Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1352: Turn of the divine disk, how powerful is the divine Nascent Soul?

"My lord, with this array, it's like having divine help!"

Bai Ze rubbed his hands like a fly, with almost no tears coming out. His eyes were full of greed and passion, and he was full of envy for Jiang Tian.

"Don't just consider the lethality of this time array!"

Jiang Tian smiled calmly and said:

"If this age array is adjusted to a suitable speed, it will greatly increase the speed of your cultivation!"


Bai Ze patted his head and said excitedly:

"For example, if the growth rate is adjusted to ten times, I only need to practice for one month, which is equivalent to one year in the past! If the growth rate is twenty times, it will be even faster!"

Jiang Tian waved his hand to the True Dragon Ancestor and said:

"I also need to stay in seclusion for a month to break through to the first level of the Golden Core. Zhenlong, you and Dahei go to the Canglan World! If you can defeat it, kill all the Yaochi monks and close the teleportation array. If you can't defeat it, run away. return!"

Jiang Tian naturally had his reasons for this arrangement.

Above Yaochi, including the Tiandao Sect, there are seven great families and sects of Heavenly Lords. There are probably two hands of Yuanying Heavenly Lords.

In addition to the ancestors of Fu Ri who fell in the Tianxing Realm, four people have fallen so far. The rest are just three or two big cats and kittens.

But Yaochi's territory has expanded too widely and the battle lines have been stretched too long.

Yaochi and its several fourth-level dimensional worlds, as well as the Dragon Gate occupied by them, all need to be guarded by Tianjun.

As a result, the Canglan world may only be allocated to one or two heavenly kings, or even none at all.

Although the real dragon is only at the first level of Nascent Soul, as long as he does not face the direct attack and uses assassination to sneak attack, there is no big problem.

"Yes, Master. This old slave will definitely fulfill his mission!"

The True Dragon Ancestor’s face was solemn and his heart was shocked.

After Jiang Tian condensed the golden elixir of the divine disk, he stayed at the first level of the golden elixir, but he was able to kill the powerful Nascent Soul, and even beat the Nascent Soul's self-destruction with a powerful strike of becoming a god.

If he breaks through to the middle stage of Jindan this time, he might be able to challenge the middle to late stages of Nascent Soul, and even the powerful ones who transform into gods. Although there is only a certain probability, at least there is hope.

"True Dragon, don't worry, you won't disgrace your life this time!"

Suddenly, a loud laugh rang out in the distant sky, and a teleportation formation appeared in the Tianxing Refugee Camp in the distance. Three figures soared into the sky, turning into a rainbow that penetrated the sky and the earth, pulling out long afterimages in the air and shooting towards them quickly.

"Nascent Soul Heavenly Lord!"

I saw such a majestic momentum that reached the sky and the earth.

Bai Ze was taken aback, his pupils suddenly shrank, his eyes stared into the distance, and he said with full vigilance:

"Could it be that the powerful men from Yaochi invaded Tianxing and came back again!"

"The teleportation arrays from Longmen and Yaochi to Tianxing have been closed. We can only forcefully break through the space barrier. It's impossible in less than a few decades!"

The true dragon ancestor shook his head and murmured, and suddenly his face became happy and said: "It's Liansheng, Takong and Minghe who are here!"

His consciousness was astonishing, and he was indeed right.

The three of them exhausted all their breath and quickly rushed to Jiang Tian. They knelt down in the tunnel and said, "Old slave, pay homage to my lord!"

"Three Nascent Souls again!"

Bai Ze was stunned for a moment, his eyes widened.

"This Old Demon Jiang is too overbearing! If he accepts any younger brother, he is still a Nascent Soul! I'm going to make you lose my status now!"

Zhang Qianlei was even more stunned and couldn't believe it.

"They turned out not to be that powerful!"

Jiang Tian said calmly: "I accepted them all in the Western World. They were still infants at that time, but now they are Yuanying!"

"The Lord of the Beginning is too powerful!"

Next to him, Ding Lingdang looked at Jiang Tian with admiration, like a fan meeting his idol.

I saw that the lotus energy was powerful, and its eyes were solemn, like the angry eyes of a vajra; the air was ethereal and ethereal, floating like a fairy, as if it was about to rise up in the clouds at any moment; the breath of the Styx was bleak and chilling, and the death energy was lingering, even more unfathomable. Heart-stopping.

The three of them all have the majesty of a great master craftsman, their strength is completely comparable to that of the True Dragon Ancestor, and they are more than equal to Bai Ze and Zhang Qianlei.

Little did they know that these people were once the dominant figures in the third-dimensional world. However, they were dissatisfied with the rule of the Immortal Ruins and did not want to bow their heads and become slaves, so they hid in the Leize World and were overpowered by Jiang Tian.

It turns out that Ding Lie went to the earth world to invite three old monsters.

The three old monsters were concerned about the fighting situation here and worried that Jiang Tian would be defeated, so they rushed over to help.

They even sneaked Long Yanan over, in order to make the enemy throw a trap or force the enemy to surrender at a critical moment.

But I didn't expect it.

Jiang Tian was as powerful as a dragon and as powerful as a bamboo. He killed the four Nascent Souls in one night and wiped out the entire Red Field World. Fortunately, there was still the Canglan World that he had not captured yet, so the three of them would not be useless as heroes.

"Very good. You came just in time!"

Jiang Tian nodded and smiled:

"If there was only a 50% chance of winning, now that you are here, taking over Canglan World should be a piece of cake! Go!"


The four people rose into the sky and turned into four streams of light across the sky, flying towards the direction of the Red Stone Sect.

There is a teleportation array leading to the Canglan world. If they enter through this array, they can kill the Yaochi defenders.

After the four people left, the ruins became silent.

Only Ding Lingdang was left to protect Jiang Tian and the others, and monks such as Lei Sen, Shen Jiuling and others stood around like bodyguards.

But Jiang Tian was not afraid at all.

The headquarters of the Red Stone Sect is still thousands of miles away from here. Even if the Nascent Soul of Yaochi enters, Jiang Tian still has time to sense and respond. As for Brother Akano, it was too late to worship and please him, and no one dared to provoke him.

At this time, Zhang Qianlei and Bai Ze looked at each other, rose into the air, sat cross-legged in the void, silently operated the Chaos Creation Technique, and began to slowly sense and absorb the earth vein aura of the Nuanyu Blessed Land.

And Jiang Tian also began to sort out his own skills.

"Now I have cultivated into nine divine distracting bodies, and condensed the golden elixir in the shape of the Chaos Divine Disk. Each galaxy on the golden elixir represents a divine golden elixir and a distracting divine body. Once the phantom of each galaxy is activated, Even if you move, you have the strength to defeat Nascent Soul!"

Jiang Tian frowned and thought.

But these nine galaxies are just the phantom of the law, and they do not really form the law. The condensed law imprints the true shape!

The reason why Jiang Tian was able to fight Yuanying before was entirely due to the instinct of his divine body, or to be precise, his innate magical power.

However, the probability of successful use of innate magical powers is not 100%, and there is a certain probability of failure.

And in the battle with Yuanying, there are dangers everywhere. It is said that if you are not careful, you will lose the whole game, so how can you make the slightest mistake?

Now, Jiang Tian wants to further solidify the phantom of the brand. Once the phantom solidifies, it will become a real imprint of law, and the corresponding divine body will also reach the perfect state. Only then can Jiang Tian have the true strength of Nascent Soul.

It's like, from thousands of times of practice, it has been sublimated to the height of the law, from subconscious instinct to the skill of skilled manipulation.

Once the rules are formed, it can make every battle foolproof. It is an ultimate sublimation and greatly increases Jiang Tian's probability of winning.

Moreover, only when the nine kinds of laws are firmly consolidated and form the true seal of the laws, and the nine kinds of divine bodies are perfectly sublimated and reach a state without any flaws or flaws, can they complement each other, and finally break the pill to become a baby, and merge into the nine-aperture divine baby. Successfully promoted to the divine level Nascent Soul.

If we say that the Holy Nascent Soul is the strongest among mortals in the world of cultivation.

Then it can be said that the Immortal Nascent Soul is the seed of the Immortal.

And the divine Nascent Soul is the seed of the gods!

With this divine seed, the probability of breaking through to the state of returning to the void and finally transcending the tribulation and ascending to the immortal world is almost 10%!

Far beyond the Immortal Nascent Soul!

There is even a chance to evolve and ascend to the God Realm!

Based on this supreme divine Nascent Soul, and then cultivating it into a divine Nascent Soul, Jiang Tian's foundation at that time would be completely comparable to the true gods and innate gods raised on earth, rather than acquired gods and human gods.

In this way, he will one day reach the top of the universe, overlooking billions of galaxies, and lay the foundation for eternity!

With a divine Nascent Soul reaching 100%, in terms of physique and bones alone, even those divine sons and immortal fetuses from the Immortal Realm and the Divine Realm are hard to match, greatly increasing Jiang Tian's chances of ascending to the Immortal Realm and ascending to the Divine Realm.

To a certain extent, once the divine Nascent Soul is condensed, Jiang Tian is no different from the Son of the True God, and even worse in some aspects.

Because after all, the Son of the True God is only the second generation of gods, just like flowers in a greenhouse. He has not experienced tempering and tempering, and is still lacking in aspects such as stable Taoist heart and combat experience, while Jiang Tian is truly the first generation of gods.

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