Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1337 There is no such thing as the Supreme Sect Leader

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!


Zhang Qianlei stepped out of the stone room, pulled out the clan leader's token, and shouted angrily:

"This is our supreme sect master. Even when Lei Bao sees him, he has to kowtow and bow three times. If you dare to stop him, you are seeking death! Get out of here!"

"Elder Qian Lei, what did you say? Tai... Tai Shang Master!"

The guard leader was stunned, his face turned pale, and he subconsciously jumped dozens of meters away.

The other guards also backed away, startled and confused.

The lower-level disciples of his outer sect didn't know the news that Zhang Qianlei was under control, and thought that they had just collided with the Supreme Elder.

"Zhang Qianlei, others don't know, do you think I don't know either? You are a member of Jiang Taichu's party and you are already a prisoner!"

At this time, Shen Jiuling, whose face was as deep as water, took a step forward and said in a weird manner:

"Now you break out of the prison, escape privately, steal the sect master's token, and pretend to be the supreme sect master. How brave of you! According to the sect's rules, you should be punished for your crime!"

He looked down at Jiang and Tian as if they were ants. He was aloof and said with arrogance:

"However, because we have worked together for several years, I will give you a chance. As long as you and this villain surrender, I can help you intercede in front of the sect master!"

"I told you that this kid looks sneaky and must be up to something evil. He turns out to be a villain!"

The guard leader was startled again. Fortunately, he didn't let Jiang Tian in just now. Otherwise, the sect leader would not let him go.

"Hmph, our sect does not have the position of supreme sect leader at all. Your kid must have exposed your secret this time!"

He once again led the guards to surround Jiang Tian, ​​waving his sword, his eyes full of cruelty, and his eyes roaring mockingly.

Jiang Tian chuckled quietly.

He really couldn't be bothered to deal with such a small character.

Zhang Qianlei took a step forward and roared:

"Get out of here, if you keep talking nonsense, I'll break your legs! Do you think that I, the outer elder, am just a living person?"

"Just now the sect leader, Zhao Jueren and several other elders seemed to be inside, but now there is no sound at all. Could it be that something unexpected happened and they were killed by this villain!"

A supreme elder with white beard and white hair suddenly exclaimed as his consciousness swept away.

"Is this serious?"

Shen Jiuling was so frightened that he didn't even jump up. He stared at Jiang Tian with his eyes and asked angrily: "Where are the sect leader and Elder Zhao Jueren? Have they been poisoned by you?"

Jiang Tian put his hands behind his back, motionless, as steady as a mountain, and chuckled:

"I killed the three elders Zhao Jueren, but I am still your Supreme Sect Master!"

"How brave, kill him!"

"Never let them go!"

Swish, swish, swish!

In an instant, many elders and hall masters, led by Shen Jiuling, pulled out their swords and swords and sacrificed their magic weapons.

In an instant, the light of Senhan's sword flashed, and sharp murderous intent swept across the area. Many magic weapons and spiritual treasures bloomed with thousands of rays of light, and violent fluctuations of true energy and mana rose into the sky like a stormy sea, filling the area.

"You little beast, you dare to kill Elder Zhao Jueren, and you are still talking nonsense here, pretending to be the Supreme Sect Master. I don't think you will shed tears until you see the coffin!"

The guard leader was hiding behind the crowd, roaring loudly, but there was a hint of gloating in his eyes.

Shen Jiuling and other Supreme Elders, elders, and senior officials knew that the matter was of great importance, and were shocked and angry at Zhao Jueren's death.

But the guard leader is just a small person and doesn't care about that much.

He only knew that Jiang Tian hit him and made him feel humiliated. He must take revenge!

But now it's better. This kid has killed so many important people, and he will definitely be cut into pieces, and his great revenge will be avenged.

At this moment, electricity was generated in the void, and a figure was wrapped around it and came rushing like a hurricane.

"Ouch", suddenly a scream sounded.

The guard flew a hundred meters away, hit the mountain wall heavily, and the sword in his hand broke into countless pieces.

There was blood and foam in his mouth, and countless electric sparks were flying around his body like silver snakes. His whole body was charred black, with many broken bones and tendons, and a large pit in his chest, vaguely in the shape of a fist mark.


Many elders, hall masters and guards subconsciously took a few steps back and looked at the sect leader Lei Bao with a gray face and blown-out hair in shock, and said:

"Sect Master, why are you...why do you want to hit him?"

"Supreme Sect Master...godfather, it's all because of the poor discipline of the children. I raised these blind trash and bumped into you. Please punish me!"

Lei Bao's face turned pale with fright, and he trotted to Jiang Tian like a dog seeing its master. Then like a bird in the cold, he trembled and knelt down in front of Jiang Tian, ​​pitifully begging for mercy.

"Godfather? The Supreme Sect Master..."

Seeing the thunderstorm bowing at Jiang Tian's feet, Shen Jiuling and others were stunned and froze on the spot, unable to believe it.

This young man has black hair, black eyes, and long white clothes. Apart from being extremely handsome, he has no special feeling. His cultivation is also very low, and he does not have any majestic appearance or momentum that looks down on the world.

They could never figure out why he was able to overpower Lei Bao who was a Jindan cultivator, kneel down and surrender, and become the godfather of both the Supreme Sect Master and Lei Bao.

"Godfather? The sect master is hundreds of years old. How could he accept such a young man as his godfather? When did he become the Supreme Sect Master?"

The guard was so frightened that he almost lost his mind. Cold sweat flowed down like a stream. His whole body was trembling, and his hands and feet were convulsing.

Even the Supreme Sect Master is shouting and killing me. I'm afraid no one can protect me. It's useless for my brother-in-law to open his mouth!

"When you see the supreme sect master and my godfather, why are you still standing there in a daze? Why don't you kneel down?"

Lei Bao glared at Shen Jiuling and others fiercely!

What a bullshit question you’re asking!

It's easy to hit one of his guards. If my Dantian wasn't damaged, my cultivation level dropped sharply, and I wasn't 100% sure of my attack, I would have killed you all.

You dare to offend even Jiang Taichu, the ancestor of Nascent Soul Fu Ri, who is seeking death! But if you are looking for death, don’t drag me along to be buried with you!

"I'll wait to meet the Supreme Sect Master!"

"Disciple, meet the sect leader and godfather!"

Shen Jiuling and others had confused expressions on their faces, but they did not dare to disobey him in the slightest. They knelt down and shouted loudly.

"Don't call me godfather, I don't have a son as ugly as you!"

Jiang Tian frowned with boredom.

"Yes, yes, Supreme Sect Master!"

Lei Bao stood up tremblingly, but he did not dare to straighten up. Like an old eunuch facing the emperor, he bowed his waist and asked with a flattering face: "How do you want to deal with it? Kill or behead me, my disciple has no objection!"

"This guard leader is nothing! I don't want to see him again!"

Jiang Tian waved his sleeves and said calmly.

Shen Jiuling and others naturally offended Jiang Tian.

But in the final analysis, they are just following orders and their responsibilities lie. The monks naturally have to obey the orders of the sect master and fight to protect the interests of the sect.

But the guard leader is different!

Not only did he offend Jiang Tian, ​​but he also took advantage of his duties and used chicken feathers as arrows to line his own pockets. Most importantly, he took money and did nothing. From any angle, it was disgusting, damn it.


Lei Bao bowed respectfully to Jiang Tian and responded.

But when facing his disciples, he made his appearance bigger than the sky, waved his hands carelessly, and said:

"Why are you still standing there? Kill him!"

"My subordinate understands!"

Shen Jiuling's eyes flashed with a sinister look, he stood up, raised his hand and slapped the guard leader with one palm.

"Brother-in-law, I don't want to die, please help me plead for mercy, ah——"

Amid the pitiful pleas for mercy and howls, the guard leader was shot and exploded. The crystal bones flew through the mist of blood, and were turned into ashes by the intertwined thunder and lightning, and even his soul disappeared.

Before he died, his face was still full of deep regret and fear.

Relying on his position as the guard leader, he has enriched his own pockets not once or twice, but he didn't expect that this time he would be kicked on the iron plate!

The key point is that a Supreme Sect Leader suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

This question is so difficult that he can’t figure it out even if he thinks about it!

"It's still a piece of crystal marrow after all, don't waste it!"

Old God Jiang Tian smiled on the ground, raised his hand to grab the storage bag containing the crystal marrow that Jiang Tian had given him before, and put it into the Sky-Swallowing Demon Gourd.

The rest of the guards who offended Jiang Tian would naturally not have any good consequences. According to the severity of the circumstances, some were quartered with knives, and some had their cultivation levels abolished and expelled from the sect.

"Senior, what's next?"

Thunderstorm asked tentatively.

"Go to Nuanyu Blessed Land, kill those Yaochi envoys, and then attack the Canglan World directly and repel the Yaochi army!"

Jiang Tian's expression was calm and he spoke calmly.

"This, the chief envoy of Yaochi, is named the Lord of the Holy Fire. He has the Great Perfection of the Golden Core, condenses the Holy Fire Dharma, and is very powerful. At the beginning, he was the one who killed Tang Yuan, the old sect leader of the third level of the Golden Core, with one sword..."

Lei Bao's face instantly turned pale, showing a hint of fear, his hands trembled slightly, and he spoke tremblingly.

Thinking of the terrifying strength of the Holy Fire Venerable, the unpredictable supernatural powers of ghosts and gods, and the overwhelming divine power at that time, even though it has been a year, Thunderstorm still feels cold in the bottom of his heart.

Although he heard that Jiang Tian killed Patriarch Furi, Jiang Tian did not say how he killed him.

Maybe a joint siege, a sneak attack and poisoning, or the use of a shocking array or other external objects?

So, when things came to a head, Lei Bao lost confidence in Jiang Tian again!

Jiang Tian is only a golden elixir, but the other party is in the golden elixir Dzogchen realm!

The golden elixir is perfect!

There hasn't been one in Akano World for hundreds of years. Such strength can even suppress a planet.

The gap between Jiang Tian and the opponent was so huge, one was in the sky and the other was on the ground, and the opponent also had the home field advantage.

Killing them so rashly is like striking an egg against a rock or a cricket shaking a tree. It is simply asking for your own destruction.

"Jiang Tian, ​​although senior Tang Yuan has been kind to me, there is no need to rush for revenge!"

Even Zhang Qianlei felt that this move was too risky.

"It's just a matter of killing a Golden Elixir Dzogchen. I don't even need to take action myself! My disciples can just follow you!"

"Thunderstorm, if you are afraid, I don't need you to follow me! Qian Lei can show the way!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were indifferent and he said calmly.

The words have not yet finished.

Jiang Tian rolled up his sleeves, rolled up Zhang Qianlei, jumped into the air, stepped on the flying sword, and rushed towards Nuanyu Blessed Land like a meteor.

"This, this, this..."

Looking at Jiang Tian's retreating figure, Lei Bao painfully pulled the tangled hair on his head, his face was sad, and he was having a fierce ideological struggle in his heart.

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