Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1465 Wu Huan takes action, the law of the sky-swallowing white python

"Could it be that this kid can make a comeback?"

Jing Shimin, the leader of the Taoist Sect, and Shi Zhenxiang, the leader of the Tianxiang Sect, these big shots who climbed to the top of the Hailan World Pyramid and could shake the world by stamping their feet, were now pale with shock and lost their minds.

"Da da da!"

Some elders were so frightened that their teeth and legs were chattering, and they wanted to run away.

He is very strong, he is a veteran Yuanying, or the peak Yuanying, and he is respected as an elder and sect leader, but he also knows that there is still a long way to go before becoming a god in half a step.

At this moment, they could conclude that if they stood in front of Jiang Tian, ​​they might not be able to hold up even with a snap of their fingers, and they would be chopped into pieces.

It can be said that in front of Jiang Tian, ​​these monks who used to be high up, overlooking the common people, and considered themselves to be the gods of the upper world were simply ants and cockroaches that could be crushed with one finger.

"How can this be!"

Long Shengnan also screamed in shock and couldn't believe it.

In her impression, her ancestors had told her from generation to generation that the nine guards of the Xuhuang Palace were an invincible army of gods, capable of plowing through the courtyards and sweeping holes, invincible and undefeated in all battles.

But today, the eight great generals fell into Jiang Tian's hands.

This simply gave her a sense of disillusionment, with her world overturned and her outlook completely destroyed.

"Huh? This boy has an evil nature. He is obviously only in the Golden Core realm, but since the battle, he has actually used the rules that can only be used by the powerful Nascent Soul. Moreover, he has already used the three rules of breaking space, metal, and fire! His The golden elixir is also a different kind of golden elixir, in the shape of a divine disk..."

Shen Qiang, the captain of the Golden Crow Guard with the strongest cultivation level, had a solemn expression at this moment, his eyes burst out with divine light, and he scanned Jiang Tian carefully, feeling shocked in his heart:

"Could it be that he is a super-grade golden elixir? But even the legendary holy-grade golden elixir can only control two kinds of laws, but he has already used three kinds, and there may even be more. This is incredible!"

Even though he is Shen Qiang, who has lived for thousands of years and has seen a lot, he has never seen such bizarre things. At this time, he couldn't see through Jiang Tian at all.

"My lord is victorious!"

"Senior Taichu, invincible, invincible, invincible!"

Only Jiang Tian's camp was on the periphery, and a deafening cheer broke out.

"Senior Taichu, you fought well! Invincible!"

Ao Jiao even waved her pink fists, her pretty face flushed with excitement, her curvy body trembling, and her plump breasts rising and falling violently.

"Kill! Kill! Kill them until they are desperate, kill them until they are left alive! Let them taste the bitter taste of failure, endless despair and fear!"

Qi Liqi, with tears in her beautiful eyes, shouted through gritted teeth.

But right now.

Whoosh whoosh!

In the field, from the rolling energy turbulence, several rays of light shot out in various colors, which were the Nascent Souls of the eight divine generals. Their Nascent Soul is already an extraordinary monk.

Ordinary Nascent Souls are generally only a few inches in size, and even smaller ones are as small as walnut and date stones, but their Nascent Souls are already as big as children, already have a hint of godly aura, and are indestructible.

"Can you run away?"

Jiang Tian snorted coldly.

The White Python Guard Divine Generals are all die-hard loyalists and accomplices of the Xu Emperor. Most of them even come from the Xu Emperor's ancestral land and once suppressed the wandering monks in the ancient immortal land.

Jiang Tian wants to break through the Ruins Palace, regain the immortal land, and bloodbath an entire Taoist tradition. Sooner or later, he will have a battle with them. How can he be merciful at this time?


The three-foot divine disk behind Jiang Tian rotated again, and the Taotie Guiyuan, which had become the true seal of the law, roared and trembled, a huge vortex like a black hole, extremely deep, and possessing extremely terrifying devouring power.


At this moment, everything was upside down and chaotic, as if time was going back and the void was reversing. The Nascent Souls of the eight great generals were horrified to find that even if they burned themselves, they could not break free from the terrible shackles.

"Fellow Taoist, save me!"

The Nascent Soul of Mangya let out a cry of surprise, and was tragically sucked into the gluttonous vortex, torn apart, crushed and exploded by the terrifying force.

Bang bang bang!

Just like small watermelons being smashed open one after another, the Nascent Souls of many other god generals were transformed into blood essence and spiritual energy and were devoured.

Only Long Xuan's Nascent Soul was left, shrouded in a ball of golden light. It was barely supported by a "Nine Dragon Plate" body protection magic weapon, but it couldn't support it for long.

"Villain, stop it!"

"Let him go, and we still have the possibility of peace talks!"

"Jiang Taichu, you are so brave!"

Many of the divine generals of the three guards all shouted loudly, trying to stop Jiang Tian.

"Fellow Taoist, why bother!"

"If you kill him, you will intensify the conflict to the point where it is beyond control!"

Many elders and sect leaders of Hailan's six heavenly sects also used spiritual consciousness to persuade Jiang Tian, ​​hoping to soften Jiang Tian and save Long Xuan's Nascent Soul.

Whoosh whoosh!

Then he saw the divine rainbows piercing the sun and the moon breaking through the sky and rushing towards Jiang Tian. Dozens of elders and sect leaders have already shouted to take action, hoping to break Jiang Tian's gluttonous return to the Yuan Dynasty.

But here's the horror!

These Nascent Soul Heavenly Lords, including veteran Yuanying Kings and even Great Heavenly Kings at the peak of the Nascent Soul, however, as soon as they touch the edge of the gluttonous vortex, they are swallowed up and sink into it, unable to extricate themselves. Even the physical body and Nascent Soul are destroyed, and are crushed and destroyed. The tearing flesh rained blood and mist, and even turned into the purest primitive essence.

In the blink of an eye, more than thirty Nascent Soul Heavenly Lords who rushed forward were all ink!

This is a horrific scene, extremely tragic.

The gluttonous vortex was dark and heavy, and had such strong devouring power that it seemed as if even the sun and the moon were sinking into it. More than thirty Nascent Soul Heavenly Lords were directly destroyed into the tiniest particles and were completely devoured, including their corpses and even a drop of dregs. Nothing left.

"Jiang Taichu, if you dare to hurt my brother, you are looking for death!"

In the end, even Wu Huan, the leader of the White Python Guards, couldn't bear it anymore and roared and took action.

With a flash of his body, he transformed into a giant python of 1,000 feet, all white as snow, filled with a shuddering aura, and rushed towards Jiang Tian as if it could swallow the sky and the earth.

This is the Dharma Self and One. The Dharma, the physical body, the Nascent Soul, and the Law are integrated into one. It is almost the same as the real sky-swallowing white python. It is extremely powerful and terrifying.

"Hi! Roar! Let him go and I will spare your life!"

The huge white python flew across the sky, opened its bloody mouth, and a black hole appeared. The law of devouring roared and trembled, and it had unparalleled devouring power. It wanted to compete with Taotie Guiyuan for Longxuan's Nascent Soul.

"Chief Wu Huan is very decisive. He can defeat me and Yi with one move!"

"Fawo and Yi, bloodline, innate magical powers, Yuan Ying, and physical body are all twisted into a rope. Guard Chief Wu Huan is trying his best!"

"This time, Captain Wu Huan showed real fire, and he used his killing move! Jiang Taichu is dead this time!"

At this moment, many people exclaimed.

The Dharma Appearance erupts in the Golden Elixir stage. It is a huge killing weapon for Nascent Soul and the Golden Elixir cultivators.

The Dharma is removed from the body, breaking the confinement of the physical body, and the magic power is sublimated to the extreme.

However, as long as the Dharma image is not integrated with the physical body, the danger is not great. The destruction of the Dharma image will only destroy part of the true energy of the golden elixir.

And once the Fa me and one!

The spirit, Yuanying, supernatural powers, mana, physical body, blood, and many other factors are like twisting together into a rope, growing to the limit, and the combat effectiveness will be increased and improved tenfold and a hundredfold.

But everything has its drawbacks, and Dharma-Self and Oneness are not exempt from vulgarity.

After using Fawo and Yihou, once someone is seriously injured, it will affect all aspects, and there is basically no possibility of escaping.

Fawo and Yi, Yuanying self-destruction are the biggest killing moves of Yuanying monks. Once used, they are said to be comparable to the transformed gods, and can also seriously injure the transformed gods!

But everyone thinks Wu Huan is better.

Wu Huan is the true bloodline of the sky-swallowing white python!

You know, the sky-swallowing white python is a top-notch space creature, very similar to the Taotie mythical beast. It is said that the sky-swallowing white python with the purest bloodline will create a small world in its body, which can completely swallow the sky and the earth. An adult pure-bred sky-eating white python can even swallow a planet with a diameter of hundreds of millions of feet.

It was because of Wu Huan's special bloodline that he had followed many emperors and princes in the Xuhuang Palace to conquer the world and made great achievements. This White Python Guard was named after him!

One of the leading nine guards, even the Xu Huang Palace changed his life and rewarded him. This shows how strong Wu Huan is and how noble his bloodline is.

It can be said that although Wu Huan is only half-step into the state of becoming a god, because he practices the flawless skills passed down by the Ruins Emperor and has a special bloodline, he is completely able to compete with a strong person who was born as a descendant of the immortal land. Compete.

But, to put it bluntly, the Sky-Swallowing White Python is not a real divine beast after all, and it is far behind compared to the Taotie.

Besides, Wu Huan only has a trace of the blood of the sky-swallowing white python and has some innate magical powers. He is not a pure white python.

Jiang Tian's Taotie Divine Body was refined from the Darkest Stone Stele. It is a real fairy material. The power of Taotie's divine body is not much weaker than that of the real divine beast Taotie.

"Compared with my devouring power, you are looking for death!"

Jiang Tian looked contemptuously and let out a soft snort.

The three-foot golden elixir on the divine disk behind him slowly rotated, and Taotie Guiyuan's power was exerted to its limit. It was as if the entire universe was collapsing, and countless materials rushed towards the Taotie vortex.

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