Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1354: A hundred pig-shaped dragons beeped, and Yaochi was shocked again


Jiang Tian's Dantian exploded like thunder, and the sound shook for more than a hundred miles!


Jiang Tian used the Chaos Creation Technique, and the endless vast golden elixir essence was quickly absorbed and refined by Jiang Tian to form the true essence of his body.

The time formation disk accelerates tenfold, and three days is equivalent to one month in the outside world.

Three days later!

The golden elixir essence of the extremely vast Ten Thousand Buddhas Relic Pagoda was actually refined into Jiang Tian's true essence.

This true essence originally had no attributes, just like the breath of chaos.

But at this moment, in Jiang Tianzhu's Dantian, the divine disk turned, the golden galaxy slowly shook, and the endless Gengjin True Yuan burst out, and a thousand-foot-tall Gengjin God General appeared behind Jiang Tian.

This Gengjin general, with his golden helmet and golden armor, was as towering as a mountain, and his light was brilliant. He seemed to be completely made of golden elixir, exuding an immortal and majestic aura, and his features were exactly like Jiang Tian's.

Everyone was stunned.

Unexpectedly, I saw that this Gengjin God General also had a dantian in his body. There was a Gengjin Golden Elixir in his dantian, and he actually absorbed all these non-attributed true essences from Jiang Tianzhu’s dantian and turned them into Gengjin true essences.

Another ten days later.

In Jiang Tian's body's Dantian, all the non-attributed true energy was absorbed and refined by the Gengjin God General.

In the dantian of General Gengjin, the golden elixir formed a golden fetal shape.


This golden fetus looked up to the sky and roared, blooming with endless bright light, and kept roaring and trembling.

The momentum of Geng Jin Divine General behind Jiang Tian is also rising steadily. It seems to be endless and can hold up the sky.

Under the shocked gaze of everyone, it seemed to rush upwards endlessly, charging with anger and shining into the sky, seeming to tear apart the barriers of the dimensional world, reaching an unprecedented height.

At this moment, General Geng Jin did not display any magical power, but the pressure he naturally emitted was far greater than Duanmu Guang and others that day. The bombardment caused the sky to shake, and the pressure caused hundreds of miles around to tremble, like a huge earthquake.

The Geng Jin Divine General has doubled in size, like a golden mountain and jade pillar holding up the sky, and has become extremely solid, dazzling, illuminating the heaven and earth, and shining brightly on the sun and the moon!

"The baby was successfully born in thirteen days! How terrifying!"

Everyone was so frightened that they couldn't believe it.

In fact, with the blessing of the Time Formation Disk, although only thirteen days have passed, Jiang Tian has been practicing for more than four months.

But everyone didn't know this. They just thought that Jiang Tian successfully conceived a baby in thirteen days. How could they not be shocked?

What's more, even if it took Jiang Tianshi four months to conceive a baby, it would still be a record-breaking achievement.

Even among the great sects in Central Galaxy, it is extremely rare and attracts attention.

"This is only the first divine body of the Lord of the Beginning to form a baby. It already has such terrifying power! If the nine divine bodies all formed a baby and were added up, how terrifying it would be!"

Bai Ze saw it more deeply, but his heart was even more shocked.

"not enough!"

At this moment, Jiang Tian slowly opened his eyes, a firm look flashed across his face, and he said softly:

"The Gengjin divine body has not reached perfection yet. Today, let's use this warm jade spiritual vein to push him to the state of perfection!"

At this time, Jiang Tian did not mention that there were eight other divine bodies, and there were eight other galaxies on the golden elixir of the main god plate, representing the eight divided golden elixirs. The Gengjin Divine General who had successfully given birth to a baby at this time alone was enough to kill him. Killing Nascent Soul is like killing a chicken!

But Jiang Tian was still not satisfied.

The first divine body that Jiang Tian condensed was the Gengjin divine body.

Although the Gengjin Divine Body has the name of a divine body, its essence is one of the twelve most powerful immortal bodies and is not a true divine body.

It was just that at that time, Jiang Tian had very few cultivation resources and faced many formidable enemies, so he had to make do with the simplest things. This Gengjin Divine Body has received endless nourishment and is also the first to reach the state of Dacheng. Today Jiang Tian is determined to push him to the state of perfection!

"The Taotie returns to the Yuan Dynasty!"

Jiang Tian stretched out his big hand.

Suddenly, the entire Nuanyu Blessed Land trembled for ten miles in radius, and the endless breath of the earth's lungs and the vast spiritual energy turned into red clouds like rivers and poured into Jiang Tian's body.

In the end, the vast red field world, the colorful auras, earth, fire, wood and even sinister and poisonous auras all formed into a roaring hurricane, coming from all directions and pouring into Jiang Tian's body.

The vitality of hundreds of miles around was plundered by Jiang Tian. Countless elixirs, hundreds of feet of barren trees, and vines and herbs on the oasis crackled and withered instantly, turning into spiritual energy and blending into the great tide. Jiang Tian was like a black hole, frantically absorbing all the energy around him.

Many monsters at the foundation level and even the golden elixir level were so frightened that they fled frantically. Including Ding Lingdang and others, they also retreated hundreds of miles away before barely stopping.

"What's the point of forming a baby? This time, the Lord really wants to set foot in the Nascent Soul forbidden area and form his own laws!"

Bai Ze looked up in shock, his face filled with anticipation.

And when he was practicing hard in seclusion on the Nuan Jade Blessed Land in Jiangtian Chiye World.

The four great old monsters of the True Dragon Ancestor have already killed a Nascent Soul Ancestor from the Yaochi World and conquered the Canglan World!


The news of the fall of the Four Heavenly Lords and the successive losses of Akano and Canglan has spread throughout the entire Yaochi world, shocking people's hearts again.

In fact, when the news about Tianxing World came out, there were very few details.

Many people take it for granted that Tianxingjie and Jiang Taichu used some conspiracy or relied on powerful real weapons to kill Yaochi monks such as Patriarch Furi, Chen Liuhe and others.

Although they hated Jiang Tian, ​​they still had contempt in their hearts.

"Three Heavenly Lords came out together. The Hu Xi Ancestor even brought the top-quality Ancestral Dragon Rhinoceros Head. In addition, the Hong Xia Ancestor from the Akano World also took action, making a total of four Nascent Souls! This is simply Killing a chicken with a knife!”

"It's not just killing a chicken with a knife, it's like using a real weapon to kill a mosquito! That Jiang Taichu must be crushed to pieces!"

"I think Jiang Taichu relied on conspiracy and trickery to win. Do we still need the ancestors to take action? I am a second-level golden elixir monk, and I am confident that I can crush him!"

"That's right! This is the twelfth-level chance of winning. It's foolproof! You know, Ancestor Duanmu and the others are helped by Ancestor Hongxia, and they also have the home field advantage. There are many golden elixir foundation-building monks from Akano World who cooperate tacitly!"

"This is the wisdom of His Majesty the Qing Emperor. A tiger fights a rabbit and he still tries his best! Although Jiang Taichu is just an insignificant insect and ant, he still has to stretch out all five fingers and crush it to death!"

Many Yaochi monks did not take Jiang Tian seriously. They were full of confidence and determined to win.

The difficulty of Nascent Soul is as difficult as ascending to the sky!

Among hundreds of millions of monks, there is often only one Nascent Soul.

They hold a high position of power, and are the princes and ministers of this world. They look down at hundreds of millions of creatures and stamp their feet, making the whole world tremble.

The strength of Nascent Soul is beyond the imagination of ordinary people!

With one blow, ten miles were turned into powder, spreading to hundreds of miles in radius, destroying cities and countries, not to mention it.

With such a super luxurious lineup of four Nascent Souls attacking, how could Jiang Taichu, an ant from the earth, be able to withstand it?

Even the Duanmu, Qianwei Shen family, Longxi Hu family, Huangfu family, and other families that were originally silent and gloomy have become beaming with joy and enthusiasm.

They were waiting for the ancestors to return in triumph, sharpening their swords, just waiting for him to take Jiang Taichu to this world and cut him into pieces with a thousand cuts, and extract his soul and torture him for thousands of years.

"This time, if the three heavenly kings take action, Jiang Taichu will definitely die, and taking over the Tianxing Realm is no problem! Once we take over the Tianxing Realm, we can use the teleportation array to reach the Earth Realm and kill all the beasts and ants there. All gone, not even a single pig or dragon left!”

Some monks shouted.

It can be said that the world of Tianxing has never been as important as it is today.

In the fourth dimension now under control, the ancient teleportation arrays leading to the earth from Canglan and Chiye worlds were destroyed.

Now, the Tianxing Realm is the only way for Yaochi to reach the Earth Realm.

Of course, it is also the last fortress for the earth world!

Once it is broken, the Immortal Ruins and many dimensional worlds will be completely connected to the earth world, with unimpeded access.

"Revenge! Revenge! Jiang Taichu conspired against me, His Highness the Crown Prince of Yaochi Liuhe, and killed an army of 300,000 people. We will retaliate tenfold and a hundredfold! Let them know that our cultivation world is not to be provoked!"

"Yes, we must kill them all and turn them into a completely lifeless death planet!"

There are also some marshals and generals who are all ready and ready to clean up the army of monks, gearing up and practicing all day long.

As soon as the Heavenly Lords killed Jiang Taichu and regained control of the Heavenly Star Realm, they drove straight through the Heavenly Star Realm and reached the Earth Realm, where they started killing.

Just when many forces believed that Jiang Taichu would definitely lose this time, they were waiting for good news.

Suddenly, a group of wounded soldiers appeared on the teleportation array leading to the world of Akano. Their armors were broken, their bodies were stained with blood, their bones were broken, and their muscles were broken. They were in an extremely miserable state.

"Jiang Taichu killed the three ancestors Duanmu Guang, Shen Jingjing, and Hu Xi, as well as the ancestor Hongxia of the Akano Realm, and Akeno fell!"

"In addition, the world of Canglan was also lost, and four Yuanying old monsters suddenly appeared. They are extremely powerful and despicable!"

When the news came out, everyone was stunned and couldn't believe it.

Those Yaochi monks who had previously sworn that Jiang Tian would definitely be defeated, showed off their power, and spoke nonsense.

After hearing this, his expression was as constipated and extremely ugly.

"I really beeped a hundred pigs and dragons!"

They seemed to have eaten a few flies, as if they had been slapped in the face madly, and as if they had accidentally killed a hundred strange beasts!

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