Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1536 The mysterious origin of Tiancun, the legacy of Tianting

Jiang Tian's face instantly regained his composure, his eyes became clear and sharp, and his spiritual consciousness said: "Ghost Wolf, how long will it take to reach the forbidden area of ​​the Stele Forest?"

"Lord, we have entered the edge of the Wanren Mountains. At the previous speed, it will take a day!"

Aotian Sword Master said respectfully.

"It doesn't matter if it lasts only half a day!"

Jiang Tian nodded slightly, glanced at the pitiful two-year-old child, smiled and said: "Respect is worse than obeying orders. Thank you for the invitation!" He led everyone step by step down into the village and entered the village.

“The arrival of distinguished guests is an honor for our Tiancun!”

The villagers in Tiancun were extremely enthusiastic. The village chief let the guests into the stone house, boiled water and chopped firewood, and ordered to skin a brave animal and a saber-toothed tiger, specially to entertain Jiang Tian and the others. They were all hard dishes. The well-known hunters in the village accompanied Jiang Tian. Days they talk.

Children, pigs, dragons, iron-bone dogs and other domestic animals gathered in the village, poking their heads in from time to time. The women were beaming and enthusiastic.

The village is unimaginably primitive. The houses are all made of stone and wood. The axes are even made of stone. There are almost no metal objects. There are only a few iron knives and spears used for hunting. Every family has nothing but food.

Jiang Tian felt like he was on earth and entered those primitive tribes in Changshou Village of Heifeikas Lake.

However, Jiang Tian's spiritual consciousness swept through and noticed that deep in the house, there were several weapons, which were very old but still sharp. The key was that there were ancient words on them, "Made by Heaven's Heavenly Works."

Jiang Tian was slightly shocked. Not surprisingly, they should be the survivors of the ancient heaven, or related to them. No wonder they were called Tiancun.

Several women and girls with quick hands poured tea into earthenware cups and offered tea respectfully.

The tea here is very strange. It collects the leaves and petals of some kind of elixir, as well as dried fruit slices, which is very similar to the fruit tea on earth.

The village chief smiled and said: "You came from outside. I heard that things have changed outside. The world-shaking God Emperor of the Immortal Ruins was killed by a big bandit named Jiang Taichu. Is this true?"


Jiang Tian said calmly:

"This place has changed greatly. It is no longer under the jurisdiction of the Ruins Emperor. Why does the old man care about this?"

"I heard that Jiang Taichu is a native of the Immortal Land, and even comes from a distant solar system?" The village chief did not answer, but continued to ask.

"That's right!"

"Dear guest, please excuse me for a moment, old man!"

The village chief's face was slightly solemn, and he walked out and said a few words in dialect that Jiang Tian and the others could not understand. Suddenly the whole village was filled with joy, the men raised their arms and shouted, and many women and girls shed tears.

Jiang Tian walked out of the door and said with a smile: "Mr. Village Chief, can I take a look around the village?"

"Your distinguished guest, please help yourself!"

Afterwards, the village chief led all the male villagers and carried several ferocious beasts to a huge stone platform halfway up the mountain. They kowtowed three times and bowed nine times to a tomb in a solemn memorial ceremony, and many people shed tears.

In front of the tomb, there is a huge corpse wrapped with iron wire and vines kneeling. Even though it has been completely decayed after endless years, it still has faint mana fluctuations and an evil aura. It seems that the bloodline belongs to the Xu Huang clan.

The bright red animal blood stained the huge stone platform and flowed along the carvings on the stone surface. It was a bright red color. Combined with the thick and long hair of the giant beast, the scales with cold light and the ferocious giant horn, it was shocking and gave a sense of tragic prehistoric times. The breath hit my face.

The charred tomb was as silent as before, and there was no response at all. Just like in the past, no sacrifices were taken, but many villagers knew that it had a spirit!

Under the arrangement of the village chief, a few strong men threw out an ancient stone tablet from a pit. It read in very ancient characters:

"The tomb of Zhao Ziming, the one-star hero who fought against the South Gate," was solemnly placed in front of the tomb.

The village chief came forward with water and carefully wiped the soil off the tombstone.

"Distant ancestor, the world-shaking God Emperor is dead. Your stone monument can finally be erected openly and honestly. Perhaps, soon, the Ruins Emperor will also be killed... Let us look forward to it together!"

The village chief was leaning on a cane and supported by two children, still trembling with excitement and teetering on the verge of collapse.

There are still many young teenagers, women and children left in the village. Their silver knives are gleaming, they are cutting up the beasts, skinning and deboning them. From time to time, they make clanging sounds and sparks fly. The bones of the giant beasts are surprisingly hard and difficult to cut.

Long Shengnan, Zhang Qingyang and even Bai Muxue all enthusiastically went to help. The skills were activated, the true energy condensed into a knife, and everything was cut off, which caused a burst of cheers from the children.

"so amazing!"

"They are the legendary monks who can become immortals!" The children admired them very much, with longing in their eyes.

Someone has already prepared a large pottery jar to collect the blood essence retained in special parts of the animal's body. This is an excellent blood-tonifying medicine for them and is very rare.

"Uncle Ghost Wolf, take a bite!" Zhang Qingyang broke off a piece of jackdaw's wing, held it in his hand and ate it.

"You asked me to eat my distant relative. Zhang Qingyang, you are such a bad little kid. Are you looking for a beating?"

The ghost wolf looked at the jackdaw meat that was roasted until it was sizzling with oil, his face was very painful, and he shouted with a pale face.

"It's really delicious. It's a ferocious bird that flies frequently. Its meat is very elastic. Moreover, it is very nourishing to swallow the magical herbs and elixirs!"

Zhang Qingyang's mouth watered as he ate, feeling extremely satisfied.

"Aotian, you old boy doesn't care about your apprentice. Be careful I slap him!"

The ghost wolf gnashed his teeth and gave a sharp shout. Unintentionally, two streams of glistening saliva flowed out, and he sucked it in with a slurp.

"Haha, Uncle Ghost Wolf, you are obviously greedy!" Zhang Qingyang was overjoyed.

"Uncle Ghost Wolf, don't force yourself!"

"Ghost Wolf, why do you need to embarrass yourself! You have to admit your heart!"

Long Shengnan also laughed, even Aotian Sword Master was amused, and Bai Muxue also showed a smile.

"I'm drooling because of the saber-toothed tiger meat..." Ghost Wolf refused to admit it and turned his eyes aside.

His heart was indeed moved just now. The jackdaw meat was so fragrant. It was filled with local special spices, oil and honey. Moreover, the people in Tiancun were very good at barbecue. The grill was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. Extremely human.

This was a rare moment of relaxation for Jiang Tian and others.

After a series of battles, dangers abound, and the nerves are tense, no one can bear it. They relax and relax. At this moment, they temporarily forget about fighting and fighting, become mortals, experience the worldly world, and relax their bodies and minds.

The two-year-old girl wearing a bellyband sat in the corner with her father, looking worriedly at her father's bandage, which was still bleeding.

"Abba, how long will it take for you to get better?"

She still stuttered a bit when she spoke, but her body was strong and full of strength. Her little face looked nervous and worried, and crystal tears welled up in her eyes.

This is the inheritance of this clan. They have a special bloodline and have been able to speak and walk very early. This clan has been exercising their physical bodies since ancient times and has strong blood energy, but they cannot master spells. They are basically close combat masters.

"It only takes three months, and Abba will be able to get up and let you ride a big horse!"

The big man's face was very pale and he was in severe pain, but he still smiled lovingly, not wanting his daughter to worry.

Next to him, the big man's wife turned her back and shed tears silently. The man was bitten by a saber-toothed tiger, which left venom on the bones and wounds, making it difficult to heal. Even if he recovered, he would not be able to walk again.

But she couldn't bear to tell her daughter and make her sad.

For the hunters in the village, in fact, every once in a while, someone would be injured or even die from the mouths of wild beasts. Their life was very difficult. Such a bumper harvest is accompanied by a tragic death.

"It doesn't take three months at all..."

At this time, Jiang Tian lazily walked over, took out a bottle of elixir, and said with a smile: "Three sticks of incense are enough!"

"Thank you Immortal for giving me the elixir!"

The big man and his wife quickly took the elixir, knelt down and thanked them, their whole bodies trembling with excitement, their faces full of gratitude.

They knew that Jiang Tian and the others were monks and could help them, but they also heard that the monks were very arrogant and regarded human lives as trivial and elixirs as treasures and would never help them.

Therefore, they did not open their mouths to beg, so as not to embarrass the guests.

But unexpectedly, Jiang Tian actually gave him a panacea.

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