Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1464: Kill the Eight Gods with one sword, become invincible and invincible!

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

If there are people who are thoughtful and thoughtful, and hear their words, I am afraid they will retort and ridicule these Hailan monks.

You mocked Jiang Taichu, but did you ever think you could win?

Even if Jiang Tian is bound to lose this battle, they have no right to underestimate Jiang Tian!

After all, he has challenged several powerful half-step gods without defeat. This kind of achievement is rare even in the Immortal Ruins, and it is enough to stand out among the heroes!

But this is how the world is.

Sometimes, the prejudice and arrogance in people's hearts are like a big mountain, which is extremely difficult to remove.

Just like in our secular world, some people, even if they are extremely bad, will brag about how awesome their parents and friends are and look down on others.

To put it bluntly, a person is like a country, and a civilization has grown from weak to strong, and its spectacular rise has attracted everyone's attention, but some people still despise it, just like there are still rumors that we mainlanders can't afford tea eggs!

"Alas, although he is extremely talented, he was born on a declining planet after all and does not have enough background. Moreover, Prince Qiu Ming also reacted decisively and directly dispatched three elite guards to the lower realm."

"This is tantamount to taking advantage of his weakness to strangle him in the cradle. If he is given a hundred years, no, even just ten years, I am afraid that the three guards may not be able to capture him!"

Fairy Yaoyue showed regret in her beautiful eyes and sighed softly.

Next to him, Wu Shujian was very excited and gearing up:

"I'm afraid he's going to die this time, but how can he get his peerless sword? Too many people are present! Do you want to snatch it away directly? Or ask for it from the three guards afterwards? Well, there is a drama. When the sword does not explode, it will Usually, they may not be able to see it..."

At this moment, Jiang Tian suddenly chuckled and said:

"How can a few ants and cockroaches presume to speculate on my power? Anyway, let everyone present see my true power today! What does it mean to be invincible!"


Jiang Tian shouted:


There was a rumble, like the sound of thunder exploding, or the sound of a river collapsing.

As the three-foot-long sacred disk behind him slowly turned, an extremely hot aura, like the sun rising across the sky, burning mountains and boiling seas, soared into the sky from Jiang Tian.

In the dazzling divine disk behind him, the galaxy representing the Suzaku True Seal suddenly appeared, extremely bright and magnificent, like countless stars flickering and extinguishing, like a supernova explosion, the light was blazing and dazzling.


When the Suzaku True Seal erupts.

Flames burned all over the sky, thousands of miles of clouds and mist were burned away, and the sky collapsed.

Everyone only saw a huge Suzaku emerging from Jiang Tian's body. Each particle was composed of true fire runes, containing the essence of Lihuo. It could crush a Jindan True Lord. Each feather represented A true fire law finally formed a fiery red bird thousands of feet tall. How terrifying is that power?


As soon as the Suzaku Law emerged, the eight great generals suddenly changed their expressions, and there were many warning signs in their hearts.

They only felt as if they were close to a flaming star, with waves of heat and frighteningly high temperatures.

Even their half-transformed bodies, which were tough enough to withstand hundreds of nuclear explosions, now seemed to be made of wax, as if they were about to melt or crack.


The Suzaku contained the power of law, opened its mouth and roared, and turned into hundreds of thousands of fire dragons across the sky, rushing towards the eight great generals.




This moment.

The screams and roars echoed throughout the battlefield.

Rumbling, the loud sound spread thousands of miles, and the earth trembled. Under the suppression of the Gengjin sword light and the burning of the Suzaku real fire, the gray chaotic light pillar that held up the heaven and the earth was broken and shattered. The injured Mangya was the first to say Unable to bear it, it was burned to the point of exploding out of thin air. The body and armor were shattered into pieces, and turned into a dazzling light rain, which was directly burned by Suzaku's real fire.

Divine General Long Xuan's body burned with blood-colored flames out of thin air. It was burning his cultivation and longevity. He wanted to withstand the cruel high temperature, but he couldn't.

His gold-like body, which was comparable to the toughest treasure in the world, actually showed horrific cracks under the high temperature, and then collapsed miserably.


The third, fourth, fifth...

The eight great generals, almost in the blink of an eye, even their bodies and dantian exploded like huge fireworks in full bloom.

At this moment, all the monks were so frightened that their souls were dying. They were stunned like clay sculptures and wood sculptures, unable to move at all.

This scene is really too shocking.

Everyone found it unbelievable.

These are the eight great generals of the White Python Guard. Even Mangya, who has the worst cultivation level, is enough to overwhelm the ten great Nascent Souls. Even those Heavenly Sect masters in the second-level world are not enough.

As for a third-level world master like Chen Qingdi, he is not even worthy of carrying Mangya's shoes.

As for the strongest Long Xuan, it is said that he has cultivated two laws and claims to be able to overpower all Nascent Souls.

When they joined forces, their strength was unparalleled. It was easy to sweep through a second-level world in one day, but such a luxurious lineup was wiped out by Jiang Tian with a single blow.


Jiang Tian completely suppressed them and used only two magical powers to kill them within ten fingers. It was an instant kill!

What a terrifying power this is!

At that moment, countless monks all took a breath of air.

At this time, Ghost Wolf's face turned pale, and a sudden realization arose in his heart:

"It turns out that Jiang Taichu was really merciful to me before. If he had used such laws and magical powers, I would have been alive just now!"

"Jiang Taichu, today, I will kill you to avenge my brother!"

Wu Huan was in agony, tears streaming down his face, and his eyes were filled with hatred!

These eight divine generals were his right-hand men. Now that they are all here, he has become the bare commander. From now on, their status in the White Python Guards will surely fall rapidly.

Moreover, he, Mangya and others were not just superiors and subordinates.

They practiced and sparred together every day, fought side by side, and fought bloody battles. They had already forged a deep friendship, which even transcended blood ties.

"Oh my god, this kid is so strong!"

Wu Shujian once again refreshed Jiang Tian's impression.

He had carefully observed Jiang Tian's cultivation level.

In his opinion, Jiang Tian's cultivation level is indeed in Jindan, or Jiying. But it seems to be able to control more than one law. The properties of golden elixir are also completely different.

This is very evil and rare, like a fantasy in the sky, it rarely appears even in the Immortal Ruins, even among the geniuses on the God of War List in the past.

But no matter what, you are nothing more than Jieying or Jindan, and now you have killed eight half-step gods with one sword. This is too terrifying.

What is the concept of becoming a god in half a step?

That is the most powerful one in the Nascent Soul!

The Nascent Soul has become extremely powerful and begins to evolve into a god.

The strength has been sublimated to ten times, or even dozens of times, that of ordinary Nascent Soul.

Even if the True Lord of the Golden Core has already given birth to an infant, he is still a long way from becoming a true Nascent Soul and half-step into a god.

But Jiang Tian actually slashed them in half!

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