Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1521: Don’t raise waste, Long Shengnan reaches the ultimate level of sublimation

At this time, Long Shengnan in the battlefield almost went crazy fighting, fighting with several golden elixir giants from the Tianlang Sect.

All her spells, even physical powers, can be used on him, and the power of each blow is like moving mountains and seas!

She pointed it out, and Long Wei pointed it out, containing the majestic true energy, which directly penetrated the head of a Jindan Zhenjun and shattered the soul. The golden elixir was extinguished instantly, unable to activate at all, and the body fell into the water.


She punched out, and a hidden dragon suddenly appeared in mid-air. The nine dragons stretched out their claws and caught a dozen Jindan Zhenjun to pieces.

With a sweep of the jade legs, like a divine dragon waving its tail, dragon-shaped true energy rolled across a large area. Hundreds of disciples of the Tianlang Sect exploded like a string of firecrackers, completely turning into blood mist and powder, filling the air.

"This woman is so vicious!"

Countless monks screamed, their eyes were horrified, they did not dare to step forward, their expressions were fierce and their hearts were filled with tears.

This was a cruel and bloody battle. From the beginning of the battle, Long Shengnan pushed wildly, the strong man fell like rain, and the sky was dyed red with blood.

The Luoye Lake was filled with densely packed corpses and broken limbs, like pieces of dead fish, with blood rising to the sky and extremely pungent.

They thought of retreating, and if they fought with Long Shengnan again, they would almost certainly die. If you retreat, the Xuhuang Palace will also pursue you, but the terrain of Penglai World is complex, with deep ravines and abysses, and mountains as crisscrossed as dragons. If you find a place to hide your Qi and go into seclusion, you might still have a chance to save your life.

"Sky Wolf Sect, even if the sect is destroyed, this girl will be killed to avenge the sect son!"

The Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Wolf Sect was also seriously injured several times in the battle just now. His whole body was stained with blood, his muscles were broken in several places, and his white-haired three-eyed wolf's appearance was almost destroyed, but his face was still as cold as iron and cold. His eyes were full of murderous intent, his whole body was filled with unyielding fighting spirit, and his murderous intent surged like a mad tide.

This is a ruthless man who has been famous for hundreds of years. He was once an invincible bandit who went around killing and looting. His hands were stained with blood and he killed countless people. He stepped on the bones of his enemies and climbed to a high position. His heart was as hard as iron.

"Wait a minute, you back up and get on the boat! I'll kill her!"

At this time, a god general wearing black iron armor walked out of the crystal warship and said softly:

"This is Long Shengnan, the dignified daughter of the Heavenly Sect of the Hailan World, the Dragon Gate Clan. She once trained at Baiyue Academy. How can you be your opponent!"

This godly general is tall and majestic, with colorful armor made of platinum and red gold. He carries a tiger-headed long sword in his hand. He has extraordinary momentum and a pair of tiger eyes that are so majestic that it gives people a feeling of heart palpitations.

"It turns out he is Long Shengnan..."

Many monks turned pale with fright, and the Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Wolf Sect was even more frightened. He secretly thought that it was no wonder this woman was so powerful. She was the nemesis of all demonic cultivators.

He raised his right hand, and the disciples retreated behind the spar ship. He also jumped onto a ship and disappeared in an instant.

"Oh! It turns out she is Fairy Long Shengnan! No wonder she is so powerful!"

"But she should follow the Ruins Emperor closely. Why did she sacrifice her life to protect Bai Muxue who slandered the Ruins Emperor!"

There were also exclamations in the flower boat, and many monks were shocked, deeply moved, and unable to calm down.

This world was originally the territory of the Dragon Gate. When Long Shengnan arrived here, it was like a princess on a patrol. Even the top sects like the Tianhuang Sect would bow down to welcome her without daring to neglect her in the slightest.

After all, they are Fund-Building Pill monks and have not yet left this world. Many of the inside stories and great changes in other worlds are unknown, and the news still remains a long time ago.

"Oh my God, I'm actually sitting at the same table as a victorious male fairy!"

Fatty Yan was even more excited, his whole body trembling with fat.

"Stop talking! That divine general seems to be even more powerful. If he kills Long Shengnan, he might kill us too!"

Yan Li was so frightened that her face turned pale and she was trembling.

"One of the nine great generals of the White Tiger Guard, Feng Hu! Half-step to the realm of divine transformation!"

Ghost Wolf looked at the back of the divine general with a solemn look on his face, and his heart moved secretly. He didn't expect that he would come in person, and said in a deep voice: "Senior Taichu, I'm afraid Long Shengnan is in danger!"

"It doesn't matter."

Jiang Tian was indifferent, gently shook his folding fan, and said leisurely:

"This girl originally surrendered to the Ruins Emperor and was very servile. Although her cultivation is good, her potential has not been stimulated at all. Only through extreme dangers can her potential be stimulated and she can generate the unyielding fighting spirit to cut through everything and destroy everything!"

"Don't worry. It's just a small God-destroying cannon. She has the cultivation of a child and her skills are good, so she should be able to withstand it!"

"What if I can't bear it?"

Ghost Wolf asked.

"My subordinates don't raise trash. If she can't bear it, then she is trash and can die!" Jiang Tian said with a smile.

Ghost Wolf suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, thinking that it seemed that he would have to improve his cultivation in the future and fight bravely, otherwise he would be useless, and he would not care about his own life or death.

In the void, Long Shengnan looked at Feng Hu calmly with a pair of heroic phoenix eyes. He raised his right arm, condensed his left hand into a knife, cut off his sleeve, revealing his pink jade arm, and said in a cold voice:

"Senior Feng Hu, I respected you a lot when I was in the Immortal Ruins that day. I don't want to meet on the battlefield today, but you and I each have our own masters, so there is nothing we can do about it. Next, you and I must fight without mercy and do our best!"

She loosened her fingers and the broken sleeve fell into the air.

"Yes. This is something that goes without saying. Little baby, you betrayed the Ruins Emperor and made friends with the gangster Jiang Taichu. You deserve death. How can I spare you!"

Feng Hu held a knife in his hand and stood with one hand on his hip. His tone was light and tepid, but it contained terrifying murderous intent and strong self-confidence.

Long Shengnan was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. He glanced at Bai Muxue behind him, whose clothes were ragged and her hair was messy and had been hit by the air wave storm, and said softly:

"Since senior wants to have a heart-warming battle with me, Fairy Muxue is in the way. We might as well let her retreat to the flower boat first. I wonder if senior can allow it!"

"That's right, she can't run away!"

Feng Hu's expression was calm.

Bai Muxue couldn't bear it, but she knew that she couldn't help such masters fighting, but would become a burden. She bowed her head and said: "Take care, Fairy Shengnan!" Just like a bird, it flew over the flowers. in the boat.

On the battlefield, only Long Shengnan was left, facing a White Tiger Guards General who was half-stepped into a god.

It turns out that if Long Shengnan saw him, he would probably bow three times and bow nine times, not daring to offend him in the slightest.

But now, she was content and unafraid. All she had was a monstrous murderous intention and an unyielding fighting spirit. She lightly stamped her foot, ripples appeared in the void, and it seemed that the space was fluctuating violently. She shouted:



Her dantian roared like thunder, and the golden elixir in the form of a baby burned crazily and burst into brilliant light. Nine dragon-shaped true energy rushed out from her dantian, surrounded her delicate body, and completely transformed into nine hundred-foot-long dragons, extremely solid and heavy, like Like cast gold, it shines with dazzling light.

The nine long dragons raised their heads to the sky and roared, making deafening dragon roars. They stretched out their claws and swung their tails, showing their majesty.

"Little girl, if you want to fight with this divine general, that's called not knowing whether to live or die!"

Feng Hu snorted coldly, full of disdain, and suddenly took action, gently clenching his right hand into a fist, and punched out in the air.

This punch was delivered.

With a bang, everything within a hundred miles radius trembled, huge waves rose up on Luoye Lake, the surrounding thousands-foot peaks trembled and swayed, the void shattered, and the vast power of law surged and violently pushed out.

The flower boat was immediately abandoned by the huge waves, then fell heavily, and was pressed into the water by the force of the vast laws.

The many talismans carved on it flickered on and off, sometimes shining brightly, sometimes dimming, and finally cracking and cracking numerous times.

Even the many crystal warships behind Feng Hu were pushed back hundreds of meters by his violent and vast magic power.

Many Penglai monks present, whether they were in the flower boat or the disciples of the Tianlang Sect who retreated to the back of the battleship, etc., all felt a bang, like a giant hammer hitting their chests, and their bodies plummeted, feeling sad. I almost want to spit out blood.

Some ordinary people, such as Fatty Yan, fell to their knees on the spot, bleeding from their seven orifices. This was under the premise that the Flower Boat Formation was activated. Otherwise, the aftermath of his punch would have shaken all the monks into powder.

"The aftermath of just one punch is so terrifying. If it were a direct punch, I'm afraid even mountains ten miles away would be razed to the ground!"

"This is not human power, this is the real power of gods!"

Countless people screamed in their hearts.

In fact, half-step of becoming a god can be called quasi-rising. Compared with Yuanying, it is already a life on another level.

"Nine dragons holding the pillars!"

Long Shengnan punched out, and all nine dragons came out, surrounding each other, and charged towards Crazy Tiger's lawful punch.

"Trash! The creatures in the lower world are as humble as ants, but they dare to make mistakes!"

Feng Hu slowly retracted his fist and put one hand behind his back. He didn't move and just sneered.

Just see it.

The force of the law's fist was too strong, and nine giant dragons exploded one after another. The power of his law's fist was extremely powerful, and it hit Long Shengnan's delicate body heavily.

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