Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1537: The big bandits are coming, and the country rat Ying family

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

"Three sticks of incense? Is it so magical?"

The little girl looked at Jiang Tian in disbelief, her black and white eyes flickering.

"Yes. If I do it, let me hug her!" Jiang Tian said with a smile. This girl reminded him of his daughter.

"I don't want to be held by others. I will be able to walk when I am one year old! I want to fight monsters like my father!"

The little girl raised her nose with great ambition. She might be an excellent huntress and Iron Woman in the future.

"Then I won't give you the elixir for your father!" Jiang Tian had a serious look on his face, which scared the little girl to the point where tears welled up in her eyes and she almost cried.

The man and his wife knew that Jiang Tian was joking and said with a smile: "Just let uncle give me a hug. Don't be coy!"

"Okay! I reluctantly agree to it!"

The little girl was extremely wronged.

The one who vowed to be a huntress in the future was already two years old and not a one-year-old child, so how could she be held by him?

Jiang Tian immediately signaled the man to swallow the elixir, and activated his skills to help him refine it, directing the elixir to the wounds and broken bones to dissolve the toxins left by the saber-toothed tiger. For Jiang Tian, ​​it was important to dissolve this natural toxin. It's within reach.

Jiang Tian was doing this while chatting with the man.

I learned that his name was Luo Sen, and he was the grandson of the village chief Luo Shou. He was also the most powerful hunter in the village before. His physical body could defeat the golden elixir stage monsters, and he was brave and good at fighting.

Her youngest daughter, named Luo Fu, hopes that one day the mountains and rivers will be restored, and the Immortal Land natives will take back the Immortal Ruins, but this is just a vague dream for them.

They were mortals in the Daosheng era, and their blood was imprisoned. After thousands of years, they are still mortals and cannot practice. They can only rely on the most primitive methods such as devouring the flesh and blood of beasts and using blood baths to strengthen their bodies.

He sighed regretfully, wishing he could go to the Immortal Ruins and fight.

Jiang Tian secretly thought that he planned to leave some body training methods to them, which would improve their combat effectiveness. After hard training, they could be promoted to close combat masters within ten years and be able to defeat the Nascent Soul.

In fact, physical training in close combat is a cultivation path that goes hand in hand with Dharma practice in the universe.

They do not condense true energy, do not practice the laws of dharma, and only focus on strong physical bodies. However, in the long history, in the vast central galaxy, many powerful and unparalleled figures have been born, and there have been several immortal emperors. It's just that the body cultivation method is slow to progress, and not many people understand it.

In fact, it didn't even take a moment to burn the incense before Rosen's broken leg was repaired and he was running as fast as he could. Everyone was startled and came to watch.

Rosen directly removed the fixed branches and medical linen, and the wound was restored to its original state.

Jiang Tian naturally received a burst of admiration and gratitude, and was regarded as an immortal and a god by them.

"Thank you, Uncle Jiang!"

Xiao Luofu threw himself into Jiang Tian's arms excitedly and kissed Jiang Tian several times on the face, leaving a lot of saliva.

"Haha, I'll leave you another bottle of this elixir. If you're injured, just take a little. As long as you don't die, you can be revived!"

Jiang Tian hugged her small body and felt warm in his heart. Maybe he felt the same way when he hugged his daughter.

He was very happy and very generous. He left a whole jar of healing elixirs, enough for them to eat for ten or eight years, which made everyone very happy.

Finally, the village chief Luo Shou also completed the sacrifice.

The people paying homage breathed a sigh of relief and smiled with joy again. Some strong men began to move the corpses of these beasts, preparing to bleed and cut them.

There were also naughty children who stepped forward and spat at the kneeling corpse, and kicked him fiercely. They were extremely tough.

Jiang Tian had nothing to do, so he walked down and asked curiously: "Who is this Zhao Ziming?"

The village chief, known as Lao Shou Tou, said:

"It's a long story. During the Daosheng era ten thousand years ago, the monks from the South Gate One Star invaded the Immortal Earth World. They first attacked the Immortal Earth, then Hailan, and broke through the Broken Blade Pass. Our army of millions of monks in the Penglai World was destroyed. Defeated, Emperor Mingchuan of the Xuhuang faction controls the people of the three hundred cities in this world. We, the natives of Immortal Land, are all fierce men who do not want to be slaves. Zhao Ziming, the great golden elixir monk of Wanren Mountain, gathered his team. In one night, I captured eighteen enemy cities and snatched hundreds of spar warships. From then on, I raised my banner and vowed to resist the Ruins Emperor and take back my homeland. I even met Emperor Ao..."

The old man spoke with emotion when he mentioned that time, as if countless old stories came to his mind.

The so-called Broken Blade Pass, Jiang Tian later learned, was the meteorite belt where he fought against the world-shaking God Emperor.

During the Daoshu era, in order to resist the invasion of the strong men from the South Gate One Star, a giant floating city and fortress were built there, countless monks were stationed there, and there were densely populated starry sky battleships and flying boat cloud towers. It has been carried to death for hundreds of years.

There have been countless starry battles there, with blood staining the vast starry sky. The bones are densely covered with blood. Countless weapons and instruments are broken and floating in the air. Therefore, in the Daosheng era, it was called Broken Blade City or Broken Blade Fortress.

After hearing this, Jiang Tian was in awe, offered three sticks of incense, lit them, inserted them into the soil under the tomb, and bowed respectfully three times.

"Is he your distant ancestor?"

Jiang Tian asked.

"Speaking of which, it's not the case. My distant ancestor was a hunter here. I fell in love with him at first sight, made friends with him eight times, and became his subordinate!"

The old man said:

"Later, both Yuanzu and Zhao Ziming died. Senior Zhao had no heirs. Therefore, the mission of guarding his tomb has been passed down from generation to generation in our clan..."

Just as he was about to start talking, Xiao Luofu's voice came from the direction of the village, saying: "Grandpa, Uncle Jiang, it's time to eat!"

"Let's go, let's talk about Zhao Zhenjun's story later..."

The old man took Jiang Tian back to the village.

Xiao Luo Fu held Grandpa's hand, immediately pointed out Jiang Tian, ​​gave Jiang Tian the elixir, and told Luo Sen about his recovery.

Luo Shou's face was filled with joy and gratitude, and he bowed to Jiang Tian repeatedly to thank him. I didn't expect Jiang Tian to be so generous.

The banquet has been set up, with a thick wooden table placed in the small square in the center of the village. Half of a saber-toothed tiger is placed on the bonfire. The tiger's skin has been peeled off, and a layer of wild honey has been brushed on the skin. It is roasted with fruit tree wood, and it becomes brown and fragrant. There were wild rabbits and pheasants, and the millet wine brewed by the villagers was spread out on the table.

The simple men in Tiancun smiled innocently and invited the monks and distinguished guests to sit down.

"My dear, eat more Pixiu meat. Eat more and you will gain strength. This is a rare and precious meat!"

"You brat, this is the meat of a saber-toothed tiger. Add more and your fist can be as hard as iron! Don't eat that useless wild boar meat!"

"Jiang Xianren, please use more millet wine. Although it is rough, it is better than the one we brewed ourselves. It is also sweet!"

Everyone gathered together in a lively and lively manner, drinking a lot of millet wine. Large pieces of saber-toothed tiger meat were chopped into strips with a knife, and they were eaten directly with their hands. The food was full of oil, full of unrestrained and wild taste, not to mention the refreshing feeling. .

Jiang Tian suddenly looked at the sky outside the door, feeling something in his heart, and said leisurely: "Village Chief Luo, are there any enemies in Tiancun?"

"Our Tiancun Luo family, in the eyes of the Immortal Xu, is a remnant of the natives of the Immortal Land, and we have been hunted by them for thousands of years!"

Luo Shou sighed with desolation and pain: "It used to be a big family with tens of thousands of people, but now there are only so many people left!"

"However, we later hid in the Wanren Mountains, secluded from the world, and stayed away from the world. The magic weapons and generals of the Immortal Ruins gave up the pursuit. These past hundreds of years have been peaceful!"

"They are not the heavenly soldiers and generals of the Immortal Ruins. But there is a powerful enemy coming. Judging from the equipment, they should be a group of local masters digging graves!"

Jiang Tian smiled.

"He's from Da Kou Ying's family!"

Luo Shou was shocked and remembered some things from the past.

"The Da Kou Ying family! Despicable and shameless people!"

"A group of pangolins and local rats dig holes in the ground all day long and dig up the graves of people's ancestors. They are completely unconscionable!"

"They have coveted Zhao Zhenjun's cemetery more than once or twice. Our ancestors were injured a lot by them!"

"We moved three times with Zhao Zhenjun's bones, but we didn't expect them to come after us. It's too much to bully others, so I'll fight them!"

Rosen and others all had angry expressions on their faces, slamming the table and roaring.

Many men and even women and children rushed into the stone house, picked up the weapons hidden in the dark, roared and looked at the sky, geared up, and assumed a decisive battle with the enemy.

They are very tough and passionate, and they have to use their flesh and blood to guard the tomb of the true king Zhao Ziming. He is a hero. They admire him very much and feel that guarding the tomb is their mission. Even if he is killed by the big bandits, they are not afraid.

"The lineup is quite luxurious. There are also a few Nascent Soul Heavenly Lords!"

Jiang Tian also held Luo Fu's little hand, and walked out of the door together with the village chief Luo Shou, standing in the open space in the village, with a calm expression and a slight mockery in his heart.

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