Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1495 The trump cards of the seven giants in Xuanming Cave Sky

The short elder Ai, whose Taoist robes were embroidered with many poisonous insect patterns, shrank his head when he heard this and was about to refute.


The Lord of the Cave Heaven, who had half-stepped into a god, slowly opened his eyes and said:

"No need to worry. We have been cultivating this cave for decades, and the origin of the world is connected with our laws. It will increase our strength to an incredible level. As long as we don't leave this cave, Jiang Taichu cannot be killed. If you kill us, we will even kill you easily!”

This old man, named Ma Rulong, was once an elder of Tianzong on the Immortal Ruins. He had a fierce reputation and a high position, and could completely dominate a second-dimensional world.

If Prince Qiu Min had not discovered this Xuanming Cold Spring, wanted to build a palace for the Xu Emperor to come out of seclusion, please the Xu Emperor, and personally invited him, he would not have descended to the next world to preside over this cave.

He is dressed in old green clothes, has a pale face, and is unusually tall and tall. Although he is sitting there, he is like a towering mountain, giving people an unshakable feeling.

His long gray hair was shawl, and his face was stern. The moment he opened his eyes, two lightning bolts seemed to light up in the void. His eyes were as sharp as an eagle, and he was really as angry as a tiger swallowing thousands of miles.

When everyone heard this, they all said yes and their confidence doubled.

Among them, Ma Rulong, the strongest, is only as good as Shen Qiang, the leader of the Golden Crow Guards, and may not be Jiang Tian's opponent.

However, it is completely different for them to occupy this cave.

They have been practicing and sitting here for decades, even hundreds of years, and their spiritual power is integrated with the laws and avenues of this cave. They are like the rulers of this cave, who are extremely good at borrowing and mobilizing the power of this cave. When stretched out, they are in harmony with the whole world, regardless of each other. Every move of their hands and feet seems to be able to bring about infinite power.

In this way, the combat effectiveness will naturally increase tenfold and a hundredfold. Even an ordinary Nascent Soul might be as powerful as an Avatar, not to mention they are not ordinary Nascent Souls.

With the blessing of this cave, they are sitting here. It can be said that even a true transformed god would not dare to set foot there rashly.

Just as Elder Wu chuckled: "Elder Ai, Lao Ma is right. Even if the great power of transforming gods comes, we might be able to kill him, let alone Jiang Taichu. You are too timid. I'm afraid he won't dare. Come!" Laughing at Jiang Tian, ​​everyone smiled knowingly.


There was an earth-shaking loud explosion, the palace shook, and the cold spring lake made huge waves. Many monks were unprepared and almost fell to the ground.

"what happened?"

All the elders were surprised.

From each hall in the cave, many disciples rushed out like a rainbow piercing the sun. They stood in the void, looking around with blank faces, not knowing what was going on.

This situation is very rare. There is a barrier between the cave sky and the big world.

Although this barrier is not as strict as the space barrier or the boundary membrane, it is still very stable. Without the peak strength of Nascent Soul, it cannot be shaken at all.

For example, Jiang Tian previously photographed hundreds of tall peaks and smashed Winter City's formation to pieces, but it was impossible to break the cave sky barrier with this.

The Dongtian Barrier is naturally conceived, with a power that is close to the Dao level. It is indestructible and cannot be destroyed by ordinary forces.

"Someone is attacking our Xuanming Cave!"

Among the seven giants in charge, the only woman put down her slender hands, put down the flute, and suddenly looked outside the cave sky. The sweet sound of the flute suddenly stopped.

This female cultivator has a graceful figure, exquisite appearance, bright eyes and white teeth, and is extremely beautiful.

She is wearing a cyan Taoist robe, her hair is tied with a golden crown, and she has three thousand green strands of light that can tell the difference. Her eyebrows are curved, her eyelashes are long, her skin is white and tender, her beautiful eyes contain poetic charm, and she has a kind of agility and clarity that can see through the world of mortals.

The fairy of light poetry lives up to her name, as light as a poem, as graceful as a dream, and unrivaled in elegance. She was so breathtakingly beautiful that all the monks present were so excited that they did not dare to look at her.

You must know that the monks here have reached this level and have seen too many beautiful women in the sea of ​​people. Their minds are different from ordinary people.

But her beauty is not the beauty of the skin, or even the beauty of the bones, but a special temperament. The more she looks at her, the more she becomes transcendent and saintly. It is in harmony with the Taoist charm and exudes a pure and natural atmosphere.

Fairy Qingshi can be called an elite genius, and her reputation is well-known in the vast territory of Immortal Ruins. She once served as the master of Prince Qiu Ming. Although her strength is not as good as that of the master and the Sword God of the Emperor's Palace, she is not much weaker. She has even served as a master. The grand sacrificial wine of Baiyue Academy.

It's just that after Prince Qiu Ming became an adult, his feelings for her gradually changed. It was not as simple as the relationship between master and disciple.

However, Fairy Qingshi devoted herself to the Tao and avoided the lower world, not to meet Prince Qiu Ming. Otherwise, with her talent, strength and fame, she might have already reached the peak of divine transformation, and could even serve as the dean of the academy.

"Is this Jiang Taichu?"

The clear and beautiful eyes of Fairy Qingshi seemed to be able to penetrate all things in the world, looking through the many palaces, barriers and formation fluctuations to look outside the cave sky.

She waved her hand gently.

In the void, a golden halo appeared.

In the halo, a young man in black stretched out a finger and gently tapped the barrier of Xuanming Cave, just like a mortal knocking on the door of a neighbor's house.

But every time he tapped, the barrier would fluctuate violently, the mountain gate roared, and even the entire cave sky trembled slightly. At the same time, a calm and clear voice passed through the strict barrier and was clearly transmitted to everyone. In the ears of an elder and monk.

"Jiang Taichu, a man from the mountains, came to Liting to clean the holes. Please go out and see him!"

At this moment, the seven giants present all had pale faces and angry eyes.

"Jiang Taichu, you really dare to come!"

Elder Wu gritted his teeth, and his eyes suddenly spurted out two angry flames one foot long, which seemed to be able to refine stars, shatter the moon, and burn the heavens.

"Oh my god!"

At this moment, thousands of miles away in the ruins of Winter City, many monks were already excited.

Countless monks were kneeling on the ground, raising their heads and staring at the giant golden screen in the void without blinking.

The light curtain is extremely clear, and Jiang Tian is clearly visible in it. This golden light curtain is a display part of the monitoring instrument.

At the beginning, the three guards of the lower realm, the Golden Crow, the White Python, and the Dark Crow, also arrived in Beiming to observe the defense situation here. They also arranged numerous monitoring instruments next to the important stronghold of Xuanming Cave Sky to enable long-distance observation.

Jiang Tian just pointed his finger towards the void and tapped the barrier of the mountain gate. The mountain-protecting formation in Xuanming Cave Heaven was trembling violently, as if it was about to collapse.

The barrier composed of countless ghostly winds, blizzards, thunders, and cold waves seemed to be severely bombarded by the prehistoric giant spirit god swinging a giant hammer, denting a huge mark with a radius of one kilometer, as if it could not support it.

"Oh my God! Jiang Taichu really arrived at the mountain gate of Xuanming Cave!"

"This can be false! I traveled to Beiming back then and went to Xuanming Cave. I know what their mountain gate looks like! That's it!"

"Doesn't it mean that the distance from here to Xuanming Cave is at least thousands of miles, and even if Tianjun flies there, it will take three hours? Why is Jiang Taichu so fast!"

"Jiang Taichu is not an ordinary Nascent Soul Heavenly Lord. He is a terrifying existence that can kill more than twenty half-step gods! How can we guess his magical power? With just ten fingers, he can span tens of thousands of miles. , it’s not difficult for him!”

Some people can't believe it, but some people are very impressed.

It can be said that Jiang Tianguang won the respect of many people by breaking through space with this hand and instantly raided the Xuanming Cave 100,000 miles away, and turned many Daxiu into his little fans.

The entire area around Winterfell, and even the entire Beiming world, was exclaiming and excited for Jiang Tian at this moment.

In an instant, he broke through one hundred thousand miles and crossed half of the world of Beiming. What this terrifying speed meant made many people feel scared.

Jiang Tian can reach Xuanming Cave Heaven so quickly, and can he also reach his sect so quickly?

The answer is yes.

This means that in Beiming World, if anyone dares to resist Jiang Tian, ​​he can kill you in front of your door with just a stick of incense, a cup of tea, or even a few fingertips. You don't even have a chance to escape.

What kind of pursuit is impossible!

But an instant kill!

Thinking of this, many sect leaders, elders, and family heads shuddered, and their hearts felt cold, ten times colder than the ten thousand-year cold wind in Beiming World.

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