Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1351 The Time Formation Disk Shocks the World

This was such an unexpected surprise that they couldn't even imagine it.

Because the Yaochi world is too powerful, in their opinion, it is impossible to shake it, and they will never be able to take back the Tianxing world.

He thought that he could only die as an ant refugee in a foreign land without dignity and silence, and would never be able to return to his homeland.

But now, it was Jiang Tian who returned, overwhelming the Yaochi army, destroying everything, and helping them get back their homeland.

Why are they not grateful and ecstatic?

"Brother Hei, take a bite!"

Zhou Quan nodded and stood next to the big black dog with a hunched posture, handed over a roasted pork belly thigh that was sizzling with oil and fragrant, and asked with fear on his face: "He is Jiang Taichu..."

"Well, it's true!"

The big black dog ate the pig-pork meat and ordered the Akano monks to activate the teleportation array to send these refugees back.

"Damn it, I actually scolded him, he had a brush with death!"

Zhou Quan was so frightened that his legs became weak for a while, and he couldn't control the urge to urinate, he said in despair.

At this time, Jiang Tian was dealing with the huge cultivation resources of the Huang family and the Red Stone Sect.

The Huang family has dominated this world for hundreds of years. Especially when the Red Stone Sect was conquering the world, it once swept through dozens of large and small sects, burned, killed and looted, and obtained countless spiritual herbs, elixirs, spiritual stones, exercises and other cultivation resources. .

As for the famous mountains, great rivers, spiritual veins and springs, all of them are in the imperial land.

But now, these have become Jiang Tian's private property, which can be taken and used at will.

"I have long felt that the formation level of Ancestor Hongxia is not enough to attract the breath of the earth's lungs with a radius of hundreds of miles. It turns out that Nuanyu Blessed Land has a huge spiritual vein hidden underground, stretching for hundreds of miles!"

On top of the ruins of Nuan Yu Blessed Land, Jiang Tian put his hands behind his back, as if strolling in the courtyard, his consciousness shot back and forth, and he smiled faintly.

Next to him, Ding Lingdang, Bai Ze, Zhang Qianlei, True Dragon Ancestor, and Big Black Dog followed him.


"These are the treasures requested by the Lord of the Beginning. If there is any mistake, I will break your legs!"

Lei Sen and Shen Jiuling commanded many Akano monks in a pretentious manner and moved all the cultivation resources of the Huang family over.

Originally, Leisen had abused Zhang Qianlei in every possible way. According to Zhang Qianlei's opinion, Leisen should be skinned alive.

But although Zhang Qianlei has a hot temper, he also takes the overall situation into consideration. The Yulei Sect is now full of waste and waiting for improvement, and it is the time to hire people.

Zhang Qianlei followed the last wish of the Tang Yuan patriarch and revitalized the sect, but did not kill them all and let him live.

Now facing Zhang Qianlei, Leisen and Shen Jiuling were like a pug seeing its master, nodding and bending, giving orders and prohibitions, which was very good and became his right-hand man.

Power and power are good things.

Jiang Tian has become the master of this world, and with a single command, he has overwhelming power.

Many sects and cities were too late to please him, so they all took action, fearing that if they acted too slowly, they would offend Jiang Tian.

In just a few days, the surrounding ruins and walls within a hundred miles radius had been cleared away, and a magnificent palace was built.

These palaces are magnificent, inlaid with gold and jade, carved beams and painted buildings, and many precious stones and crystals are used extensively as glazed tiles and masonry.

In addition, there are rockery rocks carved with large pieces of spiritual stone, cleverly arranged into a spiritual gathering array, blooming with thousands of rays of light and thousands of auspicious colors, just like a fairyland on earth.

In terms of splendor, the royal gardens of any country on Earth are like thatched houses compared to them.

In fact, Jiang Tian doesn't like this kind of extravagance. In his opinion, a hut can provide shelter from wind and rain, or even just cover the sky and cover the ground.

What really attracted Jiang Tian was a huge spiritual vein under Nuanyu Blessed Land.

There is a huge spiritual vein hidden a hundred meters underground. The spiritual energy is so rich that it has condensed into crystals. It is crystal clear, like red agate. It far exceeds the spiritual veins Jiang Tian has encountered in other worlds and the spiritual veins on the earth. It is even more difficult to chase after a horse.

"No wonder Akano World has launched digital golden elixirs in recent years, far surpassing ours in the Heavenly Star World. It turns out it has such a deep foundation!"

Bai Ze touched his chin covered with green stubble and said depressedly.

According to the current number of golden elixirs in Akano World, it is comparable to the ordinary third-dimensional world.

But it turns out that the Heavenly Star Realm, after spending hundreds of years and exhausting the resources of the entire continent, only came up with a golden elixir like Li Longyuan.

"If all this spiritual veins are absorbed, it will be enough to launch at least three ordinary Nascent Soul Heavenly Lords."

Jiang Tian looked a little thoughtful and said:

"Bai Ze, you are just cultivating an infant. In the future, whether it is to guard the Star Realm or conquer the sea of ​​stars, it will not be enough! I think it is best for us to make a breakthrough here!"

Except for this large spiritual vein.

It turns out that the treasure house of the Red Stone Sect has been opened, and many spiritual stones, great medicines, and magical instruments have been transported here. They are piled up like a mountain in a radius of ten miles and cannot be calculated.

With so many cultivation resources, coupled with Jiang Tian's heaven-defying skills, it is no exaggeration to pile up three powerful Nascent Souls.

"Although cultivation is important, the world of Canglan has been occupied by Yaochi. This time, you killed four Nascent Soul Lords again, including Chen Qingdi's woman. It is expected that with Chen Qingdi's vengeful personality, I will definitely lead the army here! Where do we have time to practice?"

Bai Ze said with eager eyes.

"It won't take too long. I'll teach you a set of Chaos Creation Techniques with amazing devouring ability. It can swallow up the entire spiritual vein in a year. Plus this..."

Jiang Tian's expression was calm, he was not impatient and impatient, and with a flick of his finger, he displayed the Time Formation Disk.

"What's this?"

Bai Ze's eyes sparkled with strange light and he asked curiously.

Originally, Bai Ze had a simple and rough personality. He didn't like to use his brain and didn't know many formations.

However, in the past few years, when repairing the damaged formation of Tianxing, I have learned a lot, and I can see at a glance that this formation is extraordinary.

Jiang Tian raised his hand and photographed an Akeno monk from the prisoner of war camp in the distance. He imprisoned him with a forbidden area, activated the array disk, and flew around in a circle, then came to the top of his head and bloomed with thousands of auspicious colors. It enveloped him like a shield.

"Senior Taichu, please spare my life!"

The prisoner of war felt bad and begged for mercy.

Jiang Tian remained calm.

Bai Ze was shocked to see it.

The monk's Dantian roared violently, and the real energy and blood in his body were lost rapidly. The strong and bulging muscles on his body shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye. His violently beating heart gradually became weak and old, and his body, which was originally as straight as a sword, became weak and old. His body hunched over rapidly, trembling all over, and he could not stand firmly. The tight and shiny skin became gray and wrinkled, with yellowish-brown spots. The thick black hair on his head turned gray, and then fell off at the roots, revealing Ugly scalp.

It was as if a hundred years had passed in an instant, and he had gone from a vigorous Qi practitioner to a senile old man with cloudy eyes, missing teeth, and an old man who seemed to be running out of gas in the next moment. It's like leaving the world behind.

"This is... a time-accelerating formation disk?"

Bai Ze was stunned and couldn't believe it.

Jiang Tian took the formation disk back.

The monk immediately rolled to the ground and could not get up. Several guards stepped forward tremblingly and took him away.

Jiang Tian said calmly: "I just adjusted the speed of the Time Formation Disk to the extreme, reaching a hundred-fold or a thousand-fold time increase. Of course he, a mere monk in the early stage of Qi training, cannot bear it!"

"It's terrible!"

Bai Ze's heart trembled wildly, he sucked in a breath of cold air and broke into cold sweat.

Time has always been the most difficult to control. Techniques, magical powers, and magic weapons related to time are extremely rare in the universe.

But Jiang Tian actually has a time-accelerating formation disk, and it can achieve such a terrifying time-accelerating speed. If it is used to kill enemies, it will be absolutely unfavorable.

"Is there such a terrifying array on earth?"

Bai Ze was shocked and dumbfounded, and couldn't recover for a long time.

"God Jiang, you are so lucky!"

Next to him, Zhang Qianlei was even more envious. He sighed with regret in his heart.

If I had known that I could get so many powerful magic weapons and unlimited resources by following Jiang Tian, ​​why would I have come to a place like Akano where nothing matters?

The ancient earth deserves to be the ancestral land. It is so mysterious and has a profound foundation. There are still so many immortal weapons left, whether it is the Jue Tian Sword or the Time Formation Disk. Even if it is placed in the Immortal Ruins, it is probably very rare. .

What is ridiculous is that many powerful people in the dimensional world have forgotten their ancestors and have forgotten that the ancient earth is their ancestral land and the source of many dimensional worlds.

They regard the earth as a remote and wasteland, despise and despise it in every possible way, and even want to invade and occupy it!

Only Jiang Tian, ​​who was born in the Earth Realm and is full of love for this homeland and this birthplace, will fully explore the treasures of the Earth Realm and gain great blessings. The treasures of heaven, materials and earth he masters are enough for The emperor of the market was envious.

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