Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1494 The Xuanming Cave has arrived and they are killing each other

At this time, an old monk in the crowd sighed regretfully:

"The monks who heard that the Xuanming Cave Heaven has become one with the Cave Heaven. Every breath and every move can affect the whole world. In the Cave Heaven with a radius of a hundred miles, it is like the master spirit, able to gather the power of the Cave Heaven! Fellow Taoist Taichu is very strong, but this move is too much for Meng Lang..."

He was a large sect master, and he looked worried and regretful, but there was a deep sense of ridicule in his eyes, and he clearly didn't think highly of Jiang Tian.

"Fellow Taoist Taichu, he said that he wanted to clear the Xuanming Cave, but I'm afraid it will take three to five months to do so. Are we just waiting here?"

A city lord spoke. Although he was kneeling on the ground, his body was tall and mighty, and he still had dignity and law, and his words were sarcastic.

"We have to keep kneeling for three to five months? I'm afraid my knees won't be able to bear it!"

The disciples of the Beihai Sword King's lineage sneered repeatedly.

There were sighs all around.

Although they are wary of Jiang Tian's power, and although they are not so closely connected with the Xuhuang Palace, they are always vested interests in this world, standing at the top of the pyramid of power and the top of the food chain in this world.

For them, maintaining the status quo is best. When Jiang Tian came, he wanted to break the situation and change a lot. Of course this is what they don't want to see.

They dare not say it with their mouths, but in their hearts, they regard Jiang Tian as a gangster, a murderer, and a demon, and they wish Jiang Tian would die immediately at the hands of Xuan Ming Dongtian.

Seeing this, Long Shengnan and Fairy Yaoyue looked displeased, and Wu Shujian frowned even more, wishing he could kill these people with a sword.

Jiang Tian didn't take them with him when he went to wipe out the Xuanming Cave, and even wiped out Winter City. For Jiang Tian, ​​it was just a matter of leadership, letting them do it, and just asking them to surrender.

But in the face of these people's doubts and ridicules, they can't take action. These Beiming monks are bad, they don't know what they are against you, even if they say weird things in a weird way, you can't find reason.

If he wants to kill people, then Jiang Tian's crime of killing innocent people indiscriminately will be confirmed. In the future, it will be difficult to win the hearts of the people in this world, and his rule will be firm and secure.

"Jie Jie!"

At this time, the ghost wolf suddenly let out a strange laugh.

His laughter was very soft, but to everyone's ears, it was like the laughter of a devil in hell, making everyone's scalp numb and instantly suppressing the whole place into deathly silence.

Back then, he was a peerless killer who roamed the Immortal Ruins, even killing transformed gods. Later, he was the captain of the Raven Guard of the Ruins Emperor Palace. This resume was too scary.

"Fellow Taoists, please listen to the next words!"

Ghost Wolf sneered.


Many Daxiu of Beiming World frowned and looked up.

Then the ghost wolf strode out, holding a golden ball in his hand, and lifted it slightly into the air. The golden ball flew out of the void, bloomed with immeasurable light, and opened a huge golden curtain.

Through the giant golden screen, thousands of monks around the ruins of Winterfell could clearly see Jiang Tian, ​​a man in black clothes, black eyes, and long hair shawl, standing in a snowy valley with his hands behind his back.

In the snow valley, the wind howls, the snow is like a mat, and there are towering peaks all around. White-haired winds rise from the ground, rolling in the sky, like white dragons dancing wildly.

In the void, a huge stone tablet floats, and countless thunders fall around it. It is the law of true thunder, and it can kill Yuanying Tianjun with one strike. Now, it is like a sea of ​​thunder, with an astonishing momentum.

At the same time, blizzards rising up from the sky like black tornadoes cut across the sky like iron ropes across the sky, covering an area that seemed both real and illusory.

On the huge stone tablet, there are four big characters written on the ground with iron hooks and silver strokes - "Xuanming Cave Heaven". The characters are bright red, like blood flowing, which is extremely shocking!

"What? He has arrived at Xuanming Cave!"


At this moment, the whole place was filled with exclamations and gasps. The ridicule on all the faces of Daxiu disappeared, and they were shrouded in shock and fear, as if they were seeing a demon.

A sinister smile appeared on the corner of Ghost Wolf's mouth.

In just a quarter of an hour, Jiang Tian had already arrived at the Xuanming Cave, crossing a hundred thousand miles of ice and snow. At this speed, even in the Immortal Ruins, how many people could match it!

Behind the Tianshan Gate of Xuanming Cave.

Behind the barrier where clouds cover the fog, thunder and lightning intertwine, and blizzards rage, there is a world where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, spiritual energy is as thick as mist, and essence is like waterfalls.

Here, spiritual fruits and medicines grow everywhere, swaying in the wind. Green embryonic fruits, red agate-like fire phoenix fruits, and golden vitality fruits are hung one by one on the jasper-like branches. superior.

The breeze blows slowly, and the water in a lake is calm and clear. The aroma of fruits is alluring. There are spiritual plants everywhere nearby, and the elixir smells fragrant, and it is full of vitality.

In a sacred garden by the lake, there are continuous, majestic palaces, and are decorated with exquisite pavilions and pavilions. Under the white stone arch bridge, the Xuanming Cold Spring flows, and the spiritual energy is dense and steaming up.

In the lake, there is an endless Xuanming cold spring, and there is an ancient lotus growing. It is huge and boundless, with twelve lotus platforms. It is blooming with auspicious colors, surrounded by spiritual energy, and looks extremely mysterious.

Even ordinary monks will be keenly aware that this ancient lotus or Xuanming Cold Spring is definitely a terrifying treasure of heaven and earth, which can allow monks to ascend to the sky in one step, fish leap through the dragon's gate, or be refined into powerful and immortal objects. Real weapons, even Taoist weapons.

In the sacred garden, on a simple Taoist platform, the mist was hazy, and seven Nascent Soul Lords could be seen sitting cross-legged, anxiously waiting for the ancient lotus to mature.

The faint sound of the cave flute came through the forest and across the courtyard. It was very soft and very pleasant to the ear. Wisps of fairy music flowed through the flowers, which bloomed in an instant, crossed the clear spring, steamed up, and dispersed into the sky, attracting all kinds of birds. Dance on the stage. As ethereal as a fairy, transcending the ordinary world, a song of Xiao can wash away the worldly atmosphere and make people feel at peace.

There are a total of six Nascent Soul Heavenly Lords, one of whom is even a half-step god, sitting here. These seven giants are all very powerful, shining like stars in the sky.

But he did not participate in the blocking battle against Jiang Tian on Shibapan Island and Ancient Demon Abyss. Because they have a more important responsibility, which is to protect the Xuanming Cold Spring and the Ancient Lotus.

"Yan Huan, the chief minister of the academy, has sent a message with flying swords, saying that they are no match for Jiang Taichu. Prince Chunyu has fallen and has retreated to the world of Hailan!"

A short stature, Nascent Soul Heavenly Lord with chicken skin and crane head, said with a sad look on his face:

"And I just received a message from my disciple. Jiang Taichu pushed the invincible, plowed the court and swept the caves. He has already wiped out Winter City and wants to wipe out the world of Beiming. He will definitely come to our Xuanming Cave to liquidate it!"

"This Yan Huan is so cowardly, ruthless and unjust, and he actually leaves his comrades alone!"

A tall man with a beard, who looked like a glaring King Kong, said angrily.

"Elder Wu, Yan Huan belongs to the lineage of the Master of the Academy. And we belong to the lineage of the Sword God of the Xuhuang Palace. The Master and the Sword God are dissatisfied with each other. Prince Qiu Ming and Prince Chunyu have always been fighting for power. Now that he has just been stifled, where is he? Will help us!"

A monk with a handsome face and a long sword on his back looked like an ancient scholar with intense eyes and sneered.

His name is Zhou Ziyan, he is a general under the command of Prince Qiu Ming and a minister of Guge. He possesses the peak level of Nascent Soul and is an unparalleled sword cultivator.

Three hundred years ago, a dynasty of killers in the human world rebelled in Zhangzhou, Immortal Ruins. He once put down the riots, wiping out ten Yuanying Tianjun-level killers with one sword, and passed down his unparalleled reputation. He was famous and majestic in Immortal Ruins.

The short elder with chicken skin and crane head had a bitter expression on his face and sighed uncontrollably:

"You can't leave. This Xuanming Cave was originally built as a palace for His Majesty the Ruins Emperor. When he wakes up, he can stay there while visiting the lower world. If we can't defend it, it will be a death penalty!"

"We have to defend, but Jiang Taichu is so powerful and fierce that even the three Golden Crow guards, Yan Huan and Prince Chunyu were defeated. There are only a few of us left, it's really hard to support us!"

Elder Wu of the Han Dynasty with a beard and beard, his beard and hair all red, burning like a flame, said with a full temper:

"Elder Ai, you are naturally timid. Worried about this and afraid of that, if Jiang Taichu really dares to come, I, Wu, will slap him into a pulp!"

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