Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1520 The power of the Nine Dragons Emperor's Kung Fu stains the lake with red blood

"Let's go together. I don't believe it. If we join forces, we still can't deal with this little girl like her today!"

The Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Wolf Sect roared angrily, and the Dharma Form exploded instantly, turning into a white-haired three-eyed wolf, with three blood-pupiled red light gushing out for ten feet. It was extremely ferocious and ran away.


Ling Yuxiu made a move with her slender right hand, and a folding fan flew out into the air. With a wave, it became larger in the wind and covered Long Shengnan.

The folding fan spread out in the air, and the image of mountains, rivers, and the moon on the fan surface burst into thousands of rays of light, suddenly flashing out and manifesting into reality.

Suddenly, mountains smashed violently, rivers collapsed, and a crescent moon whirled and cut towards Long Shengnan like a strange knife.

This folding fan is surprisingly an accurate artifact. It was the founder of Langhuan Palace. He spent hundreds of years of hard work to absorb the earth energy of the mountains, the water of the rivers, the essence of the moonlight, etc. into it and condense it into a magic weapon.


Countless foundation-building monks and dozens of Jindan True Lords all roared and roared, or stabbed in the air with flying swords, or exploded with spells, or fought in close combat, and attacked Long Shengnan crazily.

For a moment, Long Shengnan seemed to be in dire straits.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the flower boat was shocked.

In this world, Jindan is the top existence. Even if you include those old guys who are hiding from the world, there are only a few hundred in total.

At this time, dozens of people were dispatched, and they joined forces to attack regardless of their identities. In their opinion, it was a unique killing situation, and no one could calm down.

An old monk kindly sent a message to Jiang Tian’s spiritual consciousness:

"Fellow Taoist, your companion is in danger. He may not be able to withstand dozens of Jindan True Lords! If you have the strength, let's take action together!"

Even Ghost Wolf was a little worried and said: "Master, if I go up to help her, I'm afraid I'll get hurt!"

"It doesn't matter!"

Jiang Tian took a sip of Biyan wine, secretly praised the good wine, and said with a faint smile:

"Only this kind of extreme killing training can stimulate your potential, temper your cultivation, and sharpen your Taoist heart. I have taught her many techniques, and I hope that after this battle, she can truly reach the realm of Nascent Soul!"

"What kind of training? He is obviously heartless and unjust, and does not care about the life and death of his friends. This kid definitely has no cultivation!"

Yan Li glanced at Jiang Tian and felt deep in her heart, but she didn't dare to say it out loud. After all, she still couldn't figure out Jiang Tian's true identity.


Ghost Wolf bowed and nodded, then turned to look at the battlefield.

"Thank you all lackeys for sending me the dog heads!"

Just see.

Long Shengnan shouted sharply, and his true energy surged around his body, causing three thousand green hairs to roll back like a waterfall, turning into a dragon-shaped curve, and rushed towards them, directly attacking the elegant and scumbag Ling Yuxiu.

The Nine Dragons Emperor's magical power is the main one. When the magical power explodes, the Nine Dragons phenomenon will appear, like nine real dragons churning, and it is extremely powerful!

This Nine Dragons has many changes, including various offensive magic powers, defensive magic powers, control of water and fire, evolution of yin and yang, and extremely powerful attack power.

It can be both fierce and domineering, but also versatile. Whether it is attacking, defending, or refining, you can do whatever you want.

Moreover, these nine dragons have been cultivated by him to the point where they are almost substantive, condensed to the extreme, and extremely powerful.


She punched out, and a hundred-foot-long dragon rushed past, causing a mountain peak manifested in Yuxiu's folding fan to be instantly pierced, and her energy surged wildly. Then the runes on the mountain peak shattered, and then the upper peak also collapsed. Burst open.

With a flick of his hand, a green dragon that was good at absorbing water rushed out, opened its bloody mouth, and swallowed every drop of a long rolling river like a whale swallowing a cow.

Facing the whirling crescent moon phenomenon that was flying up and down, Long Shengnan punched it directly, blasting it violently and turning it into billowing moon essence.

In the blink of an eye, Ling Yuxiu's folding fan magic was completely destroyed.

Ling Yuxiu's face turned as white as snow and she quickly retreated in panic, but Long Shengnan was faster and had already rushed to a hundred meters away and grabbed him with ease.

It’s the dragon capturer again!

When Yuxiu screamed in panic, he took it into his hands, held his throat and blocked it in front of him.

The attack paused, everyone was afraid of harming Chi Yu and injuring Ling Yuxiu.

Everyone was trembling and watching this scene in shock, but with just three fingers, Ling Yuxiu was captured alive.

"Fellow Taoist, I realize my mistake. As long as you don't kill me, I will be your most loyal slave from now on..."

Ling Yuxiu's whole body was tightly imprisoned by her vast and thick Xuan Gong Zhenyuan, as if she was stuck in an iron plate and couldn't move at all. She couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat and begged pitifully.


Long Shengnan sneered and said nothing.

The slender hands reached out like dragon claws, and the fingers like steel hooks instantly penetrated his Dantian, pulling out the blood-stained golden elixir and crushing it violently.


Golden elixir monks have strong physical bodies and strong blood. Even if they lose their golden elixir, they will not die for a while.

Ling Yuxiu couldn't help but be in pain, stared at Long Shengnan with shock and anger, and shouted hysterically:

"Why do you act so cruelly and ruthlessly? You will be punished by God one day! You will not die a good death -"

"It is the Ruins Emperor and you lackeys who are ruthless and wanton!"


Long Shengnan sneered, slapped his head directly into his abdomen with his jade hand, and then threw it away like garbage.

"Ah! Kill her! Revenge the palace master!"

"What a cruel woman, I will tear you into pieces and crush your bones into ashes!"

"How dare you kill my husband! I will fight you to the death!"

The disciples of Langhuan Palace, all beautiful female cultivators, cried and cried bitterly when they saw this, like moths to the flame, they rushed to kill like moths.

The rules of Langhuan Palace are so strange. Female cultivators are the main ones, but every palace master must be a male cultivator. When the palace master is born, all the brothers of the same generation will be expelled from the sect.

And these female disciples will become his double monks, enjoying the blessings of being together and the joy of fish and water.

After hundreds of years of this, a new batch of male disciples will be recruited until a new palace master is born, and the cycle repeats.

The saying "The master of Langhuan Palace is so happy that he won't change even if he is given an immortal class" is widely circulated in this world and is envied by everyone.

Because there is only one male cultivator in the sect, the palace master, these female disciples all love Ling Yuxiu to the point of going crazy.

At this moment, seeing the palace master being killed, their eyes were red, blood was flowing, their delicate bodies were trembling, they almost fainted, they roared hysterically, and started to kill Long Sheng.

"Like an ant!"

Long Shengnan, wrapped in the auspicious energy of Nine Dragons and stepping on the rays of light, rushed through the middle of these female cultivators. Any blow was incredibly powerful, splitting mountains and seas, and reversing the world.

Most of these female cultivators in Langhuan Palace are building foundations, and one or two golden elixirs are only in the early stage, so they can't withstand it.

Under Long Shengnan's bombardment, they spread out in the air like blood flowers, like patches of sad red clouds, and the fallen corpses dyed the lake water red.

Long Shengnan's kung fu is majestic and majestic, and at the same time it is very changeable. His movements contain the power of heaven and earth.

In three snaps, she rushed through the camp of female cultivators in Langhuan Palace, her body covered in blood and her face stern. The night sky behind her was already empty. All the female cultivators were wiped out, leaving no chickens or dogs behind.

next moment.

Her figure swayed, the soles of her feet soared into the clouds and mist, and the rays of light sprayed out like a flying dragon in the sky, heading straight towards the supreme leader of the Heavenly Wolf Sect.

"The Nine Dragons Emperor Skill is rooted in Ao Huang. He is a peerless dragon demon who created this skill through the characteristics of the dragon clan. Dragons can be big or small, invisible or visible, can fly into the sky, can swim in the deep sea, and can dive into the dragon. In the abyss, it can be seen that the dragon can spread clouds and rain, burn the sky with fire, control wind and thunder, and drop nectar. This skill is certainly not ordinary! Tonight, it belongs to Long Shengnan and the Nine Dragons Emperor. !”

Jiang Tian also showed a look of appreciation and leisurely told a secret.

This was the news he got when he discussed ancient history with the Golden Crow Ancient Emperor in the small world deep in the Tang Valley of the Ancient Demon Abyss.

"I see."

Ghost Wolf nodded and sighed:

"Old slave, I see that the ancient skills of Immortal Land are no less than the skills of the Ruins Emperor. As long as they are improved, they fit in with the laws and avenues of this world..."

The next moment, Jiang Tian suddenly looked into the distance, his deep eyes seemed to penetrate the endless vast clouds, mountains, forests and fields, his face moved slightly, and he chuckled: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's fun. There are several giants here, look at the dragon." Katsuo, can you kill all these bastards before they come? Otherwise, I have to take action myself!"

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