Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1493: Plow the courtyard and sweep the holes, leaving no chickens or dogs behind

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

"Wow, wow, wow, Jiang Taichu, you actually killed Yu Linzi. You are an evil demon, an evil demon!"

Juefenglan was even more heartbroken, her pretty face was twisted ferociously, her hands and feet were convulsing, she hated Jiang Tian to the extreme because of the death of her childhood sweetheart.

"When I saw Jiang Taichu, all the geniuses in the room lowered their eyebrows!"

Wu Shujian sighed in horror.

And he suddenly saw the ghost wolf holding a stabbing knife cutting through the void and killing towards Juefenghuang. He couldn't help but slap his thigh again. If he had been slower, the ghost wolf would have taken the lead again, and he quickly covered up and killed him.

"Jiang Taichu, you are ruthless and vicious in your actions and have caused a bloody storm. You will be punished by God one day!"

Sensing the approaching ghost wolf, Jue Fenghuang emptied his breath and transformed into a stream of light, fleeing in embarrassment, but still roaring angrily and cursing viciously on his face.

"kill him!"

Jiang Tian's face was as cold as iron, and he didn't talk nonsense at all, but urged Ghost Wolf.


The air-piercing knife was extremely sharp. With one strike, cracks appeared in the space. Jue Fenghuang suddenly stopped and stood frozen in the air. The next moment, the golden elixir body, which was said to be immortal, was like broken porcelain. Suddenly, terrifying cracks appeared all over his body.

"Jiang Taichu, you are so cruel!"

Then with a shrill scream, he exploded with a bang, and even his physical body, golden elixir, and even his soul were strangled to pieces by space debris.

"Jiang Taichu, you killed innocent people indiscriminately and acted cruelly and recklessly. God will not forgive you. From now on, you will be punished and you will not die a good death!"

Seeing the tragic death of the patriarch of the family, Jue Fengrui's eyes turned red. He roared up to the sky, his golden armor glowed brightly, his halberd stretched across the sky, and he rode a snow sculpture to kill Jiang Tian.

The halberd pierced through the void, and its breath surged, shaking the area ten miles away. It stirred up an extremely cold wind, as if blowing from hell, full of murderous intent and cold solemnity. His power was astonishing.

"Haha, you are not qualified to be my enemy. I, Jiang Taichu, am not afraid of karma and retribution, and like to go against the will of heaven. Only cowards will curse. I have always carried out my own way. And now, you will die a bad death. !”

Facing the powerful momentum, Jiang Tian felt like a breeze blowing on his face. He didn't even move and just sneered.

"Since I have left my last words..."

Wu Shujian has already arrived, so how can he be given the chance to fight Jiang Tian? In front of Jiang Tian, ​​a monk like Jue Fengrui, who is at the Golden Core level, is like an ant.

"Go to hell!"

He exploded in an instant, and thousands of flying swords, countless to count, were like a rainstorm of locusts, killing Juefeng Rui. Each one was extremely sharp, surrounded by the roar of the law of swords.


Jue Feng Rui couldn't resist it at all and screamed miserably. His tall and mighty body like a mountain was pierced countless times. Small flying swords brought out a cloud of blood mist and shot out in all directions from his body. His golden elixirs were riddled with holes, and then exploded uncontrollably.

"Ahhh! Jiang Taichu, you are so vicious! You are a devil!"

Juefenglan almost went crazy, roaring loudly, with disheveled hair, and filled with hatred. She watched helplessly as her lover and brother were killed. This was unbearable pain.

She saw with her own eyes that dozens of ancestors came from all directions to rush for help, rushing towards Jiang Tian like moths to a flame, but they were easily crushed into powder by Jiang Tian with a snap of his fingers and a wave of his sleeves, even the golden elixir soul was gone. destroy.

Countless monks from the Juefeng family were passionate and fought to the death, but in front of the three demons Jiang Tian, ​​Wu Shujian and Ghost Wolf, they simply could not withstand the punches and kicks.

Many top-quality real weapons that can kill the geniuses on the God of War list exploded, all of which came from the assistance of the Xuhuang Palace.

Jiang Tian struggled lightly and got rid of it as easily as breaking away from straw. The Juefeng family's thousands of years of accumulation could not be defeated by Jiang Tian with a snap of his finger.


Jue Fenglan didn't know what it meant to be invincible and what it meant to be ruthless and vicious, but she finally understood it today.

At this moment, Jiang Tian was like the Unparalleled Demon Lord, the only master who could destroy all things. With one punch, the galaxy collapsed. With a command, everything could be destroyed with the snap of a finger and thunder!

Under his hands, all living things are reduced to ant dust, and no one can resist his will. Those who watch the battle are trembling and almost suffocating.

"You talk too much nonsense!"

Jiang Tian smiled coldly and gently raised his hand towards Juefeng Lan. His big hand of vitality directly took Juefeng Lan, who was horrified and turned around to run away, into his hand.

"Send you off to the west. Reunite with your family and loved ones!"

Jiang Tian gently grasped the girl and crushed the girl into the air. Blood danced in the sky. All the secret treasures and magic weapons, as well as the body, golden elixir and even the soul, were turned into nothingness.

After three snaps of fingers, a few stragglers, three or two big cats and kittens were also killed by Long Shengnan, Wu Shujian and Ghost Wolf, leaving the entire Juefeng family empty.

Jiang Tian looked into the void thousands of miles away and said coldly:

"This battle has nothing to do with ordinary people. All the major cultivating sects and aristocratic families have broken away from the Immortal Ruins. If you kneel down and surrender, you can avoid death. I have seen along the way that anyone who does not kneel down and surrender will be killed without mercy! Plow the court and sweep the holes. No chickens or dogs left!”

At this time, Jiang Tian's spiritual consciousness has reached an unparalleled level. Once a thought comes out, everyone can feel it as if there is a god three feet above their head, and they can all clearly perceive it.


"We are waiting, surrender! From now on, only the Emperor Taichu will obey!"

It's three thousand miles away, above the majestic mountains and rivers.

In a large sect, several golden elixir monks who relied on similar telescopes to watch the battle heard this. They were so frightened that their bodies trembled, and they knelt down on the ground, deeply in admiration.

Not only them, but the thousands of sects in Beiming World who were paying attention to this battle, including the Beihai Sword Emperor lineage, were trembling with fear, and in an instant they declared their surrender to Jiang Tian and broke with the Immortal Ruins.

"Everyone in Xuanming Cave Heaven, why didn't you say something?"

"Not convinced, not afraid, not surrendering? Okay, I'm going to kill you right away!"

Jiang Tian suddenly seemed to feel something. Then, his face turned cold, he looked in the direction of Xuanming Cave, a hundred thousand miles away, and shouted loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, laws roared between heaven and earth, and tides of spiritual consciousness that were tens of millions of feet long surged in the void. On the earth, all mortals, monks, monsters, and even plants, and all living creatures within a thousand miles radius, I felt it and trembled with it, as if I was suppressed by thousands of mountains or even a vast continent.

"What? He wants to wipe out the Xuanming Cave!"

The monks watching the battle near the battlefield of Winterfell all screamed and made an uproar.

At this time, tens of thousands of monks had gathered in the city within a thousand miles.

Almost all monks from certain aspects of the Beiming world gathered here, including many important figures such as Jindan monks, family heads, city lords, and sect elders.

"He came to wipe out the forces of the Xu Huang Palace. Winter City has only received the support of the Xu Huang Palace, and it can be regarded as half of the 'blood' of the Xu Huang Palace, and Xuanming Dongtian is undoubtedly the biological son of the Xu Huang Palace! How could he I can let it go!”

One of the monks patted his thigh and said.

Countless monks were shocked to the extreme when they thought of this, and their faces turned pale.

That is Xuanming Cave Heaven!

The branch of the Xuhuang Palace Construction is a strong fortress with a profound foundation and strong strength. It is unbelievable that Jiang Taichu can really defeat it.

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