Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1353: Refining a Thousand Golden Pills, Practicing like a Cow Chewing Peony

However, a true son of God also has their advantages.

Not only the divine golden elixir or Yuanying, but also the divine body, divine veins, divine soul and other things inherited from blood.

It can be said that Jiang Tian's cultivation is not a blind pursuit of quick success, but careful planning and steady progress. Every step is extremely solid. From the beginning of his cultivation, Jiang Tian's goal is to be the strongest in the universe.

If it weren't for Jiang Tian playing it safe, pursuing excellence, and striving for perfection.

If he just pursues a breakthrough, if he pursues speed, if he is greedy for success, and if he is greedy for success, with the resources he has obtained by sweeping through several dimensional worlds, he has already broken through to the Nascent Soul realm and even half-step to becoming a god.

The array of years floats above the head, rotating slowly, floating down the auspicious glow, forming a curtain of light covering Jiang Tian, ​​filled with Tao Yun.

"Nine rotations of the divine disk! Each rotation condenses a true seal of law. It is equivalent to refining a golden elixir to the perfection of the golden elixir or even the realm of infant formation, touching the edge of the laws of heaven and earth!"

Jiang Tian's gaze was intense and he sighed in his heart:

"The resources used are like a sea and a mountain! Fortunately, I searched the four dimensional worlds of Tianxing, Tianguo, Xitu, and Akano, and also broke the Immortal Prisoner Formation. The resources I obtained are enough to support at least one breakthrough!"


Jiang Tian patted the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Gourd, and a brilliant ancient pagoda appeared in his hand.

"What's this?"

In the distance, Ding Lingdang, Zhang Qianlei and others were shocked when they saw this.

I saw this ancient pagoda blooming with endless golden light, filled with thousands of auspicious colors, yellow, shining, and extremely smooth, but condensed like a mountain, as if it were made of gold and condensed with endless golden elixir.

Golden elixir!

That's right!

At this moment, in the eyes of everyone, there is no other word that can better describe this ancient pagoda.

Because this ancient pagoda exudes an aura of immortality, immortality, eternity, incredible solidity, and unshakeable aura, much like a golden elixir.

This pagoda is exactly the stupa of the relics of Ten Thousand Buddhas in the Heavens!

The treasure of the Jinpeng Temple in Leiyin Mountain in the West is said to have been condensed from the relics of 10,000 eminent monks over tens of thousands of years!

Of course, in Jiang Tian's opinion.

The theory that 10,000 golden elixirs were condensed must be an exaggeration. As for the true number, it must be greatly discounted.

After all, Jinpeng Temple has probably only produced dozens of golden elixirs in its history.

This is also understandable.

If Jinpeng Temple wants to suppress Xi Tu, of course it must exaggerate its own strength and heritage.

Otherwise, how to convince the public, how to suppress thousands of sects, how to suppress monks and mortals and hundreds of millions of living beings.

But this does not mean that we should underestimate the Pagoda of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

It also incorporates the natal essence and blood of many eminent monks and the demon elixirs and demon cores of demonic beasts. In total, it has the power of at least a hundred golden elixirs, which is not an exaggeration.

And, later.

Jiang Tian also refined all the golden elixirs of a certain quality obtained from killing people everywhere.

Only the lesser ones would make elixirs for the big black dogs or eat them raw.

Even the collapsed Nascent Soul essence of the five Nascent Souls, including Duanmu Guang, who had been beheaded before, was refined and stored.

Calculating it this way, this pagoda probably contains at least a thousand ordinary golden elixirs.


At this time, Jiang Tian had already cultivated the golden elixir. If he cultivated it again, his power would be terrifying.

Under the shocked gazes of everyone.

As Jiang Tian's Chaos Creation Technique was operating, the Ten Thousand Buddhas' Relic Pagoda suddenly cracked and shattered, creating a terrifying shock wave like hundreds of small nuclear weapons exploding in an instant.

The golden elixir and Nascent Soul energy rolled outward like a stormy sea, sweeping everything within a hundred miles.

this moment.

The wind roared, sand and rocks flew, the sky and the earth were in chaos, and the sky shook violently, as if it was about to be torn apart by a hurricane!

"It just exploded?"

Bai Ze and Zhang Qianlei were both shocked and turned upside down.

The power of this Ten Thousand Buddhas Relic Pagoda is so terrifying!

If it is absorbed and refined, it should naturally be decomposed, absorbed and refined bit by bit with water grinding, how can it be exploded so cleanly and neatly?

Dare I ask you, Mr. Jiang Laomo, is he practicing cultivation or committing suicide?

However, Jiang Tian, ​​who was only a short distance away from the Pagoda of Ten Thousand Buddhas, felt as if a breeze was blowing on his face. His face remained calm and unmoved, with only his clothes and long hair floating gently.

After Bai Ze and Zhang Qianlei retreated a hundred meters away, they were immediately frozen in the air. The golden essence of the golden elixir relic passed smoothly three meters away from them, unable to intrude even a bit.

"It was my lord who used the forbidden area to protect us!"

"It's against the sky! Only a devil like him dares to play like this!"

Zhang Qianlei and Bai Ze both had sweat on their foreheads and were extremely frightened.

The next moment, Jiang Tian's Forbidden Domain was activated again, and the Jindan Yuanying essence within a ten-mile radius was forcibly fixed, floating in the void like golden clouds, wrapping and shrouding Jiang Tian.


Jiang Tiantaotie returned to Yuan Dynasty to perform.

A vortex like a black hole appeared in the dantian, containing extremely terrifying devouring power. Moreover, the vortex continued to expand, forming a one-mile radius in an instant.

Suddenly, the whirlpool black hole sucked in the endless vast golden elixir essence like a whale sucking water.

The colorful golden elixir and Yuanying essence billowed like a tide, surging towards the black vortex, and finally converged into the center of the vortex, Jiang Tian's dantian.

With just a few snaps of his fingers, countless energy was gone.

At this moment, in Jiang Tian's dantian, the rolling golden elixir essence surged like a sea, and even in the meridians, there was an endless and vast essence rushing, making a rumbling sound that shook hundreds of miles.


Suddenly, several cracks appeared in Jiang Tian's dantian.

Jiang Tian's figure suddenly expanded rapidly, turning into a ten-meter-tall giant. His Dantian also expanded with it, and runes flickered and intertwined at the cracks, trying to forcefully repair and heal them.

However, just as the crack in Dantian closed, it opened again!


Endless golden elixir essence spurted out from these cracks and exploded. At this moment, sand and rocks were flying, the mountains were boiling, the sky was twisting and shaking, and the sun and stars were all blurred.

In fact, cracks began to appear on Jiang Tian's body surface, and the skin cracked in pieces, as if it was going to explode.

"Not good! My lord's Dantian is damaged!"

"I told you a long time ago, you can bite off more than you can chew! How can you play like this!"

Next to them, Bai Ze and Zhang Qianlei were both shocked and their eyes were horrified.

The faces of Lei Sen, Shen Jiuling and other guards all changed wildly, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"What should I do?"

On the outside, Ding Lingdang was helpless and was so anxious that tears burst out of her eyes.

"My lord, you are too greedy for success!"

Many Akano monks who pretended to protect the master, but actually stole the master just to get a glimpse of the avenue, sighed with regret.

From the perspective of an ordinary monk.

At this time, Jiang Tian's breakthrough has been declared a failure, and there is even a danger of a sharp decline in his cultivation level.

The concentrated energy and vitality of this Ten Thousand Buddhas Relic Pagoda is really terrifying.

At this time, it was like a nuclear explosion, exploding, surging and raging crazily in Jiang Tian's dantian and within his body.

Faced with such a surging essence, any monk, even the Nascent Soul Heavenly Lord or the God Transformation Power, must carefully absorb and refine it. It will take ten years or even more. How can Jiang Tian be like a cow chewing peonies? Like?

It's like a mortal who swallows a set meal for ten people in one mouthful, and his stomach will burst.

This is Jiang Tian blessed by nine divine bodies, and he is constantly suppressed and devoured by Taotie Guiyuan!

If it were an ordinary monk, even a Nascent Soul or a Transformation God, his body would probably explode and die, and he would not be able to withstand a few snaps of his fingers.

"Does the energy of just five Nascent Souls and hundreds of Golden Pills scare you? In my opinion, it's not enough!"

"You don't need to be nervous and concentrate on your practice! I have a way to deal with it!"

But Jiang Tian, ​​who was at the core, had a calm expression and smiled leisurely.

He quickly made two countermeasures.

First, he took out ten Heaven-Building Pills and swallowed them in one gulp. Then, he volleyed a little toward the Time Formation Disk and activated it.


The moment Jiang Tian swallowed ten Heaven-Building Pills, it was as if the sky was shattering and the earth was shattering, and extremely vast spiritual energy exploded in Jiang Tian's body.

However, these spiritual energies did not further damage Jiang Tian's Dantian.

Rather, it was like threads intertwining and pulling at the damaged areas of Dantian and body surface, repairing them quickly. In a few fingertips, all the cracks were intact as before, and exuded a dazzling brilliance, seeming to be several times tougher than before.

The moment Jiang Tian's dantian closed.


Jiang Tian's face was as solid as iron, with no expression at all, but there was a sharp and firm cold light in his eyes.

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