Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1338: Fighting to Nuanyu Blessed Land, encountering a dog blocking the road again

If you go, your life is in danger, or the whole army may be wiped out!

But if he doesn't go, how can he hug Jiang Tian's thigh, and he might be killed by Jiang Tian with a sword!

"This Supreme Sect Master, well, what a terrifying strength! I'm afraid he must be in the middle stage of Golden Core!"

"Looking at his age, he is only around thirty. How can he be so scary? Who is he?"

Shen Jiuling entered the stone room and walked around. He was so shocked that his eyes almost bulged out of his head.

The three elders, Zhao Jueren, were all electrocuted into flying ashes, and even the sect's most precious lightning stone pillars and lightning chains were shattered.

At this moment, he couldn't help but feel scared, but also secretly grateful!

Fortunately, he made a quick decision and his performance was quite neat and tidy, and he slapped the incompetent brother-in-law to death with one palm.

If I show any disobedience or even just hesitate, I'm afraid I will be beaten to death by this young man!

However, what frightened him even more.

It was Jiang Tian who said he was going to kill the Yaochi envoys. He rushed out quickly and said tremblingly: "Sect Master, you can't go! As the saying goes, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. If he goes, he is seeking death. Let's not get involved! "

"My sect leader thinks it's better to go! Wealth and wealth can be found in danger. If you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you catch the tiger's cubs?"

Lei Bao put his hands behind his back and pretended to be authentic.

Even if I beat you to death, I won't tell you that my Dantian is damaged, and no one can repair it without Jiang Taichu! Not even the Yaochi monks can do it.

"I'll go, you're not so stupid, are you? Are you having a brain attack?"

Shen Jiuling was stunned for a moment, and secretly complained in his heart.

However, he never dared to say these words. He quickly bowed deeply and praised with a solemn expression:

"The sect master is wise and has great talents. One hundred of my subordinates agree with me with both hands and feet! As long as we have the leadership of the sect master, why should our sect not be prosperous? My subordinates are full of confidence in the future of the sect and are very motivated. ”

He clenched his fists and waved them, and said impassionedly:

"My subordinates are willing to be a brick to revitalize the sect, wherever it is needed. With our joint efforts, and under the wise leadership of the sect master, it is expected that in less than ten years, our Yulei Sect will surely regain its glory and turn Akaishi into a great place." Zongdu..."

"Well, good. It's rare that you have such a heart. This sect leader is very touched. Come with me to Nuanyu Blessed Land!"

Suddenly, Lei Bao patted Shen Jiuling on the shoulder with a happy face and smiled.

Damn it, I can't even control the flying sword now, and I'm worried. If you do it here, it's just you!

Shen Jiuling's face suddenly stiffened, and he suddenly showed a look of pain. He covered his stomach and said, "Sect Master, I suddenly feel like having diarrhea!"

"Your mother, you have been abstinent for many years and you still have diarrhea. Hold in your diarrhea!"

Lei Bao cursed loudly and said:

"Do you understand, this sect master is giving you the opportunity to make a great contribution? If you don't want to go, then don't go. There are many people who are willing to go!"

Shen Jiuling was immediately stunned by the thunderstorm. He took out his flying sword, stepped on it, and said bitterly: "Sect Master, come up!"

His heart was bitter and gloomy!

This is a complete struggle for life. Alas, it looks like a fire pit and I still jump into it, but if I don't jump, there is nothing I can do.

Because this place is very unfamiliar, Jiang Tian did not fly very fast after joining Bai Ze, True Dragon Ancestor, and Ding Lingdang. While flying, he observed the spiritual vein branches, sects, and cities here.

Jiang Tian had just flown more than a hundred miles, and soon Lei Bao and the others caught up with him.

Jiang Tian also ignored the two of them.

The flying sword pulled out a stream of white air turbulence and continued to fly towards the Nuanyu Blessed Land at an unhurried pace.

A few hours later, the night fell and the starry sky was shining brightly.

The warm jade blessed land has arrived.

Nuanyu Blessed Land is not big. It is located in a brightly lit valley, covering an area of ​​a thousand acres. It is far away from large cities such as Bianhuang City.

But looking from a distance, you will feel that this place is extraordinary.

Thousands of rays of light emerged from the ground, thousands of auspicious colors rolled in the air, and strong fire-attribute spiritual energy filled the air.

Every area, every building, every street corresponds to the aura of the earth and has a magical charm.

Even the bricks and stones on the street are engraved with countless exquisite runes, forming a rune array. These are all spirit-drawing rune arrays, and they are specially designed to absorb the spiritual energy of the earth's lungs and earth veins, and contain endless power.

In the Nuan Yu Blessed Land, one can feel the spiritual energy of fire and earth elements contained in the earth's lungs for hundreds of miles around, all gathering together, trembling slightly, and flowing continuously.

Living here allows monks with fire spiritual roots and earth spiritual roots to use these spiritual energies that are ten times more powerful than the outside world to quickly improve and make great strides with each passing day. You can also feel the majestic power of earth fire and earth, understand the principles and laws of fire and earth, and form your own dharma and even forbidden areas.

The majestic energy of this place gathers, and only the extremely rare power of the stars can rival this blessed place.

It is loved and yearned for by all the Akano monks, but this place is owned by the first lineage, the Akashi Sect, and is more noble than the royal garden. Except for the Red Emperor, few people can set foot in it, and they don't even dare to get close.

"Oh, what a great effort. It caused the aura of the earth's veins contained in the vast continent to gather here. The person who created this blessed place is by no means an ordinary person!"

The monks who passed by took a look at it from a distance and all shook their heads in admiration.

"This was built three thousand years ago by Hongxia Patriarch, the most powerful sect leader of the Red Stone Sect in history, with Nascent Soul strength!"

Next to him, a monk exclaimed in admiration: "Other than Hongxia Ancestor, who has been watching for a long time, can he control the power of the earth's mountains and rivers?"

Everyone was impressed by Tianjun's strength.

Ancestor Hongxia is a living stone-level existence in the Akano world. He set foot in Nascent Soul a thousand years ago. He is so talented and domineering that he suppressed many orthodox traditions and finally pushed the Akashi Sect to the top of this continent. At the top, overlooking billions of creatures.

From that time on, this unified country in the world was established, named the Chiming Dynasty!

Starting from him, the first person, the Red Emperor, the Red Stone Sect was equivalent to the Akano World, and the Akano World was equivalent to the Chiming Dynasty.

"What a pity! Now that the Yaochi envoys have arrived, this place has become their back garden. Monk Akano and dogs are not allowed to enter!"

A monk said bitterly:

"I would rather be with outsiders than with domestic slaves! I bully my own majesty, but bow my head in front of the Yaochi villains. The contemporary Red Emperor has really lost his power and humiliated the country, is ignorant and incompetent, and has lost all the face of his ancestors!"

"You want to die! Do you know that if your words spread outside, we will all die!"

A fellow monk next to him glanced at the guarding monks with stern faces around the blessed land. He couldn't help but be frightened and shouted in a low voice.

Jiang Tian took Bai Ze, Zhang Qianlei and other people to this blessed place three miles away, and immediately felt a huge attraction.

"There is a no-fly formation here. If flying swords are not authorized, they will be attracted by the formation and fall to the ground! Senior, you better come down..."

Shen Jiuling quickly landed the flying sword and communicated with Jiang Tian's divine consciousness.

Jiang Tian's Jue Tian Sword, how could such a crude array be able to stop it.

It could be said that with one swing of Jiang Tian's sword, he could cut this blessed land into ashes together with the underground magic circle.

However, Jiang Tian didn't bother to tell him. He calmly controlled the flying sword and did not land at the gate of the blessed land.

Surrounded by several guards from the early stages of foundation building, a commander of the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment immediately came up to him and shouted in a cold voice:

"His Majesty the Red Emperor's personal guards are here! Whoever dares to fly randomly without knowing the height of the sky should come down quickly!"

Just when Jiang Tianmu showed his murderous intent and wanted to kill someone.

Lei Bao had already flown over, he bowed and clasped his fists and said: "Haha, don't be the leader, don't be angry. These are the new worshipers of my Yu Lei Sect. They are here for the first time. They don't know the rules. Please give me some face!"

"It turns out it's the Thunderstorm Sect Master. I'll give you some face. However, you have to explain it clearly in advance next time, otherwise I won't be able to explain it to you!"

Commander Mo clasped his fists like a dragonfly dripping water, and said with a smile but not a smile: "However, the Thunderstorm Sect Master came here, why?"

"Commander Mo, I'm here because it's important!"

Lei Bao offered a piece of fiery red crystal without any trace, pointed at Zhang Qianlei next to Jiang Tian, ​​and said with an apologetic smile:

"After my severe torture, this Qian Lei is finally ready to be used! Lord Holy Fire wants news about him, and it has been more than a day or two!"

"Prince Huangqi is here today and is discussing important matters with Lord Shenghuo. I'm afraid it's a bit inconvenient!"

The brother-in-law of Commander Mo and Shen Jiuling was a virtuous person, and he also liked to use chicken feathers as arrows to extort money. Moreover, knocking once was not enough, and he had to knock several more times.

Bai Ze was upset when he heard this, and shouted coldly: "The Lord of the Beginning, True Dragon, do we need to talk so much with ants like this? Just kill them!"

"Who are you calling an ant? Who do you want to kill?"

Commander Mo turned his eyes and glared coldly at Jiang Tian and the others, his eyes showing fierce anger and murderous intent, and shouted: "Idiot, do you know where this place is? Do you know who you are talking to? ?”

He is the leader of the Royal Guard and has a very special status. Although his official position is not high, he has great authority. After all, this is a place where politics and religion are integrated.

On weekdays, the princes and ministers, the feudal officials, and even the heads of high-ranking clans and wealthy families like Lei Bao would treat him poorly when they met him, not daring to make any mistakes.

The person in front of me is just a few worshippers from the small Yu Lei Sect.

Moreover, looking at their cultivation, they were only able to build a foundation, and yet they dared to speak rudely to themselves. They were simply seeking death!

"How dare you disrespect Commander Mo!"

"Kill without mercy!"

"Lei Bao, how do you teach your subordinates to manage the sect and let these vicious dogs bite people randomly!"

"There's no need for us to take action. I'm just a foundation-building monk. I'm afraid of dirtying the hands of our guards. Please clean up the door!"

In his anger, the remaining hundreds of guards sensed it immediately and came one after another, holding swords in their hands, and surrounded Jiang Tian and others. Some of them shouted harshly, and some of them made sarcastic remarks.

"You are seeking death on your own, then you can't blame me!"

Lei Bao lamented, shook his head regretfully, and took a few steps back.

In fact.

He doesn't have any deep grudges with these guards and generals, and some of them even have pretty good relationships. That's why I tried to persuade him.

But Commander Mo is determined to seek death, and there is nothing he can do to stop them.

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