even if you are a dog in Yaochi or a dog in Xianxu, I'm not interested!"

Jiang Tian pointed to the corpse fragments of Kun Ling and others, chuckled and said:

"I, Jiang Taichu, was born with bad joints. I can bend my head, bow my head, and beg for mercy. There is no way I can learn these actions!"

Duanmuting's smile gradually faded, his eyes were cold, and he exuded a cruel and bloodthirsty aura, and he coldly snorted:

"Fellow Taoist Taichu, you ate my food and drank my wine, and you just want to walk away like this? You must pass the test of my legion first!"

"I'm not used to owing people favors. I always make a clear distinction. I ate your food and drank your wine. Even if you don't charge me, I will pay you back!"

Jiang Tian smiled and said:

"Fellow Taoist Duanmu, although I, Jiang Taichu, am an abandoned citizen of the wasteland and a bit poor, I still have some backbone!"

He smiled extremely brightly and patted the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Gourd on his waist. Duanmu Ci's head flew out and landed in front of Duanmu Ting.

"The Lord of the Beginning is too cruel!"

"It's this move again! Kill the descendants and force others to take action!"

"This is going to break the sky!"

Many people gasped, their faces full of shock and disbelief.

"Hmph, this person named Jiang is probably crazy! This head flying out means that the conflict between the two parties is irreconcilable, and you will live and die!"

"Jiang Tian is looking for death. The steel army forms a military formation and is extremely powerful. Even the powerful Nascent Soul may not be able to withstand it."

"Besides, Duanmuting's strength is not trivial. He was the one who single-handedly overpowered Kun Ling, Yuan Zihua and the others without leading any soldiers, and beat them to despair. If Jiang Taichu thought that he had killed three children, It would be too naive to compete with Duanmu!"

The monk from Yaochi shook his head with ridicule.

"The house is full of distinguished guests. I'll kill you to pay for the wine! It's so fun! It's so fun!"

Jiang Tian looked at Duanmu Ting, whose face was ashen, and laughed loudly, dripping with joy.

"Jiang Taichu, today, I will fight you until death!"

The moment he saw his son's head, Duanmuting was furious to the point of splitting his eyes, and the murderous intent in his eyes was so intense that it was like a giant beast awakening from the wild, its violent aura surging, wanting to tear apart the sky, destroy the world, and choose people to eat.


Tens of thousands of Yaochi monks have talismans engraved on their armor, emitting bright light and increasing their combat power to the limit.

Their faces were expressionless, but their eyes were full of murderous intent, and they all raised their knives and roared.

That terrifying murderous aura turned into reality, squeezing the Yunzhong Tower until it cracked and was on the verge of collapse.

"Lord Taichu, let's retreat first! Join the Moku Mountain and Border Wasteland defenders together, and then kill them!"

Zhao Hongtian and other monks who supported Jiang Tian flew to Jiang Tian's side, with worried expressions on their faces, and used their spiritual consciousness to persuade Jiang Tian.

Duanmuting and his army swept across the Tianxing Continent, and nothing could stop them. Give them palpitations.

"What does this mean? Don't worry, they can't hurt me even a hair. You retreat quickly!"

Jiang Tian's expression was calm and his tone was extremely sarcastic.

Just dozens of golden elixirs and tens of thousands of Qi-training and foundation-building troops. Jiang Tian had killed many more people in Maolin City in the Western World than he did now.

But at that time, Jiang Tian still relied on a few divided gods, and had not yet condensed the chaotic gods and golden elixirs, so he still killed them?

Now that Jiang Tian's strength has increased tenfold and a hundredfold, it would be really weird if he couldn't deal with them.


"We're not leaving!"

Zhao Hongtian and others looked anxious and worried, but they were unwilling to leave. They wanted to fight side by side with Jiang Tian and regard death as home.

At this time, boom!

Many military formations were arranged neatly, with their swords and horses leaping forward, and they were heading towards Jiang Tian. They were like huge millstones that could crush everything and obliterate everything.

"You retreat, I will kill them, just in a snap of my fingers! Don't let the magic affect you!"

Jiang Tian smashed the wine glass, put his hands behind his back, and rose up like a dragon, charging straight towards the steel formation.

At this moment, there was deathly silence in the sky and on the earth.

Many Heavenly Star cultivators were filled with despair and anger, but could not utter a word.

Against the background of tens of thousands of troops, Jiang Tian's figure was as small as an ant, as if he were hitting a rock with an egg, like a mantis using his arms as a chariot!

After all, this legion is the backbone of Yaochi's army, and one army is enough to sweep across a dimensional world.

Even if the powerful Nascent Soul came here, they would have to avoid his sharp edges and not dare to confront anyone head-on, unlike Jiang Tian who faced him head-on.

"Haha, Jiang Taichu knew that he couldn't escape and was in despair, so he just wanted to die quickly!"

"If I had known this, why bother? This Raging Wave City is like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. The monks from Yaochi are so powerful that he can come here whenever he wants?"

"I'm scared, I'm going crazy when I get something or not!"

Only many Yaochi monks were laughing wildly.

"Ci'er, by killing this son today, my father has avenged his great revenge! You can rest in peace!"

Even Duanmu Ting showed a hint of ridicule, then closed his eyes slightly, with hot tears rolling down his face, and looked up to the sky with a long sigh.

In their eyes, Jiang Tian was already a dead man, seeking his own destruction.

However, the next scene left everyone in disbelief.


I saw that Jiang Tian's speed was getting faster and faster, like a human-shaped missile flying across the sky, endless chaos aura bloomed from the soles of his feet, constantly exploding the space, dragging a long tail.

The explosion of magical power from the Chaos God Body is like opening up a world behind him, forming an unparalleled driving force!

In front of him, a phantom of Kunpeng appeared, roaring for nine days, constantly opening up and tearing apart space, and strange black space cracks appeared, leaving Jiang Tian with no space to block him.

This speed is almost as fast as the speed of light, and so sharp that it seems to be able to split the entire world in two.

At this moment, in everyone's eyes, there was nothing between heaven and earth, only a bright light.

Seeing this, Duanmuting's face changed wildly, and he secretly screamed.

However, it was too late.

The indestructible military formations exploded like strings of firecrackers under Jiang Tian's impact. The chariots and cloud towers were all broken into pieces as if they were made of tofu.

These chariots, cloud towers, flying boats, and the armor and weapons of the monks and soldiers are all engraved with runes. Even their golden elixirs and bodies contain vast mana. Once broken, they will explode uncontrollably.


Huge fireballs bloomed in the sky, burning everything, and huge mushroom clouds rose higher in the sky.

Every fireball, every explosion, every mushroom cloud represents the fall of a strong Jindan man.

Hurricanes roared in the sky, sweeping away in all directions.

The vast sound waves hit Yunzhong Tower and the thick walls of Raging Wave City, making this huge city rumble.

The trembling Yunzhong Tower, after holding on for three snaps, fell into pieces, the rocks penetrated the air, and turned into billowing smoke and drifted away.

The entire city of Raging Waves was in chaos with flying sand and rocks.

Dark clouds gathered in the sky, blocking out the sun. The sky was dark, and you couldn't see your fingers. Thunder roared, the smell of ozone filled the air, and rain poured down. The scene was extremely shocking.

"This is the real celestial attack! Nascent Soul!"

"No, to be precise, this is the Lord of the Beginning attacking them, which also caused changes in the celestial phenomena!"

"Too strong! Too scary!"

"What kind of cultivation does the Lord have? Is it a golden elixir? But it is clearly the combat power of Nascent Soul!"

Zhao Hongtian and others fled far away, and were shocked beyond measure.

Immediately afterwards.

They were even more shocked to see it.

Jiang Tian was like a peerless heavenly sword that cut through the heavens and the earth, sweeping across ten kilometers and smashing the entire legion from beginning to end.

It's not as simple as just tearing apart the military formation.


Wherever Jiang Tian passed, within a radius of one mile, even if the golden elixir expert did not touch Jiang Tian at all, the blood would instantly spread into a dance of blood and explode.

The chaotic power of Jiang Tian Shen Pan's golden elixir is like a big explosion in the universe, capable of destroying and tearing apart everything. Even the golden elixir that is said to be immortal will explode like mud.

As for those Yaochi monks under the golden elixir.

It was forcefully blasted by the Gangfeng brought by Jiang Tian. The simplest physical blow did not kill him at the hands of Jiang Tian's magical powers.

After just three snaps of fingers.

Between heaven and earth, the explosions stopped, the dark clouds and hurricanes gradually dissipated, and the dust settled.

The defenders of Nutao City and the 30,000 elite Yaochi cultivators of the Left Route Army, whether they are building foundations or golden elixirs, leave no one behind and use all the ink!

Duanmuting was left standing alone in the air.


At this time, Duanmuting's teeth were chattering, his whole body was trembling, he staggered back a few steps, and was about to collapse.

"How can this be!"

Cold sweat rolled on his forehead, he was stunned as if he had seen a demon, and his face was paler than a corpse that had been dead for three days.

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